JUMP IN June 2024 Challenge



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    1derland99 wrote: »
    Is it too late to "jump in" on this June challenge?
    I know there is only a week left in June, but I'm one of those people who have a habit of saying "I'll just wait until next week to start" and before I know it, next week has already started without me.
    I'm not getting anywhere doing that...

    YASSSSSS. Welcome!!!
    I'll have July's challenge posted soonish, and I'll post the link in here.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Meanwhile, still absurdly unable to rein the weekends in, but I have gotten my weekdays under control. Doing my workouts. Finding a small, actionable step to work on this weekend.

    I'm having a really hard time getting in consistent workouts with the weather these days. It's been so hot and humid (or raining) I can't do anything outdoors. I just want to sleep all the time. Just had to cancel my strength class for tomorrow due to a conflict with a work meeting. I need to make changes,

    I know. It's miserable out there. For me it's too hot, and the UV index is high. So I've been doing indoor stuff in my basement. Which is too cold in winter, but nice right now even though it is dark in there. I miss sunlight, but I don't feel like heat stroke right now. :joy:

    Fingers crossed the activity-motivation-fairy visits you this week.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    edited June 27
    1derland99 wrote: »
    Thank you all for the welcome!!

    I am with both of you guys @baconslave and @tishsmith101 with regards to the heat....
    We live just outside of Death Valley CA, 🌵💥🌵 literally in the middle of nowhere, and needless to say the heat is insane during Summer. 🥵
    My hubby works out of town Monday thru Friday, so I pretty much go into hibernation mode inside my house, starting toward the end of Spring right through until late October. 🐢🌵

    During Summer months, basically any exercise I do end up doing is limited to indoors only...unless I get up around 4am with the notion to go hiking around the desert boonies before the sun comes up, but that doesn't happen too often. I usually come to my senses and climb back into bed. 😂🤣
    It's been about a year or so since I last did any type of deliberate 'exercise' here around my house, but when I do it is usually some form of dance aerobics (which to the right music, I actually enjoy doing) and/or strength training using a variety of hand weights and tube resistance bands so this will more than likely be what I will be doing again.

    I did pick up some much-needed groceries and supplies this past weekend while we were in town, so I have no excuses when it comes to eating low-carb...at least during weekdays while I'm here at home.

    Weekends, both Saturdays and Sundays is another story...urrrg. (that's a whole other can of worms)

    Anyways, enough rambling for one day. I'll be sure to look out for July's challenge.

    When I talk to folk like y'all, and my sis when she lived in Houston, I realize my complaints are silly. My sister called Houston Satan's Armpit... so I'm whining about 90-deg here in upper NE TN, while y'all have "Skin Melt Off Face" degrees.

    It have my own home gym to workout so when I talk about workouts that are inside, that's where I am with my dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands in the "dungeon gym" in my basement. There's lots of videos to follow online. I'm personally mostly doing HASfit stuff rn. Which is pay to play, though not expensive, but quality and an actual program to follow. I also reg do Leslie Sansone walk vids for cardio. She is really basically lower impact aerobics really. They have lower and higher impact options and 15-45 min videos in a variety of paces to mess around with. I can even up the difficulty by putting on my weighted vest if I want to soak my tshirt. I have also used Jessica Smith and BodyFit by Amy a lot in the past.

    Feel you on the weekends. I can be perfect during the week and then...my husband is off work and so he dominates everything, and there will be carbs. I just try to navigate it how I can and keep portions reasonable, if possible. And then sometimes I turn into a human junk vacuum :rage:

    All I can say is I'm a work in progress :joy: I used to be able to navigate it. But since perimenopause moved in, hungry feels like the apocalypse, and my tolerance level has gone into the devil's front lawn. I want this regain off though. So...something has to give. I just need to figure out how to troubleshoot my new set of impulses. Easier said than done but I'm trying.