Who's on Week 4?!

StephFork Posts: 182 Member
I'm excited to say that I completed week 4, day 1 yesterday and although the 5 minute runs felt like they lasted forever I felt so much better afterwards! Who else is on week 4 or around it?


  • back2happy2005
    back2happy2005 Posts: 108 Member
    I will admit that I should be on week 4 but the 5 min scares me! So I am repeating week 3 but the 3 min are getting pretty easy now so I will have to move on. I was scared to move on to week 3 and I am fine now so I guess I just have to do it!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I will admit that I should be on week 4 but the 5 min scares me! So I am repeating week 3 but the 3 min are getting pretty easy now so I will have to move on. I was scared to move on to week 3 and I am fine now so I guess I just have to do it!

    Don't feel bad. I should be on week 7 by now. I repeated a week and went on vacation. I got back from vacation a little over a week ago and I'm finally back in a groove now. Oh and the 3 minutes weren't easy for me either. I just dug deep and pushed myself. You can do it!! I feel like this week is a big jump preparing us for week 5. I'm going to do day 2 and see how that goes but hopefully I won't have to repeat this week before moving on. Oh well.. If it takes me 15 weeks to finish that's fine as long as I finish and keep going. I'm running in a 5 mile race in 5 weeks so I've got to get ready! I figure if I can run a 5K by then I can walk some and still do pretty well.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I am going to do my first day of Week 4 today. I feel intimidated but I also am curious to see if I will be able to do it. I'm also fighting off a cold right now so I'm not planning on killing myself for the time or anything. I just want to complete the 5 min run times. This is the week that I expect to have to repeat maybe.
  • pdneedham
    pdneedham Posts: 13 Member
    Currently repeating week 4. Completed 2 days, day three tomorrow. Like 'back2happy200' I was very apprehensive about moving to week 4, and repeated week 3 about 3 times. To be honest I have repeated each week several times, until I felt comfortable moving forward.

    IMHO I think the 9 week programme is fine for those who are just unfit but within or just over their ideal BMI. But for those like myself who are obese with a lot of weight to lose (currently 261 lbs) as well it is going to take a lot more time. In my case thats a lot of extra weight to lugging around jogging. Not trying to make excuses, but the old joints feel it, particularly knees and ankles.

    The first day I attempted week 3 it was VERY hard. It started to get easier and by the third workout ran for 10 mins on the second 5 min run (continued running during the 5 min warm-down walk). On Monday this week really struggled, as soon as that last 5 min run ended, collapsed in a heap. Yesterday was better, managed to continue running for about an extra 3-4 mins at the end.

    Looking forward towards week Five, that just freaks me out. Especially workout 3 (20 mins continuous running). Struggling to find the confidence to give it a try.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I am going to do my first day of Week 4 today. I feel intimidated but I also am curious to see if I will be able to do it. I'm also fighting off a cold right now so I'm not planning on killing myself for the time or anything. I just want to complete the 5 min run times. This is the week that I expect to have to repeat maybe.

    I run at a pretty slow pace but semi fast for me. I'm barley 5'3 and run at a 5mph pace on the treadmill. I hope your cold ends soon and you can complete the run!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    Currently repeating week 4. Completed 2 days, day three tomorrow. Like 'back2happy200' I was very apprehensive about moving to week 4, and repeated week 3 about 3 times. To be honest I have repeated each week several times, until I felt comfortable moving forward.

    IMHO I think the 9 week programme is fine for those who are just unfit but within or just over their ideal BMI. But for those like myself who are obese with a lot of weight to lose (currently 261 lbs) as well it is going to take a lot more time. In my case thats a lot of extra weight to lugging around jogging. Not trying to make excuses, but the old joints feel it, particularly knees and ankles.

    The first day I attempted week 3 it was VERY hard. It started to get easier and by the third workout ran for 10 mins on the second 5 min run (continued running during the 5 min warm-down walk). On Monday this week really struggled, as soon as that last 5 min run ended, collapsed in a heap. Yesterday was better, managed to continue running for about an extra 3-4 mins at the end.

    Looking forward towards week Five, that just freaks me out. Especially workout 3 (20 mins continuous running). Struggling to find the confidence to give it a try.

    I agree you should repeat until you feel like you can move forward. I'm also overweight. Just over 200lbs and I know it makes it harder. I'm also scared about week 5. A 20 minute run seems impossible! BUT I'm REALLY want to do it. In some ways I think if 5 minutes was hard how will I do 20 next week?! Hopefully the program is right and I'll be able to do it. Oh and I felt like collapsing at the end of the last 5 minute run too.
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm scheduled for Week 4, Day 3 tonight! I mentioned in another thread that I was apprehensive about the 5 minute run segments as well but I figured I may as well try it out and I did it! It was tough but manageable and the high from that "achievement" felt so great. I have some weight to lose too and I've tried this program before but never managed it past week 3 before. I am trying to get my mind right to start Week 5 on Sunday
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I'm scheduled for Week 4, Day 3 tonight! I mentioned in another thread that I was apprehensive about the 5 minute run segments as well but I figured I may as well try it out and I did it! It was tough but manageable and the high from that "achievement" felt so great. I have some weight to lose too and I've tried this program before but never managed it past week 3 before. I am trying to get my mind right to start Week 5 on Sunday

    Slow down
    I agree you should repeat until you feel like you can move forward. I'm also overweight. Just over 200lbs and I know it makes it harder. I'm also scared about week 5. A 20 minute run seems impossible! BUT I'm REALLY want to do it. In some ways I think if 5 minutes was hard how will I do 20 next week?! Hopefully the program is right and I'll be able to do it. Oh and I felt like collapsing at the end of the last 5 minute run too.

    Slow down?
    Looking forward towards week Five, that just freaks me out. Especially workout 3 (20 mins continuous running). Struggling to find the confidence to give it a try.

    Slow down and you will do fine.
    I am going to do my first day of Week 4 today. I feel intimidated but I also am curious to see if I will be able to do it. I'm also fighting off a cold right now so I'm not planning on killing myself for the time or anything. I just want to complete the 5 min run times. This is the week that I expect to have to repeat maybe.

    Did I mention you might want to slow down?

    LOL- When I was going through C25k (started in April, finished in July- had to take off some time for gall bladder surgery), the best advice I took was to slow down. If you can't say the alphabet out loud (or have a conversation), you probably are trying to go to fast. As you go along, your body will get better and you will be able to go faster, but take it easier to make it through those longer runs.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    ^^^What Ceci said.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I finished! Oct 24: Week 4, Day 1 of program 2.7 miles Strava: http://www.strava.com/activities/91069823

    I'll be repeating for sure. I would like to get comfortable enough to not need to stop in that second 5 minute set to catch my breath. And I know I'm running slow - 14 minutes miles are pretty slow. I can talk but I can't sustain a talk for long. Today was the first time I felt like I was pushing the ashama a little hard. But that's why I'm running - just trying to re-condition the lungs to work better. My ashama is exercised/altitude induced. That's just another way of saying I'm really out of shape.

    But yes Ceci - I'll slow down and won't feel bad to repeat the week.
  • uberdilettante
    uberdilettante Posts: 18 Member
    Today will be 2nd day of Week 5 (yay!), but I really felt that being able to finish Week 4 was a major accomplishment for me. It seemed that running actually started to feel good . . . . if you ignored the last minutes of each interval which consisted of me desperately trying to convince my legs do something resembling running while gasping for air like some horrific, sweaty, red-faced fish out of water. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I finished! Oct 24: Week 4, Day 1 of program 2.7 miles Strava: http://www.strava.com/activities/91069823

    I'll be repeating for sure. I would like to get comfortable enough to not need to stop in that second 5 minute set to catch my breath. And I know I'm running slow - 14 minutes miles are pretty slow. I can talk but I can't sustain a talk for long. Today was the first time I felt like I was pushing the ashama a little hard. But that's why I'm running - just trying to re-condition the lungs to work better. My ashama is exercised/altitude induced. That's just another way of saying I'm really out of shape.

    But yes Ceci - I'll slow down and won't feel bad to repeat the week.

    If you did it, you did it. No need to repeat. I always use my rescue inhaler before my harder workouts.

    I was also doing 20 minute miles in week 4.
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    I start my week 4 today! I'm pretty darn nervous to do it... But I'm also excited to push myself :)
  • Wekaba67
    Wekaba67 Posts: 30 Member
    I finished week 4 last week. Week 5, day 1 is one that I will probably be on for two weeks or more. That last 5 minute run in the set is very challenging for me. It's funny how when you get used to a new week's challenge, the previous weeks seem so easy. :)
    When I began several weeks ago (yes, I stay on one week for two or three) I could barely run for 60 seconds. It's pretty amazing to see what we are capable of if we just keep at it! Cheers!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I did day 1 of week 4 today. It really wasn't bad at all - the first 5 minute run went by faster than I realized which is a first for me. (Run intervals always seem twice as long as the walks!) I said this in the daily check in thread, but I'll say it again - if you'd told me a month ago that I could run for five whole minutes, I wouldn't have believed it. Hell, if you'd asked me this morning, I'd have been doubtful.

    Let's keep it up - we can do it!
  • back2happy2005
    back2happy2005 Posts: 108 Member
    so I moved on to week 4 day one last night. I did not make it! The first 5 min run I only made it for 4 then on the second I just divided it up 3 min / 1min walk and then another 3 min. I will be on this one for awhile but all I can do is get better as long as I am trying I am not going to be that hard on myself! Like others have said 4 weeks ago I thought I was going to die running for 1 min.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I'm scheduled for Week 4, Day 3 tonight! I mentioned in another thread that I was apprehensive about the 5 minute run segments as well but I figured I may as well try it out and I did it! It was tough but manageable and the high from that "achievement" felt so great. I have some weight to lose too and I've tried this program before but never managed it past week 3 before. I am trying to get my mind right to start Week 5 on Sunday

    GO YOU! I'm excited to move on to week 5 and day one doesn't look bad. It's 2 and 3 that are scary! lol
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    Did I mention you might want to slow down?

    LOL- When I was going through C25k (started in April, finished in July- had to take off some time for gall bladder surgery), the best advice I took was to slow down. If you can't say the alphabet out loud (or have a conversation), you probably are trying to go to fast. As you go along, your body will get better and you will be able to go faster, but take it easier to make it through those longer runs.

    So I should slow down more? I didn't think a 5mph pace was fast.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I finished! Oct 24: Week 4, Day 1 of program 2.7 miles Strava: http://www.strava.com/activities/91069823

    I'll be repeating for sure. I would like to get comfortable enough to not need to stop in that second 5 minute set to catch my breath. And I know I'm running slow - 14 minutes miles are pretty slow. I can talk but I can't sustain a talk for long. Today was the first time I felt like I was pushing the ashama a little hard. But that's why I'm running - just trying to re-condition the lungs to work better. My ashama is exercised/altitude induced. That's just another way of saying I'm really out of shape.

    But yes Ceci - I'll slow down and won't feel bad to repeat the week.

    You're doing great! I may have to repeat Week 5 day 1 a few times.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    Today will be 2nd day of Week 5 (yay!), but I really felt that being able to finish Week 4 was a major accomplishment for me. It seemed that running actually started to feel good . . . . if you ignored the last minutes of each interval which consisted of me desperately trying to convince my legs do something resembling running while gasping for air like some horrific, sweaty, red-faced fish out of water. :)

    That's exactly how I'm feeling. I finished day 2 yesterday and it was hard again but I did it!