🧮 Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #5: MINDFUL EATING vs. EMOTIONAL EATING 🧮

hicim705 Posts: 5,731 Member
edited September 28 in Social Groups
(The above image is from: wellresourced.com)


In contemplating what Pre-Challenge Activities to explore for the 2024 Autumn/Fall 5% Challenge a suggestion was made to explore EMOTIONS and their relationship with food … in chatting a little further and doing a little research, we came up with the title: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating.

There are lots of articles written about this topic. One article, referenced here (you can all read the full article yourself) discusses the fact that you can (and should) honor your hunger, enjoy what you eat and recognize when you are full.. It explains differences between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

Toward the end of the article, it discusses the HALT technique which is explored and explained. Please visit: https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/nutrition/mindful-and-emotional-eating

Another interesting site ~ Food Insight discusses mindful eating and also gives you information on HOW to eat mindfully. It also offers a fact sheet called the ‘Mindful Eating Fact Sheet’ that you can download (or print to put into a prominent place where you can reference if often).

> > > > Of course, any and all of these recommendations NEVER, EVER supersede recommendations from your healthcare provider. We are all individuals and are all at different stages of life (and health) which sometimes dictate what we can and can't eat. If you are under a physician's care and a meal plan has been recommended for your specific needs, please continue following your doctor's orders! < < < <

📓 Your assignment:
Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #5: MINDFUL EATING vs. EMOTIONAL EATING 📓

For this Pre-Challenge Activity ~ read the articles to help you to determine what your relationship with food really is.

?? ~ Are you a mindful eater or more of an emotional eater? If you are more of an emotional eater, consider trying the HALT Technique.

Consider visiting the second website and download (or print) the Mindful Eating Fact Sheet and become familiar with its contents.

For the duration of this Challenge, consider displaying the fact sheet in a prominent place: in your kitchen-on the refrigerator, for instance. Or, perhaps in the bathroom - near the mirror so you will see it when you get ready in the morning. Consider putting it in the bedroom on your dresser or taped to your closet door so that you will see it as a reminder of where you want to see yourself in the near future.

Use this pre-challenge activity to explore how to take control of the emotional aspect of eating and transform that into mindful eating. Consider how you will practice eating mindfully vs. emotionally. If you have a day where emotional eating becomes the focus of your day, don’t beat yourself up, instead - acknowledge it and strive to restart for your very next meal.

Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your mindful eating vs. emotional eating plan and incorporate that to set yourself up for a successful 2024 Autumn/Fall 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

PLEASE NOTE: The Seasonal 5% Challenge Teams are very active. You will be expected to participate to the best of your ability.

ALL challenge weeks run from Saturday through Friday - you will be expected to record your exercise and ‘Living the Good Life’ points based on weekly Challenge themes. You are expected to record these points daily or at least as often as you can during the week but no later than 11:59 pm each Saturday (your local time). In addition, you are expected to weigh in one time per week by 11:59 pm every Saturday (your local time). Your individual team leaders and/or team mates will help to answer any and all questions about where to record your points.

🔮 Our 2024 Autumn/Fall 5% Challenge Teams are currently being set up. 🔮

✉️ You will be invited to your individual team soon, in enough time to get to know your team leaders and team mates. Until then, get to know some of the Challengers in the 5% Challenge Community that will be participating right along with you. ✉️

📢 Announcements will be made when invitations to your individual teams are sent. Please visit this team, the 2024 AUTUMN/FALL 5% COMMUNITY TEAM often as this will be the best source for up-to-date information. 📢
Please be sure to set yourself up for S-U-C-C-E-S-S!! Why not start by taking part in **ALL** of the Pre-Challenge Activities? Here they are listed (along with their links) so you can find/participate in all of them!!

Pre-Challenge Activity #1:

Pre-Challenge Activity #2:

Pre-Challenge Activity #3:

Pre-Challenge Activity #4:

Heidi (hicim705)
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)


  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 427 Member
    This the topic for me!

    I eat mindlessly when
    I’m stressed
    I’m bored
    I’m overtired
    My body says just have an easy day but it’s dry and sunny and there are things I could be doing!
    When the weather is dreich

    I start off well with a preplanned, calorie counted food plan for the day, someone drops in unexpectedly so I make a cuppa, offer them a biscuit which I then must have too, knock the calorie plan adrift and then I forget to stop.
    I must learn to have a wee nibble biscuit organised for these surprises.

    I work hard all day, ignore the signs from the body to stop, so I’m overtired when I do, so I’m fidgety and wander around the house, nibbling at dried fruit on a good bad day and cake and candy on a bad bad day.
    I must learn to set limits on the time I spend on chores so I can keep a handle on my tiredness.

    I had a spell when I took too long to recognise depression and ask for help so it has taken a while to recover with medical help.

    I need to recognise the difference between stress I can’t change and develop strategies to deal with both types.

