Daily Accountability Anyone



  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Bedrock - 2.0 is much better than speed 1.0 :) I am hoping after I complete the next 8 weeks I will enjoy Speed 3.0 in Gamma. I got scared of Gamma and decided to do another round of Alpha/Beta before takling Gamma.
  • bedrockpebbles
    okay, Total Body Circuit done, and Week 4 of Alpha checked off. Now, if I could just get the eating thing conquered!
  • hopeove330
    aaallllllrrrriiiiggghhh now going into week 4 with alpha and i cant wait...llllleeeettttsss ggggooooo....all smiles
  • bedrockpebbles
    Hi, everyone! Just did Total Body Circuit. Can't believe I'm on Week 5 of Alpha. Not sure I'm ready for Beta. Been too scared to take measurements because my diet's been terrible. Don't know how I'm going to attack that . . . Go, everyone! :)
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Week 3 Day 1 Core Cardio

    Made it through the workout pushing hard. It appears the harder I push, the harder the video is. I almost made it through the plank, tap, tap pushup series. I will nail the entire seriers before the end of Alpha. by the end of the video my lungs were burning, abs hurt like hell (as much as during teh ab workouts), and I was a sweaty mess. It felt as I lost my energy by the end though. I do feel good as I believe I maxed out my lungs capacity. It was the first time in years I felt my asthma begin to kick in. I wonder if thats a sign I am getting my heart rate elevated longer. may need to start up the inhaler again.

    Had a knee appointment, Dr. was not mad at me for doing T25, he actually said my knees seem to be improving a little. We (I decided) told hold of on knee surgeries for as long as possible. Compromise with docter include knee injections to stop the knee sockets fromo deteriating any more. We will continue to monitor and I will push as hard as possible for as long as my body lets me

    Had to take weekend off, went to Phoenix to see grandma in hospital (Car accident). Home now and rested, ready for another hard week.

    25 burpees done, 30 more to do tonight.

    Hope - Congratz on starting Week 4.

    Bedrock - do not fear Beta. Keep pushing pay and working hard. After this round of Alpha/Beta I am hoping to try Gamma.
  • bedrockpebbles
    I'm definitely getting stronger. Tonight, after Ab Intervals, I took a 30 min. Insanity class at my gym which also included MORE ab work, and I did just fine. Yay, me! 4 more workouts of Alpha to go! Only thing that I'm struggling with is diet.

    Jakeyuma: That's great that your dr. said you could continue with T25. But please be careful; don't injure yourself, please! I need your motivation! :)

    Hope: you go, girl!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Alpha Round 2 Speed 1.0

    This is now my favorite video from Alpha series I nailed it today. I complained that with all the stretch breaks I could not maintain a good HR. Today I pushed hard, I can't believe how much energy I had. I was sweating, exhausted, but kept going. When teh work out ended I felt like I accomplished a lot. Now if I could only kick Core Cardio's butt like that.

    35 burpees completed after T25 workout. Ugg have to do 40 tomorrow.

    BedRock - Keep working on diet. Start with the following 4 rules:

    1) Don't drink any calories
    2) Eat lean meats (chicken no skin, turkey, white fish, veggie proteins, etc . . .)
    3) Eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables

    Rule 4 is drink Shakology everyday. I can't afford shakology so I use a high quality weigh protein shake daily.
  • hopeove330
    bedrock...take advantage of all the different quick meals in the "get it done nutrition" book ...i use a few of there meals and snack ideas...Im not really big on lemon in my water but that book said lemons are great to help shed some pounds because lemon juice is a digestive aid and a liver cleaner...so now i put lemon in my water...go figure...all smiles
  • hopeove330
    thanks guys...you all are doing great as well...jake your doing the burpees as something extra to door is that part of the work out that i am missing...lol...and i heard that if you like speed 1.0 you are going to love beta speed 2.0...i love speed 1.0 as well...today was a good meal day...but not as good workout day...but there is always trm...lllllleeeeggggooooo
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability FT25 Round 2 Week 3 Day 4 Lower Focus

    Well, I am nailing the Alpha phases except for Core Cardio. This was another workout where I pushed hard. Hr was in the 140's for some of it but dropped way down 84 at one point. Lower focus is too slow for my taste, I am not sure if I am getting looney but I love the cardio disks but at the same time hate them..I wonder if that makes sense.

