AUGUST 2024 CHALLENGES - 08/01 - 08/31



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    I love all the photos. I have been watching these children grow up. And now Bella is grown up and Ronan a big brother.

    Thanks for the photos

    Kathy sending you all my beat. hugs

    Long day. Worked out yesterday. And daughter's house. Busy at work. Then I had a blizzard. Shame on me. Tomorrow I go to the gym and work it off.

    You all sound busy. And living life.

    Hugs and kind thoughts to all of you
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited August 23
    Flashing back, Shell.

    I'd had bariatric surgery in 2013 and needed to exercise as my body changed shape. We met in an "avoiding sugar" challenge and got talking. I think you were surprised at how clueless I was, and took me under your wing. Still think of you as my guardian/warrior mother hen.

    Over a decade watching bodies and lives change.

    Paula :flowerforyou:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Had my trainer for a 60 min workout this afternoon then we had Ronan for a bit. No Collin today. Pat's knee is still nasty. Wish I could get him to go get an xray. MEN!!!
    Tomorrow and Sunday are birthday celebrations for Ronan and Sara. Ronan's is in Concord at a Laser Tag place then presents and cake. Sara's is in town for a brunch then back to her house for cake and presents. Too many people for me which is why we did their b'days here on Wednesday. ...sigh...
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I’m working on getting a routine together for me and mom. It’s not easy but it is necessary. Mom has to pretty much use a walker all the time.she also is having trouble sleeping so I stay up with her until she can fall asleep. Then I can’t sleep because I’m afraid she’s going to get out of bed and fall. I check on her constantly. I’ll figure this out. I’ve got to get some sleep…so tired. Not looking forward to getting on the scale Monday. It’s not going to be pretty.

    Today is my besties birthday. I’m going to surprise her and take her to a New Mexican restaurant in the area. My sister is going to stay with mom for a couple of hours. Looking forward to getting out for a while as well as a Margarita and some chips and salsa.

    Catching up with all your posts. I see everyone is busy with birthdays, school, grand kids and workouts. Take care my friends.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Oh, man! So many people at the Q-zar laser tag place!! It was so loud! I was glad when it was over. They had party areas and you had 20 mins to do your pizza and cake or whatever you were doing then you were DONE!!! Several folks went back to Sara's but we opted for home. So glad to be here! Made a new pot of coffee, ground coffee beans, popped popcorn and now I'm gonna read!!
    Hope your Saturday was as fun as ours!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    chris that is crazy. I don't eat that fast. forgive my typing. keyboard issues. Sounds like you all had fun.

    Kathy have you considered some type of alarm system like an adult monitor? She could page you if she wakes and needs to get up that way.

    I am sure she doesn't want to be a burden. And I know you can find the right words to let her know she isn't. That a monitor would make you feel better. My mom doesn't want to bother us. I remind her of the care she lovingly gave her mom.

    Wishing you the best my dear friend

    Working on the cabins bathroom floor tile this weekend. And paint.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    We went to brunch to celebrate Sara's b'day with all her friends and their kids. It was crazy loud, and neither Pat nor I could understand anything that anyone was saying. It was loud and fun tho! The food was good, and the waiter kept my coffee cup full! We are home now. I might make soup this afternoon...maybe.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    chris that is crazy. I don't eat that fast. forgive my typing. keyboard issues. Sounds like you all had fun.

    Kathy have you considered some type of alarm system like an adult monitor? She could page you if she wakes and needs to get up that way.

    I am sure she doesn't want to be a burden. And I know you can find the right words to let her know she isn't. That a monitor would make you feel better. My mom doesn't want to bother us. I remind her of the care she lovingly gave her mom.


    Shelley Great idea. Going to look for a monitor asap. I always tell mom it’s our turn to take care of her. Never worry that she’s a burden. Thanks lady.


  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Shelley - you guys are so talented! Can't wait to see what it looks like all done.

    We are getting our kitchen hard to pick stuff out! Not my strong suit for sure....

    Busy weekend packing and decluttering. We should be without a kitchen for 3-4 weeks....

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Karen it is not my strength either. I know what I want. Just hard to choose. You will have help.

    Kathy good luck picking the best one for her. Let me know which you decide on. And thanks

    Chris that sounds so much better than the 20 minute you gotta be done meal, Glad it was fun.

    Walked the dogs. Did some more tile today. Grouting soon. Then tile the shower area. Cleaned all the tanks. Busy but fun. Update below.

    Karen now the hard part. Deciding on wall treatments and grout. I want white. But white comes in numerous shades. Really? Nuts

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Shell - I'm with you on the grout piece. Who knew that there were so many shades? This is the kitchen tile I think I'm going to go with. Feels like some sort of white is the right color. But you're right there 100 shatdla89ko9710.jpg
    des in between.

    Quite a busy work day ahead. I start my meetings at 7:30. Came out here for a walk beforehand. It's high 60s the beautiful. Feels like fall :-) I love this kind of weather where I need a light jacket.

    Hope everybody has a great Monday!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Sunday I completed a 25 minute total body stretch with emphasis on opening the hips and the lower back. It was great and plan to do it again today.

    Shelley and Karen I can’t wait to see your finished projects but also love the progress photos…keep them coming.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8

    July 31 ending weight - 167.8
    Aug 05 - 166.6
    Aug 12 - 168.0 😔
    Aug 19 - 169.4 😡
    Aug 26 - 170.6 😳
    Aug 31 -

    I’ve got this week to get back under 170. Not happy with myself with an almost 3 pound gain.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    I had my trainer for a 60 min workout at noon. After I got home Pat went and picked up Ronan from school. They are playing now and then will do homework.
    We have no Collin tomorrow, so I'm planning to walk since I didn't get to this weekend. Hoping Wednesday with Collin goes okay for Pat and his knee...we'll see.
    I'm eating popcorn and reading now.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    That is a really nice tile Karen. I am not great at designing. If I like it I keep it. Can't wait to see it. Before photos?

    Kathy I had a 3 pound gain also! Ouch. Kicking myself also.

    Chris I love how you are still working out. Popcorn and a book. Sounds fun.

    All lower body with my trainer. I swear she is out t kill me. It was brutal.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Aug Goal Weight - 215

    July 31 ending weight - 223.4
    Aug 02 - 221.8
    Aug 05 - 221
    Aug 12 - 221.8
    Aug 19 - 219.8
    Aug 26 - 218.8
    Aug 31 -

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    We didn't have Collin this morning so I got 5.36 miles done in 107 mins. Took my umbrella. It was beautiful. There were some folks out here but lots of traffic cuz it was a school day!!
    We will have Collin tomorrow and we'll see how Grandpa does.
    Cleaned house before our housekeeper got here.
    Now I'm gonna read and eat graham crackers w/pb!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris love your snack. I also noticed an increase in traffic due to school starting.

    Class on leadership today. Set up my new zeovit reactor. Excited to see it work in my new aquarium. Rocky made my day. Said my abs were getting toned. 😁

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Thanks, too!!! And YAY!! Rocky! Way to go!!
    We had Collin this morning...I ran to the grocery store for bananas because the last ones we had I did not like. It was a very strange experience for me! I wanted to go up and down all the rows. I wanted to see everything!! I couldn't cuz Pat was home w/Collin...had to hurry. The check out lady was very kind when I told her I hadn't been in in a very, very long time.
    I had my trainer for a 60 min workout at noon.
    Home now with popcorn and my book.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    edited August 30
    We had Collin this morning and Ronan this afternoon. Husband and SIL had a heated conversation about texting. He was telling us how to nap Collin when we've been napping him for almost two years!!
    We get dumb texts but not the important stuff. Just found out that they plan to spend next weekend in Truckee and we had no idea they'd planned to be away, but we are expected to take care of Bean for four days. UGH! Now Sara is going to be mad at us after Pete tells her about the conversation from his side...sigh...which is the reason we never confront him with anything he says or does.
    Well, we'll just wait for it. Sara and I were supposed to get haircuts this coming Saturday, but I think something came up with her group of friends and it may not happen. After this afternoon, I'm pretty sure it won't happen...sigh...
    I think I'll just read for a bit. :'(
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    We can do everything right and life still punches us in the gut.

    Hugs, Chris.

    - paula
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Paula, you are so right.
    Had Collin Duty this morning. He had a really long nap today. I think the kids will be happy. They had a funeral to go to. We have Ronan this afternoon...he didn't have to go to the funeral.
    I don't know what's coming as far as the kids are concerned. I don't know when our "TALK" is going to be planned. I'm still really upset.
    Sorry for the depressing posts.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    Highest Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8

    July 31 ending weight - 167.8
    Aug 05 - 166.6
    Aug 12 - 168.0 😔
    Aug 19 - 169.4 😡
    Aug 26 - 170.6 😳
    Aug 31 - 168.5

    Didn’t hit my goal but made it through this stressful month under 170.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Sara and I got our hair cut this morning. Neither of us participated in Pat and Pete's fight so there was no problem between us. It was a really good morning with her.They are all going to SF with friends to a Giant's game. We are doing nothing. :D
    I'll probably make soup once the Raley's order arrives. I'm gonna read until it gets here.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris Paula is so insightful. But if I wete there Pat would have me next to him, egging him on.

    I had to get a new phone. Mine was messing up badly for weeks. Got the same one since I like it.

    Kathy is going through some things. Not my place to say. She may not post as often for a bit.

    Paula you are so kind insightful.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Kathy, I hope everything is okay. Sending you love and hugs.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, A new phone!!! YAY!!! Even if it's the same model, it's new!!
    I got 5.30 miles done in 106 mins to the Ruins and back. I took my umbrella. It was beautiful out there.
    Nothing is planned for our day. Grandpa invited Ronan over for a Play Day. Bean spent the night with us and is still here. I am doing nothing!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Aug Goal Weight - 215

    July 31 ending weight - 223.4
    Aug 02 - 221.8
    Aug 05 - 221
    Aug 12 - 221.8
    Aug 19 - 219.8
    Aug 26 - 218.8
    Aug 31 - 217
