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Fabulous February!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Wow, Bisky, what a great honor, to have your cards shown locally and for sale. Cute Panda card, for sure!
    Have a great trip. How fun.

    Mihani, I am so sorry you are dealing with so much at work...I didn't think it could get any more stressful, and it did. OY VEY! I don't know what the answer is, but glad you are taking a bit of time off.

    I am struggling with my diet ... the pounds go up and down. I was 142 somewhere in this month, yesterday 146.

    I am happy the days are slowly getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. I hate the cold. I know, our cold is nothing like most of yours. What can I say.

    my menu today...

    tofu scramble with spinach and
    not sure what else.

    I tried making sushi last night for dinner...it was a mess, but tasty. Think I will just make a bowl tonight and eat it that way. For whatever reason, that mixture of rice, cukes, carrots, avocado and nori helped me sleep...at least that is what I am attributing my much better than EVER, good sleep last night.

    have a good one... later.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Pretty cards, Bisky! That's very cool you are going to be selling them. Another trip to Italy sounds like so much fun. That's one of the few places I'd like to visit. I'm not much of a traveler. I would give anything for a week at home! LOL

    Nanc, do you have a sushi mat? I make vegan sushi and the mat is a must have for me. Glad you got a good sleep.

    I was able to get a few things done today. I am just frustrated, seems like no matter how much or how hard I work, things are piling up.

    Off for dinner and an early bedtime. I'm going to the office all day Saturday, but I'm taking Sunday off completely. I won't even check my emails. I swear.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    edited February 23
    Mihani - I am sorry your job is frustrating you. Good plan to take Sunday off. I hope you get recharged but from the sounds of it…recharging would take 6 months!

    I think I like to travel a lot to get inspired, get out of ruts and learn new things. We are rethinking staying in San Antonio.. Brooks’ medical care is excellent. Due to his cancers and exposures multiple times to burn pits, he will get a 100% disability rating. Disabled Veterans in Texas pay 0% in property taxes and get free parking at the airport! Plus our house, while not our dream home, the mortgage rate is only 2.25%. If we sold, moved and bought a new house….well I just don’t know. I am dreaming of going to Africa next year.

    Come summer I will be dying again. Today was 80*. He keeps getting job offers around San Antonio. Oh this was news. The general who signed off on his yearly evaluation wrote twice to promote to full colonel. He is not accepting it as it would require 3 more years in the military, more stress and possible deployments. He is getting his 20 years and plans to work civilian sector.

    Brooks made the best stir fry: 2 types of mushrooms, red pepper, onion and spinach with balsamic pearls.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Beautiful cards, Donna. That sounds like a great opportunity. I hope you guys have a fabulous time in Italy. The perks of living in San Antonio seem significant to say the least. At least you know that you have one good option, and it doesn't even require moving!

    Mihani, I hope things get better with work. 1 day off is hardly enough to recharge, but I guess you take what you can get! I had jackfruit gumbo from Plantage the other day for dinner. I don't like preparing jackfruit but it really adds something to a dish when done well.

    Glad the weather is improving for you, Nanc! I'm sure Lulu is happy about it, too. How was your sleep after round 2 of sushi?

    Today we're meeting with my parents in B.C. to have an early dinner at an Indian restaurant we found online. It is funny because both Canada and the US have a great selection of international cuisines, but in BC there are hardly any Mexican restaurants...I had never been to one before coming to the US!...and in the US, at least here in NW WA, there are very few Indian restaurants. Obviously due to the population living in the area. Anyway, this Indian place has a TON of vegetarian options and most of them can be made vegan on request.

    The basket making continues. I made one that I like enough to repeat, so I calculated all of the supplies, lengths amounts, etc. The basket has an 8 inch base and flares out to 10 inches across at the top. It is 3 inches high. Somehow, the costs alone for this basket work out to $23. Yikes. Then I put around 2 hours to put it all together.

    I've been really struggling with my food choices. Our dinner is taken care of, but the rest of it is a problem. Especially with these dinners that are very tasty, but I know they have to be higher in calories than what we make for ourselves. That's fine if I can adjust everything else. We'll see. Yesterday I didn't eat anything until 2:30 pm, and then stopped by around 5 pm.

    Thanks for all of the positive basket feedback :)
    Here are two more, the dark one being the one I calculated costs for. Pic isn't great. Shadows and perspective.


  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    ok had to come back to say that after commenting on how there's no Indian food nearby, I just found out that one opened recently in our town! 10 minutes away and no border crossing. We already have plans but I'm sure we'll be checking it out soon.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 24
    Carla, oh my gosh, the baskets are beautiful...love them...pretty and practical!

    sleeping better ...going to keep having my sushi BOWL... Mihani, I forgot to use the mat...duh! But the last two times, I just made a bowl...rice, cukes, purple cabbage, carrots, sushi ginger, wasabi, soy sauce...and then I folded a sheet of nori a zillion times and cut it into the bowl. YUM... OH and AVOCADO...the avocado made it, to be honest

    working in the kitchen, living room and dining room today...walking LULU and that's it. Sauna late in the day...after I get my TO DO list checked off.


    mashed potatoes and spinach and corn salsa for flavor
    bean burrito
    sushi bowl
    Zen almond milk chocolate pudding. I find it at Walmart in the refrigerated pudding section. One little cup is surprisingly satisfying. YUM!
    CYA! kdkri2bdj3lu.png

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Do any of you use Turbo Tax or any online service to do your taxes?

    How is it? Comments appreciated.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Bisky, definitely sounds like it might be worth it to stay in San Antonio. And since you travel often it's not like you're stuck there all the time. Maybe you could go somewhere cooler for the hottest months.

    Carla, the baskets are beautiful. You sure do have a lot of talent. Hope you enjoy your visit with your parents.

    Yeah, I've never tried to cook jackfruit myself, but this place makes some amazing stuff with it.

    I am finding that the more I rely on the foods from the grab and go, the better I feel. Everything is sugar, gluten and soy free, and while I've never had an issue with gluten, I wonder if that is part of what makes me feel so much better.

    I'm going to make Dreena's mac oh geez tonight though, since tomorrow is my birthday and I'm treating myself to one of my favorite recipes. Plus I have half a vegan birthday cake left that my boss got at work yesterday. I'll have to slice and freeze most of the cake before it goes stale.

    Heading to the office today and plan to work most of the day, then do a quick grocery stop and come home to make the mac. Handyman guy is coming today to do the last few little chores that I need to have done so I have to wait for him to show up before I can leave.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Nanc, sorry we were posting at the same time. The sushi bowl sounds much easier! I only make actual sushi for parties because it makes it worth all the effort.

    Our CPA does my taxes and I've never tried an online service. He just throws mine in for free since we give him so much work and he's a wonderful guy!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 25

    Here's to your best year, yet!
    May all your birthday wishes come true, @Mihani !
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 25
    I finally got a lot accomplished yesterday...kitchen, dining room and living are now company ready, with the exception of steam mopping the living room and dining room. My feet gave out. Saving that job for tomorrow. Need feet to do today's job: Master bedroom and both bathrooms. Saving the guest bedroom/dump room for its own weekend.

    Same menu today. Yesterday, instead of my sushi bowl salad thing, Trader Joe's had a vegan/tofu spring roll to-go deal...two and not bad in a pinch. I was so pooped out that I was glad I had picked it up Friday night.

    I have been seeing the Ryze mushroom coffee all over the place...decided to order it today. We shall see what all the hype is about.

    Have a good one y'all...especially YOU, BIRTHDAY GIRL!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Morning, all! Thank you, Nanc!

    So far I've gone back to bed for a couple hours, and now I've finished coffee and getting ready to start laundry. Thinking about running to the new wholesale club today. I got a free membership and haven't checked it out yet. Having a gathering here next Saturday... first party I've hosted in probably 10 years. Might be a good place to stock up on the sodas, TP, snack foods.

    I'm taking next Friday off to shop and prep food, but other people are bringing stuff since I won't prepare anything with meat. Also need to pick up beer and wine and stop at the liquor store on Friday. Cleaning crew is coming tomorrow so everything will be all ready for the party. My handyman came yesterday morning and finished off the last few little chores so the house is ready other than a deep clean.

    Okay off to get busy!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning... up and at 'em. Have laundry in the wash and a couple loads to go. Catching up throw rugs, towels, sheets and blankets. I got the rest of the house pretty well straightened up yesterday and will work on my office while the cleaning crew is here.

    I think I'll get some of the shopping done this afternoon after the cleaners are done since I didn't do it yesterday. Kind of nice to take a day off. Feels a bit naughty. LOL

    Plan for today...
    B - ezekiel toast with tahini, roasted brussels sprouts
    L - a new soup to try from the grab and go
    D - jackfruit pot roast
    S - apple with a smidge of PB
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member

    mashed potatoes with soy milk and Forager's "sour cream" and 1/2 bag organic, baby spinach TJ's
    bean burrito with 505 hatch green chili
    two corn tortillas TJ's with one mashed avocado thingy from Costco
    sushi bowl

    lights out

    later, mates.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    @Marilynsretired hey, haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing?

    Nothing much going on here. We might get some snowfall this afternoon. It won't stick around, but it might make for a slippery commute home.

    Our daffodils are coming up and it is time to prune the fruit trees, spring is just around the corner. Once we are done with the wind storms for the year, we can gather all of the downed branches and do a yard cleanup.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    I am here just not posting much as I am dealing with some health issues that are draining me. Making more changes to my food, what I drink and exercise. Two weeks in a row I have lost (total of 2.8 pounds in 2 weeks) and am working on a pound a week in order to me my goal each month

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    congrats on the weight loss, Marilyn! I hope that the change in your diet and exercise has you feeling better soon
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 29

    bean burrito
    sushi bowl
    apple and banana
    Trader Joe's corn tortillas in the air fryer with Costco mini guacamole thing
    potatoes and spinach for dinner

    lights out...and there goes another month.


    Good luck revamping your foods, Marilyn. Hopefully that helps resolve some of the health issues you are dealing with right now.

    I have two more tests for my Cardiologist...let's see, how many tests were there...it started with an echo...blood test, aorta something or other from tummy, some CT scan last Monday... and then two more tests- one is for carotid artery health. That's a grand total of six just to give the doctor a baseline on the condition of my heart. Fabulous in my opinion. Appointment with doctor is 3/18.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hi all, sorry I've been scarce. Busy busy week at work and trying to finish getting ready for the party on Saturday. I took off early today and did the last of the shopping. Just have to run out tomorrow to pick up a couple things that I ordered but that won't take long. I'm working from home tomorrow and will knock off early to run that errand and get a start on prepping food.

    Spending WAY too much money. I have to tighten the budget right up as soon as this party is over.

    Glad to hear from you Marilyn, I was a little worried. I shouted out a week or two ago but I always forget that @ thing.

    Carla, the fun never ends maintaining that property does it? Have you planned a trip at all? I remember you were thinking about it over the holidays but it didn't work out. Weather is crazy here. One day in the 60s and windows open, next day snow. That's Ohio for ya!

    Nanc, that is awesome you are getting all those tests done. You have been doing a great job with your health goals so I'm sure all will be fine, and interested to hear the results.