Daily Accountability Anyone



  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member

    Just went for a 10 mile bike ride with my wife and boys. Burned 476 calories for the 1hr 7 min ride.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Great job, Jake! I wish I could get my daughter bike riding with me, not to mention my son! Good parenting on you!

    I just did my first Beta: Core cardio, found it not necessarily enjoyable but doable. Oh, and I think Alpha Cardio was harder for me the first time I did it than this one was the first time, so I hope that says something good about my fitness level..
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Week 4 Day 2 Double Cardio/Abs

    Was not able to work out Monday as we did a lot of family stuff, bike rides, playground, walking dog but burned a bunch of calories. Today we did a double to make up for yesterday. Nailed both Cardio and Abs today. I made it through Abs without any major breaks, still a struggle but best I ever did. I now only have Core Cardio left to kick its but. After that I can say I totally nailed Alpha. Less than 2 weeks until I start round 2 of Beta.

    Kicking my diet up to 1900 calories per day + eating back exercise calories seems to have helped with energy and wait loss. Looking forward to a good STATurday this week.

    Hopefully I can earn a treat 3 weeks in a row. If I lose at least 2 pounds or I lose 1 pound + 2 inches off body I give myself a small treat on the weekends. My motivation has gone way up. I also found out Sarachi Sauce goes great with Tuna.

    Bedrock - Way to rock core cardio. Alpha realy sets you up well for Beta. Biggest change I saw was Beta starts you right off with fast movements where alpha easied you into the workout. How old are your kids? Mine ar 6 and 4 October they will be 7 and 4.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Jakeyuma: I have a 15 year old daughter (10th grade) and a 17 year old son (hs senior). They are both bookworms and exercise is way down their priority list. :(
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Alpha Week 4 day 3 Core Cardio

    Gahhh, I nailed everything but the damn plank push-ups. Made it through the first round of tap left right, tap push-ups, next time they showed up I floundered miserably. I punished everything else. Only a few more shots at nailing this workout before Beta

    Burpees after Core Cardio kiled me. I did complete 65 today.
  • hopeove330
    hey guys its been a while since ive checked in...i was helping my lil sister with homecoming over the weekend...last week of alpha for me...im startin beta next week...and yes im exciting with a lil fear...but more excited...In 4 weeks i have lost so far 13lbs...and my goal to to loss another 2 by my next weigh in for it to be 15lbs in 5 weeks...

    I see eveyone is doing well...keep up the outstanding work...T 25 style...all smiles
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Week 4 Day 4 Lower Focus

    Well, this is my least favorite workout in the series. I can push as hard as I need to and barely keep my HR over 100. At 1 point I hit 135 but for the most part it stayed in teh 90's. Perhaps if I add waits. I do feel the workout in the thighs though and I guess that is why its called Lower Focus. Thank god for the 70 burpees right after the video. That raised my HR into the 140's and I had an over all HR of 120 for 40 minutes of workout.

    70 Burpees done adding a push-up for the last 10. Tomorrow is supose tobe rest I think but I will try for 75 Burpees with last 15 adding the push-ups.

    Hope - Great job on the 13 pounds. My lose is slowed to about 1.6 pounds a week. I am hoping that goes up as I continue to do my extra workouts (burpee challenege). I enjoyed Beta much better than alpha.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Rip't Circuit done! I liked it. Unfortunately, I missed one exercise (lawnmower) when my shoelace cam untied and I couldn't stop the DVD (remote must be dead!), and then I think I did another one wrong (with the plank when you're supposed to move your feet in and out, I didn't realize you then had to put your knees down). Still a good workout, but need new batteries for the remote!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Bedrock - Happy BETA Phase, I will be back to Beta in exactly 11 days..Can't wait. I miss Beta. I finally was able to nail every Alpha Video except Core Cardio. I am hoping to nail Core Cardio by the end of week 5 but the planks are a killer on my shoulders.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 4 Day 5 Doubled Total Body + Speed 1.0

    I tried my hardest to smash Total Body but in the end TBC won. I followed it up with Speed 1.0 and figure I smashed it. I specificaly worked on pushing everything to the max today and think I actually completed Speed 1.0 the way it was designed. For the entire hour I avg a 138 HR with a max of 162. I don't think I had my max HR that high for a awhile. I was quite impressed I was able to keep my HR in the 130's throughout Speed 1.0 even with stretch breaks. The majority of the speed video I was in the 140s and even up in the 150's for roughly 3 minutes.

