October weigh-ins! It's Fall and We Are Getting Small!



  • dinobunni
    SW: 250lbs
    CW: 244lbs
    GW: 120lbs

    09/16: 250lbs
    09/21: 248lbs
    09/28: 245lbs
    10/05: 245lbs
    10/12: 244lbs

    I am not upset at all about not losing very much.
    I got engaged at Disneyland on Tuesday and ate whatever the hell I wanted lol.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    SW: 243
    CW: 224
    GW: 215
    LTGW: 140

    Week 1: 10/05/13: 221.2 (-2.8)
    Week 2: 10/13/13: 220.7 (-0.5)
    Week 3: 10/20/13:
    Week 4: 10/27/13:

    Well... this week didn't go as expected. I've been sick almost all week and for a day didn't eat the way I usually do :(
    However, I did lose 0.5 inches from my waits, 1 from my lower abdomen and 1 from my hips!!!

    I have two more weeks to lose 5 pounds and get to my goal weight for October!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,704 Member
    Hi y'all,

    I'm Paula at 5'9" and 61 yrs old

    SW: 317 March 2013
    CW: Holding at 226
    LTGW: 160 (realistic) 140 (in my dreams? never been slender...)

    Oct 3: 227
    Oct 10: 226
    Oct 17:
    Oct 24:
    Oct 31:

    Met one goal already: fit in a single airplane seat for the first time in years. Okay the neighbor did try to push the armrest down between us, but couldn't because it wasn't up. I was still touching her though (under the armrest) but she was nice about it.

    Not sure if the new management smiles on costumes at work, very "professional" but with a sense of fun, so maybe... Am thinking of letting my geek-self dress in steampunk - something unrevealing in a metallic retro sort of way...
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Hi y'all,

    I'm Paula at 5'9" and 61 yrs old

    SW: 317 March 2013
    CW: Holding at 226
    LTGW: 160 (realistic) 140 (in my dreams? never been slender...)

    Oct 3: 227
    Oct 10: 226
    Oct 17:
    Oct 24:
    Oct 31:

    Met one goal already: fit in a single airplane seat for the first time in years. Okay the neighbor did try to push the armrest down between us, but couldn't because it wasn't up. I was still touching her though (under the armrest) but she was nice about it.

    Not sure if the new management smiles on costumes at work, very "professional" but with a sense of fun, so maybe... Am thinking of letting my geek-self dress in steampunk - something unrevealing in a metallic retro sort of way...

    Hi Paula!
    Glad to see you've found this group as well. We're all cheering you on, and congratulations on the airline seat win. Still one of my biggest fears and I believe I need to drop at least another 60 lbs before it will happen for me on any given airline.

    As for the LTGW, why not dream? As my doctor told me about my dream weight, "It will take a lot of hard work on your part..." So it CAN be done. Dream a little dream with me.

    Steampunk? I think you are going to find some fellow geeks here. Right Pidge?
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Yes! Welcome to all the new faces! Welcome!

    The more people playing along the bigger will be our collective bucket of burned away fat!

    We lost more than 100 pounds between us in September! (Thanks again for figuring that out dward!)

    With so many great people on the team we should be able to match that for October--and DOUBLE IT in November!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    SW: 250lbs
    CW: 244lbs
    GW: 120lbs

    09/16: 250lbs
    09/21: 248lbs
    09/28: 245lbs
    10/05: 245lbs
    10/12: 244lbs

    I am not upset at all about not losing very much.
    I got engaged at Disneyland on Tuesday and ate whatever the hell I wanted lol.

    How did I miss this??? Congratulations Dinobunni! What a way to make the Magic Kingdom the happiest place on earth!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    CW: 296 (09/30/13)
    GW: 290
    LTGW: Undetermined

    Week 1: 10/06/13: 294.4 (-1.6)
    Week 2: 10/13/13: 297 (+3)
    Week 3: 10/20/13:
    Week 4: 10/27/13:

    I was expecting this, I've kind of gone off the rails recently. However, I'm working on getting focused and back on track and I WILL kick this weight. I also do know that logically I have not eaten enough to gain 3 pounds of fat, and I have had a lot of sodium, so I am drinking all of the water.
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    October SW: 315.8 lb
    October GW: 307 lb

    09 Oct 13: 311.6 lb
    16 Oct 13: 309.0 lb
    23 Oct 13: ?
    30 Oct 13: ?
    Final: ?

    - Get down past 309 lb (100 lb total loss).
    - Get my 340 lb x 5 back squat.
    - Raise my sleep average from 6.1 hours / night to 6.5 hours / night.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 430
    CW: 321.4
    GW: 315
    LTGW: 175

    Week 1: 10/02/13 = 321.4. Oops day early.

    Week 2: 10/10/13 = 318.8 (-2.6)

    Week 3: 10/17/13 = 318.6 (-0.2) Honestly, after this week of sporadic posting, malaise and general discontent, I'm amazed to see a loss at all. Let's see if i can get my head back in the game before my 54th birthday next week...

    Week 4: 10/24/13 =

    Week 5: 10/31/13 =
  • hollyla9905
    My Numbers:
    SW: 308.2
    CW: 301.6
    GW: 290.0
    LTGW: 154

    Week 1: 10/03/13: 299.8 (-1.8)
    Week 2: 10/10/13: 298.8 (-1.0)
    Week 3: 10/17/13: 298.8
    Week 4: 10/24/13:
    Week 5: 10/31/13

    So unless I do something dramatic I won't make Octobers goal :(

    I was sitting here being proud for not gaining weight this week and I thought how foolish I was being I have a lot of weight to loose and I can't do it by losing 2 lbs a month and then gaining 1 back the next month! I don't know why I fall into this all the time!!! It's frustrating! I can remeber crying my heart out when my scale topped 250 now if I see 300 I say "wow I had a bad day" I don't want this reality anymore!
  • hollyla9905
    Dinobunni: sounds like Disneyland was very magical for you! Congratulations
    Ignaura: great job those little steps add up to big ones
    Paula: I bet it felt great to be in that airplane seat!
    Jesse: keep working at it, log everything even the bad days then own your mistakes and move forward
    Givens: wow... Just wow
    Dan: time for an early birthday present for yourself, your so close to yor October goal! You can do it!!!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member

    10/3= 235 (-0)
    10/10=232.4 (-2.6)
    10/17=230 (-2.4)

    Its been a rough week for some of us but dont give up! Trust the process :) As long as we keep making healthy choices the rest will follow :happy:
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    CW: 296 (09/30/13)
    GW: 290
    LTGW: Undetermined

    Week 1: 10/06/13: 294.4 (-1.6)
    Week 2: 10/13/13: 297 (+3)
    Week 3: 10/20/13:
    Week 4: 10/27/13:

    I was expecting this, I've kind of gone off the rails recently. However, I'm working on getting focused and back on track and I WILL kick this weight. I also do know that logically I have not eaten enough to gain 3 pounds of fat, and I have had a lot of sodium, so I am drinking all of the water.

    Taking full advantage of your new gym membership will help with this. Go get some!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 430
    CW: 321.4
    GW: 315
    LTGW: 175

    Week 1: 10/02/13 = 321.4. Oops day early.

    Week 2: 10/10/13 = 318.8 (-2.6)

    Week 3: 10/17/13 = 318.6 (-0.2) Honestly, after this week of sporadic posting, malaise and general discontent, I'm amazed to see a loss at all. Let's see if i can get my head back in the game before my 54th birthday next week...

    Week 4: 10/24/13 =

    Week 5: 10/31/13 =

    Hey dward, a loss is a loss, man. I see you putting in the work, even with all that you are going through. That shows heart, plain and simple.
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 308.2
    CW: 301.6
    GW: 290.0
    LTGW: 154

    Week 1: 10/03/13: 299.8 (-1.8)
    Week 2: 10/10/13: 298.8 (-1.0)
    Week 3: 10/17/13: 298.8
    Week 4: 10/24/13:
    Week 5: 10/31/13

    So unless I do something dramatic I won't make Octobers goal :(

    I was sitting here being proud for not gaining weight this week and I thought how foolish I was being I have a lot of weight to loose and I can't do it by losing 2 lbs a month and then gaining 1 back the next month! I don't know why I fall into this all the time!!! It's frustrating! I can remeber crying my heart out when my scale topped 250 now if I see 300 I say "wow I had a bad day" I don't want this reality anymore!

    Holly, perhaps your goal was too ambitious considering you Canadians have Thanksgiving a month early :tongue: I kid, I kid! Still, even if you don't get to 290, are you going to be disappointed if you get to 295?

    You've got 2 weeks left in the month.

    You can look back at what might have been with frustration.

    *** OR ***

    You can learn from what you did right and what you wish you could have done better, take that knowledge, and get back on track towards where you want to be.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Dino - I think (pretty sure) I congratulated you on your original post on your feed - but CONGRATULATIONS!! And getting proposed to at the most magical place on earth? How perfect. And you still lost a pound. DAYUM girl. Get it.

    Ignaura - You're doing great so far this month, and it's great to see an awesome decrease in inches even when the scale doesn't move as much as we think it should. You're doing great!

    Paula - Hi! Welcome to our awesome group. I hope you find everything you're looking for here! Wtg on your loss so far this month AND for the plane NSV. I'm supposed to fly to Colorado in January or February and I am crazy nervous. Hopefully your work will let you dress up, doing steampunk is so fun, especially making the accessories.

    Givens - Man, you are a beast. 'Nuff said.

    Dan - My thoughts are still with you, I know it hasn't been the easiest of times for you. BUT you are still kicking butt and taking names and I am so proud of you! (My birthday is next week, too! What day is yours?)

    Holly - Don't beat yourself up. You are doing great, you haven't given up despite some struggles, and even if you lose 2 pounds and gain 1, you're still 1 pound lower than you were before! It adds up. Keep at it.

    Malia - You're incredible. Seriously, you continue to blow me away with your losses AND your attitude!

    Seriously, everyone, thank you for always being so uplifting and supportive. It means a lot to me. Now, let's KILL IT the rest of the month!
  • incredibleshrinkingjackie

    My Numbers:

    SW: 398 (january 24, 2013)

    CW: 308

    GW: 298

    LTGW: 180

    Week 1: 10/01/13: 306

    Week 2: 10/08/13: 309 (stupid mother nature!)

    Week 3: 10/15/13: 302! holy crap-7 lbs in one week!

    Week 4: 10/22/13:

    Week 5: 10/29/13:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    SW:287 (though highest was 310)
    October GW: 260

    Oct. 3: 266.2 (-4.9)
    Oct 10: 269.3 (+3.1) Stupid tom!
    Oct 17: 264.5 (-4.8)
    Oct 24:
    Oct 31:

    Two weigh ins left and 4.5 lbs to go until my goal. We'll see! lol!
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member

    @hollyla9905 said:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 308.2
    CW: 301.6
    GW: 290.0
    LTGW: 154

    Week 1: 10/03/13: 299.8 (-1.8)
    Week 2: 10/10/13: 298.8 (-1.0)
    Week 3: 10/17/13: 298.8
    Week 4: 10/24/13:
    Week 5: 10/31/13

    So unless I do something dramatic I won't make Octobers goal :(

    I was sitting here being proud for not gaining weight this week and I thought how foolish I was being I have a lot of weight to loose and I can't do it by losing 2 lbs a month and then gaining 1 back the next month! I don't know why I fall into this all the time!!! It's frustrating! I can remeber crying my heart out when my scale topped 250 now if I see 300 I say "wow I had a bad day" I don't want this reality anymore!

    @mdgivens Said:

    Holly, perhaps your goal was too ambitious considering you Canadians have Thanksgiving a month early :tongue: I kid, I kid! Still, even if you don't get to 290, are you going to be disappointed if you get to 295?

    You've got 2 weeks left in the month.

    You can look back at what might have been with frustration.

    *** OR ***

    You can learn from what you did right and what you wish you could have done better, take that knowledge, and get back on track towards where you want to be.

    Great advice Givens.
    One of the reasons I change my Profile Picture.
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    Age 44
    Height 5'10"

    SW 360.2 08/16/2013
    CW 306.5 10/18/2013
    STGW 299 by the end of October.
    LTGW 180

    09/27 Starting Weight = 321.2
    10/04 week 01 = 318.3
    10/11 week 02 = 313.2
    10/18 week 03 = 306.5
    10/25 week 04 =
    10/31 Ending Weight =