Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Oh sorry to hear about your oh mum, hope you can be helpful and supportive and also have support when you need it Xx
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    It is going to be a hard few weeks i think. She was a large part of his life. We will get through it though
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    My workouts have been spotty due to travel. But today I had a PR on dead lifts @145 pounds. I de-loaded on squats because my form needs improvement. Watched a few tutorials, pinpointed the problem, made adjustments. The lift feels entirely different and less pressure on my back. One step forward, two steps back it seems. OHP still a problem. Thinking it's mechanics. Time to study tutorials AGAIN.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Roxy...sorry about OH mom. Be easy on him and yourself...the only thing that helps is time.

    Nothing changed on my workout today:

    Squat 125 (felt heavier today for some reason)
    Bench 77.5 That last rep is just barely going up, so sticking with it for now.
    Rows 87.5 I think I'm ready to up it...but then I think my form might suffer. I suppose I just need to up it and see how I feel.
  • norrishbex
    norrishbex Posts: 35 Member
    Hugs Roxy, it is never easy losing a parent.

    Well my last workout was a few days ago as I was away at a horse show over the weekend, and now I don't know when my next workout will be after being driven head first into some really hard dirt yesterday. Got my first trip in an ambulance and everything. Everything checked out fine, I was cleared of any head or spinal injuries but my whole body aches, especially my neck, so I should take it easy for a few days at least before I start again.

    Stats from my last session:

    Squats: 60kg
    Bench: 40kg
    Barbell Row: 45kg

    I've noticed in the photos from the weekend that my back is getting a much more pronounced arch in it, so obviously my abs aren't as strong as my back, so will have to work on strengthening them and straighten myself up a little.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hello ladies..

    Got busy on Friday with the hubby (we lifted together) since the man child was gone for the weekend...

    Friday was workout A

    Squats 5x5 @ 125 felt great and have started taking that 2min rest between set 4 and 5 is making a difference. Hubby is having issues with this weight...hehe...be he is doing it....
    Bench 4x5 @ 90...barely got the last rep out then only managed 1x3 on set 5...still feeling like a beast at that weight.
    Rows 2nd workout on 95lb as I failed last time...and again...4x5 @ 95 then 1x4@95...have to admit not liking these rows but I know I am doin them correctly as my muscles between shoulder blades felt it all Friday night.

    Today I do workout B...going to stay at 65 for OHP as I had so much difficulty last time I think my form suffered. A bit timid on the squats today...hubby working nights so hoping my man child is there to spot me...
  • aliciaje
    My condolences, Roxy <3

    Whew I am tired. Did a 3 hour mountain bike yesterday and basically climbed 3 mountains.

    Squat 145
    DL 155
    OHP stuck at 65 but that's okay.
    I did 4 chin ups in a row! Wanted to high five everyone in the gym but I kept it cool on the outside :)

    Witnessed the most terrible pick up attempt ever. Beautiful tall thin blonde girl gets off treadmill. At the same time the background music in the gym goes off. A guy that looks much younger (like fresh outta high school) than her complimented her on her running form (LOL) and she said thanks and started to walk away, then he goes what's your name, and she answers then starts to walk away again and then he goes can we exchange numbers? and she's like umm sure, maybe after my workout is done and goes way to the other side of the gym ALL the while the whole place is like dead silent and the 20 other people have no choice but to watch the awkwardness unfold!!! Poor girl. And boy.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Alicia - LOL - I always get a kick watching the mating shenanigans in the gym. :)

    Roxy - My thoughts are with you and your OH.

    Lydia - so awesome that you got such good help - and that it just confirmed that you are already awesomesauce.

    Zany - I hope you figure out what is going on with your knees!

    6550- Thyroid issues are tricky - have you talked to your doc about the issues you are having?

    I'm gonna have to add coffee in to my lifting regimen. I figured out that lifting in the late afternoon leads to me tossing and turning all night, so this morning I got myself and the bean to the gym at 8 - but I could have used a little caffeinated boost! I only had 30 minutes, so I had to go super fast.

    Week 3 Wendler, Cycle 2
    1x5 @65
    1x3 @75
    1x2 @85 I really, really wanted 3 at this weight, but I got halfway up on the 3rd and it was a no-go. Gotta keep reminding myself that the goal is just to get one - anything above that is gravy!

    5x10 @45 - These are still really tough - it's a lot of shoulder work!

    The assisted pull/dip machine was out of order, so I did
    Back extensions 3x10 @10
    Leg lifts 5x10

    Then I had to book on out of there, change, pick up the bean, take her to school, get to work. . .the craziness that is Monday.
    I'm going to spend the next few days trying very hard to not psych myself out of Wednesday, wherein I will attempt a 220 deadlift. Yeeps!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Roxy thoughts are with you

    Coffee in the morning is a requirement even if you aren't lifting...

    Today was workout B for me...

    squats 5x5 @ 130...wowsers...basically I squatted my sister plus a couple pounds...hubby is very impressed...and says no wonder your *kitten* is lookin' so nice...he is so sweet.

    OHP stayed at 65 today well actually I didn't want to deload my 35lb plates from the squat so I thought eh 70lbs big dif since I didn't fail at 65...couldn't figure out why I couldn't get the bar up...ah duh the bar weighs 20lbs...:blushing: barbell maths makes my head hurt..

    Anyway deloaded bar to 65lbs since I had a hard time last time...managed 4x5 then last set failed on last rep...and that's why I stayed...last time my last set form was iffy.

    DL 1x5 @ 150...getting there...not quite the 220 Kira will be doing :noway: that's amazing.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Kira your stats are always amazing.

    And I'm sorry to you Roxy.

    I've been sick and not working out for the past week. The last time I lifted I finally got up to 135lbs and now I'll definitely have to deload whenever I get back to it. And that's the thing, sadly I will have to forego lifting (probably for the most part) as I have lots of work travel the next month. In addition to my online masters level class I'm going to be too tired to get up and lift in the mornings (I refuse to go in the afternoons since its so busy). So I guess I'll be sticking with just running a couple times a week for now.
    And lifting was doing wonders for me since the scale moves so slow. sigh.

    So keep lifting those heavy weights everyone! I'll probably hover around the group checking out everyone's progress so I'll be cheering ya'll on!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Roxy sorry for your loss =<

    I'm having a deload week so I did squats 100 3x5, bench 80 3x5, row 65 3x5. Then I went to see how little assistance I can do for pullups. I got one with only 20lbs, but when I tried to do one without assistance it was an epic fail. After that I did 30 minutes of arcing.

    I have a weird obsession with ranch mcwraps. So today I bought all the stuff and made a Treewrap. It was quite tasty. I blended melted butter, garlic powder, and ranch together for the sauce and it was pretty close.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Thank you for your thoughts ladies

    Speaking of pick ups, I have these tracksuit pants. They have this affect on men, so much so I had to stop wearing them at they gym. It was actually getting embarassing (and also a bit of a pain) So I relegated them to dog walking. And true to form at 6am this morning out with three dogs I get some guy just happening to catch me up and wanting to make conversation. Whaaaatttt???? So now I can't even wear them for walking the dogs!!!!!! still it gave me a smile.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Roxy- your story made me LOL- the irresistible track pants :). And sorry for the loss in your family, it's never easy.

    Kira- I think I'm back on track with taking the thyroid medicine on schedule. I had my WHOLE thyroid removed so I need to not get too loose with my taking it. After I feel I've done my part and been back on schedule for a while, I will have the levels checked and see if I need any changes. I suspect this was mostly my fault, but when I'm sick especially, I don't do as well with my schedule.

    Stef- numbers look gooooood!

    Lydia- how cool is it to even be considered entering a comp? Awesome.

    Alicia & everyone else who commented during my recent 'crisis', thank you. I feel better and more optimistic now, lol, and promise not to be too much of a debbie downer. Just SO frustrating. I was looking at dropping cals to the dreaded 1200 range, but it looks like things might be getting better without having to take such drastic measures ;)
    Time will tell...

    I wanted to catch up and comment on everyone's fantastic progress, but one of the kiddos seems to be awake already, gah.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Alicia, deadline for entry is today, and I'm not lifting enough to make it worthwhile.. I'm very tempted for next year though which I never thought I would say!

    I should just say I hadn't realised that this is the paralympic one.. lol.. but it's nice to have had the seed sown anyway! I'd still be interested in popping along and seeing the atmosphere and the awesome lifting!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Roxy- your story made me LOL- the irresistible track pants :).

    Clearly all those years I went out in my nicest dresses and the like as a teenager I had the wrong idea all along, should have worn my trackies! Could not believe this morning though, he was ready for following me round the park and even asked if I had a boyfriend. And really I was not looking my best at that point!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Well, I think this week off and new gym is coming none too soon! Crazy busy tonight, had to wait 20 minutes for a rack..

    Squats at 57.5kg, suspect form issues are showing again. This is the final set.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqeDJyhVY-k
    OHPs third attempt at 32.5kg, only managed 222 (after 544 last time and 343 the time before). Not a pretty sight.
    Deadlift third attempt at 90kg, having done 2 each of the previous attempts I thought for sure I'd do more. No, sadly not.. but did manage to prop shoe with phone in it on a nearby bench.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVEVOZQ4vVI at least I think my form looks decent!

    So it looks as though I should deload both the press and the deadlift, and I'm not sure about the squats.. while I hit 3x5, it certainly wasn't perfect..
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    What kind of magical track pants are these anyway. Science demands you post a picture!

    Lydia what is up with the red lights at your gym? Is it also a brothel? Squats are looking better! Still have hips coming up a smidge before the rest, but not nearly as much as before. Your DL looks great. You might get more power if you sat your *kitten* down more.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    @ Roxy: Prayers and light to your family for their loss.

    @ Lydia: Have you ever tried froggy style deadlift? I use a wide stance (wider than shoulders) with my arms inside my knees, and it allows me to get my hips below parallel and not use my back when I deadlift.

    Today was WO A for me
    Squat: 3X5 @ 130 # This felt REALLY good today. I am having very little knee pain since I dropped my weight and started concentrating on pushing my knees out as I push through my heels.
    Bench: 3x5 @ 105# Felt hard, but just got my flu shot. Ouch!
    Row: 3x5 @ 75# This was perfect and will go up next week to 80#.

    I lift on my planning time at work. I teach in a highschool and use the indoor track and weight room. The weight room is not perfect, but it is perfect for SL. Right now I can lift 2x a week, and am thinking about switching to Monday, Wed and Friday. I work my lifts like a circuit and go from one to another with no break (warm-up, light lift for squat, row, bench, reps of 8 for squat, row, bench and then set my weight and blow through sets as fast as my body will allow). Doing all 7 sets (two warm ups) and running a mile plus cool down usually takes me just about 50 minutes...and a prayer that no one will pull the fire alarm and mess up my workout!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Thank you for your thoughts ladies

    Speaking of pick ups, I have these tracksuit pants. They have this affect on men, so much so I had to stop wearing them at they gym. It was actually getting embarassing (and also a bit of a pain) So I relegated them to dog walking. And true to form at 6am this morning out with three dogs I get some guy just happening to catch me up and wanting to make conversation. Whaaaatttt???? So now I can't even wear them for walking the dogs!!!!!! still it gave me a smile.

    Pics required. For science.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member

    I lift on my planning time at work. I teach in a highschool and use the indoor track and weight room. The weight room is not perfect, but it is perfect for SL. Right now I can lift 2x a week, and am thinking about switching to Monday, Wed and Friday. I work my lifts like a circuit and go from one to another with no break (warm-up, light lift for squat, row, bench, reps of 8 for squat, row, bench and then set my weight and blow through sets as fast as my body will allow). Doing all 7 sets (two warm ups) and running a mile plus cool down usually takes me just about 50 minutes...and a prayer that no one will pull the fire alarm and mess up my workout!

    That's fast! Now I'm lifting at home, I've noticed how drawn out my workout has become. What with the little jiving to music, numerous toilet trips, resting on the spare room bed between sets and checking out my ipad, I'm lucky to get it done in 90 minutes (and I aint lifting heavy yet!)... I think I'll try this circuit idea, or I'll end up just sleeping between sets which isn't the point at all!!