February Join our Shrinking Squad
And a little on Visualizing and having it help you manifest your goal.
Most top athletes are trained to visualize their goals right before a competition.
They see themselves winning the game, running the fastest race, or scoring the winning point.
They're trained to "picture" what they want to happen, instead of what they don't want to happen.
When they do this, their chances for success increase dramatically.
Visualizing is just another form of focusing your attention on your mind instead of being distracted by the noise around you. When you learn how to visualize your goals and dreams, you can manifest the success and fulfillment you crave..
It is vital that you picture your goal as already being accomplished. These things are done - instead of being in progress. Viewing it as completed.
Viewing a completed accomplishment is the difference between hoping for something to happen and using goal visualization to actually manifest it.
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Last day of the month! Let's finish out strong!
Looking forward to making new goals and more progress in March!2 -