WaistAways Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,288 Member

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    @jugar and @EvMakesChanges thinking of you and your dad! sending all good thoughts!

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I want a Ravens-Lions SB! I am so sick of the Chiefs and now have a real bone to pick with the 9ers so...

    so much going on. I had a supremely lazy Sunday that really bit me in the butt when it came time to get things done. oh well. looking forward to Maine this weekend, a bit nervous about not knowing anyone else on the trip but that was kind of the point. bought new ski goggles today, mine are positively falling apart.

    @wishfuljune love your mindfulness towards friendships - I am learning the same thing about some of mine now, you have to put in the work if you want them to last.

    have to think on my own answer

    sounds like weather remains severe for a lot of folks, canceling school, causing traffic, etc. stay warm and safe! the wind is whistling so loudly as I type - I am thankfully cozy in bed!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,896 Member
    I enjoyed reading what everyone is doing. Lot's going on. I ate horrible for me today. Tomorrow will be better. I did a dance workout tonight. I believe my feet are on the wrong legs. It was crazy fast but fun.
  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 133 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen I did stick to the kale salad ith grilled chicken and one beer. It was really nice to hang out with this friend and the salad was really good.

    Something I like about myself: I am always trying to learn and grow. I generally have one non-fiction book and one fiction book going at the same time. Right now I'm reading Tranquility by Tuesday by Laura Vanderkam as my learning book. I can always get a tip or reminder of something to make life easier, more enjoyable, etc. I go through sprints of reading parenting books or work related topics.

    Kept my under desk treadmill on a lot yesterday and got 11,000 steps! Then spent the evening under a blanket with a novel which was lovely. Lots of meetings today and tomorrow. Glad I have the sheet pan meal I made Sunday to reheat for lunches. Some days I have a really short lunch break between meetings.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,585 Member
    Yesterday was a good day for me both nutrition wise and exercise wise. I didn’t hit my steps (it’s still very cold), but I made an effort to walk around my house every so often when I had a break between meetings. The group circuit class yesterday was intense and I am slightly sore today.

    Looking forward to Yoga with Adrienne after work today. I’m also hoping to squeeze in laundry and cleaning the bathroom floors between meetings. We’ll see how that goes!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    @lauren_989 - I almost started watching that show last night after bowling. So glad I didn't because I'm sure I would have been hooked and stayed up all night watching! It seems so good.

    I love reading about what everyone likes about themselves. There's lots of compassion, love of learning, and connection amongst this group. It's inspiring!

    @ashleycarole86 - Monday, January 22nd - 6,101 steps - two hours of league bowling - three games.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Wow! So many beautiful, interesting, inspiring messages!

    First of all, thank you everyone for your wishes and encouragement for my father. It is going surprisingly well - I was sure this was close to the end, but he is rallying. 95 years old but still full of it sometimes! He needs to stay in hospital for a couple more days, and hopefully will be recovered enough to return to his care home. The hardest part is getting moving after a week lying in bed. Keep moving, folks :smiley: I have not been able to keep up with my own exercise, but that will come back.

    Keep up the lovely little green wave we have going - and keep the beautiful chat going too! It helps everyone who is finding the process hard, and keeps us all feeling like we belong here and that it IS working! Hugs all around.

    Upcoming weigh-ins through Wednesday:


    ps - @Gidgitgoescrzy your answer to @MaddawgMadsen 's question is a perfect illustration of "praising with faint damns" - but you are so right that often our strongest qualities can spill into our negative tendencies. Our partners too! Finding those balances. All while enjoying the extremes :blush:
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    PW: 172.2
    CW: 171.0!

    Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I weighed in at 170.4. I was so excited to be so close to a new decade. Then I let tragedy and the holidays send me back the other direction. I am hopeful to be in a new decade by the time I move into our new house (end of February). Obviously I cant cross my fingers and hope for it to happen. My plan is to continue the very few processed carbs (which is about to get a lot harder because my sister gave me a gluten-free sourdough starter), little to no alcohol, and 5-6 days of exercise.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Tuesday, January 23rd - 6,035 steps, one hour of CrossFit
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 101 Member
    @jugar sorry for late weigh in, Liselyn
    PW 241lbs
    CW 238.2lbs

    Sunday 21 January 10,114
    Monday 22 January 21,744
    Tuesday 23 January 16,590
    Wednesday 24 January 17,906

    So far so good :smiley:

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    @strong_fit_ells - Awesome work on the green this week! Glad you stuck with it. And, great find! I'm not sure about adding lemonade to wine or grape juice, but maybe that's just because I've never tried it. :smile:
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