Yogaga1's bulking journal



  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    You totally did the right thing taking a break! Your body needed the energy to recoup. When you get back into it, maybe dial things down just a touch for a week and ease back into it (DOMS might be a ***** otherwise!)
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Totally agree with Cmeirun here! Hope you're feeling better now.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Break sounded much needed! Good luck this week and hope you feel well soon!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    You're definitely going to be sore after your first sesh back! Glad you're feeling better.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Up to 127.8 this week and feeling nice and sore! Ouchie! I am still in the first few "easy" weeks of Madcow so no lift progress until I get into next week. Took the opportunity to work on form and I'm able to get super duper low on squats now. Yahoo!

    Just realized I need to take measurements before TOM starts ballooning me up next week. Just from looking in the mirror and the way my jeans are fitting, I have made some gains in my thighs this month. Everything is shifting down there though so it's looking like thighs should. :)
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Measurements as of this morning: (growth since last months measurement)

    Bust: 34" (Up 1")
    Chest: 30 " / Stayed the same
    Waist: 27.5" / Stayed the same
    Belly Button: 29" (Down 2")
    Right Arm: 10"/ Stayed the same
    Right Thigh: 22" (Up 1.5")
    Shoulders: 39" / Stayed the same
    Neck: 12"/ Stayed the same
    Hips: 34" (Up .5")
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Interesting. You're shrinking around your belly button and that's where I'm expanding LOL!
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Those are some nice numbers!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    No worries, Primal. I'm pretty sure I just ate the world and grew it back. ;)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    No worries, Primal. I'm pretty sure I just ate the world and grew it back. ;)
    :laugh::laugh: :laugh:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Great progress!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Too funny!!!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Had a spike this week to 129.8, up 2lbs from last week. Stayed within calorie range (even during the dove bingefest!) but TOM is tomorrow, so I'm sure most of that will strip back off by the end of the week.

    Just finishing out the "easy weeks" of Madcow and moving into breaking PR territory this week. Looking to bust through my Bench PR this week, even if it's just by 2.5lbs.

    I considered moving on to a split but have decided to finish out Madcow before I change it up again. I think I will feel more comfortable moving forward once my main lifts are a bit heavier. I think I just got to a point where I felt like I wasn't doing enough so I ending up adding back in my fourth day of accessory lifts again and am going to see how I respond to it now that I'm doing Madcow instead of SL 5x5.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Sounds good!!!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Wasn't thinking & weighed in yesterday at 128.6. Realized it was Sunday so weighed in again this morning and now at 131. :wink: Up & down I go! Thinking I'm likely at 129ish once TOM bloat settles in the next day or two. Right where I need to be.

    Bumped up my squat 5lbs like it was nothing (Yahoo!) and this week I'm shooting to add 5lbs to my bench. Really focused on correcting my form on Rows last week. For whatever reason, I've had a lot of trouble with them and haven't been able to blow through the numbers I've been pulling for a while now. Think I'm finally starting to "get it" and hope that starts coming around soon.

    Now for the :sad: part. I officially feel uncomfortable in my clothes. I wanted to bulk through until March 1st at the very minimum, but I really can't imagine I will make it that long. I am considering my options now (a mini cut and then continue maybe?) but I am starting to get a little too puffy for my liking. I feel like such a loser saying that... I keep reading that newbs should try and at LEAST bulk for 12 months. How the eff?? I can't reconcile that. I wish I could! Either way, I'm giving it one more solid month and then will reevaluate where I am at.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Took measurements a little early this month out of curiosity. Changes reflected since start of bulk in ()

    Weight: 130.6 (Up 5.6 lbs)
    Bust: 34" (Up 1")
    Chest: 32" (Up 2")
    Waist: 27.5" (Up 1.5")
    Belly Button: 30" (Up 1")
    Right Arm: 10.5" (Up .5")
    Right Thigh: 21" (Up .5")
    Shoulders: 39" Same
    Neck: 12.5" Same
    Hips: 34" Same

    I finally broke through to 90 on my BP! It was a struggle but not as difficult as I was mentally prepared for. I think I will def be able to hit 95 before the end of my bulk. Starting to even dream of 100 in the near future...but no pressure. :)

    My form was a tad bit sloppier than I prefer on my squats this week with last weeks 5lb bump. I've got another 5lb bump coming on Friday, but I'm not sure if I've got it in me. I'm going to throw in some squat mobility exercises into my routine to see if that helps a little.

    Had a rough body image week last week with more "fat days" than usual. Woke up this morning and everything is looking back to tight (ish) and not as bloated, so trying to remind myself that this is NORMAL and to chill the eff out. Trust the process. Still thinking I can only handle bulking until the end of this month, even though my original end goal was March 1st. Taking it one day at a time. Wish I could keep everything about this weight, minus the gut! This belly is too much for me to deal and is what is causing me to want to cut ASAP. It's a shame though. I really love the curves I have everywhere else now and I know they will deflate in the cut. Boooo!
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    I am right where you are with being sick of the belly. I was looking at your measurements and something struck me. I, too, just took measurements and most of them are exactly the same as yours, including how much they have increased. BUT I weigh 110 lbs and you weigh 130 lbs.! Same 'size', but with 20 additional pounds! If I'm interpreting that right, it means good things for you (not so good for me :0). Just though it was interesting…

    Hang in there! You are doing great!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Even more interesting is your profile picture is essentially what I can only DREAM about looking like after my cut this spring! I do not look ANYWHERE close to as fit as you do!
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    Fantastic work managing a 90lb (or over?) on your OHP! What were you pressing before you started bulking?
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Oh dayummm- I wish that was my OHP. Haha! That was my bench that I hit 90 this week. :blushing: