1 week on Paleo and no weight lost

tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
Hi, I've been doing paleo for a week now and I was expecting to see a change in the scale this morning but it was the same. I know this isn't a over night thing and it takes the body time to adjust but I read so many websites stating you could lose 5-10 lbs in the first week. I'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong or could someone give me some advice and tips on what I need to do . My goal is to lose inches off my stomach, hips, thighs and arms and lose about 20 lbs before Christmas. I can't eat gluten so that's why I chose to follow the paleo way hoping to detox my body from Gluten and stop having a leaky gut... How long does it take to start seeing the scale go down??

Thank you !


  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    And after a week you're looking for massive changes? It takes about 4weeks to see changes. Paleo is a lifestyle, not diet - if you're only looking to loss some weight quick then switch back to SAD well rethink Paleo. The websites say you "could" meaning if you're obese than that's a possible loss but looking at your pic, you don't seem overweight so any loss will be smaller and take longer. Good luck and hang in there!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    No no no , i'm not looking for a massive change cause I know that would only be water weight and not real fat lost, all I was looking for was maybe 1-2 lbs ... I didn't say I was looking for a quick weight loss diet.. Please don't jump down my throat. All I was asking is maybe someone could give me advice on Paleo. Maybe i'm missing something or doing something wrong that is making my body not change. Before Paleo I ate pretty healthy but still had slip ups where I would eat off my kids plate or take a few French fries from their meals so I know if I eat SAD it wouldn't make my body feel any better.
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    Tammie, if you make your food diary public, it would be possible for others to give you advice. :smile:
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    A couple of things:
    - you want to lose inches, have you checked those measurements?
    - are you eating too much or too little? Fat loss requires a calorie deficit, paleo os just an eating strategy that helps improve your metabolism, if you eat the right amount of food
    - are you coming from an endocrine fatigue position? If so, your body is busy repairing, not cutting.
    - are you at a point in your monthly cycle that you're retaining water?
    - are you drinking enough water? I've found paleo foods have less water content, so you have to step up water consumption. This is also important to flush toxins trapped in the fat stores you are burning.

    These are just a few things to consider in what is a very complex bio-chemical machine. Learn your body and you can make it do great things. BTW 20lbs by Christmas is a bit over the top, especially with all of the social and time constraints. Hold steady during the next two months and you're ahead of 95% of the rest.
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    Many factors go into how much weight you're going to initially lose when you change your diet. They can be: are you working out more, starting weight, what your diet was like before-hand etc.

    I started Paelo a month ago. I started at 153 (I'm 5'5", 43 yrs old) and lost about 2-3 lbs the first week or so. I don't recall exactly but it was something like that. It's varying now but it's been a constant 1-2 lbs since.

    My diet was not far from Paleo to begin with so it was not a drastic change. But lowering (not eliminating!) my carbs, where they come from as well as sugars (I don't drink pop or part-take in sweets too much anyway) made the big difference for me.

    I've read numerous Paleo blogs, mags etc and didn't see anywhere a 10 lb weight loss from the 1st week. Perhaps it was from someone that just started using it vs. a nutritionist or someone really "in the know" about it. ?? I don't know. But take drastic claims with a grain or two of salt (preferably Himalayan if possible...tee hee).

    Either way, don't worry, if you're following the basic guidelines of Paleo you'll notice differences soon enough. Be patient. Every body is different. Paleo is a way of life, not necessarily a "weight-loss plan." Losing weight, getting healthy is the key.

    Good luck!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm 5'6" 148 and 29 years old, During the week I keep my carbs around 30-50 grams and my calories any where between 900-1300 depending on where I am during the day since I have 3 boys i'm always on the go with school, appointments and so on.. My typical morning is either a hard boil egg or a protein shake with 100% pure pumpkin in it and a dash of cinnamon, in my coffee I put 4 oz of soy milk, coconut and almond milk upset my IBS.. Lunch I have 6 oz of chicken breast with 2 bell peppers and purple onion with a table spoon of coconut oil, Snacks are almonds, Dinner I have either a type of fish, pork , chicken or steak depending on the night and a side of veggies.. The only thing I can think that might be stalling my progress is Peanut butter ?? I love love love peanut butter! It's my go to snack if im in a rush, i'll grab a tablespoon and eat a spoon of it while im dashing out the door.. I drink about 8oz of water during the day and at night I drink any where from 6-10 glasses of tea.... It keeps me away from my normal wine that I was drinking nightly ... I workout mon-friday any where from 30-60 minutes.. I do cardio and weights. I try to burn around 300-500 calories during my workouts.

