February Join our Shrinking Squad



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    So, when I make my plan for my food first thing in the moring, that's great. My higher brain is in action and doing/planning what is best for me.

    Then, 3pm hits and my habit brain shows up and says toddler like things, 'give me sweets. I want cookies, etc'.

    The thing is, we need to become aware of which brain is showing up.
    And, then - I would say, to make sure that the Higher brain is the one who makes the decisions.

    I want chocolate right NOW at 2pm because my HABIT brain thinks that's been a good thing the past few weeks.

    I take note that the habit brain doesn't have my overall best self in mind. So I say NO, and let the higher brain tell me , "yeah!!! that's right, we don't need the chocolate because we are still full from lunch. That was a great comeback Sherry!"

    And I proceed with my day.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    You will get better at what you practice. If you don’t take action and you don’t plan, you won’t get
    better at it.

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    Got good news from the dr office this week, so no more excuses! Well, no more excuses starting tomorrow.... today is apparently national bagel day, so a parent dropped off bagels for the teachers. And another family is bringing us lunch for Chinese new year. And then anniversary date with my husband tonight.
    So back on track starting tomorrow.
    At least I have been keeping up with exercise while eating all this junk. So I've gone back up 2 lb the past 2 weeks, but I'm sure it will go back down again.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Self discipline.
    Doing something enough to move the needle.
    Sometimes all that is missing is enough Self Discipline.

    Some Loving discipline is required
    The willingness to observe what your habit brain is telling you and then decide NOT to do it (over eat, have the extra gooey bite) AND to NOT do it as a way to show yourself that you CARE. You DO Care! you care about how you look, how you feel, how happy you are. You care SO MUCH about yourself. don't let the habit brain get you to thinking that you DO NOT care. Because YOU DO CARE.

    Discipline drives consistency
    and consistency needs to be closer together to make progress.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 840 Member
    @ScienceofTeaching yay for the good news!!
    You sure have a busy food day today, LOL. Enjoy it, I'm sure you'll get right back on course tomorrow.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Well done, @ScienceofTeaching! 👏👏👏👏

    Thanks for the lesson, @SherryRueter! Sometimes it helps me to think of weight loss or fitness as a something vs something - spurs the “fight” in me.

    Need it a lil of bit that right now as I know I didn’t gain two pounds overnight but what I did do is give in to my dad to cook his type of food (sugary, fried, fatty). So fried chicken.

    It was good. He was happy we ate it. Ugh. I go back and forth - let him do what he does re his cooking and I will eat smaller portions or worse - take it - toss it - and lie about how great it is. Or monitor and comment on his cooking in hopes something will sink in and he’ll make better choices.

    I watched hubs deprive his mom of everything she liked in order to improve her blood sugar, kidney numbers, heart issues - and she looked miserable. Was sooooo happy when she had ice cream - like a child - gleeful.

    Oh - did I say eldercare is hard? 🤣🤣🤣
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 It really was a busy food day! I saved half of my dinner to bring home, and I only ate a small amount of the delicious Chinese food for lunch. So could have been much worse!
    I did a good job of avoiding all of the multitude of treats at work during January. In addition to the random events like today, we often have leftovers from evening events that are left in the faculty rooms for us. So it takes a lot of self-control.
  • f1tafter40
    f1tafter40 Posts: 19 Member
    I’m glad this group is still going strong. I can really use some accountability right now.
    2023: high 154.0, low 142.8
    Feb 5: 148.8
    Feb6: 148.8
    Feb7: 148.8
    Feb8: 147.8
    Feb9: 148.6
    Feb10: 147.8
    Feb11: 148.8
    Avg: 148.5
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    @f1tafter40 Your weight fluctuations are like non existent! Amazing. Sometimes i weigh 2-4lbs different between days.
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    edited February 12
    Ive been watching a survival competition show called Alone. Solo people go out and survive on their own. It has really been humbling me in my food habits. They are so excited and so grateful for anything they find to eat (if they do) and im over here finding it hard not to snack or eat that frickin cookie. Part of me wonders what it would feel like to be that hungry. On the brink of starving. Im so thankful that i have never even been close to that experience.

    It all makes me want to do a fast. Im not sure how long, and at the moment, i still need to produce breastmilk so i dont think it would be a good idea right now. But when im done feeding my baby, im gonna do it. I think it will be a helpful experience for me and my thought processes/ habits when it comes to food.

    Has anyone done a fast? At the moment i just do intermittent so 16hr fasts. I think i want to do maybe 3-5 days with water and electrolytes.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    About half way thru the month. Re-listing my goals:

    Early 53 and 5 days ;) 5'-1" (ish)
    SW (01.2024) - 109# (ish)
    HighestWt. - 175. (07.1999)
    Jan 31 Weigh in: 107.0
    February GW - 106.0
    Final GW - 104 lbs
    Feb Goals:
    ON TRACK 1) Workout with BODi Dig Deeper - Collection 2.
    ON TRACK 2) Get in PiYo/Yoga once each week
    75% of the time 3) Follow a Water First, Veggies Most plan. (2B Mindset).
    50% of the time 4) Skip 2-5 snacks. Drink Water :#
    ON TRACK 5) Track Water. Track Food. Reduce Caffeine.

    Eating Style : EMAD - Eat meal and done (meaning stop the constant snacking chiiiiika!

    Of the above, #4 is where I need to practice the most.
    BUT I have proven a few times that I can do it. Therefore, I know I can do it. EMAD.
    What I need to do most is have a list of things I need to do, and get off my butt and do them!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @kitri2020 ALONE…… I will have to remember to see what network that is on. Sounds interesting. I have not done a fast that wasn’t supported by bone broth & coconut oil. Even then I didn’t lose weight. Its SO extreme. You mentioned that you have a sweet tooth and that seems to be what holds me back as well. I don’t so much need to focus on NOT eating, but more over – only eating at my meal times and not snacking. OR, if I am actually hungry, or grab a snack, for it to be some cut up veggies, or fruit. So that when the next meal time comes, I at least have been fueling my body.

    The podcast I listened to this morning said, we tend to want to make huge changes thinking they will make the biggest quickest impact on our weight. But really, what will make the longest lasting impact on your weight and health is tackling the smallest habits(that mindful snacking habit) and getting it under control. The smallest habits are what’s holding us back.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    f1tafter40 wrote: »
    I’m glad this group is still going strong. I can really use some accountability right now.
    2023: high 154.0, low 142.8
    Feb 5: 148.8
    Feb6: 148.8
    Feb7: 148.8
    Feb8: 147.8
    Feb9: 148.6
    Feb10: 147.8
    Feb11: 148.8
    Avg: 148.5

    Nice! Hope to see you post more often. Do you track your food?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim Do you live pretty close-by your parents? It sounds like you do, and that you are maybe seeing them each week? I admire how well you do on your food. (verging on envious here. :) )
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been trying (and mostly failing) to get back on track now that my Dr appointment and wait for news is over. But I find it hard to start again once I stop tracking for more than a few days.
    During my 3 week break from counting, I gained a little weight, but not a ton. I kept exercising (sometimes a little halfheartedly) even while I was eating whatever I wanted...
    So back to tracking calories, starting today. Might go out for dinner for our anniversary today, but if I don't snack, I can fit that into my day just fine.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @ScienceofTeaching -I have stopped using calorie counters for tracking. I took a 30 day scale break at the same time and started to listen to my hunger instead. And, I didn't gain weight or lose. but what I noticed is that I was a lot more happy. I was not as upset and cranky. So, I continue to weigh in maybe once every 30 days.

    Presently I am writing down my planned food and then am eating what I put on that plan - trying to make it realistic and so super easy to follow because its food I want to eat and food i'm excited to eat. Then, the real work is eating the meal and being done. Yesterday and Sunday and Sat. that worked out for me, I feel proud of myself at the moment.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    WHAT are 3 Wins for you from Yesterday?

    1). I ate my plan! Damn that feels good!

    2) I didn’t eat the cookie … that feels good too!!! I took it out. I laid it on the plate. I grabbed my water and said Nope! That little voice that appears on my brain that said, oh, that would taste good. I just did a hard stop and said no and moved on.

    3)I found the hunger signal pause. They say that if you are listening to your hunger cue you will notice that you pause. That pause means you are satisfied. Anyway, for my supper, I ate and stopped eating when I paused. Oh my goodness …. I ate until satisfied!!! I found the pause- which is the moment you are actually done and I listened to it.

    I’m ended last night SO damn happy!! 😊

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @SherryRueter That's a smart way of looking at eating, and somewhat similar to my plan when I'm not actively trying to lose.
    But I'm also really good at saying "it's just a small snack" repeatedly until it adds up. So for me, tracking helps me to keep the snacks under control.
    I do try to log as much ahead of time as I can for my meals, so it's easy- ish to see where I stand for the day and how much wiggle room I have for smacking. I prep lunches for the week on Mondays and try to make a dinner plan, so I can log those in advance and stick to it.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    edited February 13
    I needed to take break from exercising last week. I was too exhausted and trying to exercise, was just using up the time and energy I really needed for the other obligations that were piling up. I didn’t intend to also take a diet break but I ended up doing that too. We celebrated my husband‘s 50th birthday last weekend. This past weekend we had a mini getaway to celebrate Valentine’s Day since he’ll be traveling tomorrow.

    The eating out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner was worth it because the food was amazing. I did eat more than I was used to, but it was all very healthy food. The problem is that I had way too much cake, ice cream, macarons, cream puffs, and chocolate over the course of the entire week. I am not typically one to eat too much sugar. I think I made up for that all at once. 😁

    I’m back on track this week. Diet was good yesterday and so far today. I wasn’t able to exercise yesterday because of travel, but I did get a run in today.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Happy V-Day! @SherryRueter - hold that potential envy! Hubs has to leave early today for a work thing and celebrated V-day yesterday. Boy, did I let her rip! I know it’s not four pounds but it plays with your brain.

    I live about a 6 hours drive from my parents. Ugh. So when I’m with them I don’t see hubs and that can be for several weeks at a time. So I’m still unpacking at my house after moving in almost two years ago.

    The only good thing is this binge is right before Lent - so I’m going to use the 40 days to get my butt really in gear. Each Lent season I lose about 5 pounds - (no processed food, min 10k steps, 64 oz water). I added no procrastination and no lashing out (which I can do with my dad when I think he’s not pulling his own weight with my mom). Trying to treat him with more compassion and grace as I have no idea what it’s like to not have your partner of 65 years be the person you’re aching her to be.Ahhhh life.

    Was on my last week of my 6 week training program and twisted my wrist doing renegade rows! Gonna take it ez today but still get in those steps!!!