OCTOBER 2024 CHALLENGES - 10/01 - 10/31



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, April will be here before we know it! Time is flying by! You will love being retired! Fish, flowers and fresh air!! Yes!
    I did 5.43 miles in 111 mins to the post office and back. The wind was cold going but nice coming home. I forgot my umbrella but that as okay...I didn't really need it.
    The kids went to a Sharks game down in San Jose. We have Bean for a sleep over.
    Eating popcorn and reading now.
    Later, my friends.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Had Collin Duty this morning then started cleaning house for our housekeeper. My trainer is sick today.
    Collin and I went past the animals today. The roosters were crowing, the ducks were swimming in their little pond, the goats were were up against the fence watching us, and the cow was just hanging out. Collin told me about a lot of it!! <3
    Now, I'm going to read for a while.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris eating popcorn and reading sounds really nice. As does Collin and all the animals.

    Went to a Tabata class tonight. Kicked my butt.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    I walked to our community meeting Sunday, about a quarter mile with two steep uphills. This is my second walk in hills (first was last week) in the last few years because of knee pain. But my knees have been fine afterwards, which is really exciting.

    It also made me hungry and apparently the exertion did not compensate for those additional calories. So I have a couple days until weigh-in to get the extra pounds back off. Last night I fought off a late-night snack craving. Recognizing the sneaky craving was a good start. So feeling hopeful all around.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Good going on the climb and the avoiding late night snacks, Paula!
    Shelley, didn't you use to do Tabata a while back?
    We had Collin Duty this morning. He and I went for a walk around the high school. It's 2 miles. We've done it before but he has always fallen asleep...not today!! And he had two plastic Easter eggs that he kept pulling apart and handing them back to me to put back together...over...and...over...and...over. Made the walk so much longer!! :D But it was beautiful out there. We got to see a big fire truck at the high school. The kids were getting their gear on and listening to the firemen talk. Collin loved it. He did the firetruck siren while we past them! So cute!
    Our housekeeper came today. I love her!!
    Ronan is here now and I am just going to read.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula that is so inspiring. I hate hills myself. But know the value of them to staying in shape. I need will power to stop snacking also. I am going to make walking a habit when I retire. Well weather permitting.

    Chris I love how you are always out walking with him. All the experiences he is having with you. Enjoy your rest. I don't think I ever took a class of Tabata. Maybe a YouTube one. My lungs hurt. Guess that means they were working hard also.

    My mom fell and broke her hand tonight. Hit her head also. Head appears good.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    We talked to the animals this morning. The roosters crowed, the goats bleated, the horses neighed and the cow didn't say anything just watched the chickens scratch the dirt. Then we walked to the signal at the end of the block and watched huge trucks with two trailers zip by. A whole bunch!! Then we walked down the path to the dog park and talked to puppies and Great Danes!! Then we came home.
    It's a good thing I was home (trainer still sick) because SIL took his sweet time getting here to p/u Collin. It's Early Release Wednesday...as it is with each Wednesday...and SIL made it really, really hard for Pat to leave to p/u Ronan from school. I don't know what he would have done if I hadn't been here...sigh...
    Thanks for listening ...again!!