    Completed 40 Burpees with Jumps but no push-ups. Tomorrow is rest and Saturday starts up again. I am going to try and add push-ups to my first 20 burpees and see how I do. I had to take a 30 sec breather after 30 but finished the last 10. HR was up to 154 by Burpee 40. If you asked me in Sept if I could complete 40 burpees in less then 5 minutes I would have laughed at you.

    Hope - Burpees are a challenge from the october Challenge Group Thread on My Fitness Pal. Today was 40 burpees, tomorrow is rest day, Saturday is 40, Sun, 45, Mond 50, Tues 55, Wed rest. By end of mont I will be hitting 95 burpees....Ouch.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Total Body Circuit done! Only one more time for this DVD. Wondering if I'm going to be ready for Beta since I still have to modify the spider and oblique knee pushups and I need to pause for a second at the end of the burnout before I continue on to doing the floor sprints. Anyone else experience this?

    Also, I've watched this DVD so many times that I wonder if anyone else has noticed the white powder all over the gym floor that you can see when there are 42 seconds left to go. What is that? I'm hoping it's just chalk dust!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 3 Day 5

    Comlpeted Core Cardio and am on track to smashing it by the end of week 5. Completed the spiders and first round of spider push-ups. Avg HR 142 (highest so far. I completed 45 Burpees this am. I can instantly tell when my HR goes above 150. I was at Burpee 30 and I collapsed, lungs burning, body giving out. Laid on my face for about a minute and pumped out the last 15.

    Now if only the scales will show some improvement this week.

    Saturday will do abs + coach + ref football.

    Bedrock - I am on round 2 of T25. I am still mdifying parts of Core Cardio. You will nail Beta with or without modifying. You will get the same burn. Only major difference is the start of each DVD is faster. Speed 2.0 is a blast. I was scared of Gamma so I did round 2 of T25 but after this round I will be ordering and modifying through Gamma. I have bad knee issues so some moves I am not able to do. You still get a good burn doing mods.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Thanks for the info on Beta, Jake!
    So Beta has modifications, too? That's great! And great for crushing Core Cardio!

    I just did T25 Cardio tonight. I took Wednesday as a rest day this week and didn't do doubles today, so I still have to do T25 Lower Body Focus and the last Total Body Circuit before moving on to Beta.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member

    Total Weight Loss: 33.2
    Weight 1
    Waist 1
    Hip 0.5
    Chest 0.5
    Right Arm 0
    Left Arm 0
    Right Thigh 0
    Left Thigh 0

    Not bad, after this weekends splurge and yesterdays brownie with caramel + almonds + oatmeal cookie I expected to have no change this week. a 1 pound loss and 1 off my waist was a happy bonus.

    Bedrock - I have only done doubles 2 times during the entire program. Good job on Cardio.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Jakeyuma: great job! I, on the other hand, I am getting a bit disturbed; my weight went up 2 pounds but body fat decreased 2 percent; hips went down in inches but all my other measurements went up. What gives? Anyone else experiencing this? I do know I'm stronger and have more endurance but seeing measurements go up instead of down is taking a toll on me. Even if my diet hasn't changed, shouldn't I be losing inches with all this exercise?
  • bedrockpebbles
    Okay, T25 Lower Focus done. Now just need to do my last Total Body Circuit and I'll be moving on to Beta! How's everyone else doing?
  • bedrockpebbles
    Alpha done! Just finished my last Total Body Circuit! Glad to have that done with! Still sweated buckets. Also, previewed Core Cardio Beta and I'm a little scared; they definitely jump right into it--not even a pretense of a warmup. Oh oh!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Hay Bedrock, This has been a rest weekend. 2 things very important when working out and dieting.

    1. T25 will build some muscle and you may see some increase but keep pushing play and results will come. I have had at least 3 weeks of increase in weight and inches but they go back down and I am at 31 pounds lost total so far.

    2. Keep on the diet. If you are busting your but and still not losing you may need to increase how much you eat by 200 cals and see if results happen. I was platued for 2 weeks, increased my food intake and bam, weight loss. Your body can slip into starvation mode if your not careful.

    Keep pushing play, I have been where you are many times. My wife is having the same struggles as well.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Thanks for the encouragement, jakeyuma! It helps keep me going and I appreciate it! let me know how I can help you, too. Is your wife doing T25, too? I begin Beta at some point today.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Yes, she is doing T25 with me as well. She has no wait loss but is constantly losing inches around her body. I think she is building muscle at a higher rate than fat loss. Muscle weighs 2 x as much as fat :)