    Very happy with my performance this morning. I changed from a egg/english muffn sandwich to a 3 egg white 1 whole egg omlete with 8 oz chicken breast, peppers, mushrooms and 1 (actually 2) tablespoons of cheese plus 3 oz of orange juice. Adding OJ to my morning seems to give me that added boost to push just a bit harder.

    No burpees today as I am taking it as my rest day. Saturday will be 80- Burpees with 10-15 push-ups.
  • bedrockpebbles
    JakeYuma: You go! I just did Beta Beta Upper Body Focus. So far my least favorite of the T25 DVDs. Didn't think it flowed well.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member

    Total Weight Loss: 36.2
    Weight 3
    Waist 0
    Hip 0
    Chest +1
    Right Arm 0
    Left Arm 0
    Right Thigh 1
    Left Thigh 0.5

    At least I am showing a 3 pound weight loss for the week. Not really sure where the weight came off. Small movements on the measurements. My waist hasn't moved in a couple of weeks emoticon I am hoping it is simply replacing fat with muscle and in a few weeks I may see a difference. I will take a 3 pound loss and hold onto hope that I potentially could hit the 220's next week.

    Bedrock - I didn't care much for upper focus myself- I never could get my cardio high enough with it.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Speed 2.0 done. Very hard to keep up with that one and it made the soles of my feet hurt. Didn't like it too much. Missing Alpha! :) Anyway, still have to do Core Cardio and Dynamic Core to finish out Beta Week 1.

    Jakeyuma: Congrats on the 3 lbs. down!
  • bedrockpebbles
    Core Cardio done. Much better second time around. Liked it more. Can only do the speed kicks unmodified on one side, not the other!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member

    Today we took a 5 mile hike up "Telegraph Pass." This is a rocky hike, first you hike roughly 2 miles over rocky/hilly terrain then the fun starts as you climb a half mile paved trail up a service road roughly 1500-1800 feet. The hole while I was carrying my 3 year old on my shoulders (34 pounds) Runkeeper app said I burned 717 calories, MFP said 1826 cal, Calories burned calculator said 1600 calories. I am siding with the 717 calories. HT ranged from 91 - 191 with an average of about 102, 30 minutes at 148. Am I under or over estimating at 717 calories?

    Total hike was 2 hours 47 minutes including the 20 minute break at the top.

    Bedrock - Speed kicks are hard for me due to poor knees :) You are doing great. Keep pushing hard and pushing play.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Did Dynamic Core. Nearly had to stop during the bicycle/V-UPs! Those are hard! Not one of my favorites in Beta so far. So far, I like Rip't Circuit the best followed by Core Cardio. Maybe the others will grow on me.

    JakeYuma: That sounds like quite the hike! :happy:

    Next stop for me: Beta Week 2.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Alpha Total Body Circuit

    HR High 171 Avg 144. I finally broke through my wall and maintained a 140 HR for the entire 25 minute work out. I pushed through everything taking only 2 10 sec breaks during oblique knee push-ups. Nailed 98% of this work out. With 2 more goes at this week, expect to see a "NAILED THE MOTHER Workout." It is in my sights mwahaha.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Alpha Week 5 Day 2 Abs

    NAILD IT!!- Pushed hard and made it through the workout with 0 breaks and 0 mods. Abs are killing but I did it. Little disapointed that HR is low in this workout but it is still a good ab work. 3 more workouts and back to BETA..Goal is to Nail Total Body tomorrow and then push forward to BETA next week.

    Almost forgot, I completed 80 Burpees after the ABS workout including push-ups on the last 20 burpees.

    Wow, I have so much energy this morning, my legs cant stop moving.
  • bedrockpebbles
    That's great, JakeYuma! My news isn't as stellar.

    Yesterday, I binged and didn't do any workouts. Today, I just did Beta Upper Body Focus. Still not crazy about it but liked it better than the first time. No binge so far today and hoping to do another T25 later as well as an half-hour Insanity Class at my gym tonight.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Forget about the binge. Keep moving forward starting today:) Its been a little while since I did upper focus. I think I remember it being a bit low on the HR Burn.