Finishing books that suck



  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    I quit reading it if I am not enjoying a book. I may skim through it to find out what happens and how it ends. I don't have enough time to read what I really enjoy to waste time reading something I do not.
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    The rights of a Reader

    #3 = the right not to finish
    I have too many things waiting to read to spend time with something that doesn't grab me. Sometime I throw them back to try again later, and sometimes I just DNF
  • iwishihad
    iwishihad Posts: 8 Member
    Love that poster! I shared it on my blog's Facebook page even because they're all so true. I only recently started giving myself permission to quit reading something. Luckily I don't find myself having to do it often :)
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    Yesterday I gave up on The Fault in our Stars. Didn't like the characters at all. What's with the pretentious talking and the long words? All I could think was that teenagers don't talk like that in a million years. Having cancer seemed to have turned them into obnoxious smart-*kitten*. (At least that's what my best friend - who loves the book - said, in nicer words)
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    Assuming it's not reading for class or for work... I may try to finish a book I'm not enjoying, especially if it's been highly recommended by friends. But if it's just something I picked up, I don't see the point of torturing myself. I don't throw out books, by the way. I donate them to the local library.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    I end up doing a lot of angry reading. One of my best friends has a horrible taste for books and she keeps recommending super corny YA.

    it pretty much goes like: Oh like X is ever going to talk to Y (he does), I bet that he'll fall in love with her and she'll be all awkward (it happens), THAT NEVER HAPPENS IN REAL LIFE (it happens) oh for f*cks sake, don't tell me she'll get away with it (she does) UGHHH... whyyyy
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    Last week I tried to read 50 Shades of Grey. That didn't go well...what is it about this book that makes people like it?
  • sheilaparsleyministries
    I have to finish any book I start it drives me nuts if i don't
  • wdnisbet
    wdnisbet Posts: 518 Member
    I used to go crazy at the idea of not finishing a book. These days, however, I will put one down it is just too boring, poorly written or gratuitously violent. There is so much available to read I just don't want waste time on the junk.
  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    I give a book 75 pages. If it hasn't grabbed me by then, goodbye! Life is too short to waste on bad books!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I give a book 75 pages. If it hasn't grabbed me by then, goodbye! Life is too short to waste on bad books!

    My sentiments, exactly.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    That series didn't hook me even though I normally love books like that, I read the first one and enjoyed it but just not enough to continue it for endless amounts of books there after... if it was a trilogy I would have read all of them but since it was a bigger commitment I cut my losses.

    I try my very hardest to finish a book even if I don't love it, and I've only given up a few times in my whole life.

    I do agree with what another person said, audiobooks are great for this type of book, since your usually doing other things while listening, and it's not a complete waste of time. If it's a boring book I actually purposely listen to it before bed so that I fall asleep quickly haha!
  • theowlbox
    theowlbox Posts: 912 Member
    If I have a goal (like on Goodreads) I'll finish a bad book. But otherwise, I'm taking Nancy Pearl's advice and stopping. Life is too short!
  • lunabellz
    lunabellz Posts: 20 Member
    On Goodreads, I'm trying to finish a challenge of "books read on the Gilmore Girls" and I have tried to read some of them and for me they suck. Like Charles Dickens book, I'd rather have a root canal. I didn't finish it. I call some out of my comfort zone. But I have like theowlbox said life is to short.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    edited July 2017
    I will give up if I am still struggling at around 20% but if I get past that point I have put too much time into give to five up.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 420 Member
    Sorry to necro an old post, I do that from time to time... :smirk:

    Generally, this is why I don't join Book Clubs where there are assigned books. I did that in college classes enough to get a bad taste in my mouth (being assigned to read Wuthering Heights in less than a week for a literature class burned me out). I don't want to be forced to read something that I am not enjoying just because. I get a lot of recommendations from Book Clubs and sometimes read the books, and I know I miss discussions of them, which I might really enjoy, but I'd rather pick (or quit) the books I choose, even in my favorite genres.

    I do DNF books I hate. There just aren't that many that I start in the first place that I end up hating, I know my tastes and seem to choose pretty well for myself.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,337 Member
    Life is too short to finish books you don't like. I used to do that, but now I'm old enough to know better!