VIP LOUNGE! Welcome to the 2025 Winter 5% Challenge!



  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,656 Member
    @DNjoys that makes sense!!! Its great to see you!!

    @Patti241 How did the day go?
    @Tabatha_Cain , thinking of you!! We know you are insanely busy getting ready to move!!
    @Gouldsgranite, how much snow did you get? Tomorrow night we are expecting 3 to 6"s and on Sunday more though they are aren't sure how much, but more than this.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,884 Member
    Insight Timer Quote:
    Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.—Rabindranath Tagore
    Daily Insight:
    Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.—Theodore Roosevelt
    I AM:
    My intentions are always loving and kind.
    Action for Happiness:
    Make time to have a friendly chat with a neighbor.
    Fitness Quote:
    You will never always be Motivated. You have to learn to be Disciplined.
    Fun Fact:
    Around the country, National Girls and Women in Sports Day is recognized by schools, organizations, and teams during the first week of February.
    Athletics play an important role in girls' lives. Besides helping to establish a routine for a healthy, active lifestyle, sports build confidence, leadership skills, and the ability to work with a team.
    But there is so much more to participating in sports. Women who participated in sports in school are more likely to graduate from college. According to an EY study, women increase their odds of landing leadership positions when they have a background in athletics.
    Girls develop lifelong valuable relationships during their sports careers, too. It's not just serious business.
    It also doesn't matter the sport. Whether girls choose to be a part of the volleyball team or prefer to aim for par or better in golf, the health, leadership, and academic benefits develop with each one.
    Support women and girls in sports.
    Share stories about female athletes.
    Don't miss the Daily Word Search Puzzle!
    Encourage a female athlete, coach or mentor.
    Share how sports influenced your life.
    Participate in women's sports.
    For more information visit Women Sports Foundation.
    Share how sports influenced your life. Use #GirlsAndWomenInSportsDay to share on social media.
    You can also learn more about the women who led the way in 6 Women From Sports History.
    On February 4, 1987, President Ronald Reagan declared the first National Women in Sports Day in recognition of the history of women's athletics. It also recognized the progress made by the Title IX amendment passed in 1972.

  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,926 Member
    @Patti241 - Good day, my friend.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - LOL - saw the city trucks dropping gravel & de-icer getting ready for a big snow dump while on our walk. Only got a dusting...Next chance Friday. Love to see the fresh new fallen snow. Not happening here yet.
    Love your cats are keeping you cozy!

  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 8,041 Member
    Happy Wednesday all

