❣️🙏My Team, My Friend, My Family, Our thoughts are with You!🙏❣️



  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @pmbach1 , so sorry hon. It's a side effect hard to handle. My friend said it's amazing how much more she was cold. Hopefully you have some very warm hats. Know please we are pulling for you.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Someone must knit caps for the cancer center. Picked 3 of those and I have some thin ones for indoors. Feeling grateful for what I have. Thank you Diane.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    @walkintofit I am so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @pmbach1, there are a few mens knitting groups (they meet both in person and on Zoom) that makes items for various charities. I think it's wonderful men are into knitting! Plus many who make them to help others.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 That is soooooo cool. My husband buzzed me today. doesn't look half bad.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @pmbach1 oh neat!!! Would you like to put up a pic? YOU DO NOT HAVE to. Sometimes that helps one to hear from others, but some do not wish to do so. NO PRESSURE!! Always only do what you want and are super comfy with. Answer anyone who's question is not tight with you ONLY if you are comfy etc. This is a time where you can and should go to limits that only YOU are comfy with. It's YOU going through this, and no one else has a say. LOL my relatives better hope I do not ever get sick sick. LOL I set boundies with them pretty strictly (well 3 out of 4 brothers). The rest of the fam not really any. One brother I do is because he's very sensitive, and it hurts him to much, he is so sweet and dear to us.
  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,378 Member
    edited December 2023
    @walkintofit - So sorry to learn of your husband's passing. Very sorry for your loss.. Prayers for you and your family.
  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,378 Member
    @pmbach1 - Loved that your husband buzzed you. ❤ This, too, shall pass.

    How fortunate you are. Winter hats, short hair in summer. You are Rockin' this hair loss thing. Looking good!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @Pmbach1, WOW not many can carry that off well, but you SURE HAVE!! Your smile, the shape of your face, it's so easy to see you are female. My GD when she was 7 was in a very bad car accident. we nearly lost her. Just 1/4th of an inch more had the back of the 18 wheeler (He was parked on the side of the street, no cones, no lights, no reflectors on it her mother hit it hard. Hmmm my GD was SUPPOSED to be in the back seat, but her mother ,, well I was angry for a very long time) the back step they get into the trailer with, came into her sweet head. She was the miracle child at the hospital. We were told they didn't know if she'd survive the surgery (SO MANY BEGGING PRAYERS!) she did, we were told when she came out of the coma she may not be able to think well, and have to go from there. I was with her mother when we both walked in she knew us both immediately. The nurses and Dr's were shocked, as were we!! After about 3 weeks she saw her reflection (her mother had begged us to not say anything "She'd tell her" but she did NOT DO IT! I should of known that would of happened) she freaked out so badly, to this day 21 years later she'll still tear up over it. They had to shave her head. I WISH I had talked to her first, she'd of looked at it the way you are. It's not forever, your hair will grow back. Hers did to this day she keeps it long as it was before the accident. I had asked her if she'd like to use a washable paint on her head, she loves anything artsy. There's another idea if you are up to that and wish to do so. Hon the most important part as it was for my sweet GD, is to survive, hair grows back. The treatments are harsh on the body, mind and soul. I hope Pam you've taken every thing they offer to help you through this. Its a strength not a weakness. I always take whatever help I am offered when I go through the tough spots (and I do). It helps me to remain as who I am, silliness, encouraging and very hopeful.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,223 Member
    @pmbach1 Beautiful as always! We love you! Your smile is captivating!
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    You guys really are the best thank you so much. And I am taking advantage of any help we are offering. Had my second treatment today made some more new friends. There longer than I thought five hours not four. I have a wonderful nurse Katie she is so sweet. When I got unhooked she came over and sat down and said "I haven't had time to talk to you all day I missed. I love you." I was so stunned I said I bet you say that to a lot of people." She looked my straight in the eye and said "NO, I don't." Made my day. God's hand is here thanks to all the prayers and people like you @Dianedoessmiles1 Diane and @Ceriusly1 Ceri.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @Pmbach1 that's so sweet indeed!! I have no doubt you are very kind which many aren't especially when going through a rough time. You do radiate and no doubt she appreciates that. It's okay to cry too. I am not sure how people who do not believe in God get through a normal day, let alone when things are very hard.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Awww thank you my faithful friend. You are amazing.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @pmbach1 , there will be days you may wish this way so over with and life was "normal" and yes in time treatment will end, but you'll have a "new normal." This is true of all of us who face hard things and get through them. So many of us go through unreal times, if we allow ourselves to encompass compassion we'll come out stronger, but while going through it Pam (and others) please allow yourself to grieve (yes, grieve) for what was. It's okay. It's normal to be scared, angry, sad and too wish others could understand what is like. But they can't. They may try, but it's to freaky for many. If you've not joined a support group please do. I'm person or online.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 You are a very wise woman. This has really touched me thank you!
  • amberlinamk1
    amberlinamk1 Posts: 371 Member
    @walkintofit - Prayers to you and your kids, I am so sorry for your loss
  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,378 Member
    @pmbach1 @Dianedoessmiles1 - Pam - You are so strong and beautiful. Diane, your words so encouraging, you warm and fill My heart
    Thank you both. There are blessings everywhere. You are that.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @gouldsgranite I consider each and everyone of you a blessing. Thank you for such loving and kind words and thoughts Janey. I do seem to have a knack of cheering people up in the chemo room.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @Pmbach1, its so nice no doubt to have someone who's hopeful there. A breath of fresh air. I am not surprised. Of course, again it's okay to have an eewwww day (s) they also happen.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I try to keep those days at home if possible but I absolutely have friends I can let off steam to.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @Pmbach1, LOL I call those ones my CRAZY Friends, but they say the same! IT is nice to be able to say what is what without having to stuff it. Stuffing is great in a turkey, but not to stuff our feelings.
  • MawMaw1941
    MawMaw1941 Posts: 2,220 Member
    Ok ladies, every day I read your notes, I think I should speak up, then I can’t decide what to say!
    Maybe I will start with how wonderful you are, how I pray for you and wish the very best for you. 🙏

