
I thought it would be cool to have a place where everyone can post their results and updates so I will be put mine up here on Saturdays which is my "official weigh in day"

Weighed in at 280.1 today, thats 3 lbs for the week, 49 lbs in 18 weeks, and 79.5 lbs overall. Didn't expect that at all this week. Had a pretty good week as far as diet goes but did 0 workouts. My wife had back surgury last Tuesday so along with caring for 4 kids I was also caring for her. No time for me at all. I'm starting to get into uncharted territory now. As a senior in HS I weighed right around 275 and havent been around that weight since, that was 1995. Its going to be odd to see a 270 number on the scale next week but im looking forward to it.


  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I weigh every morning, but I also like to use Saturdays as my point of reference. It helps that I started all of this on a Saturday :)

    This morning I weighed in at 288.6. I'm in the 280s now for the first time in 6 years. As an interesting point - when we first bought this house, just over 7 years ago, we bought a new bathroom scale. We still have it, and it still has my initial weigh-in in memory: 306 lb. I no longer use that scale for my "official" number since we now have a fitbit scale (auto-sync ftw)... but occasionaly I'll break it out and see what it reads. This morning it said 285 :)

    A year ago (July 2012), after returning from a week of company-paid training which included drinking, eating, and generally feasting on the company dime, I weighed in at just barely under 350. I had never seen that number on the scale before, ever... I decided then that I had to do something. I didn't count calories or use MFP or anything, I just watched my portion size, cut out some obviously nonsense foods, and made sure I was more active. From July to January, I lost about 50 lbs, getting down to 297 on the old scale.

    The weather got cold, outside got less fun, and I lost the motivation to eat well. My fault, to be sure... but it happened.

    I started my MFP journey the week after my wife's birthday, after being very shocked by how I looked in some photos taken on that occasion. I hadn't weighed in a while, and didn't realize that from January to July 2013 I had put 23 lbs back on. The photos made me go buy a new scale (the fitbit one) and join a gym. This time I'm serious about it. Since July 27, I've dropped 31 lbs. That's 50 days. Logging all my food and exercise has added a level of accountability to the sensible methods I already knew. Discussions with some really intelligent and knowledgeable people (they're in there, you just have to dig) on the MFP boards have helped me discover new things about how the body works and how to optimize my fat loss without sacrificing muscle. I'm really lifting again for the first time since I was a teenager, and I'm getting stronger. I'm walking, hiking, and running close to 30 miles per week and I expect that number to keep climbing. I bought a few XXLT shirts as soon as I could fit back into that size... and I can tell that soon I'll have to replace them with XLT. That will be an exciting day for me :)
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Do you use a fitbit as well? I was thinking about getting one or something similar
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    I was looking over by spreadsheet I made of my weight loss and I lost 32.4 lbs in the first 7 weeks, 49 days. Its so crucial to have early success but I noticed that I started to feel like I was denying myself some foods which led me to crave them more and more. Then when I went on vacation to Vegas for a week I gained 8 pounds cuz I went a little crazy. Im now back on track and trying to find something that works for forever, hence the cheat day. I never feel like im denying myself anything and the results have been been way better then I could have imagined. 4.1 lbs in 2 weeks and thats with 0 workouts at all, strictly diet. For me now its not about time or speed of loss. More about always moving in the right direction and finding something that is sustainable forever.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    sounds like our first 7 weeks were about the same. You even edged me out by a pound :). I know I'm happy with my progress, glad to see others having the same success!

    Yes, I do use a fitbit. I rely on it less and less, but it *does* keep me honest about how active I really am. It's also cool to be able to "compete" with friends and family members. The dashboard on their site displays a rolling 7-day window of activity. I'm not happy unless I'm dominating that list. I've even been known to go for a quick run before bed *just* to get those numbers up, haha.
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm down 7 for the week. Scale was 414.5 this morning. Goal is 399 by Oct 1st..
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    sheeeeet... 7 lbs for the week? You're going to be our biggest loser in no time. nice work man
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    7 lbs is awesome. Great job man
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    Lol, it will slow down soon enough... Only 41 days in at this point. Hopefully i'll get a few more weeks at 5-7 lb pace before that happens.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Keep it up Nate! I have hit a stall, but I am making serious linear progression in all my lifts and my clothes are still falling off. My scale isn't moving, but the measuring tape is showing great progress. Great work everyone, let's keep the progress up even though winter is coming and hibernation mode is usually killer for me.
  • Oh man, i'm right there with you Capn, the way I lose weight, is i'll lose weight, then i'll stall out within a 3 lb range. Last month it was 350-353, couldnt drop for three weeks. Then I droped right to 345-348. But the weights keep getting heavier and my clothes keep fitting looser.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Down to 303 as of this morning! Finally broke that 305 plateau that I'd been on for 2 months. Also pressed 230lbs for reps on bench, and today I was squatting 400lbs for reps. Feels good man. I already picked out the gym next to my vacation house for next week. I head to Myrtle Beach with the wife and some good friends for a week of relaxing. Thankfully, there is a gym around the corner from the house we are staying at, and it's only $5 a day to work out all day. So I can go 3-4 times for my morning workouts before any one else is awake for about $20. Looking forward to not screwing up my progress on my vacation!
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    Really great results!

    Ryan: 4 kids beat any workout, hands down, I think you're ok for the week :-) Nate, great work! Josh, I see almost everyday your weigh ins in my news feed and they motivate me to keep up. Capn, way to break the plateau, you're lifting some serious weight. Moolf, I really like your avatar :)

    Yesterday I weighed in at 126 kg (277 lbs), almost 30 Kg (66 lbs) overall. The progress has been more or less constant until now, about 2 lbs per week, but since I still have a long way to go I'm considering to take a diet break to mitigate the effect of the metabolic adaptation.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I am going to maintain my workouts for the duration of my vacation next week, but I am not going to restrict my diet. I will make smart choices, but I will drink and eat what I want, when I want. Consider it my re-feed. I'm looking forward to some nice coastal seafood and good southern BBQ.
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    Another week has come and gone. I lost 6 lbs this week. Was a little scared since I drank a pint of scotch last night... Didn't seem to hurt my weigh-in though. :-)
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    alcohol is a diuretic :)

    I started this thing on the last hole in my belt. Then after a lbs I was on the second one. Then the third. Today I noticed my belt was loose and figured I must have accidentally gone back to the second.. tightened it.. 4th hole, beeches. feel it.

    edit: fwiw, I tried the "fe-feed / cheat day" thing for a couple days last weekend. I gained like 3 lbs and it took all week to get it back off. I'm back under 290, but damn... it was not worth it.
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    alcohol is a diuretic :)

    lol, yep... same weight today. Guessing it was close to 1 lb of water weight that went out with the scotch. :-)
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    edit: fwiw, I tried the "fe-feed / cheat day" thing for a couple days last weekend. I gained like 3 lbs and it took all week to get it back off. I'm back under 290, but damn... it was not worth it.

    3 lbs in a couple of days? Seems like water weight to me but it's discouraging nonetheless... And certainly not doable on a weekly basis if it takes the rest of the week to get back to the pre-refeed weight.

    I was thinking about taking a diet break or at least introduce some refeed days but maybe it's better to keep going until goal weight and only then deal with the metabolic adaptation by eating at TDEE for a while. Any thoughts on that?

    BTW to stay on topic: I lost 3 lbs this week.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    no doubt there was *some* water weight in there, but I can't really say how much. I didn't make much of a change to my exercise routine during that time, other than a bit less lifting (my wife is my lifting buddy and she was out of town). I had a net gain of 2.5 lbs during that week (289 on Friday versus 291.5 the following Friday), which is really discouraging given the rate at which I had been losing. I've righted the ship now though. 286 this morning and we're back in the weight room :)
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    So I forgot to update last Saturday, I lost 2.2lbs last week and weighed in today and l lost another 1.3lbs. I did end up buying myself a fitbit flex this past week purely out of curiosity. It tracks your activity levels and calories burned as well as a bunch of other stuff. I was mainly just interested in finding out how active I really am. I never realized how active I am without trying to be active. Its really eye opening. Ive also changed to not having a cheatday like i was doing before, dont get me wrong i still have days where i eat a bunch of calories but now i juat try to be as active as i can on those days so i still stay below my net calorie goals. Last night my fam went out to eat for some birthday dinners (2 of my 4 kids have September birthdays) and I ate almost 1700 calories. But i was able to stay under my net calorie goals by being active enough through out the day. If it weren't for the fitbit I would stilldo ot the way I was before. I guess now that i have a more reliable way of tracking calories burned i feel more comfortable going over on my calories consumed. I still try not to eat calories burned unless its on my cheat day though. I have had days where i walked in excess of 12 miles where my body just demanded more food and i had no problem with the extra food. I am now down a total of 82.9 overall and trying to figure out what I should do for some sort of special occasion for when I hit the 100lb milestone. Also being a type 2 diabetic I recently went to my doctor for my checkup and was taken off all medication. Thats unbelievable, still can't comprehend the fact that I no longer have to take meds every morning. Keep up the hard work guys, it will pay off and it is worth it. I have no way of knowing how many years im adding to my life but I do know that its significant
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    damn man, hell of an update. Way to bury the lead, though... your doc took you *off* of medication thanks to your fitness efforts.

    This deserves a slow respectful clap. Bravo, sir :)