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,656 Member
    @Gouldsgranite, oh tomorrow afternoon 3 to 5"s and on Sunday its up in the air, but they "currently saying" and we ALL KNOW its a GUESS and a HOPE(For the weather people as well as LOL Many of us)more than 5"s.
    @Kurtize, HAPPY Weds to you also kiddo!!! Hope the packing etc. getting all of the stuff in order is going well. WOW both you and @Tabatha_Cain moving this month!!! Me? I LOVE my place though its one of the smallest units here, its also one of the best views. My windows are HUGE in the living room.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,486 Member
    Good Morning VIP friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. I want to apologize for my absences lately. I am not usually out this much. I have been in the past a very dedicated person to this group. Unfortunately moving has been an adventure and we are still finishing things up. I promise now that moving day is here I will be more attentive and able to respond to everyone like I normally do.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Our dog is definitely noticing and she is panicking a bit. Panting a lot. Our cats are extra clingy so I assume they are having issues as well. I get the keys to the new home today. I cannot wait.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,884 Member
    I AM:
    My thoughts are my reality so I think up a bright new day.
    Action for Happiness:
    Get back in touch with an old friend you’ve not seen for a while.
    Fitness Quote:
    If you think lifting weights is dangerous. Try being weak. Being weak is dangerous.
    National Calendar Day for Feb 6th. Other days can be found at
    OPTIMIST DAY | First Thursday in February
    Confident people look to the future with hope, and on Optimist Day we celebrate the volunteers who share their enthusiasm, skills, and talent to make that tomorrow a vibrant and peaceful one. On the first Thursday in February, recognize an optimist whose endeavors have made a difference in your community.
    Each year, Optimist organizations around the world volunteer their time and skills working with the youth in their communities. They provide leadership, scholarship, wellness and safety, arts and sports programs.
    Optimist Day recognizes the volunteers and the youth who support their communities in many different ways. Every day, our growing communities rely on the ingenuity and energy of the next generation to be an integral part of our neighborhoods, schools, and towns. These young volunteers and the mentors who guide them connect them to the greater world around us. Their stewardship creates a hopeful future for us all.
    Recognize the volunteers in your community. Dedicate the day to their accomplishments and let them know how much you appreciate them. Let them know your community admires their hard work and dedication. Encourage other youth to become involved in community organizations, too. Help them see the benefits of improving the world where they live and connecting with the people who live there. Share the projects and resources of your communities' volunteer organizations, the volunteers, and youth, too. Use #OptimistDay on social media.
    The original idea for Optimist Day developed in 1909 when the Optimist Club of America promoted the day to be observed on April 1st as a way to encourage kind acts and further optimism. The idea was to also replace the practical joking associated with April Fool's Day. For the next several decades, clubs across the country hosted Optimist Day observances in their communities on various dates throughout the year.
    In 2017, Optimist International declared Optimist Day to be observed on the first Thursday in February with a focus on recognizing the achievements of the volunteers and the youth in the community. Each year, the programs they support improve their communities and provide opportunities for youth of all ages. They also coordinate with other volunteer organizations making the future brighter for all involved.
    Optimist FAQ
    Q. Are optimists positive or negative?
    A. Optimists have a positive outlook and strive to bring a positive outlook into the lives of others.
    Q. Q. When was Optimist International founded?
    A. The international volunteer organization was founded in 1919. However, many Optimist Clubs were established across the United States. In 1911, Optimist Club of America established its first official club in Boston

  • Sparkuvu
    Sparkuvu Posts: 2,796 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain Congratulations!!
  • Ronnie_happy2ranch
    Ronnie_happy2ranch Posts: 911 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain Yayyy! Congrats on finally closing and ready to move in! Don't overdo the work involved in the moving now, so you don't hurt yourself. I bet you're just thrilled! I would be too (except, I've moved so many times in my life that next time, we'll be hiring movers and/or buying a place already furnished!)! Enjoy!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,656 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain oh hon!! We ALL totally get it!! Moving is so stressful!! Izzy the first few times I moved (which included from Maine to Colorado!) she freaked out!! Guess she was worried I'd leave her behind!! NOT On her kitty life!! She's MINE and awwwww she even rode on the plane WITH ME!! Indeed I more than willing to pay for her own seat!! LOLOL!! In the end I didn't have to do that. BUT she was with me the entire time. They get scared when we take them out of their routines. Are you in the new house now? Once you are of course its the little tie up things which need to be done. ONE STEP at a time. Its so much fun to unpack and decide what is going where.
    @Ronnie_happy2ranch my last move I let the movers do most of it. So much easier. I knew where I wanted the furniture so of course I had them put it all in those spots. I hope I never move out of here until I need more care!! Do you think you'll move again? @Kuritze how is your move going? @Sparkuvu, LOL will you be on the moving train? I AM NOT!! I just passed my 7th year of being here. Every day I am still amazed. Today I couldn't see the harbor which is right here. Tonight though its gorgeous.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,486 Member
    Good Morning VIP friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and it is move in day. We got the Key last night but we only got 1 key and they still had the other so they could finish moving out because they were behind schedule. I am hoping they got everything out. Otherwise we are screwed because we cannot move things in. They were supposed to leave the second key inside the house when they locked the doors.

    @Sparkuvu - Thank you.
    @Ronnie_happy2ranch - I looked into hiring movers and they wanted $2,000 just to load a truck and drive it to the new location and unload the truck. That is a lot and even though I have the money I am trying to save money.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We are getting into the new house today. Moving in. We have almost everything down to the main room. So it will take a bit for the kitties and the dog to get used to the new home.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Friday.