    Please send some prayers for my favorite neighbor, Betty, who at 93 came down with Covid. She is being treated with infusions now. 🙏

    Personally I’m just trying to keep my pleasant personality but some days it’s very very hard.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @MawMaw1941, Thanks. Welcome to the feed. I'm so sorry to hear of your neighbor. I hope still be okay. They know do much more now than as it was starting to affect the States etc 3 years ago.
    We don't need to stuff our feelings. I'm 99% positive, but there are times I can't be. It's understandable you're worried, when we care it comes with many questions. We hate to see them suffer. Any type of suffering. Often wishing we could do x, y, z instead of them going through it. That's a beautiful heart.
  • pmbach1
    pmbach1 Posts: 2,320 Member
    @MawMaw1941 Oh Phyllis you sweet darling. Never fear we know those prayers are coming and mine to you!! Chin that indomitable chin of yours up! Hopes and prayers for your older neighbor.
  • MawMaw1941
    MawMaw1941 Posts: 2,220 Member
    My neighbor is doing well with the treatments. Thanks for the prayers.

    I finally got to a specialist in hematology/oncology on the 13th and will go back to her on the 27th for results.
    At least she has already ruled out two issues that were diagnosed last month and the month before.

    Today I will “chin up” and remember that 90% of the things we worry about never happen!
    Hope and pray for a good Christmas week for all of us. 🙏

  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,378 Member
    ❤💕🤍🙏 @MawMaw1941 - Good news on your appointments. Prayers for your Betty. Hope symptoms ease.

  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,314 Member
    Pam, u look great! I was going to suggest a knitted hat if you are cold. keep the dr's, nurses on call if you have any issues. Chemo can be rough and never know the side effects as each person is different and what the body can handle.
    Thank all of you for your kindness, sympathies, comments while I navigate this new chapter. I feel blessed I had him in my life as long as I did. He picked up 4 cancers, none related. Each ct scan they would say we found something. First one: January 2018;cll, no treatment at this time, second: prostate cancer may 2020 , covid shut down most the hospital, october 2020 lung cancer, may 2021 pancreatic cancer; he had multiple radiations, chemo 2 different times, lung cancer came back, so many dr appointments, radiation 5 days a week. He hit it hard. January 2021 he said no more. His words I want to live the rest of my life at home doing what I want eat what I want. no more treatment. He survived all that for 3 years. I was honored to take care of him and be with him when he passed. He is the bravest person I know. He had the best outlook, calm and happy. I hope I can face life with that kind of attitude
  • Grannysue91
    Grannysue91 Posts: 5,615 Member
    @pmbach1 Hello. I am with you on the hair loss. The second round of chemo and it all started to fall out. I went to walmart.com and ordered some turbans they had and I got 4 of them in different colors. I didn't wear them in the house, but I did when going for chemo and radiation treatments. I have been in remission from breast cancer for 8 1/2 years. Being on the Spark People at that time and doing the 5% challenges really did help me out. That is when I first met our Diane @dianedoessmiles1. She got me started on the 5% challenges and I am still doing them. The team members gave me support and encouragement. I did what I could for the challenges, but I didn't give up. I kept going. From my own experiences I know how important it is to just keep going and not worry about the cancer. I laughed at my hair coming out, my toe nails and my finger nails falling off. Laughter is good for the soul and for ails you. Keep that positive attitude and you look beautiful with no hair. Not everyone can pull that off. I will keep you in my thoughts and my prayers. Remember you are not alone.
    @walkintofit I am so sorry for the loss of your DH. We have been married for 52 years and I am not sure how I would handle things if something happened to my DH. We all grieve in different ways. You have to do what is best for you and to be sure you take good care of yourself. I hope that with each passing day that things get just a little bit better for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers also. Take good care of yourself.