Week 6!



  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Great job Jen you're doing so good keep it up ;-)

    Marise wow great accomplishment, you're on fire keep up the excellent working and I agree if we didn't have this group I know for sure I would of quit.

    I think when our 12 weeks are up we'll need to start something again with all the same ladies as we all motivate each other so well.

    Of course it will be a weight programme again :wink:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I did 20kg squats which my knees are not happy about this am, I did the same weight last week so not sure why they are complaining lol.

    I actually watched one video that shows that your toes should be in the same direction as your knees. Sounds confusing, but if you bend down in the squat, just pointing your toes outwards slightly to the sides (in the same direction as what your knees are going) it takes the pressure off the knees :) Try that maybe?
    My body hurts.. My legs are jelly .. I'm jacked up on caffeine... But I'm so stoked.. I lost 4cm on my waist! (happy dance)

    Whoooo hoooo! Great work Marise!! Fantastic :):):)
    I just wanted to say.. I'm so thankful for you guys.. I don't know if I would have kept at it for this long if it wasn't for this group.
    From the bottom of my heart.. THANK YOU for all the motivation.
    I think when our 12 weeks are up we'll need to start something again with all the same ladies as we all motivate each other so well.

    Of course it will be a weight programme again :wink:

    Yeah I feel the same about all of you! Its SO SO nice to be able to do this with people who are not even in the same town lol.
    I am also super thankful! I probably also wouldnt have stuck it out like this if it wasnt for all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I have to chime in and tell you ladies how much I appreciate all of you, as well. If not for this group, I would have gotten lazy and slack and would have skipped workouts when I was tired, and told myself, "Ahhh, do it tomorrow," and then I would have bailed on this program, too. So thank you! :heart:

    I've been doing a little researching into the next program.

    I've been looking at Beautiful Badass by Nia Shanks (http://www.niashanks.com/the-beautiful-badass-guide/) and Strong Curves by Bret Contreras (http://www.strongcurves.com/).

    One is an e-program that we can download and the other is a physical, actual book. I have a friend that has done both, and loves them both for different reasons. I'll poll her and let y'all know what I find out, if any of you guys are interested. :flowerforyou:

    I got home from work, put on my jammies, ate a light supper and crashed for a few hours, got a bubble bath in, went to bed, and woke up feeling soooo much better! Glad I'm not going to miss my workout this afternoon. I want to try to do dips with a plate in my lap. :wink: I'll let you know how THAT goes, LOL...

    ETA: I just found a link to a download of a sample of Strong Curves: https://s3.amazonaws.com/StrongCurves/Strong_Curves_Final_Sample.pdf
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks Julie! I downloaded the strong curves link you gave, will have a look at it a bit later.
    My brain is too fuzzy right now.

    Not getting Upper A in today, I am far too tired! The sugar rush from my morning cupcake has now faded. lol.
    Luckily I got it in my cals so I dont need to work it off at least.. :)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Got it done!

    Pushups - 3x7

    Dips - 3x6 @ 25# (put the plate in my lap)

    Triceps Hammer Press on Ball - 3x8 @ 20# ouch.

    Lateral Raise Dumbbell side - 3x6 @ 20

    Kickbacks - 3x10@10#

    Overhead Press 3x8 @ 52# and it was HARD!

    Biceps Curl 3x7 @ 52#

    And some dumbbell crunches (3x15@15#) and Reverse oblique crunches (3x30) as ab finishers.

    Lower body tomorrow!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Feels so strange checking in AFTER everyone else for once lol.

    Upper B's *kitten* kicked this morning, lower b tomorrow morning.

    Dips: 8 x 3 x 7.5kgs
    PUp 8 x 3
    Raise 6 x 3 x 12kgs
    Kback 6 x 3 x 6kgs
    Curls 8 x 3 x 12kgs

    And my 10 minute yoga core exercises :)

    Edit for question: When you guys do your dips, how far from the ground are you? I have my bench that I do it with, but I also have this little pull up bar that has a dip portion that is a lot closer to the ground. I feel that works more?
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    lower B done! Maaaan I have sore shoulders from yesterday, they were achey by bedtime last night which is early for me I don't usually feel it for 30 hrs +. I wonder if that's a good thing :-/

    I did not want to get up this morning and spent a good five minutes in bed telling myself I could do it at the weekend (I can't, I have so much to do) and that I could use another hour's sleep as I have a big day at work today (meh) so I got to they gym a little late, but I got there!

