Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.—Swami Muktanada
    I AM: I recognize the opportunities the universe presents, and I give thanks for each one.
    Action for Happiness: Ask other people about things they’ve enjoyed recently.
    Happy National Lego Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.—G.K. Nielson
    Day 27 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.03 miles yesterday.
    Day 27 of 75 Hard complete and beginning Day 28 with my hydration drink before going to make my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ Sports Shaker for the first time today.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,592 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, My brother kennels his dog, his VERY SPOILED DOG!! LOLOL Hey Buddy is a cool pup!! The kennel loves Buddy also and spoils him also!! Rick had held back doing that, but now that they found one they TRUST and Buddy loves going, it's all good. You may really love it. Most calls if I do not know who they are, I allow it go to voicemail. If they leave a message, I'll start to listen to it and decide if its worth my while. Calling our phone is a good dea!! I'm finally going on a trip, but we did the arrangements on our own. If it was a REAL TRIP it's a good idea to use an agency though! Things can go so wrong suddenly and it's best to be fully prepared. Plus LOLOL though we are always willing to pay big, we do not mind saving at the same time!! It's just to SAY I GOT A REALLY GOOD DEAL!! Even when not needed. Our trip to NY is go on Tues stay over night, take a tour we want to do on Weds (religious) and come back Thurs. That's a QUICK one, but we are doing it in STYLE!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Lots of chatting going on and glad to see it.

    I can definitely understand my weekly account of my happenings can be tiring. I am tired and catch up on sleep every weekend.

    My Son is doing great but that is completely normal. We treat him like an adult and avoid triggering him. He has rules and responsibilities as well.

    This week I was down 2.5 lbs. Work has been busy as always. Had a speed rack fall on me on Wednesday full of meat with minor injuries. It was partly my fault it happened. Worked 6 days this week. But back to 5 days next week. Definitely going to enjoy having Friday's and Saturday's off. Tonight is D-day for the decision if buses go on strike or not. Will find out by morning. Plan to check-in again on Friday as it will most likely be the next chance I get.

  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 387 Member
    woo hoo, the floor is done!!!!!! It looks so nice, but son and I, and everyone else are just shot. We have 2 steps down into the living rooms, and it is curved, and it took us all yesterday after noon just on that, and Terry, son, says he will never do another curved stair way, they will either be square or forget it. But it is done and we even got the big furniture move back in the room. Tomorrow, I am doing Nothing, phycial. I am total shot and there isn't a bone that doesn't ache. DIL had other family to see, so I was doing what I could to help, and at 80, I am not a spring chicken anymore and I ache in place that haven't had a work out like this in years. But, it sure was worth the agony, even hubby is surprised on how it makes the room look bigger. Now to figure out where all the doodad and pictures and things will go, as we are moving the furniture around that was in there, Fun, fun, but that is going to wait a couple day. Now, it recliner time with 2 fur babies that have had their whole life upended, lol Take care. and it going to be early to bed tonight. Linda
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,454 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Monday and normally it would be a work day for me. I however am off today as we have an appointment with the Bariatric Doctor today. This is our 2 month follow up. I am hoping that she is ok with the minimal weight loss I have had. I know she is going to be surprised at the weight loss Joe has had. It is am amazing change. I swear he has lost almost 20 pounds in 2 months. While I have lost 3 pounds. Not cool. I am struggling. Although she did say no exercise while we are trying to figure out the food macros. Just concentrate on tracking the food and eating the right macros. I have thrown in walking several times, but I mostly do stretching and housework as my exercise. I am going stir crazy here though. I love walking. I need to get out and walk.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - That is good that you are taking a trip. You deserve one. Even a quick one. My son is the one who throws a fit about kenneling the dogs. We did so for a week back when my daughter got married in 2021. One of our dogs refused to eat the whole week and lost 5 pounds. To be fair she was a chunker. She weighed 16 pounds when she went in. She is a mini dachshund so she is only supposed to weigh at max like 8 pounds. She is currently 11.6 pounds still. So she has maintained her weight loss. I use a kennel attached to our vet office. So even though the vet office is closed I am sure if there was an issue the vet would come in and take care of it.
    @CSEGUIN2 - It is always good to have rules and responsibilities. That is obviously what it is to be an adult. I hope the buses don't strike, but I know you said you got it covered if they do. I am glad you only had minor injuries from the rack falling on you. I am sure you will enjoy your time off.
    @imustloseit1 - That is fantastic. So cool that you got the flooring done. I can bet that curved stair way was definitely a pain getting the angles just right. I agree that it is definitely recliner time for you. Spend time with those animals and enjoy the relaxation.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    Insight Time Quote: Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.—Bryant McGill
    I AM: I am healing, growing, and glowing.
    Action for Happiness: Say hello to a neighbor and get to know them better.
    Happy National Puzzle Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.—Christian D. Larson
    Day 28 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 6.42 miles yesterday.
    Day 28 of 75 Hard complete and beginning Day 29 with my hydration drink before going to make my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ Sports Shaker for the first time today.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,592 Member
    @Imustloseit1 WOW!! That's a TON OF WORK!! Got any pictures to share? WOW!! I have NO DOUBT your body is screaming in places you didn't know it could! I'm in my 60s and cringing with you!! I can't imagine doing that!! But WOOHOO on it looking nice and being done!! CONGRATS!! Glad the heavy stuff is back in it too! I am sure it looks lovely!
    @Tabatha_Cain, on our team, we are working one on one with many members. We had 12 members who lost, 10 who maintained and 4 who gained. The 4 who gained most were only 2 to 6 ozs! COOL!! It's not easy to lose!! I am one who lost, I had to UP my calories. We are finding many long term members tend to et not enough calories. Its the mind set of "I can't eat more" but the body will not lose if we do not. Of course for those who eat to much, it's a matter of not doing so, but to suddenly lose a lot of eating foods, is not going to work long term. But to slowly cut back that works. Oh it's so unfair how for many men all they have to do is slightly cut back and they LOSE BOKU Pounds, but or us? SIGH!! I am sure Joe is working hard at it, but SO ARE YOU!!! It's just different as we well know for men and woman. Awww I am sure your dog is adorable!! Or as we said on the Dawggie team: ADogable!! Hehehehehe!! I'm sure your S enjoys being with the dog and some time away from his normal routine though. COOL you found a place if needed. THANKS on the trip!! I'm going with 2 or 3 friends (one has many health issues if she can come and she badly wants to, WOOHOO if not it'll be 3 of us) we all get along very well. All 4 of us are very flexible and always look out for each other. It'll be a fun trip! One wants a room to herself and though we are totally to split the cost, she's insisting she'll pay for her own room. She found us such a GREAT DEAL on top of that!! For a rental when you work with people, do you ever suggest they rent a car from a car dealership? I was so surprised that can be done and it's cheaper with a guaranteed new car! WOOHOO on that!! We are doing this.
    Also today found out TOMORROW I am going to see the surgeon for my parathyroid!! WOW! That was very very fast!! I have a ride (it's 28 miles away) and 2 more lined up thanks to one of the friends above arranging them for me. I COULD of arranged them, but she really wanted to. I'll catch you all up on how it went. Tabatha PLEASE CATCH US UP on how today went!! CURIOUS MINDS ARE ENQUIRING!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,101 Member
    Hi all Hope you all had a great weekend and Monday. Don saw his new dermatologist . He really liked him and gave him more information than he has gotten in months. He feels he is in remission and is stopping some medications and UV treatments for 3 months. Next step is to find new doctors.
    We are getting our porch covered and a ramp put in, they started work today. I completed My Jesus walk. Also planted another tree.
    Here is URL to see last postcard and finished certificate
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi all! Well yesterday my 7 lb chiweenie came in from outside totally out of it. Didn’t eat or drink anything. Didn’t run up the stairs following us. She was really panting and something was up with her back legs. Took her to the dr-back pain! Her breed is known for spine troubles. So she’s on prednisone for the next two weeks. No walks other than 10 steps out the door and back. This is my dog that walks 3 miles a day with me. So she gets crate time while I walk. First dose of medicine she te dinner and her mintie…hoping she figures to drink soon too.
    @imustloseit1 -love your mfp name! Aw I hope you and the furbabies got good rest.
    @Tabatha_Cain -congrats for Joe! That’s great. I hope they are able to help you succeed also!
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 387 Member
    Well, woke up this morning so stiff I thought if I moved that I would crack in many places, but it was up and at em had things to do. The first was getting hubbies laundry done, and then I start just cleaning the glass in the curio case and then it was putting some things back on the walls in that dining room, and by supper time I was forced to stop to make supper, and besides, I needed hubbies help, as I have my left arm that has a frozen shoulder and I can varily reach my nose, so there is no was I can hammer a nail in the wall, so after supper he helped with a couple of things. Called son this evening to ask him how he felt after the weekend and he said that this morning he helped unload a semi, then he went to his office and spent the rest of the day doing paperwork on the new building. I told him I took a long hot soak in the tub and feel some better. As long as I keep moving, it doesn't get so stiff, and he said that would probably feel good. Well, tomorrow will work a little more in there getting stuff put away, maybe attack the china hutch, that means washing all those dishes before they go in. At least I will have one room all done, and won't have to do any Spring cleaning in there. I still look at that room and can't beleave it is our dining room, it was so nice. Well, you all have a good night, and I will be joining you in dreamland very soon. Linda
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,454 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and I am back at work today. It is going to be weird being back at work. I am ready to go back, however I also don't want to go back as I enjoyed the time off. I need to get back to work though. This is the last day for the memberships and I need like 6 more. So I am hoping that I can get a couple more at least so they know I tried. I went to the Bariatric doctor yesterday. I weighing in and was immediately disappointed. You know I hate that they weigh you in with clothing as I weigh without clothing and it really gives me a true measurement. Where the doctor has to guess what my clothes weight. Anyways... It showed I lost no weight. I am the exact same weight as 2 months ago. I am devastated. I really really tried. She knows I tried I showed her all that I had done. So now she wants me to add cardio and at least 2 strength day. For a total of 4-5 days a week. However when I do that I am not allowed to eat more. I still have to stay in the calories and stuff that she set for me. She also said that she thinks I am having issues waking up my digestion in the morning and that might be why I am getting nauseous in the morning. So she recommended a protein shake for in the morning and then later on I can eat a snack. That way I am not super hungry by the time lunch and dinner roll around and I am eating a crap ton of food. I did tell her about my tennis elbow and that I am maxed out on cortisone shots so they said next step was surgery. She said she knows all about that and said to not do any arm exercises. She said I can still do core and legs and then slowly do something with my arms if I feel I can do it, but not to push it. She said something I had never thought before. I was always bummed about my tummy not going down or anything like that and she said if you have stretch marks on your tummy your tummy is not going to shrink. The reason for that is that you have already stretched it past capacity and it is now damaged. So women tend to get stretch marks from pregnancy because the belly was stretched beyond capacity. So now when I lose weight the skin is going to sag and that is just life. She explained that those women who had no stretch marks from having a child or gaining weight had a better chance at recovering the tighter skin. I didn't even think that stretch marks were simply because the skin was over stretched. I get it. I was really big with both my pregnancies. My son was almost 10 pounds when he was born. He was 9 pounds 9 ounces. 21 inches long. So definitely a bigger baby. I got my stretch marks from him. I did have a few but not many with my daughter. She was 7 pound 6.5 ounces and 18 inches long.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I do know I am working hard at losing weight and Joe will always lose weight faster than I do. I do need to stop comparing my weight loss to his weight loss. It is not the same. He is not affected by insulin and hormones the same way a woman is. The Bariatric doctor did say that the more strength training I do the more muscle I get and that will increase my BMR giving me essentially more calories to eat. So it will help and she totally recommends it. I do hope you have fun on your trip. I have not heard of renting a car from a dealership. I think only because we do things with companies we are partnered with and that will give our office revenue for that rental.
