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  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited February 14
    Happy valentines day ..... AKA Leg Day, Phase 2 Week 3 <3

    Went a few # lighter today and tried to focus on the muscle/mind connection . Also hoping that this makes my legs (hamstrings) not become inflamed, and my lower back happy (both areas are just starting to get to a level 1 of 10. that took 2 weeks). I've pulled way back on exercise (cardio) it seems and have placed that energy into planning my meals for the day. More about that later.

    Valentines day - We decided a week ago that we were not doing anything more than a post on social media. I did get him some Garrets popcorn over the weekend (Carmel corn) & then picked up a nice bouquet of artificial flowers from Hobby lobby for me. I will switch out a few of them and use it again for spring/Easter.

    Very interesting that today is ash wed. as well. I'm not sure if we are going to go to church tonight or not. Church is a 30min drive and hubby isn't always willing to drive that far, esp at night.

    My newest mantra, "It's easier to stick with the plan that I have written down, than it is to invent a new plan mid-way thru the day." Really, this goes for food, movement and everything. I have been making/writing a plan each morning for what I will eat. It's easier by FAR for me to just execute what I write down - it takes no mind drama. Therefore my mind is free to think of things that are more important to focus on.

    My rest day is tomorrow - Time for my weekly Flow/Fusion (Stretching, yoga routine)
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Cora0477 wrote: »

    I’m back on track this week. Diet was good yesterday and so far today. I wasn’t able to exercise yesterday because of travel, but I did get a run in today.

    @Cora0477 Its sometimes the best thing to take a diet/ workout break. It can reset the mind or get the mind right where it needs to be to focus on what it needs to be focused on. My reset occurred around January 3rd when I did a huge overeat..... My desire to do anything close to that has been shut off. My desire to eat healthy and mind my hunger has been a laser focus.

    My win for today. I had hunger after my workout!!! I also feel munchie before I go to bed *(but I don't grab anything more than more water). I sleep SO much better! and wake up so much more proud and happy about myself. My future self would say "Following the plan is the key to success".
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Very quick pop in - I leave for vacation tomorrow, and my to-do list is far longer than hours in the days for the next couple weeks LOL!
    45, 5'7"
    SW Trend: 158.2
    End GW: ~128-132 (but may adjust up as I get closer due to potentially more muscle mass than when I was previously at that weight)
    Feb Goal: Minimum 7.5K steps/day (that may go up with the treadmill); weight trending downward; 2 pounds down (trend ideal)

    2/1/24: 158.6
    2/7/24: 157.6
    2/14/24: 157.0
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Yesterday - had more holiday chocolates than what I should be eating. (Well, technically I shouldn't be eating them, technically we are all probably trying to stay away from them, so we are all sneaky addicts with an issue with Chocolates..... SO at least we are all in the same boat together).

    Annnyway, I digress... Today is a new day.
    Meals are planned (as they were yesterday too)
    but TODAY I will follow my plan. AND, I bet if I would have had written on my plan that I get XX valentine chocolate/treat and a portion of icecream for dessert after dinner, that I could have reported that I stuck to my plan. SO HALF of the issue is that my plan for the holiday was not realistic.

    Today, that plan has 1 cup of carmel corn written on it.
    I'm actually starting now to get hungry. I love that feeling.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited February 15

    Not every action you do becomes a habit.
    We learn a habit based on the reward.
    The more rewarding, the stronger the habit.

    To change a habit you need to change the reward value.
    When is the last time you checked in with yourself to see if the reward value for your favorite food is still the same reward value that it was when you were 5yrs old?

    Many of us need to realize, the reward value of certain foods are now different.
    While cake may have been a high reward at the age of 5yrs. It now may have a completely different reward value at 50yrs old.

    Put it in to Action: Pay attention when you eat your favorite treat.

    Lets take cake.... as a kid, it was associated with seeing your friends, having fun, being cool, it was a happy time... like merry Christmas exploding in your mouth!

    But NOW, today, pay attention to when you eat it....

    Well, I was at my desk, I had hoarded a large amount of candy and I ate in private.

    Well, is that how you remember the reward being as a kid?

