Week 6!

SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
Happy Monday ladies.

Hope you all had a good rest.
So in the end my boyfriend was a little too lazy to do this workout. Planned to do it last night but after a day out with the family I was too lazy to get my *kitten* into gear. Will be doing the workout a little later today and checking in :)

Have an awesome one!


  • marise29

    I felt so guilty after this weekends overindulgence that I forced myself to get up and get the training done just after 5am this morning.

    Hope everyone has a super week!

  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    all back from mini holiday and workout done this morning :-)

    6mins eliptical warmup
    3x8x20.3kg chest press
    3x8 dumbell rows with 6kg dumbells
    3x8 shoulder press with 4kg dumbells
    3x8 lying triceps with 4kg dumbells
    3x8 bicep curls with 6kg dumbells
    10 mins bike

    was hard to get started due to too much sleep and good living at the weekend lol but glad to be back into it.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Happy Monday and Week 6, ladies!

    I totally overslept this morning. Fortunately my boss is unaware of this (it's good to be invisible unless he wants something) so I will be lifting as scheduled. I thought I'd end up working late, but doesn't seem to be the case.

    Pink, NIIIIIICE job! :love:

    Hi, Marise! :flowerforyou:

    I took a total zombie day off on Saturday. Like, did NOTHING but watch TV. Yesterday I did do a little elliptical and some ab work, and then gave six little dogs a bath. That's always an adventure. :laugh:

    So, yeah...bring on 4:00...can't wait to get in there and pick up the heavy things! :bigsmile:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Jen welcome back! Hope you had an awesome trip :) Glad you go back in there!

    Marise great to see you get on in there!

    My arms are shaking today! Really tried to push it a bit.
    I got those Bench presses done with 25kgs! Whoo hooo last week I couldnt make it and set weights down :smile:

    Bench 6 x 3 x 25kgs
    Rows 8 x 3 x 25kgs
    Shld P 6 x 3 x 12kgs (6 each side)
    Curls 8 x 3 x 12kgs
    Tri Ext 6 x 3 x 12kgs

    Plus a 15minute HIIT dvd workout, planks and mountain climbers galore!

    Have a great evening.
    See you all back here tomorrow :)

    How is everyone feeling? Good about the upped weights so far?
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Jen welcome back! Hope you had an awesome trip :) Glad you go back in there!

    Marise great to see you get on in there!

    My arms are shaking today! Really tried to push it a bit.
    I got those Bench presses done with 25kgs! Whoo hooo last week I couldnt make it and set weights down :smile:

    Bench 6 x 3 x 25kgs
    Rows 8 x 3 x 25kgs
    Shld P 6 x 3 x 12kgs (6 each side)
    Curls 8 x 3 x 12kgs
    Tri Ext 6 x 3 x 12kgs

    Plus a 15minute HIIT dvd workout, planks and mountain climbers galore!

    Have a great evening.
    See you all back here tomorrow :)

    How is everyone feeling? Good about the upped weights so far?

    Good work! Check you out.

    I like the heavier weights though it's weird before I used to get burny muscles and the shakes towards the end of my sets but I could force myself through but now I've found that the arm or leg or whatever just goes from doing the movement to No. Not going anywhere. I had to have a couple of mini breaks at the end of my sets today to get finished usually only the last two reps for my last set on bench and triceps. Let's hope it improves!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Whooo hooo, C! That’s an amazing workout!

    Well, as rough a Monday as I had, apparently it was enough to push me through being really tired. I was so pissed from the drama all day, I slung those weights and they KNEW who was the boss, LOL…

    Bench - 3x6 @ 70#

    Rows - 3x6 @ 75#

    Biceps Curl - 3x6 @ 52#

    OHP - 2x6 @ 52#, and 1x7 @ 52#

    Triceps Hammer Press with Swiss Ball - 2x7 @ 10#, and 1x6 @ 10#

    Triceps Kickback - 3x7 @ 10#

    A few minutes on the elliptical before and after. And I’m ready for supper! :flowerforyou:
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    wow you're all doing so great, keep up the excellent work ladies :flowerforyou:

    I went to gym with the intention of doing my usual, 15 min ab class plus some cardio, but Lucien (my new helper)
    was doing a powerplate class which incorporated most of the upper arms I had to do so joined him for that as I knew he would
    kick my butt with it!!

    Wow it was tough, I then did some abs after on my own. Then I went for a 25 min swim. Today my back and neck are quite sore!

    I have a meeting at school tonight so I will be moving my tues session to wed.

    Have a lovely day everyone :happy:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    My arms are shaking today! Really tried to push it a bit.
    I got those Bench presses done with 25kgs! Whoo hooo last week I couldnt make it and set weights down :smile:

    How is everyone feeling? Good about the upped weights so far?

    I like the heavier weights though it's weird before I used to get burny muscles and the shakes towards the end of my sets but I could force myself through but now I've found that the arm or leg or whatever just goes from doing the movement to No. Not going anywhere. I had to have a couple of mini breaks at the end of my sets today to get finished usually only the last two reps for my last set on bench and triceps. Let's hope it improves!

    Haha I have had the stubborn muscle syndrome a couple of times too! You sit there and its like you are actually trying to push, but its a mind push only, body does not cooperate :laugh: Well last week after my sadness in the bench press, I went back in there that night and just did 3 x 5 (maybe the last one was more of a 4 and a little bit) of the bench press at the weight I wanted to move up to. And this week I nailed it. Not sure how much is a head game and how much is actually physical. My mind is my own worst enemy.

    I love the heavier weights, its a completely different feeling to when we began, pretty flippen fantastic!

    Ok enough with the chinwag:
    Lower body A:

    Squat 8 x 25kg (55#) x 3
    SL Dead 8 x 25kg (55#) x 1, then thought bugger it where are the extra weights and did 2 x 6 x 35kgs (77#)
    L Ext 6 x 25kgs (55#)
    L Curl 6 x 17.5kgs (38#)

    Skipped the normal ab moves and did a 10min core yoga work out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edNfbfelDHE)
    Oh my word, you guys should give that one a go! My stomach already looks flatter haha.

    Still on the lower weights with squats, but really getting my form up to scratch, think I was happier with my form today than I have ever been. DEEEP Squats! :love:

    Have an awesome workout! See you all back here on Thursday morning!
    Yay for rest day!
  • marise29
    Morning girls!

    Please tell me how you are able to do the weights in the morning? Feels like I have no energy to really go full out. :frown:

    I love running in the early morning hours, but with the strength training it just doesn't seem to be clicking. Do you eat before or after .. or is there some other trick?:huh:

    Hope you guys have a Fab day!
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    lower b done

    5 mins incline walk warm up
    3x8x27.3kg leg curls
    3x8x27.3 lex extension
    3x8x20kg deadlifts
    3x8x15kg squats (that was tough)
    3x8x14kg calf raises with 2x7kg dumbells, I could have done more I don't know why I didn't.

    3x10 swiss ball crunches
    3x7 leg raises these STILL kill me and my teeny tiny baby abs.

    Stretch, shower, done!

    Marise- I feel better for any workout in the morning as by the end of work I just want to go home and relax! Plus my gym is sooooo busy in the evenings.
    It took some getting into but now I think the habit is formed and it's easier every time. General advice I have seen is for some sugar before working out in general. I used to have yoghurt a while ago before morning gym but I feel much better now with a small bowl of wholegrain ceral with dried fruit and nuts. I'm not sure where you are but M&S Granola is perfect for me, and I wouldn't eat it usually as is quite high calorie so it's a bit of a treat! I literally eat that then go out the door to the gym. I used to be really hungry straight after too but that is easing off now.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Great work Jen :)
    I love your leg curls! I really struggle to get my weights up to match the extensions!

    Marise, Im lucky I work from home, so when I do my workouts (no gym at home too) its usually about 15-20 minutes after I wake up. Then post workout shower and then only do I eat. I just cant eat that much in the monring. So its a cup or tea in the stomach for me :)

    I have noticed my afternoon workouts arent AS good as my morning ones, I just somehow have more energy in the mornings than the afternoon :)
  • marise29
    Thanks for the advice girls.

    I also do my workouts at home. Don't really like gyms...people staring etc.
    I'll try adding a rusk to my morning coffee or something.. maybe that will help.

    Or Maybe.. my afternoon workouts are better because I'm imagining how I'm kicking to guy who just pushed in front of me in traffics' *kitten*! :mad: So frustrated when I get home some days...

    Anyone got some job offers for me??? I would LOVE to work from home :laugh:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Dang, Jen! Nice weights on curls/extensions! I can't seem to get my curl weight up to extension, either!

    Charissa, GREAT job! Form is SO important...Piss poor form is what screwed my back up last spring, so I'm a HUGE proponent for proper form...If my form starts to falter, then I deload. Looking amazing is great, but not in exchange for injury. Better to lower and keep going then be sidelined, that's for sure. :wink:

    Marise, I work out from home, too. Never been a big fan of the gym, and I don't know that I would have been able to approach free weights in a gym with real people in there, LOL...I'm an afternoon workout person. I'm not a morning person at all, and I sure don't want to be pressed for time and have to rush through lifting. Ok, that, and after 8 hours at the job, I am usually irritated enough to really get rid of stress by the time I get my bar in my hands. :)

    I, too, would KILL to work from home. I swear, if I ever get focused, I will start working on my book again. It's only a third finished, but I can't seem to stay motivated when the weather is nice, LOL...Then it can sell, and I shall be independently wealthy.

    Ok, we can all laugh now. :laugh:

    Ok, back to work...Have a great Tuesday, Ladies! :heart:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    And today:

    Squats - 3x8 @ 95# (43kg)

    Deadlifts - 3x6 @ 120# (54.43kg)

    Glute Bridges - 3x6 @ 135# (61.23kg)

    Leg Curls - 3x5 @ 55# (24.94kg)

    Leg Extensions 3x6 @ 80# (36.28kg)

    Standing Calf Raises 3x8 @ 55# (24.94kg)

    And I did 30 second planks, two sets, as well as oblique Swiss ball crunches, 3 sets of 15 each side.

    Going to be happy for a rest day tomorrow! :)
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Nice work Julie! Glute bridges! Those things are awesome! I think when I was a kid that was pretty much the only exercise I really knew. Did a heng of a lot of them! Think my bigger butt is thanks to that :D

    I am SOOOO stiff today! My whole body feels it! But oh what a great feeling!
    Thank goodness for rest day!

    You ladies know that once we are finished this week we are officially half way through?
    Fantastic work and brilliant dedication to you all :smile: We got this!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Thank goodness for rest days...H'OMG, my head is stuffy, throat hurts...feel like crap...

    Halfway through already? How is that even freaking POSSIBLE??? It doesn't seem that long, does it?
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Ah hope you feel better soon Julie! I am a bit late in my work out today. Had a bad nights sleep. Will either get the workout in this afternoon or I may skip today and do tomorrow and Saturday.

    I cant believe we are half way through! Time has really flown! It definitely does not feel so long! lol.
    Starting to wonder about what I am going to do after we finished with this work out. Would love to try something different.

    Good luck everyone with your workout today. I will check in as soon as I am done :)
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Morning all

    I did tuesdays workout yesterday much to my disgrace considering I was feeling kak and started my period!! Gotta love being a female!

    I got one of the guys to check my form for the stiff leg deadlift and he said it was perfect so yay. I did 60kg plus the bar only cause it was already loaded and didn't feel like adding another 10kg lol.

    I did 20kg squats which my knees are not happy about this am, I did the same weight last week so not sure why they are complaining lol.

    I did the 15 min killer ab class which is always good. My worst are probably the planks!

    Anyway back to work, hope you all have an awesome day :flowerforyou:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    upper b done today, once again didn't feel that big at the time but struggled to lift my arms enough to get my tshirt off for the shower when I was done!

    8mins eliptical warm up
    dips 8 with 54kg assistant then two sets of 7 on reduction to 50kg assistance.
    chins 3x7 at 50kg assistance
    cable curles 3x8x4kg dumbells
    lat side lifts 3x8x4kg
    tricep pull downs 3x8 I have no idea what weight I want to say 23 but that was probably pounds rather than kg!
    2x20 medicine ball twists
    30 sec plank
    5 mins on the bike

    I need to caffeinate now!
  • marise29
    Gooooood Morning One and All!!!

    Doesn't look like a bright eyed and bushy tailed morning.. but I'm so glad everyone is keeping strong. Almost halfway!! :drinker:

    My body hurts.. My legs are jelly .. I'm jacked up on caffeine... But I'm so stoked.. I lost 4cm on my waist! (happy dance)

    I just wanted to say.. I'm so thankful for you guys.. I don't know if I would have kept at it for this long if it wasn't for this group.

    From the bottom of my heart.. THANK YOU for all the motivation.

    By the end of the next 6 weeks we will all be super sexy!! :laugh:

    Hope you guys feel better soon!! :flowerforyou: