Monthly Post for February 2024



  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Yesterday was a good day! I like getting to talk to teachers from other schools. And I got a chance to catch up on some grading. 😊
    Have a great, relaxing weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope you had a great weekend and President's Day holiday! Our weekend was relaxing. Did the usual food shopping and etc. and went to dinner at my BF's parents house on Sunday. We had a nice time. Monday we relaxed, binge watched a true crime show on MAX and got the laundry done. :) Been sooo cold, that the best thing is to just stay home. Fine by me.

    Not much else going on here. Seems to be a quieter day at the office. This week is when the schools around here have winter break, so there was a lot less traffic on the highway today! WOO HOO!

    Hope you have a good day. See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Today was a GREAT day! I put in my resignation! Yesterday I went through and found some jobs to apply for. Super excited!
    Glad you had a nice, chill weekend, @Meghan509! (no pun intended). Here it is supposed to be about 70 all week. Fool's spring. Next will be second winter.
    This week and then two more weeks until Spring Break!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!

    Oooh that is great news @KateNkognito! Good for you. Probably feels like a light at the end of the tunnel. I know you will land something great!

    Wow! 70's F I am jelly. LOL When I woke up this morning we were sitting at 19 degrees F. Brrrr! Currently 31 degrees F and sunny according to my computer.

    In some not so nice news, my Aunt (Mom's only sister) is not doing well and will most likely pass soon. :( This Aunt lives out in Nevada and has lived far away my whole life, so we were never that close. I feel bad for her and for my Mom who speaks to her often. My Aunt sent both my Mom and Me checks in the mail with nice notes. Sigh... She had cancer twice and beat it, but the chemo and radiation damaged her heart. She's had a-fib and zero energy and all that stuff for the last few years and it has finally taken a toll. She's been having hospice help her out in the last few months which is not good. Mom said she sounds terrible on the phone and is not eating. Another bad thing...
    Please keep her in your thoughts and let's hope she has a peaceful transition, when she is ready. :(

    Ugh, I am NOT going to get teary at work! Can't do it. Been there, done that. Going to pour myself some ice water and try and think about something else.

    I wish you a good day! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Aww, Meghan! Hugs and prayers. So hard. I hope she has peace.
    I'm taking tomorrow off to get stuff done, plus I felt gross today and I am afraid I am coming down with something.
    This week has been really up and down. It just needs to end. I need a rest.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Well, *I* feel better today, but my youngest is sick. 🫤 I'm home, taking care of him and getting some stuff done.
    Hope it is a good Friday Eve!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry about that, I forgot to check in yesterday!

    Thanks for your kind words about my Aunt. <3 Will keep you posted.

    Sorry to hear your youngest is sick but I am glad you had a little time to yourself yesterday. :)

    Work has been good. Normal pace and not crazy. It sounds like they are finally (fingers crossed) going to look in to getting a new Receptionist / Office Manager for us. This person will be very helpful in stocking the kitchens with beverages and supplies, ordering office and kitchen supplies, greeting visitors, sending and receiving packages, checking the mail, dealing with broken coffee machines LOL, etc. etc.

    Today I am home. 40 degrees F and cloudy with showers coming this afternoon. Planning to head out and get the grocery shopping done during lunch so I don't have to do it on the weekend!

    Relaxing weekend on tap. Supposed to be very cold!

    Hope you have a good Friday and a good weekend and everybody stays healthy!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    @Meghan509 I hope they hire someone so you don't have to keep doing all the things. 😊
    It is supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend, then second winter will arrive next week. 🥶 A 40-50° F temperature drop in 24 hours!
    Going to relax tomorrow and then do the things on Sunday. Have a good weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope you had a GREAT weekend @KateNkognito!! Ours was nice and quiet and relaxing. :) Saturday and Sunday were definitely a little cool but at least it wasn't raining or snowing!

    Went to a library in the town next to ours and was able to take out a book I have been dying to read! I am a huge mystery and thriller fan!! Turns out in our state of Connecticut, if you have a library card in your city or town then you can take out items at any other library in the state! Soo cool. I knew about it but now we are finally taking advantage of it. :)

    Hope you guys didn't suffer the cold too much Kate! Yikes! COLD!! We got this though - spring is on the way!!

    Hope your Monday is good. Mine is quiet so far but I like it! Working remotely in my comfy clothes. LOL

    See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Today was a pretty good day. 😊 Students followed directions and everything!
    @Meghan509 The weather is supposed to turn tomorrow. This weekend was GORGEOUS!
    That's great about the library. I was on the library board in my town for a while. I wish our state did that. What I love is our state library has a HUGE collection of e-books and audiobooks.
    Have a great week! Stay warm and healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!

    Been a busy one here, ARGH!

    Oooh I love it @KateNkognito those kids should be following directions LOL!

    Yes, our libraries seem to have a lot of e books and audio books too! I need to consider downloading the reading app to my phone or tablet so I can really take advantage of the e books! Mostly just read a regular old book instead. My BF has a Kindle and he loves it since he needs reading glasses most of the time. No reading glasses needed with a Kindle if you crank up the font!

    Not much else going on here other than work. The good news is the work day is almost half over!

    Hope you have a good and productive day and yes, stay healthy! I have a colleague in the office today coughing constantly and two others home sick with colds, strep throat and pink eye. *screams*
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    And the cold weather is here! 🥶
    Kids were oddly good today. Even during the fire drill.
    @Meghan509 I love my Kindle for the font size and the backlight. I hope the germs stay away from you!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!

    Still healthy here! LOL And nobody else has gotten anything new that I know of! Knocks on wood!

    @KateNkognito yes, BF likes the Kindle for the back lighting too! If he can't sleep and wants to read it doesn't bother me one bit. I tend to sleep like a brick though. LOL

    Lately I have been making yogurt parfaits for breakfast in the AM. I buy a big container of the store brand plain Greek Non Fat and divvy it up in to six portions. I add in granola, chia seeds, hemp hearts, and a drizzle of honey on top. Mix it up before you eat it and it is yummy!! If it gets too thick I just add a little bit of filtered water and that makes it nice and creamy.

    Not much else going on here except for work and projects and stuff. UGH. Need to figure out a way in my next life to be wealthy and work less. LOL

    Rainy and windy here today, bah! Hope you have a good day! See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    So far, today has been pretty good. Kids are doing a project, so when the tech representative came in to observe, I looked like I know what I am doing. 😄
    Weather went from sunny and 80 to snowing and freezing in less than 12 hours! Today is not too bad except for the wind.
    I have yummy leftover pasta for lunch today and tonight I am making stroganoff.
    Have a great rest of the week! Germs are flying around here. 😷
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Good morning!!

    About to hop on an 11am call so I am going to keep this short!

    Work was CRAZY yesterday with trying to cover for someone who left abruptly on leave and right as all of these BOD committee documents needed to be posted. Screams!!


    Last night was windy and rainy but thankfully no damage to house, car, etc. and no power outages!

    Glad those kiddos are behaving @KateNkognito! LOL

    Hope you have a good Thursday. See you soon. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    Today was a long week! About a quarter of the staff we're gone today. A bunch of students out, too.
    @Meghan509 I hope tomorrow is calmer and less busy.
    Going to bed soon. I am trying not to catch what everyone is throwing around. 😷