    Not really, there wasn't a party, I didn't have as much fun, i felt ashamed, guilty, not happy

    So the reward for having said "treat" has changed, hasn't it?

    I guess it has, I didn't realize that

    This kind of awareness helps you reset the reward value which helps you break that habit.

  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,089 Member
    Hi! Cori here. 74, f.
    Lost 40 pounds years ago, 45 more this year, hoping to lose at least in 2024, but giving myself the whole year to do it.
    Winter is my hard time. If I wasn't careful, I could easily gain 20 pounds out of inactivity and boredom.
    Summer is another story. Fresh fruits, lots of things to do outside. Usually lose easily. We'll see if it's easy this year, when I'm so close to goal and rmr is down.
    We WILL do this.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @corina1143 WELCOME ! Love your goal and that you are giving yourself the time to do it. Feel free to post as often as you desire!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member

    Early 53 and 5 days ;) 5'-1" (ish)
    SW (01.2024) - 109# (ish)
    HighestWt. - 175. (07.1999)
    Jan 31 Weigh in: 107.0
    February GW - 106.0
    Final GW - 104 lbs

    Feb Goals:
    ON TRACK 1) Workout with BODi Dig Deeper - Collection 2.
    ON TRACK 2) Get in PiYo/Yoga once each week
    75% of the time 3) Follow a Water First, Veggies Most plan. (2B Mindset).
    50% of the time 4) Skip 2-5 snacks. Drink Water :#
    ON TRACK 5) Track Water. Track Food. Reduce Caffeine.

    Eating Style : EMAD - Eat meal and done (meaning stop the constant snacking chiiiiika!

    Of the above, #4 is where I need to practice the most.
    BUT I have proven a few times that I can do it. Therefore, I know I can do it. EMAD.
    What I need to do most is have a list of things I need to do, and get off my butt and do them!

    Some mornings I feel like I nailed the day before, others.... I am sure I have not.
    I think that I am progressing and doing less snacking. Or at least I feel like I am snacking less, and being more purposeful with my snacks.

    This past friday and saturday I was 100% on my nutrition plan. Yesterday, I think that maybe sunday night I was off a little, as I chose to have a cinnamon roll and I don't think that actually was on my plan. I also really wanted to do an afternoon cardio core session but, in the end we walked on a trail which got me the activity and sunshine. Which is fine, it just wasn't what I planned to do.

    Today, I want to focus on my meal size. No necessarily making the meal smaller, but honestly focusing on "am I no longer hungry?" about 1/2 way thru the meal. AND THEN - the hard part, If I reply, I am no longer hungry, then to put the food away.

    I want a weight loss week.... Not that I measure anything (as my scale weight or body measurements I only do monthly) - But mentally-I think this will be helpful. as I know I don't pay attention to that as much as I should.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Total body workout today: 58 mins. Sure enjoyed it. Wish food was as easy as working out. Mine (food) is getting easier - I have a lot less mental health issues around it since I stopped logging calories. Here’s to having a strong week in weight lifting as well as in following my planned meals . 💪💯❤️
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Monday - 85% on plan overall.
    Areas I have been looking at: Sleep - solid - no issues with sleep
    Caffiene - Its been reduced a lot, removing soda has helped. I do use a pre-workout so that's a caffiene and, I do have 12-24 oz coffee (mainly beforee noon).

    I was listening yesterday to a podcast about hypothyroidism and it was by 2 doctors, most of it was above my head but, I did capture a few things, such as living to 100 is very hard for someone with hypothyroidism., Very hard, not impossible. My goal has always been 104. I can now assume that I will have to make some lifestyle changes to be optimal, and only then will my chances be slightly better than normal.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Hey all, I post in another group -every day almost. If anyone is looking for a long term group of people that are posting regularly... and we lift weights .... Feel free to join me over here as well.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,089 Member
    Sherry, link tells me "you don't have permission " What group?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited February 20
    Dang - the leaders of that group have made it private. dang.