    @Kurtize - Congratulations on completing your Jesus walk. Any plans on what one you want to do next? That is great that Don is in remission. Also glad you are getting a ramp and covered porch.
    @bookieNJ - So sorry about your chiweenie. I want to say that happened also to my chihuahua when she was around that age. We ended up putting her on prednisone and keeping her in a playpen to keep her from walking around. After a couple days of the prednisone kicking in fully she started eating and drinking better and after the alloted time the vet said to keep her immobile she was right as rain. So no worries. It is something that can happen. I do want to say that it has only happened one other time after that as we are a bit more careful with her jumping up and down on things. The doctor added exercise 4-5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes every time and she would like at least 2 of those times to be strength training. I will not be adjusting my calories or macros. Meaning that even if I work out I cannot eat more calories to compensate.
    @imustloseit1 - I am sure you were extremely stiff from all the work you did. I definitely expected you to take a couple of days to recover from the flooring. Way to go for all you got done yesterday. You are a champ. Also glad son is doing well.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night.
    I AM: I shine brighter every day.
    Action for Happiness: See how many people you can smile at today.
    Happy National Croissant Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.—Robert Collier
    Day 29 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.64 miles yesterday.
    Day 29 of 75 Hard Complete and beginning Day 30 with my hydration drink before going to make my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ Sports Shaker for the first time today.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,101 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain - haven't decided what walk I will do next.
    I am happy with the month of January. My goal for Feb is to work on getting in more ST. I lost about 3 lbs. this month. Wishing you all a great rest of the day. Hugs and blessings

    Today's Inspiration
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,760 Member
    Good evening, everyone! It's a cool day here today. My daughter says hello to all. She worked at her part time job today. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I went for a short run earlier this morning and I really enjoyed it. I went for a walk after lunch and I feel great! I'll be doing some dancing later on. I went to the Art drop in program today and I really enjoyed it. Have a great night, everyone! Take care and stay safe.
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 387 Member
    Worked again today putting the things back in that dining room. Got more glass in the china hutch cleaned today, had to take one sheet of glass out to put another back in place, as it had slipped out of it groove, now tomorrow I can start by putting hubbies, precision tractor back in their curio cabinet and then sometime I have to start getting the dishes in the China Hutch. Spent today hanging family heirloom dishes and such in a new place, and I have to admit that it really does look nice. Everything is so fresh looking, even hubby said he can't believe that room could look so nice.
    Monday doing laundry I accidently tossed my pedometer in the wash, and it went thru the whole wash cycle, and I let it dry for a day, but it did something to it and it isn't working correctly, so had to start using another one I have, but it only keep track of steps after you take 10 step then it kicks in and give you the step plus whatever you walked. I like my total steps not just what they call exercise steps, so I will have to set new weekly steps with this one. dang dang dang. Hope you are having a great evening and hope you took a little ME TIME. Linda
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,592 Member
    edited January 31
    @Tabatha_Cain , Listen to her (person at the center) she knows what it is she's doing. I KNOW we ALWAYS want results fast and right off. But, when we all learned to walk, we first had to discover we had feet as we grabbed them with our very tiny hands. In time we learned we learned to better control our feet. If we had older siblings/cousins etc, we saw the older ones running around and desired that also! But we needed to learn to hold our heads up, roll over, etc. etc. before we could stand on very wobbly legs. It was quite the process before we could actually stand and walk without falling (LOL Older age, we go BACK to the wobbly legs, and falling!). Please trust her and keep working with her. Do exactly what she says for the calories. You'll get there, and more so with her help you'll STAY in maintenance once you get there. SLOW AND SURE WINS THE RACE!