    I'm not looking for a miracle diet heck I don't want to even call it a diet it's a life style change that I should have done years ago I just want to make sure I'm on track and doing things right ... I've done aktins, southbeach, low cal, high protein.. you name it I've done it and for once I just want to live without having stomach pains and have energy to keep up with me boys...

    I will start taking measurements and not focus too much on the scale.

    Thank you for replying back to my post
  • TripleRadiance275
    TripleRadiance275 Posts: 148 Member
    I think maybe you're eating too few calories. I'm the same age and height as you and I know my calorie requirements are much higher than 900-1300 even when I'm totally inactive. Also peanut butter isn't Paleo (peanuts are a legume not a nut). And I totally get it because before I went Paleo peanut butter was my biggest weakness.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Peanut butter and wine are my down falls, so far I've cut out wine all week and had a teaspoon of peanutbutter.. Besides that I've been trying to eat Paleo...
  • TripleRadiance275
    TripleRadiance275 Posts: 148 Member
    Try eating more calories in general. For maintenance I eat 1800 on an inactive day and up to 2500 on a very active day. For weight loss I aim for about 1500 - 1800 depending on activity level and am pretty strict Paleo.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Wow that's a lot of calories how do you get all that in ??? I don't get hungry until about 11am, I have to focus breakfast down that's why it's always something small, Even lunch I don't really feel hungry but I know I need to eat... Do you mind if I ask you to show me a sample of your daily meals, maybe I can get some ideas off of it ...
  • TripleRadiance275
    TripleRadiance275 Posts: 148 Member
    Typical day starts out with 1-2 bullet proof coffees early in the morning. Then nothing until 1-2pm. Then I eat leftovers from dinner the night before or 4-6 scrambled eggs with a whole avocado and raw tomatoes and a piece of fruit. I usually have bone broth in the afternoon and Eat a big dinner. If I'm planning to do something intense the next day Dinner has sweet potatoes in some form and meat + tons of veggies. I like to do homemade olive oil based mayo as a dip for raw veggies sometimes or I will eat a handful of nuts if I'm under on calories. Oh! And I like to make pumpkin or sweet potato and coconut milk custard with a touch of honey in it and lots of cinnamon as a dessert a couple times a week.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Not enough calories.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Soy milk is a problem, too. Can you tolerate cashews? Cashew milk is easy to make.

    It also looks like you're not eating much in the way of fat.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Why can't you eat gluten? If you're a Celiac then it will take MONTHS for your digestive track to repair itself.

    From everything you are saying on the thread, I wonder if you had read any books about eating properly when paleo before starting? It's very important to understand what your body is going to need. I recommend It Starts With Food.

    Also, if it's inches you want to lose, instead of the 20lbs by Christmas, you will need to strength train. Diet is important too, but so is what you do with it. Remember that food is fuel.

    What is a typical day for you? What are you doing before 11 am when you aren't hungry? Once you do eat, do you feel sluggish?

    If much of what the other posters are saying to you (such as calorie intake, protein intake or fat intake) surprises you then it might be a good idea to consult a professional who is well-versed in the paleo lifestyle.

    Best of luck with your goals.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    And after a week you're looking for massive changes? It takes about 4weeks to see changes. Paleo is a lifestyle, not diet - if you're only looking to loss some weight quick then switch back to SAD well rethink Paleo. The websites say you "could" meaning if you're obese than that's a possible loss but looking at your pic, you don't seem overweight so any loss will be smaller and take longer. Good luck and hang in there!

    this ^^^
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm sorry but this kind of post upsets me a little. Firstly, you are not over-weight. You should be focusing on getting stronger, not weighing less on the scale. Your progress is not "stalling", you have little to no weight loss needed. It's been ONE week. Also, you claim to be Paleo but are still consuming some of the worst foods, by your own admission (your diary is not open). