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September Week 1 Group Challenge - Pick 3 Challenge



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,083 Member

    My week is all messed up with being off work on Monday. I feel like it is Thursday, and wish it was!

    Today was great. I stayed in my calorie goal and got over 9,000 steps. I went to body pump this evening as well which is an hour class of weight lifting.

    I have not read yet, just got home from going out with hubby, but will make sure I read in a few minutes. My book is almost due back at the library, so I want to finish it before then!

    I was hardly on my phone at all today. Busy full day at work, and then the gym. There was no time!
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 296 Member

    1) Had a busy day at work si it was easy to get on my steps with all the Walking I did.
    2) I had a small apple cobbler at work and strawberries this evening.
    3) I got in 2 chapters tonight. I was trying for 3 but I can't seem to keep my eyes open.
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 544 Member

    Run more: yes, I did a slow 2 mile run

    Eat less: yes, below my goal. It actually was a bit lower than I was aiming for, but I was busy and stressed today, giving me a low appetite. I won't go this low too often.

    Quiet time: Not a lot, but I did do a 15 minute intro to yoga YouTube video. It might have been the first time I have done yoga. I'm going to try to do the 30 day challenge.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,624 Member
    1. This week, I will do more organising of time management.
    I've finalised the bullet plan pages and will print them when I've got paper.

    2. This week, I will strive to increase my average step count for the week.
    New meds are easing my movement and I walked for 30 minutes yesterday.

    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet meditation and reading.
    I've been doing both of these to help me sleep.

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,690 Member
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    1. This week, I will do more sleeping. Better quality sleep.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less caffeine. Planning a 25% reduction.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet walks in nature.

    1. I've been awake most of the night, so it's a total bust on the sleep quantity as well as poor quality.
    2. I'm still drinking 4 bottles of diet coke/day. That's down from the 6 bottles that I was doing before, but I wanted to cut down to 3 bottles this week and I just haven't managed it. Holding steady at 4. And after my poor night's sleep last night, Thursday isn't looking like a good day to make another caffeine reduction.
    3. Here's the one area where I'm doing awesome. The weather has been great, and I've been outside every day. Yesterday I had my neighbor out for a nice long walk with me, and I walked with Rich in the pre-dawn hour, plus I got 2 more walks on my own.

  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 49 Member
    1. This week, I will do more... start strength-training, and not do more cardio just because it's easier and I can "zone-out" totally while doing it!
    2. This week, I will strive to have less critical moments about my current body image compared to what other men have gained over a lifetime of working-out.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet time listening to my favorite 40s and 50s music, put up all my Autumn decorations, and (perhaps) bake something pumpkin-spice (and lower-fat)!

    1. Well, I haven't started my strength-training. Perhaps by the start of next week I'll feel more motivated! <sigh>. I "did" increase the resistance to #5 (of 8 levels) which has been a sweatier, but manageable, cardio workout. My weight has been bouncing up-and-down the past 5 days (I weigh myself daily as I've recovered from severe edema in my legs which caused two hospitalizations in the past) which has been annoying! I plan to do a water fast today in the hopes that tomorrow my weight will be more stable!
    2. Decided I will only check-in with my men's fitness groups on Fb once or twice a week... I definitely understand how impressionable young folks (boys and girls) can become addicted to wanting to be thin and prettier (girls) or totally ripped (boys).
    3. My Autumn decorations are up! (Just need to artistically "poof" all the artificial greenery that tends to get crushed in the box!

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    1. This week, I will do more walking!
    2. This week, I will strive to snack less...
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time EVERY day!

    I have a friend who bakes a lot...so #2 is NOT going to be easy, but perhaps I can just control the portions...

    You guys are great motivators!!! Thanks!


    1. Woke up with a highly swollen left knee...it's the one that always gives me trouble. Thought it best not to push to walk this morning, but have been taking extra steps all day today. Pain stopped by mid-morning...still some swelling but not as bad as it was first thing. Got home from work at 6 and I'm halfway to my step goal for the day. Going to do a little walking this evening.

    2. Had a few cashews this morning and a protein smoothie. Brought less lunch today and made it through the day.

    3. Read a little at lunch today and will do a little more this evening. New book is ok, but not as good as I'd hoped it would be...only a few chapters in, so we'll see what happens.

    Tomorrow is Friday and my favorite day of the week. Hope it's great for all of us! :smiley:

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 996 Member
    1. This week I will make more effort to stick with the food plan I’m trying. I’m not doing well in this area, but am staying under in calories
    2. This week I will strive to have less sweets. Definitely not doing sweets! Yay for me!
    3. This week I hope to enjoy more quiet reading time. I have been reading more and am spending less time in my cell phone, so happy with that.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,083 Member

    I am exhausted this evening! All this activity is wearing me out! I went for another walk on lunch and then did a 25 minute HIIT class. If it was any longer, I doubt I would have finished it! Anyway, hit my goal of steps with over 9,000.