    @Kurtize you are doing AMAZING!! KEEP it up with both the walking and weight loss. Joyce and I are on the same team. WOOHOO!!
    @Cormierannie, what did you make at art? I think about doing stuff like that, I am foolishly busy or just not feeling great, but it appeals to me!
    @Imustloseit1, I am sure it looks LOVELY in your place!! Tht's so cool!! HEY, GREAT JOB!!! It'll be so nice no doubt. With the pedometer, on amazon go from 15 and up. There are a few smartwatches if you like them (I DO!) starting at 35 to 50 also. Some for the older ones (MY EYES!! MY EYES!) are inexpensive also. They tend to be more lesser known brands, but they do work!! I had one I loved I paid 49 for that lasted 3 years!

    Today I saw the surgeon who will be doing the parathryoid surgery. Its almost 30 miles away. She's very good, knowledgable and skilled!! I need a few scans which will happen up here, then we'll meet either in person or phone to go over exactly what she'll be doing/looking for. The scans do not always show them all, but helps to guide the surgeon.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,454 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and it is the last day of January. How can that be possible. It doesn't seem like a whole month has gone by already. I did not make my membership goal for work, but that is ok. It is the beginning of the year and I have time to make it up. I am hoping I got my credit card. I sent someone with my black card with my referral code on it as she was thinking of applying for it. Like seriously thinking because she was told by her bank that when she is in Spain there is no way to avoid foreign fees and they are quite substantial. So with knowing our card doesn't have those she was really hardcore leaning toward applying. We will see if she was approved. It would be nice if she applied and was approved. Then my travel goal was definitely exceeded. If they keep my goal the same as it would have been last year for the whole year then I would have a goal of $6000 for the year which means I need $500 a month. Well as of Jan 22nd I had $627 for the month already. So I am definitely doing well with travel.

    @Kurtize - That is great that you lost 3 pounds. I think that sounds like a plan to work on strength training in February.
    @imustloseit1 - That is great that you have revamped a room. It sounds like hubby likes it. I am sure it will help. Sorry about your pedometer. I hope you can get it situated with the other one you have.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Thank you. I know she will get me there, and I know it is slow and steady. We will get there. I have faith. Now to figure out how to add exercise in the evenings. That is good that you have a plan with the surgeon.

    Well I hope you all have wonderful Wednesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Your true nature is that of infinite spirit. The feeling of limitation is the work of the mind.—Ramana Maharshi
    I AM: I am always ready to find new reasons to be grateful.
    Action for Happiness: Write down your hopes or plans for the future.
    Happy National Gorilla Suit Day!!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.—Michael Jordan
    Day 30 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.04 miles yesterday.
    Day 30 of 75 Hard complete and beginning Day 31 with my hydration drink before going to make my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ Sports Shaker for the first time today.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,101 Member
    Happy Wednesday. I wanted to share this article by Clara Freeman that I received from Today's Inspiration.
    Stand Strong and Become The True You
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 387 Member
    I took today OFF, I needed it so bad. Just couldn't keep that speed up, so did little things. I glue little squares of felt to the botton of all the things that went on the new shelf hubby made me on top of the planter box by front door, why a rock planter there I will never understand as that entry way is to dark for anything to real grow. so I alwayed just put a leaf from an old dining room table there and made it my rock shelf, now I have a new shelf, he built it and I stained it and varnished it, and don't want the rocks to scratch it, so little soft felt squares worked great. Thought about taking a nice little walk this afternoon but the snow is melting as it was 48 degrees, and it made water on the ice, and it was terriblely slick, so I just said no way, and Kenney, Cat, and I laid down on the bed for about 45 minutes instead. She really enjoyed it, and I just laid there enjoyed getting all stretched out. Good for both of us. Hope you all took a little ME TIME also. Linda