September 2024 Challenges - 09/01 - 09/30



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    We slept in this morning until 9:00!! I didn't walk because by the time I would have gotten ready...had enough was too hot out there! I'm going to the post office tomorrow for sure.
    My arm is just fine now. The kids are a little sore and tired today. I'm so glad these shots are done for our family.
    I did nothing today and I liked it!!
    Talk to you all tomorrow.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Kathy I think of you and your mom daily. I also am up late often. Call or text anytime. Your aunt sounds like an angel. And I can only imagine that being stronger has helped you care for your mom. Hugs

    Went up to the mountain today. A cat snuck into our storage container. Must have been locked in since Thursday. Had 7 kittens. One was dead. 6 were alive. We were there for several hours. She never came back. We put out some food and water. Warmed the kittens up several times. And left it open. She is feral. I hope she comes back for them.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, WOW!! Kittens! Crazy! Hope the mom comes back.
    Got 5.4 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back done this morning. It was a good walk. No folks out until my walk back home then it seemed everyone was out there!!
    We'll have Collin in the morning and Ronan in the afternoon. I'm going to ask Ronan if I can help him with his printing. He needs help. We'll see.
    Tomorrow my friends.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris great walk. What kind of print does Ronan need help with. Writing?

    Looks like mom retrieved her kittens. My closest neighbor said she seen a black cat going back and forth through my property. Kittens were gone and no signs of a predator having been there. Relieved for them.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Thank you for the update, Shelley. Good of you to let the kittens stay with her. <3

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Sep Goal Weight - 210

    Aug 31 ending weight - 217
    Sep 1 - 216
    Sep 9 - 215
    Sep 16 - 216.9
    Sep 23 - 212.5
    Sep 30 -

    I didn't suddenly drop 4.5 pounds. It's been going slowly down all month. May have eaten late, weighed early or got stuff stuck in my gut. All kinds of things have an affect; but knew it would correct.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula those kittens were only about two days old. I am so happy their mom took them back. I will look for a gray cat next year.

    Very happy for yoyr weight loss.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Paula, great job on your weight loss!!
    Shelley, great job with the kittens and mama cat! Glad she came back!
    We had Collin this morning and Ronan this afternoon.
    I had my trainer for a 60 min workout this afternoon...boy, howdy it was hard!! After missing four workouts, I was weak!! :D I'll get better Wednesday and Friday. I'm so glad she's back. They will be moving to Tennessee July 2026...don't know what I'm gonna do then. :'(
  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kathy - I'm so sorry to hear that your mom is declining. So hard to watch. She is so lucky to have you as a daughter. My mom is starting to decline of that cognitively and it is sad and pretty scary. Yesterday she was scammed and they almost got $15,000 off her savings. They had her really believing that going to the bank and taking out this money was the right thing to do. Luckily she finally realized what was going on and asked for help. Scary.

    Bella got a Hyundai Tucson. 2017 with only 27,000 miles on it. It's a cute little SUV. She's very excited. She does have a lot of anxiety from the car accident. Jim took her out driving the other day and it was very scary for her. I called the driving school where she got her driving lessons and she's going to go out with them on Friday this weekend Friday next week to try to instill a little more confidence. Given that she had her accident in an intersection that's where she's really afraid. She needs more time on the road and I think she'll be okay.

    Paula - and visualizing your story with your trash cans and a construction worker. Love it :-)

    Our kitchen should be done on a Friday. They put the countertops in yesterday and it looks just gorgeous. Today is garbage disposal and faucet and reconnecting the stove. Tomorrow and Thursday are backsplash which I absolutely love. And then Friday is the installation of the level of the blinds. And then this weekend I will spend my time putting all of my stuff back into my kitchen that is all over the house :-) I will send before and after pictures for sure.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0

    Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6
    Sep 1 - 168.0
    Sep 9 - 166.4
    Sep 16 - 165.2
    Sep 23 - 166.0
    Sep 30 -


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    We had Collin this morning. He and I went on a walk. I finally climbed a hill I didn't think I could do esp. with a kid in a stroller! It was so cool to make it to the top! It was pretty warm out there, tho. Collin fell asleep about 15 mins from home but because we were drenched, he only slept for, maybe, 30 mins. We got a lecture from our SIL about trying to keep Collin asleep cuz it's too hard for SIL to nap him later. UGH!! That's the second time he's lectured us on napping Collin. We just let it pass. No point in getting riled up...I was...because SIL is a dumb ....!! Anyway, it was a good walk.
    Ronan was here after school. He and Grandpa did homework and played.
    I cleaned house for our housekeeper then nothing!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I always giggle and or roll my eyes over SIL sagas. He has no idea how lucky he is to have you both. Glad you made that hill. Did I miss the rain? Drenched?

    Karen I can't wait for the photos. I understand Bellas anxieties. I was hit in an intersection also years ago. 30,000 in damages to my vehicle. My vest kept the seatbelt from digging into my chest. Still bothers me when Rocky drives. But he is aggressive, maybe it's just his driving now.

    Kathy you are down 2 pounds. Great my friend.