    I was again hardly on my phone today. I don't think I will read though, because I am just ready for sleep!
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 296 Member

    1) Today was a very busy day for me at work. No setting at the desk. Up and doing a lot of walking. Got in 6270 today!
    2) I failed at the no junk/sweet snacks. I had a coconut cream pie at work. It was so good. Ir was a very small piece too. so I'm not going to stress over it to much.
    3) Only read one chapter today. Really tired. Couldn't keep my eyes open.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,808 Member
    edited September 6
    1. This week, I will do more biking
    2. This week, I will strive to have less ice cream (my weakness)
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time
    today: 🧘‍♂️35 min; 💪10 min; 💗30 min; 🚴‍♂️5.34 mi/35 min; 🚶‍♂️2 mi/50 min; 👣13,960 steps
    1. I was tempted to skip cycling today, but I got a 5.34 mile ride in this evening. I'll probably skip it tomorrow because I want to try for a 25-mile ride on Saturday. The furthest I've ridden was a little over 20 miles, but that was years ago.
    2. No ice cream today, but I did just have 4 Oreos with some milk.
    3. Instead of reading, I've been showing my guitar a little love.

  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 544 Member

    More running: 2 miles on the treadmill

    Less eating: stayed within my goal calories

    More quiet time: yes. My quiet time has become yoga time. I've only done it twice now (very easy beginner stuff YouTube video), but I'm liking it more than I expected.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,690 Member
    edited September 6
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    1. This week, I will do more sleeping. Better quality sleep.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less caffeine. Planning a 25% reduction.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet walks in nature.

    1. I slept a little better last night, but my Garmin rated my sleep score at 50. Which is pretty poor. I got 7.9 hours, so at least I got quantity if not quality.
    2. Quite frankly, I gave up on this goal. I'm limiting my caffeine to 4 bottles of diet coke per day. I stop by noon. I don't think the caffeine interferes with my sleep, but my lack of sleep definitely interferes with my ability to reduce the caffeine.
    3. Lots of walks. 70 minutes before going to work, and another 60 minutes at lunchtime. Beautiful weather. 😍

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    1. This week, I will do more walking!
    2. This week, I will strive to snack less...
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time EVERY day!

    I have a friend who bakes a lot...so #2 is NOT going to be easy, but perhaps I can just control the portions...

    You guys are great motivators!!! Thanks!


    1. This morning my knee was much better and I had no pain. I was able to walk a mile before work! YAY! Just starts my day off REALLY well. Things were very busy today, so the day simply flew by...in fact, I wasn't able to complete as much as I'd hoped, but did get a LOT accomplished.

    2. I was so busy, there was no time for snacking! This is a good thing! I picked up a sub from Subway on my way in this morning and that turkey/ham with cucumbers, lettuce and green peppers was AWESOME! I didn't have any sweets today...

    3. Read a little at lunch, but not a lot...hope to do more this evening and certainly over the weekend. I found a couple of books on Goodreads that I added to be TBR (to be read) list, so that was nice. One of them was available for download from the public library, so win WIN!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,083 Member

    Well, today was definitely a Friday at work. So thankful it's the weekend.

    I got over 11,000 steps today! Enjoyed a just dance workout as well 🙂

    I was not on my phone much at all today. No time, crazy busy at work, then went for a walk with hubby after dinner. Tomorrow will be more challenging off of work.

    I am now about to read before bed! 📚
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 544 Member

    Run more: Today was a rest day.
    Eat less: Stayed within my calories
    More quiet time: Did yoga again.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,808 Member
    1. This week, I will do more bikin g
    2. This week, I will strive to have less ice cream (my weakness)
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet reading time
    today: 🧘‍♂️24 min; 💪38 min; 💗23 min; 🚶‍♂️2.81 mi/63 min; 👣11,111 steps
    1. No biking today. Getting ready for tomorrow.
    2. I added a only half scoop of ice cream to a protein shake.
    3. Heading to bed soon, to see how long I can read before falling asleep.

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,690 Member
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    1. This week, I will do more sleeping. Better quality sleep.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less caffeine. Planning a 25% reduction.
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet walks in nature.

    1. Sleep quality is still an issue.
    2. Gave up trying to cut the caffeine; drinking 4 bottles of diet coke per day.
    3. Walking in nature is great 👍

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,390 Member
    edited September 7
    @micaroo4 The struggle is real on the diet soda's...Many years ago, when I still drank regular pop, I was a Coke girl, but when I switched to diet, I fell in love with Diet Pepsi and my favorite, Diet Mountain Dew, or "Nectar of the Gods", which is what they should have called it, but nobody called me to ask?!! Imagine that?!!! I find that it's harder for me to get my water in if I drink pop, so I only have one a week or on special occasions. My local grocery has started promoting a special once every other month, that when you buy an 8-piece from their deli, of fried chicken, baked chicken or a rotisserie chicken, you get a 6-pack of those mini-diet pepsi's for free. Now, I'd never spend money on those, but I regularly buy their chicken and for free, I find I can drink one of those teensy little pops and still consume my regular water in a day.

    I like to use crystal light or crystal light with caffeine to add to my water, because drinking plain water tastes like yuck, but I have to only do one serving of the caffeine one per day, usually in the morning, or it affects my sleep too.

    So, I fully understand your statement on caffeine consumption. Hope you enjoy your weekend!
  • lbackes17
    lbackes17 Posts: 7 Member
    1. This week, I will do more.....logging off the food I eat.
    2. This week, I will strive to have less.....sugar
    3. This week, I hope to enjoy quiet.....sit down sooner in the evenings so I go to bed when I should.
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