    5mins bike warm up
    leg press 3x8x39kg
    deads 3x8x20kg barbell
    shrugs 3x8 with 8kg dumbells (that stung a little after yesterday!)
    lunges 3x8 for each leg with 5kg dumbells
    seated calf raise 3x8 at 50kg.

    3x8 swiss ball crunches
    2x8 sets of back extentions (supermans!)
    30 second glute bridge

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I give...I tried to keep my chin up, but I think the creeping crud I have been fighting off and on this week is winning.

    Therefore, I shall proclaim today as Mouse Rest Day and lower body shall commence tomorrow.

    zzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ....soooo tired....:yawn:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Awesome week! I got my work out in today. The two day midweek break felt strange to my body lol.

    Today's results:

    Warm up HIIT 5minutes
    Deadlift 6 x 3 x 40kg's (Hellz yeah!!)
    Glute Bridge 8 x 3 x 12kgs
    Lunges 8 x 3 x 15kgs
    Calf raise 8 x 3 x 20kgs (I could do a lot more but its getting too heavy on the barbell, and holding weights in lap uncomfortable)
    Shrugs 8 x 3 x 25kgs (using the barbell to do these.. Not sure if that is correct form and all)
    Back Extensions

    Trying to have an active day, planned some gardening. Weather is a bit miff right now but hoping it clears up :)

    Sounds like a lot of us are hitting a bit of a patch. We need some motivation. We have done 50% so far, lets really get ourselves pumped up and ready to put 110% in the last 50% :happy:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Great job, Charissa! Oh, yeah on deads! Boom! And look at you and glute bridges!

    I know throwing an extra rest day in during the week feels weird, but the body wants what it wants, lol. Lower body and all the ab work this morning. And might talk my sweetie into taking some progress pics with the real camera because I want to add mine to the fitspiration thread. :bigsmile:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Ah thats a great idea!, it that Fitspiration thread the one that is doing the rounds?
    I am impressed with my profile pic, maybe its just the angle, but I look so long and leaner!

    Penny dropped for me this week. 2.5kgs down (the last 6 weeks worth of .5kgs down per week lol)
    Feeling great!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I am LOVING your profile pic! :) I had a pretty good go’round cussing my scale this morning. It shows me up six pounds. SIX? Seriously? I hate my lying scale, LOL…

    Ok, so I nailed triple digits on my first three lifts today; :bigsmile: And Big Girl Plates on my DL’s.

    Squat - 3x6 @100# (45.35kg)

    Deads - 3x6 @ 135# (61.2kg)

    Glute Bridge - 3x8 @ 135 (61.2kg)

    Standing Leg Press - 3x7 @ 65# (29.4kg)

    Seated Calf Raise - 3x8 @ 80# (36.28kg)

    Shoulder Shrug - 3x6 @ 70# (31.75kg)

    Good Morning - 3x7 @ 75# (34kg)

    Then my full round of ab finishers - dumbbell crunches, reverse oblique crunches, planks, and Swiss ball oblique crunches. Warmed up with a few minutes on the elliptical.

    BRING ON WEEK 7!!!!! :laugh:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Awesome work Julie! Question for you, how do you hold your weights on the glute bridges? That's incredible!

    YEAAHHAAAA Week 7 we shall conquer you big time!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hiya, Charissa! Saw your burn status and lol'd!!!

    Ok, I use a folded towel to kind of provide a cushion so that when the bar is resting on my hip bones it isn't painful. When I bring my heels as close to my butt as they will go, the bar rests where the bend is. I'm glad I can do 135. Because that uses the big plates, making it easier to roll the bar over my legs to get it in position.
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Wow you guys are doing so good. Julie those weights are awesome keep it up :flowerforyou:

    I think I must take some measurements today cause the scale is going no where and I feel annoyed again!! :sad:

    I did a really good leg set on Saturday and am still in pain can barely walk lol. I did 1 set of 80kg and 2 sets of 60kg on the leg press so was surprised at that.

    Anyway week 7 begins and I'm ready to get it done, I just want to see a little more progress so I can not feel stuck in the same place. :cry: