General chat

pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
Figured I'd start a general chat thread just to talk with you about the day to day stuff we encounter regarding our current bulks. :happy:

Last week I talked with a collegue who is himself somewhat interested in fitness (he's an avid kite surfer himself) and mentioned having started a bulk. Few days later I was asked by some other coworkers whether it is true that I'm now aiming to gain weight. It seems hard for them to wrap their heads around. Of course they have seen my at my heaviest and most unfit, making a complete 180 this past year...

Anyway, I've been so terribly hungry! In the pas few weeks this has led to some rather shameful face stuffing. Even today I had for lunch my usual big plate of veggies with chicken, but didn't feel satisfied until I shovelled in another 1000 kcals worth of Caramel waffles... I aim for a daily 300 kcal surplus, but days like these make it rather hard to stay at the right level on weekly bases. Do you experience this? If so, how do you deal with it?

On another note, today I've done my final workout on All Pro's SBR, come Saturday I will do my 5rm and 10rm tests for All Pro's Intermediate 1 routine! :bigsmile: Felt like it was time for a change.


  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Yes, I can relate. I bumped up my calories from 1800 to 2000 at the beginning of the month and I've only stayed under that amount two days so far. Two nights ago I went over by 1000 calories and felt very disappointed in myself. But the scale actually stayed the same. I refuse to go to bed hungry and if I'm hungry I'm going to eat. I would rather give myself too much fuel during this building process than too little.

    I hit my goal yesterday and I'm going to try to stay around 2000-2200 calories a day from here on, but when I don't I'm trying not to beat myself up too bad. My weight gain is stabilizing too.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Good to know I'm not the only one struggling with this! Didnt quite expect it.... I mean, I've succesfully lost weight and wasn't bothered by these hunger feelings. Now I up my intake beyond maintenance and can't help but give in to being hungry? Boggles me! :huh:
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I found myslef alone with a jar of raw almond butter last night and almost attacked it. Well, I did attack it, but I was able to control myself before I got too out of hand...
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I found myslef alone with a jar of raw almond butter last night and almost attacked it. Well, I did attack it, but I was able to control myself before I got too out of hand...
    Then you did better then I did!

    My current nemesis foodwise can be found more in the baked goods.... Caramel wafels, cookies, cake... Nomnomnom! :blushing:
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    That's exactly the reason I went "paleo." I can't stand to have that stuff around or I will gorge myself on it to no end. By telling myself that I "don't" eat those things (vs. "can't" eat those things), it's made my life much easier. Though I honesly could eat a jar of almond butter or container of grass-fed butter in one sitting (I've been guilty of both--ugh!)
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    I found myslef alone with a jar of raw almond butter last night and almost attacked it. Well, I did attack it, but I was able to control myself before I got too out of hand...

    Almond Butter is the devil!!! :devil: I can only buy it when I need it for a recipe that calls for the entire jar so that I don't sit around and spoon it in my mouth all day long. I am 99% sure that they forgot to list CRACK in the ingredients. :laugh:
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Almond Butter is the devil!!! :devil: I am 99% sure that they forgot to list CRACK in the ingredients. :laugh:

    I'm pretty certain you're right. The addictive quality of that stuff is second to none!
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    oh boy, i will remember to NOT get almond butter, i dont need another naughty addiction !!!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm with you guys on the appetite thing. Lately I find myself very sad when my plate is empty :P I've also been going over goal every day pretty much. So I raised my goal :drinker:
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I'm with you guys on the appetite thing. Lately I find myself very sad when my plate is empty :P I've also been going over goal every day pretty much. So I raised my goal :drinker:
    I would love to raise my goal even further... don't think that a 1500 kcal surplus over maintenance would be such a grand idea in the longer run though :tongue:
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    That's why I usually do some light cardio at lunch... higher TDEE, more food FTW!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Well, had some acute workstress today, resulting in losing appetite and feeling nauseous. Perhaps I can keep to my weekly overall goals after all... :sick:

    On another note, I'm trying to decide what assistance exercises to incorporate in my new workout routine. I'll be testing my 5rm and 10 RM on Saturday. I was thinking of the following for the total routine:
    squats - quads (main exercise)
    Bench press - chest (main exercise)
    bent over rows - back (main exercise)
    SLDL - hamstrings
    Cable Rope Rear-Delt Rows - shoulders (instead of OHP for a change)
    Glute bridge - glutes

    I am a bit limited in the time available, will have about 45 to 60 minutes max for 4 sets of the main exercises and 2 for each of the assistance work. Hence the limited extra's added.

  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Well, had some acute workstress today, resulting in losing appetite and feeling nauseous. Perhaps I can keep to my weekly overall goals after all... :sick:

    On another note, I'm trying to decide what assistance exercises to incorporate in my new workout routine. I'll be testing my 5rm and 10 RM on Saturday. I was thinking of the following for the total routine:
    squats - quads (main exercise)
    Bench press - chest (main exercise)
    bent over rows - back (main exercise)
    SLDL - hamstrings
    Cable Rope Rear-Delt Rows - shoulders (instead of OHP for a change)
    Glute bridge - glutes

    I am a bit limited in the time available, will have about 45 to 60 minutes max for 4 sets of the main exercises and 2 for each of the assistance work. Hence the limited extra's added.


    I think you shouold curl in the squat rack. jk

    Seriously, I think that's enough!
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    Have you tried sunflower seed butter? OMG, it's like 50 times more delicious than almond butter....or maybe you should stay away :)
    I found myslef alone with a jar of raw almond butter last night and almost attacked it. Well, I did attack it, but I was able to control myself before I got too out of hand...

    Almond Butter is the devil!!! :devil: I can only buy it when I need it for a recipe that calls for the entire jar so that I don't sit around and spoon it in my mouth all day long. I am 99% sure that they forgot to list CRACK in the ingredients. :laugh:
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Regarding deloads: My program has a written in deload week every forth week. I know 5/3/1 has a built in deload week every cycle as well. Are deloads necessary when training while eating at a surplus? I know they make a world of difference when training at a deficit - but I am trying to decide to actually deload next week or just keep going full bore.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Regarding deloads: My program has a written in deload week every forth week. I know 5/3/1 has a built in deload week every cycle as well. Are deloads necessary when training while eating at a surplus? I know they make a world of difference when training at a deficit - but I am trying to decide to actually deload next week or just keep going full bore.

    I'm going to follow my plan and deload or rest when it tells me too... Will probably back cals down just a little at that time
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Regarding deloads: My program has a written in deload week every forth week. I know 5/3/1 has a built in deload week every cycle as well. Are deloads necessary when training while eating at a surplus? I know they make a world of difference when training at a deficit - but I am trying to decide to actually deload next week or just keep going full bore.
    When building muscle deloads are just as or even more important! The training provides the stimulance for growth, the extra food the building blocks and rest gives the muscles the chance to actually grow.

    So yeah, don't skip the deload!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member

    I think you shouold curl in the squat rack. jk
    LOL! :laugh:
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Apparently one of my friends on here missed the memo that I was bulking...he commented on my diary last night "Almost perfect." I said, "What do you mean, almost?" And he replied, "You went over by 4 calories." :huh:
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I'm hungrier than a mo'fo' lately!! Who would have thunk that 2350 cals a day would never feel like "enough"
    As for deloads, unless my program has them built in (my current one does not), I'm really really bad about taking them. I always say or think that I will and then I hit the weight room and just put on my normal work