    Worked out hard yesterday. My shoulders are sore. So are my abs! Tomorrow is a busy day. Work, gym and then D&D

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, yeah, SIL is a work of dukkie! Sorry, no rain for us...we were drenched in sweat!! He's a little hot body in the first place and it got hot out there at the end of our walk. Sunny, beautiful blue sky and no clouds. The breeze was nice in one direction and warm sunshine in the other.
    We have Collin this morning and Ronan this afternoon.
    I have my trainer at noon.
    Later, my friends.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member

    So you don't get to nap him; but SIL does? IMO it's kinda rude to look your gift babysitting services in the mouth.

    And do "better-than-thou lectures" rather than "wishful beggings" indicate a sense of superiority or just tiredness? Either way, sorry.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Paula, Thanks! Some days he naps and some he doesn' was a doesn't :p
    We did have a good walk today, tho. We went around the high school. Got 2 miles done in an hour!! :D
    After Collin was p/u I did pretty much nothing until I fed Ronan before he went home and that was about it. Grandpa took care of the homework.
    That's all for now...
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris you are saints. My neighbor watches her 3 granddaughters. She has expressed similar thoughts. Also a saint. She has cancer now also. Her treatments make her very ill and tired.
    A coworker just informed her daughter that she could no longer watch her daughter on weekends. She just wanted a break. It is not always easy decisions we make.

    Paula, I just love how you word things. You are great.

    Walked around my house for 20 minutes tonight. Relaxing.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Thanks, Shelley!! So sorry your mom is going thru that. It's so hard.
    Collin fell asleep on our walk this morning but when we got home he started woke him up. Twenty minute nap was all SIL got!!
    Had my trainer for a 60 min workout this afternoon. It was hard! My legs were so sore...from walking up the huge hill on Brown and then the workout Wednesday. EGADS, MAN!! Sore thighs was the result!!
    I might walk in the morning if I don't sleep in too late. It looks like it's going to get pretty hot early in the morning.
    We'll just have to wait and see.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    edited September 28
    Chris it is my neighbor and friend who has cancer. My mom is forgetful. More than normal.

    I am sore from working out also. The alternative is worse I have come to realize. I wish I could walk with you. I wonder if we could find a way to do it virtually next year. hmmmm

    Did an abs workout tonight with a friend for 30 minutes. Then 20 pushups before bed tonight.

    Of, my friend that helped with the cabin had stamped concrete poured. The neighbors son rode his bike on it. It was partially dry. But you can see it.

    He managed to fix the worst of it some. Felt bad for them both

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, so sorry for your neighbor and friend. And your mom's forgetfulness. :/
    Kids do the craziest things when we least expect it!! Glad your friend got the worst of it fixed.
    I didn't walk today...slept in instead!! 9:00!! By the time I could have gone out there it was way too hot in the sun! Good excuse, right? Tomorrow I'll be going to the Ruins. We'll be getting 101 and 102 degrees Tues and Wed this coming week. High 90's Tues and Thurs. EGADS, man!! I thought we were done with all that hot stuff.
    Going to read now. Hope you all had a good Saturday.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris glad you got to sleep in. I love doing that once in a while. Today was beautiful. We watched the grand dogs. Will have them again tomorrow. Planning to take them on the mountain and walk. Also put up a temporary fence to keep children safe on the porch.

    We went over this morning to move the shed back with about 6 giys. I concrete does not look horrible. Then we put the gate back up to keep the bike rider in his own yard.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, what did your neighbor say about their kid riding his bike on your new concrete pad?
    Got to put my shoes on now. The Ruins are calling my name...egads...scary!! :o
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, I was thinking about us walking would have done 5.31 miles in 104 mins to the Ruins and back with me this morning!!! It was beautiful out there. I had my umbrella with me. I would have shared it with you. <3:)
    I'm gonna drink coffee and read the Sunday funnies!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I only had a neighbors cat on my concrete. She was mortified to see her cats tracks in it. I painted them.

    What a lovely walk. I might have asked you to slow down a bit. And pass the water, I forgot mine! o:)

    Summer is about over. Hurricane season is definitely here. Horrible. Took my grand dogs to the mountain today. It was great fun. Went on a walk. Then put up a temporary railing for the small children that will be up there next Saturday.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0

    Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6
    Sep 1 - 168.0
    Sep 9 - 166.4
    Sep 16 - 165.2
    Sep 23 - 166.0
    Sep 30 - 166.2

    Up and down month but it could have been worse in so many ways. Going to start stretching again tomorrow and see where can I go from there. My back is killing me from having to lift mom. I think stretching will help but eventually I may have to go to a chiropractor to get adjustments. It’s mostly my lower back and a little upper. Just need to start moving again.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Sep Goal Weight - 210

    Aug 31 ending weight - 217
    Sep 1 - 216
    Sep 9 - 215
    Sep 16 - 216.9
    Sep 23 - 212.5
    Sep 30 - 211.2

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Sep Goal Weight - 210

    Aug 31 ending weight - 217
    Sep 1 - 216
    Sep 9 - 215
    Sep 16 - 216.9
    Sep 23 - 212.5
    Sep 30 - 211.2


    So proud of you. You’re going to be in wonderland again very soon. 🥰