Downsizers Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • JamieS74
    JamieS74 Posts: 100 Member

    Which do you prefer pancakes or waffles?

    I prefer waffles over pancakes

    Pancakes 🥞 🥞 🥞
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    edited April 28
    *Congrats Downsizers for being April 2024 winners
    *Congrats to @liketoyak, @Trillium54, @RoblinB, @NachDeezy and @NouveaRee for being 4 weeks in the green
    *Congrats @Trillium54 and @MyhandsforGod for coming in 2nd and 3rd
    *Congrats @NachDeezy for coming in 2nd in pounds
    *Congrats @Trillium54 for coming in 1st @myhands4God for coming in second and @lovethyneighbor for coming in 3rd

    SO PROUD OF OUR TEAM.....WAY TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MommieJeannie
    MommieJeannie Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all. I'm Jen, 40 from Florida. Married with 3 kids and 4 dogs, and chickens. I have struggled with weight literally all of my life. I started at 285 in January and would like to get to my first goal weight of 185 by the end of the summer. Then the final 30-50 pounds shouldn’t be a problem after that because living healthy will be a way of life by then.

    During covid, I gained at least 50 pounds, but never took it off because I stayed working remotely and my habits never really improved/changed, like my peers who were going back into the office. We did do some RVing during and after covid, and would like to keep that up, because it's great family time!

    Well, I recently just got laid off, so now I’m NOT in front of a computer 10 hours+ per day and feel like I’m free to enjoy life more. I don’t know if I want to find another job or not yet, but I’m just focusing on myself, and continuing to homeschool my kids (2 are graduating high school 1 & 3 years early and starting college this fall - very proud mama!), and I’m finishing up preschool with the youngest.

    With all of this free time now, I’m looking forward to some me time of working out/yoga, landscaping/garden, taking walks during the day with kids & the dogs, playing and laughing with them more, getting into a happy/healthy lifestyle and good routines to lose this weight for good, and just focus on what truly matters for me…. Ensuring that the oldest 2 become fun/well adjusted adults, and enjoying the little one because they grow up way too fast!

    So happy to be here, and get started on my new journey.

    I also home schooled my daughter ... we were with K12aka Cava ...I loved and I miss it ...She is now 18

    That's awesome! In Florida they have a good virtual school system.. FLVS that we use. I start on K with the youngest, and we're going to do dual enrollment with the local college starting in 6th grade, so when the kids in this program graduate from high school, they already have their associate's degree. Crazy.. huh?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    We have another new member joining our amazing team ...Please welcome @Neds1980 :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    Hi all. I'm Jen, 40 from Florida. Married with 3 kids and 4 dogs, and chickens. I have struggled with weight literally all of my life. I started at 285 in January and would like to get to my first goal weight of 185 by the end of the summer. Then the final 30-50 pounds shouldn’t be a problem after that because living healthy will be a way of life by then.

    During covid, I gained at least 50 pounds, but never took it off because I stayed working remotely and my habits never really improved/changed, like my peers who were going back into the office. We did do some RVing during and after covid, and would like to keep that up, because it's great family time!

    Well, I recently just got laid off, so now I’m NOT in front of a computer 10 hours+ per day and feel like I’m free to enjoy life more. I don’t know if I want to find another job or not yet, but I’m just focusing on myself, and continuing to homeschool my kids (2 are graduating high school 1 & 3 years early and starting college this fall - very proud mama!), and I’m finishing up preschool with the youngest.

    With all of this free time now, I’m looking forward to some me time of working out/yoga, landscaping/garden, taking walks during the day with kids & the dogs, playing and laughing with them more, getting into a happy/healthy lifestyle and good routines to lose this weight for good, and just focus on what truly matters for me…. Ensuring that the oldest 2 become fun/well adjusted adults, and enjoying the little one because they grow up way too fast!

    So happy to be here, and get started on my new journey.

    I also home schooled my daughter ... we were with K12aka Cava ...I loved and I miss it ...She is now 18

    That's awesome! In Florida they have a good virtual school system.. FLVS that we use. I start on K with the youngest, and we're going to do dual enrollment with the local college starting in 6th grade, so when the kids in this program graduate from high school, they already have their associate's degree. Crazy.. huh?

    That's awesome🙂
  • Hotspur11
    Hotspur11 Posts: 2,667 Member

    PW: 86.3
    CW: 85.3

    @Hotspur11 4/21 - 4/27

    21/4 - 13,707
    22/4 - 13,103
    23/4 - 14,261
    24/4 - 14,736
    25/4 - 20,776
    26/4 - 11,339
    27/4 - 18,326
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,695 Member
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW: 132 pounds
    CW; 132 pounds
  • aactuallyaash
    aactuallyaash Posts: 304 Member

    4/21 - 4573

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member


  • lovethyneighbor
    lovethyneighbor Posts: 303 Member

    I am missing 4/22 [/quote]

    Sorry. My apps are not syncing correctly.
    4/21: 3837
    4/22: 6276

  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,341 Member
    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate
    4/21 8,262
    4/22 8,532
    4/23 10,371
    4/24 7,985 ST = 15
    4/25 10,760 ST = 15
    4/26 8,436 really?? ST = 25
    4/27 8,252 ST = 20
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member

    I need few more people to post their steps so that I can post the results ..If I don't have them in by tomorrow Tuesday the 30th I will have no choice but to zero them out ....Thanks for your co-operation

    @lindamtuck2018 4/27
    @myhands4God 4/24 - 4/27
    @Stacimfit 4/21 - 4/27
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    edited April 29

    Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?

    I think I would never want to hear them speak
  • Trillium54
    Trillium54 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey all, I won't be joining you next month but hope to be back for June (I know I need to re-apply). Take care and keep rockin' with your bad selves! <3<3

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,835 Member

    Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?

    Definitely would love to chat with Monty!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,341 Member
    Hi, I',m Charissa. I've been with Downsizers for over a year now (March).

    While focusing on health and making life style changes, things (like life) just get in the way and I end up losing/gaining the same few pounds. I did really well this January , February was ok, March came and I just got tired, think they call it "diet" fatigue. And while I don't consider what I'm doing as a "diet", I just got tired of all the requirements (for lack of a better description). By the end of April, I had a mental reset and am back pushing 100% towards my goals.

    Daily Goals for May
    1. Calories @1650 and protein 150g.
    2. Limit Wine to the weekend, if at all.
    3. Water - Minimum of 80 ounces
    4. Exercise 6 days a week (core/strength train/cardio)
    5. Consistently hit 10k steps - Goal 20+ days.
    6. Daily reads or audible.
    7. Post work out snack
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,341 Member
    edited April 29
    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳
    H2O - Make it Flow 💦💦💦

    Recap: The weekend bumped me up again. It always does. I also didn't sleep well last night and I think that affects the scale as well (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

    Daily Goals for May
    1. Calories @1650 and protein 150g.
    2. Limit Wine to the weekend, if at all.
    3. Water - Minimum of 80 ounces
    4. Exercise 6 days a week (core/strength train/cardio)
    5. Consistently hit 10k steps - Goal 20+ days.
    6. Daily reads or audible.
    7. Post work out snack

    Let's get the momentum started and take it through the week!


    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate
    4/28 8,085

    Waffles or Pancakes. Not really a fan of either, too many carbs and then you need butter and syrup to make them worth eating :). But, If I had to chose, I'd chose waffles.

    I'd love to hear what my pets think of me. I'm petless at the moment, but when I did have them, they were treated like royalty! I saw a little Puggle this morning. He was soooo cute. I'm not quick to start a conversation with strangers, but if they have a cute dog, that quickly changes. His name is Bruno.

    @MommieJeannie ~ Welcome. You're in one of my other groups🙂 Enjoy your free time and time spent on you!

    Welcome @Neds1980

    Weigh in Day: Saturday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    Ending January - 215.8 (7.8)
    Ending February - 216.4 (+0.6/7.2)
    Ending March - 218.4 (+2.0/5.2)
    Ending April = 216.0 (3.2/7.6)
    Total Loss for month .0 Total loss 7.6
This discussion has been closed.