Who's on Week 4?!



  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I start my week 4 today! I'm pretty darn nervous to do it... But I'm also excited to push myself :)

    You can do it! Congrats on all of your weight loss!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I finished week 4 last week. Week 5, day 1 is one that I will probably be on for two weeks or more. That last 5 minute run in the set is very challenging for me. It's funny how when you get used to a new week's challenge, the previous weeks seem so easy. :)
    When I began several weeks ago (yes, I stay on one week for two or three) I could barely run for 60 seconds. It's pretty amazing to see what we are capable of if we just keep at it! Cheers!

    I agree 100% it doesn't matter how long it takes us to finish as long as we do! :)
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I did day 1 of week 4 today. It really wasn't bad at all - the first 5 minute run went by faster than I realized which is a first for me. (Run intervals always seem twice as long as the walks!) I said this in the daily check in thread, but I'll say it again - if you'd told me a month ago that I could run for five whole minutes, I wouldn't have believed it. Hell, if you'd asked me this morning, I'd have been doubtful.

    Let's keep it up - we can do it!

    You are so right. I didn't think about it that way but 5 minutes is a great accomplishment!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    so I moved on to week 4 day one last night. I did not make it! The first 5 min run I only made it for 4 then on the second I just divided it up 3 min / 1min walk and then another 3 min. I will be on this one for awhile but all I can do is get better as long as I am trying I am not going to be that hard on myself! Like others have said 4 weeks ago I thought I was going to die running for 1 min.

    Keep at it! You can do it! It's hard but push yourself. I had to hold on to the treadmill bars last night for the last minute!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    so I moved on to week 4 day one last night. I did not make it! The first 5 min run I only made it for 4 then on the second I just divided it up 3 min / 1min walk and then another 3 min. I will be on this one for awhile but all I can do is get better as long as I am trying I am not going to be that hard on myself! Like others have said 4 weeks ago I thought I was going to die running for 1 min.

    Slow down.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did day 1 of week 4 today. It really wasn't bad at all - the first 5 minute run went by faster than I realized which is a first for me. (Run intervals always seem twice as long as the walks!) I said this in the daily check in thread, but I'll say it again - if you'd told me a month ago that I could run for five whole minutes, I wouldn't have believed it. Hell, if you'd asked me this morning, I'd have been doubtful.

    Let's keep it up - we can do it!

    I was pretty sure I'd fail somewhere around 5 minutes...and now I'm training for a half marathon.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Did I mention you might want to slow down?

    LOL- When I was going through C25k (started in April, finished in July- had to take off some time for gall bladder surgery), the best advice I took was to slow down. If you can't say the alphabet out loud (or have a conversation), you probably are trying to go to fast. As you go along, your body will get better and you will be able to go faster, but take it easier to make it through those longer runs.

    So I should slow down more? I didn't think a 5mph pace was fast.

    I was running about 3 mph at the same point.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Today will be 2nd day of Week 5 (yay!), but I really felt that being able to finish Week 4 was a major accomplishment for me. It seemed that running actually started to feel good . . . . if you ignored the last minutes of each interval which consisted of me desperately trying to convince my legs do something resembling running while gasping for air like some horrific, sweaty, red-faced fish out of water. :)

    That's exactly how I'm feeling. I finished day 2 yesterday and it was hard again but I did it!

    Slow down.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You all are doing great! Be proud of yourselves!!!
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    Currently repeating week 4. Completed 2 days, day three tomorrow. Like 'back2happy200' I was very apprehensive about moving to week 4, and repeated week 3 about 3 times. To be honest I have repeated each week several times, until I felt comfortable moving forward.

    IMHO I think the 9 week programme is fine for those who are just unfit but within or just over their ideal BMI. But for those like myself who are obese with a lot of weight to lose (currently 261 lbs) as well it is going to take a lot more time. In my case thats a lot of extra weight to lugging around jogging. Not trying to make excuses, but the old joints feel it, particularly knees and ankles.

    The first day I attempted week 3 it was VERY hard. It started to get easier and by the third workout ran for 10 mins on the second 5 min run (continued running during the 5 min warm-down walk). On Monday this week really struggled, as soon as that last 5 min run ended, collapsed in a heap. Yesterday was better, managed to continue running for about an extra 3-4 mins at the end.

    Looking forward towards week Five, that just freaks me out. Especially workout 3 (20 mins continuous running). Struggling to find the confidence to give it a try.

    I started the program at 305 lbs, and had to repeat certain weeks twice due to shin splints so if you feel not quite ready to move on, redo what you need to for sure. It took me about 12 weeks to complete the 9 week program...ha. I did finish however and am currently running a 5k at about 37 min. Current stats are 41 years old, 270 lbs.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Slow down.

    I was doing W4D3 on Wednesday and during the last interval, I found myself getting out of breath at the 2:50 mark. I started to think I wanted to stop and walk... but I told myself "NO! Just slow down"

    I slowed down to a "wog" (essentially a walking pace with jogging bounce/form). After about 20 seconds I caught my breath and I sped back up to my.

    I finished the interval strong. It seems simple, but the conscious act of slowing down for a bit was something I've been unsure about doing.

    IDK, seems silly, but it's the right advice that you gave.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Slow down.

    I was doing W4D3 on Wednesday and during the last interval, I found myself getting out of breath at the 2:50 mark. I started to think I wanted to stop and walk... but I told myself "NO! Just slow down"

    I slowed down to a "wog" (essentially a walking pace with jogging bounce/form). After about 20 seconds I caught my breath and I sped back up to my.

    I finished the interval strong. It seems simple, but the conscious act of slowing down for a bit was something I've been unsure about doing.

    IDK, seems silly, but it's the right advice that you gave.

    I get the same advice from marathoners. It pretty much solves 50% of running issues.