    It doesn't look like I can invite you all to the group : https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10578087/daily-accountability#latest
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't been around a ton lately. Took a while to get myself back on track this month. Gained (unlost?) just a little of what I had lost in January and stayed at that weight for 2 weeks, but as of today, I'm back down to where I was at the end of January.
    I found pretty floral interlocking foam floor tiles this weekend and bought enough for my home gym as a reward for keeping up with exercise so well for the past 1.5 months. Now it's easier on my knees AND pretty. :)
    Hoping to keep making progress for the next week and not backside/stall my progress again.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,089 Member
    I purposely took a day off from eating only healthy to feed my spirit yesterday. I need those days occasionally. Nothing wild. Some fast food. Some chocolate. Well over my goal calories and fat. So my weight is up 1 pound today. Some water I'm sure. Back to healthy eating today. I think the harm done is far outweighed by the good it did for my soul. As long as it's only occassionally.
    Have a happy day! 😊
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Its been hard to stay on track this week for some reason.
    I listened to a podcast and the lady was talking about how its GREAT to set goals and be all motivated to do it, but while you are in that head space of "Im gonna do this and that and that" --- you have to account for the journey, and think clearly of what that is going to look like every day.
    Your day to day grind will have to be clear. For me it would be resisting urges. The daily afternoon grind that I am going to have to get real with is that when I want to eat, I have to know that if I REALLY want a weight loss, then I have to journey through sitting in an urge and not acting on it.
    I have to sit thru my husband eating food, and me not eating - because I am not actually hungry when he is. AND I will have to figure out how to eat my portion size so that if we are having a meal together that I am hungry for it.

    We tend to enjoy making goals and dreaming of the end result.
    We tend to not put alot of thought into what the process and daily grind will have to be in order to get that result. AND we definitely do not ask our selves.... am I willing to do that daily, am I willing to put in this effort for my nutrition so that I get that result.
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone! Looks like we've all been busy and away from this thread. Hope you're all doing well!
    Finishing the month out strong will be a challenge this week, because it is tech week for my school's musical. This means rehearsal every evening and shows all weekend. So staying out of the drive through is going to be my big challenge. Also probably won't have any time for exercise between work and rehearsals, so that might be neglected this week.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hi Pals. Been awol but I knew last week was gonna be crazy and with it so was my eating plan. No regrets. I’m using big birthday party celebrations in late May/early June to get really in shape. Haven’t seen these folks in years and would love to feel great and confident. One friend said she can’t wait to hang the pool (and the thought of that sent into a panic!) Vanity to the rescue!!!

    And humiliating comment to come - I just rented Dirty Dancing. 😬😬For those who’ve seen the movie, Jennifer Grey’s body in the movie was my body twin. Petite, toned, not too muscular - where I remember my best self. I’m probably 15 pounds, a kangaroo pouch, thicker thighs and wider hips away from that. My gosh - I had to check - that was almost 40 years ago. Not bad to say I’m probably 10-15 lbs away from that!

    Feeling inspired!! IT’S ON LIKE POPCORN! 🤣🤣🤣
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    The below is from an email newsletter I receive.

    I just wanted to remind you guys that improving your health and earning results is not an instant thing.

    It takes time.

    It takes consistent effort.

    It takes consistent focus.

    It takes the right tools.

    It takes a thousand little mental victories.

    It takes changing your habits.

    It takes doing the work.

    Doing it consistently.

    Not wavering.

    ... and most of all, BEING PATIENT...

    Think of it like this ... you can't bake a cake twice as fast by turning the temperature up twice as high, can you? No. You'd ruin the cake.

    And since you're in the process of creating a better version of yourself ... I wanted to take a few moments to remind you and myself of one thing...

    It will take time for your body to adjust to a new program ... new routine ... new lifestyle ...

    And you need to understand that, you need to be ready for that, and you need to keep putting one foot in front of the other ... because when you do, your results will be there.

    Most people quit before this point though...

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    I thought about weighing in today because I feel like I weigh less. However, timing and such was making me second guess the thought of should i or shouldn't I.

    SO I decided not to
    BUT I decided to tell myself, I weigh less today.
    If I had stepped on the magic plastic disc, it said I weighed 1# less than last time.
    And that makes me smile.

    I can see it in my mind, the weigh in. The number, my smile.
    I can clearly visualize it and smile about how good I feel knowing that i am accomplishing my goals.