


  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    being a type 2 diabetic I recently went to my doctor for my checkup and was taken off all medication. Thats unbelievable, still can't comprehend the fact that I no longer have to take meds every morning.

    That is incredible! Congratulations, really.
  • bads1
    bads1 Posts: 39 Member
    Also being a type 2 diabetic I recently went to my doctor for my checkup and was taken off all medication. Thats unbelievable, still can't comprehend the fact that I no longer have to take meds every morning.

    That's awesome! Keep up the good work.
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Weekly update time. Really bustedy *kitten* this week walking. Went back and looked at my fitbit which tracks my miles and I walked 70.56 miles this week. Thats slightly over 10 miles a day, I cant belive I did that. I also started some running as well. I work at a prison as a correctional officer. The equivalent of a police departments SWAT team is called the SORT team at my facility. I have no desire to join that team but I do know that the running requirements for the team is 1.5 miles under 15 minutes. For whatever reasonI have decided that Iits a goal for me to be able to say that I could join the team if I wanted. My best so far is 15:57 so I'm within a minute, I'll get there. Feeling more and more energized every day, feeling more and more athletic everyday too. I feel awesome. Im out running around the the kids and just overall enjoying a much higher quality of life. Oh and btw I lost 3.4lbs ghis week which makes 86.7lbs overall. Gotta run, taking the family to the park so I can school these kids on the basketball court.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    that's awesome, man. Take it easy on those kids on the basketball court. Let em win a couple ;)
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I like this thread - I think I'll join in!

    First "update" - let's just call this the baseline.

    Got tired of being "afraid" of the barbell on my heavy squats this week - I'm still relatively new at the whole powerlifting thing, and just the idea of failing under a lift is enough to psyche me out on the high numbers. 500 lbs? No problem. Don't need spotters. I've maxed out at 615 months ago, but ever since then, anything near 600 intimidated me. I had to spend 5 minutes or more just working up to doing the lift.

    So yesterday, I go for some lockout squats (about a 5-6" lift to lockout, then held for a five count) just to get the idea in my head of "it ain't that heavy". Just started piling on plates after my normal set, and pushed until either I couldn't lift the weight, or I ran out of room on the bar.

    Ran out of room one the bar at 885, and I think I had another good, strong push waiting - so next time, I'm going to use the 100 lb plates to push it up to a full 1000. The next time I look at 600 lbs, there's going to be that little voice - instead of "you sure you can do that?" it's gonna be "this ain't even close to half a ton - you got this, buddy!".

    Mind over matter, that's all it is.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    Are you sure you don't mean deadlift? When I was a teenager I squatted over 600 lbs and was tops in my division... till I blew out my knee. And that took a couple years of training to be able to accomplish. 800+ in a deadlift would have been doable for me then (not now) but I think it would have taken quite a bit more training to get my squat max anywhere near that high. Right now I work out with 225 lbs.

    Not bashing the accomplishment by any means, just trying to straighten out terminology. 800+ is a lot of weight no matter how you lift it!
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I do mean squats. I'm new to powerlifting, but I've got 9 years of highland games and 5 years of kung fu under my belt. Caber tossing translates well to the squat form, and martial arts gave me a solid core.

    I'm also a fairly solid 370 lbs. 2x bodyweight squat is my goal - either I'm going to lose the weight or just get stronger.

    Note that I was just doing lockout squats - I wouldn't even call them quarter squats. Just getting it up a few inches off the rack and holding it just to say I could do it. I'm going to do my attempt at 1000 and have someone take a picture. Once I get the picture, I'm going to print it out, and use it as my pre-workout psych up. Just the sight of that bar bending is enough to get you ready for anything!
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Yeah, I love lifting. I've been using the Strength/Hypertrophy 4x4 split routine for 8 months now, and my linear progression is still going strong. On my heavy days, I'm up to almost 300 lbs bench, 450 squat, and 500 deadlift. 1000lbs club? Yeah right, I'll stop at 1500! My weight hasn't moved in 3 months, but the measuring tape is showing waist and hip reduction, while my chest and arms are getting bigger. So, weight be damned. If my body wants to be 300 lbs and I keep adding lean muscle, and the measuring tape keeps going in the right direction, I'll just throw my scale out the window!
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    I was pretty bummed out last week when I weighed in. Gained 2.4 lbs, not sure why. I had a calorie deficit of over 10,000 but still managed to somehow gain. This week was quite a bit better, I had a slightly larger deficit for the week then last week and lost 1.9 lbs so I feel like I am back on track. One thing I told myself when I started this was that there are always going to be setbacks, I just need to focus on the big picture and have faith that the hard work will and does pay off. Stick to the plan, full speed ahead
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Down another 1.5 lbs. Gettin pretty close to the 260s
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    Ryan, it just happened to me too, last week I gained 1kg (2.2 lbs) and I really doesn't understand why: the deficit and the exercise were *exactly* the same as before, and I don't eyeball portions but I weight everything, so the intake was pretty accurate. I also always weight myself in the same conditions (after my weekly rest day, in the morning before breakfast, after... hem bodily functions and so on).

    Ok, it was a while since I recalculated the daily calories to adjust for a lower body mass but the week before (and the one before that) with that same deficit I lost my usual 2-2.2 lbs, so I really don't know why. I'm beginning to question my scale: I know it's a lame excuse but I found in the past that digital scales are not always that accurate.

    Now I lowered the daily caloric intake by almost 200 calories and this week I've lost 2.2 lbs, so back on track but with more doubts than before...
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    A little late on the update, but I have my reasons. Namely, the arrival of my baby boy!

    I got my 1000 lb lift and picture, so now it's back to some volume work and try to do some fat cutting.

    Not really paying attention to the scale much anymore, but since I signed up for the November challenge, I'll be keeping a closer watch.
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats on the baby man. Thats awesome
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Down 0.9lbs this week. Not a great number but I'm really happy with it because I am officially in the 260s. Weighed in at 269.2 been 20 years since I weighed in under 270
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    Ryan, good for you!

    An update for me too: down 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs) this week after 4 week of near stalmate. The loss is definitely slowing down and I had to cut back to 1550 (net) daily calories to get things started again. For sure it's not sustainable in the long run, so maybe it's time for a diet break.

    Out of curiosity: how many NET calories are you big and tall men consuming daily? And with which rate of weight loss?
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I started this in January after a disappointing physical where I weighed in at my highest weight ever, 373 lbs

    From January 8th on, I started counting calories and exercising regularly. I was eating 1300 calories a day or less over a protein shake for breakfast and 2 balanced meals for lunch and dinner. I lost 70 lbs by mid July. I went up to 1500 calories a day at the behest of my doctor, and I have gained back 10 lbs as of this morning. I'm sad now. I weighed in this morning back up to 315.4 lbs, but I haven't gained back any inches on my waist thankfully. Starting today, I'm going back down to 1300 calories a day for a few weeks to see if I can't restart my weight loss. Incredibly frustrating, but I realize that I haven't been tracking hoinestly, and I've let a few bad habits slip back in, so it's mostly my own fault.
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    It happened to me too, and I think you correctly pinpointed the problem: tracking.

    Like you I lost my first 66 lbs quite rapidly, but now BMR is much lower as we lost a lot of body mass so with lower intakes if you add adaptive thermogenesis it's very easy to either reach or exceed maintenance level without knowing.

    Take my example: I was loosing 2-2.2 lbs per week on 1850 NET calories then I got stuck. I lowered intake to 1650 but nothing - and keep in mind that I use a digital scale and weight portions. Then I lowered a litte bit more to 1550 but this time I weighted *everything* and started loosing again.

    In retrospect I estimated that I wasn't tracking probably 200 cals a day (a bite here, a walnut there...). Before it wasn't a problem, as the deficit was high enough to cover for this surplus, but now it is, and that was the reason why the weight loss stalled.

    Another problem is overestimating calories burned with exercise: again, not a problem before because the high body mass increased dramatically energy expenditure but now with lower body mass, lower hearth rate and increased efficiency estimates can be off even by 30%. And that adds up to a lot of calories in a week.

    So maybe you think you are netting 1500 but you are really netting 1800 or more and you're not gaining inches because you are doing weight training: is it possible or I am completely off course?
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I can tell you that I never eat back my workouts. I don't add food to my day, regardless of activity level. I do drink on weekends, but as long as I have a net weekly deficit, I thought I was ok. My problem was tracking. I was probably off by 1000 calories a week or more due to inefficient tracking. I've been much more dilligent these last 5 days, and I'm already back down 3 lbs from vigourous exercise and careful meal planning with no cheating or snacking.

    I'm my own worst enemy, but I also know all my old tricks. I will do this.
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    Hey captain, how is the tracking going?

    A little update to keep the thread alive: my BMR has lowered more than expected (and it happened quite abruptly) so now I have to eat 1550 net calories a day to keep loosing 2lbs per week.

    I must tell that it's getting tougher: I'm concerned about sustainability in the long run mainly, but even daily hunger is getting worse. So I'm planning to push for another month until new year and then start taking 15 days long diet breaks every couple of months. That should help with hormones regulation and cravings. Many authors, including Lyle McDonald, claim that a flexible diet with regular PLANNED breaks are much more successful in the long term. What do you think aobut it?

    Now, back to the update: 2,6 lbs down this week.
  • coccodrillo72
    coccodrillo72 Posts: 94 Member
    Down 2.5 lbs this week, so it seems I'm back on track.

    Hey big & tall men, where are you? Show me some numbers :-)