    Finally, I need to revert to laying down my cutlery between mouthfuls and chew thoroughly. I’ve done it before and it works because it gives your brain time to recognise fullness.
    I have microwaveable hot plates to keep my food hot for longer
  • Ronnie_happy2ranch
    Ronnie_happy2ranch Posts: 489 Member
    I am definitely more mindful of eating; when I'm emotional or upset, I have a hard time making myself eat so I tend to lose weight during those times (apparently, it's been quite a while since that has been an issue). ;)
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,185 Member
    I'm more of a mindful eater
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,415 Member
    I am a mindless eater. When I am stressed I just mindlessly graze. Logging helps me because all of a sudden I am going what are you doing and I stop. I need to log all day long.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,882 Member
    I eat mindlessly when I am bored and sometimes when I am stressed. So I need to get a hold of these and be mindful.
  • francescopelandlucas
    francescopelandlucas Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have been better this year being mindful. The more protein I put in my meals, the less hungry I get and want to eat. If I get bored, I usually play a game, do a puzzle, or write. I have been trying to be better at mindless eating.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,410 Member
    I'm a mindful eater. I do not enjoy the full feeling. Using HALT has helped me to be mindful instead of being mindless eating. Live to eat, not live to eat helps a lot. Plus reminding myself "The food will always be there. I do not need to eat it just because it tastes really good and I WANT to."
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Have the habit of rapid eating so by the time a feeling of fullness comes along a lot has been consumed. I'm going to drink my water first. Take my flaxseed early and daily. Slow down and put down the spoon between bites. Not eat while at computer. When thinking of food, instead look for 5 things to pass on or something to clean or put away.
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,979 Member
    I'm a mindful eater when it tastes good, and mindless when it doesn't..like the smoked turkey sandwich my daughter ordered and didn't eat yesterday. I didn't want it to go to waste. 🤪
  • KellyBisciotti
    KellyBisciotti Posts: 10 Member
    Very much an emotional eater here - happy, sad, bored, anxious, angry, etc. My mind will trick me with things like "you worked hard today, you deserve this [high calorie food that wasn't part of my daily goal]." And once the flood gates are open it's a short trek to bingetown leaving me feeling guilty, angry at myself, frustrated, and discouraged.

    Using something like H.A.L.T. gives me the much needed 10 seconds for my logical brain to kick back in and recognize the real reason for the craving. Observe it without self-judgement, catalog it for what it is, remind myself of my goals, reach into my tool box for healthy alternatives to handle the emotion, and wait for the craving to pass.
  • diannemt
    diannemt Posts: 2,659 Member
    Mindless/emotional--I eat when bored, tired, sad, happy, .... yeah--any excuse.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,713 Member
    These days, I'm pretty good at not eating just for the sake of it because I'm bored or watching tv.

    ▪️ I will eat only if I feel I need something, like before going out to work.
    ▪️ If I don't feel like eating breakfast, I'll take fruit and nuts with me and maybe a meal replacement powdered drink if I know I won't have time for breaks (some days are like that).
    ▪️ I will continue to have an evening drink of turmeric, ginger shot, tonic water and fruit because it keeps me satiated and is healthy.
    ▪️ I will continue to drink plenty of water and tea.
    ▪️ I will continue to only eat sweets or chocolate, or drink coffee or alcohol in moderation.
    ▪️ Whenever my tummy rumbles, I will tell it to shush and wait.
    ▪️ Whenever I feel that pang for something sweet, I will eat fruit or a spoonful of honey or drink a herbal tea.
  • cmoak54
    cmoak54 Posts: 1,328 Member
    edited October 1
    Definitely my issue. I am an emotional eater. Stressed. Tired. Angry. Bored. Lonely. A ll trigger emotions for me. Over my lifetime, the worst times are when I am alone and primarily that I feel I have to sneak the foods that I know are not good for me. "If no on sees me eating this, then I can get away with it", ignoring the fact that physically my body knows and reacts with weight gain and illness (sugar levels and digestion problems).

    My plan to improve mindless eating:
    1. Most important! Make a plan to stay busy, if I stay busy doing something I don't even think of food. Reading and watching TV are the times when I have a tendency to want to snack (and most often the times when I am alone, since my DH retreats to his office when I am doing these activities- he doesn't read books and we don't always like the same TV shows- this may be more of an anger reaction!).
    2. Slow down and eliminate the distractions. When I am focused on what I eat, portion size is not an issue for me, but I eat fast and don't give myself time to enjoy/focus on the texture and flavor of the food I am eating. So, I need to put my fork down between bites and pace myself. I also eat many of my meals in front of my computer, with a book or watching TV. I will eat my meals at the table with no distractions. I also plan to have a glass of water with all my meals and take a drink between bites.
    3. Ask for help with cooking. I often get angry with my DH for not helping when I am busting my butt making our dinners. Often I find myself so angry by the time I have everything on the table, I just wolf it down to be done and away from him.
    4. Recognize when I am tired and need to rest. Take a nap or just a break instead of looking for something to snack on.
    5. Plan and find a snack that meets the need when I am truly craving something. I have found that eating healthy snacks like vegetables or fruit do not satisfy my cravings when I don't know what I even really want. I intentionally don't stock sweets in the house because I know I will eat them and not stop till they are gone. But also know that by not having an occasional sweet treat I will keep eating multiple things until I am sick and still didn't satisfy that craving. Planning on having something on hand such as small sweet treat that fits into my plan would be better.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I'm usually a mindful eater, I eat pretty slowly (generally about 1/2 hour per meal) and stop when I start to get full. The times when I eat snack food is where I get into trouble. I don't eat that stuff every day, but on the days I do I don't pay attention to the food and tend to just keep bringing hand to mouth with the snack in hand.
  • diamonds1202
    diamonds1202 Posts: 33 Member
    I eat when I'm stressed. I don't really snack, but I will binge eat when I'm stressed or when I'm tired. I need to find another outlet to those feelings - yoga, meditation?
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,083 Member
  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,249 Member
    When I make healthy meals daily - I do not graze.

    Key to my emotional eating is above.
  • Kateljm
    Kateljm Posts: 1,898 Member
    I have a checklist of foods to eat that contribute to my health and that I like that I eat daily. Mainly I vary my dinner, which I prepare from whole foods, mostly Tried & True recipes.

    I weigh my food and track, so I know what I'm putting in.