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September Week 1 Group Challenge - Pick 3 Challenge



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    1. This week, I will do more biking!
    2. This week, I will strive to have less ice cream (my weakness)
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time

    I got a good start today on my September exercises. I rode my bike 10+ miles, then walked 2.4 miles, then swam 450 yards. I also did a little yoga, strength and cardio, but not that much. No gym classes for a few days so I'm focusing on riding, walking and swimming for now.

    Thanks for the suggestion, @jessicakrall8. I love ice cream, but it's gotta be the good stuff: Haagen Dazs, Ben & Jerry's, Talenti. I prefer quality over quantity - I just need to be more disciplined about the quantity. 🤔😂 Today, I had just three teaspoons of Haagen Dazs Chocolate. 😊

    Not an aficionado, by any means, never had Haagen Daz brand, but I was HIGHLY surprised with the quality, flavor and creaminess of this Bryers CarbSmart Vanilla...and once I find the Butter Pecan will be buying that. Just a thought...
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 360 Member
    Hi New to the group this week!

    1. This week I will do more walking
    2. This week I will strive to have less sugar
    3. This week I hope to begin a meditation program
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    1. This week, I will do more walking!
    2. This week, I will strive to snack less...
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time EVERY day!

    I have a friend who bakes a lot...so #2 is NOT going to be easy, but perhaps I can just control the portions...

    You guys are great motivators!!! Thanks!


    Walked a mile first thing today and got even more steps walking around the house and cleaning!
    Haven't had too many snacks, am limiting those I do have...
    Reading a really good book...hard to put it down!!!

    Hope you're all having a wonderful, peace-filled day! Back to work for me tomorrow...vacation is over. I've SO enjoyed it. Makes me know retirement is going to be wonderful...in about five years.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,944 Member
    1.This week I will try to be more consistent with logging.
    2. I will try to get more steps in.
    3. 1 will get in more protein
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,083 Member

    I got my steps in today. I read my book earlier today. I was, however on my phone a bit.
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 544 Member
    More running: Yes, got another mile in today. I also did some walking afterward.

    Eat within calorie goal: yes

    Quiet time: nope. One of the boys didn't take much of a nap, so I didn't have enough time to get chores done, and definitely didn't have quiet time to myself.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,690 Member
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    1. This week, I will do more sleeping. Better quality sleep.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less caffeine. Planning a 25% reduction.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet walks in nature.

    1. Slept 7 hours, in bed for 8.5. Not good quality sleep. My allergies are terrible and my eyes just keep watering. 🤧
    2. I thought I was doing great, thought I was drinking a flavored water, and then I discovered that the Bai "water" has 55mg caffeine!! Note to self: read the whole label, not just the nutrition section. There are important disclosures in the Ingredients section and in the fine print at the bottom!
    3. I spent a lot of time outdoors yesterday. I wasn't specifically on a nature trail, but I was definitely enjoying and appreciating nature and all her gifts.

  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 296 Member

    1) I got my 5000+ steps in
    2) no sweets. I had an orange instead
    3) Read two chapters in my book

    feeling good about this
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,626 Member
    Oops, I'm late to the game :#

    1. This week, I will do more organising of time management.
    I have a lot of things going on and appointments and meetings to arrange. I downloaded some bullet journaling templates and am scribbling out how best to use them.
    2. This week, I will strive to increase my average step count for the week.
    It's still painful to walk but I'll be getting outside a few times this week and will have to get from A to B to C to D and back again by walking, bus, tram and metro, which will help get the steps.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet meditation and reading.
    I try to do both or either of these to help me get to sleep.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 996 Member
    Reporting for both Sunday and Monday:

    1. This week I will make more effort to stick with the food plan I’m trying.

    Mostly stuck to food plan. Was out of town for a visitation and memorial service for my daughter-in-law’s mother who passed away, so did best I could under the circumstances.

    2. This week I will strive to have less sweets.

    Had a bit of sweets Monday at the lunch after the service since there were from scratch made Italian desserts. Was good and didn’t have sweets Sunday.

    3. This week I hope to enjoy more quiet reading time.

    I’ve been reading the 2nd Harry Potter book and have definitely read more in the last few days than I’ve read all summer.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    edited September 3
    1. This week, I will do more walking!
    2. This week, I will strive to snack less...
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time EVERY day!

    I have a friend who bakes a lot...so #2 is NOT going to be easy, but perhaps I can just control the portions...

    You guys are great motivators!!! Thanks!


    1. Walked for 45 minutes this morning, but got interrupted several times, by the cat and in trying to get ready for first day back to work following my vacation...so it wasn't the mile I like to get done first thing in the morning...only .85. Still working on my steps tonight and need to do my strength exercises if I have time.

    2. Did NOT snack today...had a tiny dessert, but it was planned and counted, so I'm good.

    3. Nearly done with the book I got from the banned book club on Velshi (MSNBC)...and it's SOoooo good. Hope to finish it tonight.

    Enjoy your Wednesday!

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,083 Member

    I went for a 3.3 mile jog today and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It's a lot cooler and less humid. If it stayed this way year round, I would love it! Plus, I was able to hit over 11,000 steps so far today!

    Also, being at work and then going for a walk, I was not on my phone as much. I am just starting to wind down for the evening and will read my book shortly :)
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 296 Member
    1) I got over my step count for the day!
    2) I had a peach cobbler at work with lunch.
    3) I have read one chapter so far. Going to try to get in three tonight.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,808 Member
    1. This week, I will do more biking
    My plan had been to ride 8-10 miles per day, but I'm revising that. I rode my bike 1.65 miles to tai chi practice, then rode 4.6 miles back home to get in a 6+ mile total, and that's enough.
    I have three cycling challenges I'm shooting for: 1) ride 400km during the month, 2) ride 100km during week 3, and 3) ride 25 miles in one activity this weekend. So, I calculated what my daily average needs to be on the remaining days assuming I complete the 25 mile and 100km challenges. Turns out even 5 miles/day will get me there. So I can ride 5 miles/day or ride further but skip a day here and there.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less ice cream (my weakness)
    I've had no ice cream today, although I did have some chocolate. This morning, I weighed a bit less, so I might be on the right track (knock on wood).
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time
    I didn't read last night. Perhaps I'll read tonight.
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 544 Member

    Run more: yup, went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. I'm up to 1.5 miles, plus about 20 minutes walking. It hurts to start from ground zero, but this is where I am at.

    Eat less: Stayed within my calorie goal. I also lowered my goal slightly, based on not seeing results in the last few weeks. I'm hoping what I log + errors/bites here and there that are not logged will get me to my actual sweet spot.

    Quiet time: Both of my boys actually slept in their own room all night (very rare occurrence). I still woke up a little after 4, but that gave me about an hour to myself to relax and drink my coffee without having a toddler laying on me. So I'm counting that as a win.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,808 Member
    I woke up very early and couldn't fall back asleep, so I got up. On Wednesdays, I normally have a water aerobics class at 9am and a cardio/strength for seniors class at 11:30am. Since I was up early, I was able to ride my bike 8 miles before heading to the gym, where I walked 3 miles before my water aerobics class, which I quit after 40 minutes to hop in the lap pool and swim 600 yards. After all that, I decided to skip the cardio/strength class and just came home.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,690 Member
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    1. This week, I will do more sleeping. Better quality sleep.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less caffeine. Planning a 25% reduction.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet walks in nature.

    1. Still trying. I was in bed on schedule, but sleep quality is just not good.
    2. Failing on this one. I'm down 33% from where I started, but struggling to get by with 25% less this week.
    3. Wonderful walks outdoors. At least I am successful with this one!

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    edited September 5
    1. This week, I will do more walking!
    2. This week, I will strive to snack less...
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time EVERY day!

    I have a friend who bakes a lot...so #2 is NOT going to be easy, but perhaps I can just control the portions...

    You guys are great motivators!!! Thanks!


    1. Walked a bit this morning, but was running late, so didn't do exactly a mile, however, I was happy with what I did because last night, my knee was hurting a bit and so I was glad to be in no more pain and at least able to accomplish something. Today was massively busy at the office...Wonky Wednesday, we'll call it. Got a lot accomplished though and after lunch, the day moved pretty well...the morning though, felt a little slow to me. UGH!

    2. Didn't do much snacking today, except for two bites of cashews, as I was hungry right before lunch.

    3. Finished the book I spoke about in yesterday's posting, last night...and started a new book this morning. Looking forward to going a bit deeper into it tonight!

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and that the day moves quickly!

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