BrainyBurro's October 2013 Challenge



  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    Coming here last year was the smartest thing I ever could've done. I was all motivated to do a bunch of cardio and eat 'clean', no more junk food, do it right and meet like minded people on here... And then I start reading the posts and peeking in diaries. These IIFYM people were eating stuff like ice cream, pizza and pop tarts everyday and were not only losing weight, but thriving! They're saying there is no such thing as junk food. Some of them go to McDonalds everyday. That had be too good to be true, but I was willing to check into it further. I read the posts by Sara and Sidesteel, peeked in more diaries, read Ed Davenport's success story... It was enough to convince me and now I've had success with it too. This challenge will be fun, but it will also be meaningful to say, "I had ice cream everyday for a month and lost 4lbs." Maybe we can convince a few more people about how easy and painless this can really be.

    I absolutely hate the whole "clean eating" thing. I almost died of boredom (seriously) because of it. No thanks! :grumble:

    I've been dealing with health issues on and off for a while (mostly exhaustion, but figured out the root of it) and a friend of mine (who is of the 'shake and supplement cult'. I won't mention which one) said "well it's because you eat like crap!". UM EXCUSE ME?

    When i'm at my goal and i can prove IIFYM works, I'm going to rub this in her face. Bish. :devil:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member

    Coming here last year was the smartest thing I ever could've done. I was all motivated to do a bunch of cardio and eat 'clean', no more junk food, do it right and meet like minded people on here... And then I start reading the posts and peeking in diaries. These IIFYM people were eating stuff like ice cream, pizza and pop tarts everyday and were not only losing weight, but thriving! They're saying there is no such thing as junk food. Some of them go to McDonalds everyday. That had be too good to be true, but I was willing to check into it further. I read the posts by Sara and Sidesteel, peeked in more diaries, read Ed Davenport's success story... It was enough to convince me and now I've had success with it too. This challenge will be fun, but it will also be meaningful to say, "I had ice cream everyday for a month and lost 4lbs." Maybe we can convince a few more people about how easy and painless this can really be.

    I absolutely hate the whole "clean eating" thing. I almost died of boredom (seriously) because of it. No thanks! :grumble:

    I've been dealing with health issues on and off for a while (mostly exhaustion, but figured out the root of it) and a friend of mine (who is of the 'shake and supplement cult'. I won't mention which one) said "well it's because you eat like crap!". UM EXCUSE ME?

    When i'm at my goal and i can prove IIFYM works, I'm going to rub this in her face. Bish. :devil:
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member


  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    i created a general chit chat thread for the challenge so that these sidebar discussions can be had there, instead of on individual challenge threads. i think it's perfectly fine to have discussions in here about all sorts of related issues, but it'll work best to have a separate thread for those running discussions.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Day 1


    cardio: 7.3 mile walk (1021 calories)
    strength: none
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 3611 calories
    today's deficit: 1986 calories
    cumulative deficit: 1986 calories

    today's pizza... Papa John's large slice (italian sausage, banana peppers, pineapple)

    *note* - MFP scales your daily macronutrient goals as percentages of your TDEE. this is wrong. fats and proteins are fixed numbers that you need to meet or exceed based on bodyweight and lean body mass (LBM). for this reason, i will take snapshots of my diary BEFORE logging my exercise. the numbers are more meaningful then. i only track fats and protein. tracking carbs is irrelevant to me. also, i didn't drink any today, but i'll be drinking Diet Pepsi (caffeine free) on and off throughout the month. it has no calories, so there is no point in logging it. but i mention this fact because i am NOT on board with the anti-aspartame or anti-diet soda movements that have sprung up on MFP recently. in fact, i started making an effort to drink soda just to include aspartame in my dietary intake! ...otherwise all i drink is water, milk, and occasional iced tea these days.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Good work! - like the charts!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    i'll be drinking Diet Pepsi (caffeine free) on and off throughout the month. it has no calories, so there is no point in logging it. but i mention this fact because i am NOT on board with the anti-aspartame or anti-diet soda movements that have sprung up on MFP recently. in fact, i started making an effort to drink soda just to include aspartame in my dietary intake!

    I agree with you about aspartame! The only difference between us is that I drink the caffeinated diet soda because I love caffeine as well!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Day 2


    cardio: none
    strength: Incline Bench Press, Shrugs, Dorsi Bar Pulldowns, Military Press, Squats, Tricep Press
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 2590 calories
    today's deficit: 765 calories
    cumulative deficit: 2751 calories

    today's pizza... Papa John's large slice (canadian bacon, banana peppers, pineapple)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Day 3


    cardio: 7.3 mile walk (1021 calories)
    strength: none
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 3611 calories
    today's deficit: 1041 calories
    cumulative deficit: 3792 calories

    today's pizza... Papa John's large slice (canadian bacon, banana peppers, pineapple)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Great day -

    The Kindergarten Cop Avatar is priceless!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Great day -

    The Kindergarten Cop Avatar is priceless!

    it's in response to this awful, awful woman on the forums who goes around picking fights with people she doesn't like just so that she can report them (she's well known and well-disliked by lots of people). i told her she seemed angry and that she should see a doctor because she might have a tumor (fully expecting somebody to get the reference and respond with that Arnold gif of him saying "it's not a tumah!"), but she ran off and reported me for it and a mod who doesn't like me gave me a strike for it, claiming it was a personal attack... for a site that requires one to be an adult to register, the mods here sure treat people like children. meh. what can you do? the world's full of people like her.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    The story behind it makes it even funnier.

    The Butt-hurtedness that goes on here sometimes LOL (I have a suspicion I know who you are talking about)

    it's like those people who pull in front of you to get an insurance claim unfortunately...
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Day 4


    cardio: none
    strength: none
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 2590 calories
    today's deficit: 540 calories
    cumulative deficit: 4332 calories

    today's pizza... 2 x Papa John's large slice (italian sausage, banana peppers, pineapple) + 1 x Papa John's large slice (canadian bacon, banana peppers, pineapple)

    Day 5


    cardio: 7.3 mile walk (1021 calories)
    strength: Lat Pulldowns, Upright Rows, Donkey Press, Frontal Squats, Deadlifts, Dumbell Curls
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 3611 calories
    today's deficit: 1481 calories
    cumulative deficit: 5813 calories

    today's pizza... 2 x Papa John's large slice (canadian bacon, banana peppers, pineapple) + 1 x Papa John's large slice (italian sausage, banana peppers, pineapple)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    a short word about my diet the first few days. i don't get enough protein or fats from the foods i usually eat, so i deliberately added peanut butter to my diet this month, and have been drinking protein "shakes" (really, these are little more than glasses of protein enriched chocolate milk for all practical purposes) for a couple of months now. since i'm on a somewhat aggressive calorie deficit goal this month (2lbs per week + not deliberately eating back exercise calories), once i account for the calories due to the peanut butter, protein "shakes", and pizza, there aren't too many discretionary calories left.

    e.g., 2 x protein shakes (740 calories) + 2 tbsp peanut butter (190 calories) + 1 slice of pizza (330 calories) = 1260 calories, leaving me only 330 discretionary calories left to hit my daily goal this month. notice how that is exactly enough room for another slice of pizza. that's some sort of message from the universe, i think... :wink:

    i do try to eat a banana or two per day for their potassium content and they work well for me as a snack. i had the bagels on hand because they are my current kryptonite and bread products can add a nice bit of protein to my intake. all that said, i did make a short trip to the grocery store today, so the next week's mix of foods will be a little different. i'm happy to have gone well over on my fats for the past couple of days because that means i can skip some of my peanut butter intake for a couple of days (your body is not on a 24-hour schedule and breaks down and uses macronutrients as and when it needs them, so you don't have to ingest your daily goal exactly every day, but can average your intake out over a couple of days to meet your goals)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Day 6


    cardio: 14.6 mile walk (2042 calories)
    strength: none
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 4632 calories
    today's deficit: 1037 calories
    cumulative deficit: 6850 calories

    today's pizza... Papa John's large slice (italian sausage, banana peppers, pineapple)

    a big calorie day offset by lots of cardio calories walking. :bigsmile:

    also, on days like this, you can see why i take my food diary snapshot BEFORE posting my exercise. when i add my exercise and MFP allocates those additional calories according to my ratios, it says my protein goal for the day should have been 317g of protein, which is clearly ridiculous. :indifferent:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member

    Something just clicked... Makes total sense!
    also, on days like this, you can see why i take my food diary snapshot BEFORE posting my exercise. when i add my exercise and MFP allocates those additional calories according to my ratios, it says my protein goal for the day should have been 317g of protein, which is clearly ridiculous. :indifferent:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member

    Something just clicked... Makes total sense!
    also, on days like this, you can see why i take my food diary snapshot BEFORE posting my exercise. when i add my exercise and MFP allocates those additional calories according to my ratios, it says my protein goal for the day should have been 317g of protein, which is clearly ridiculous. :indifferent:

    yep! common sense and logic makes all of this so much easier. :tongue:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Right on Burro!

  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    one other thing i do (in my mind) even though i can't point to anything scientific to justify it... i mentally average my protein intake over 2 days and my fats intake over 3 days. so a high protein day followed by a low protein day is fine so long as the average for the 2 days is close to my goal. i do this for fats over 3 days. i mentally check for this in my head as i go along. it just seems to me that the human body is NOT designed to immediately start discarding macronutrients if it can't use them within just a few hours of being ingested. ancient man had unreliable food sources, so the human body is designed to maximize the nutritional benefits of food ingested for as long as possible. this is why i've always laughed at that broscience nonsense about the body only being able to absorb 30g of protein at a time, or that you had to eat your protein within 20 minutes of working out. it's not logical and doesn't pass the common sense test to me... maybe i'm wrong, but i doubt it.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Day 7


    cardio: 7.3 mile walk (1021 calories)
    strength: none
    TDEE using MFP #'s: 3611 calories
    today's deficit: 226 calories
    cumulative deficit: 7076 calories

    today's pizza... Papa John's large slice (canadian bacon, banana peppers, pineapple)

    another big calorie day...


    (darn you Snyder's of Hanover! :grumble:)

    ...however i still managed to end up with a deficit due to a last minute evening walk.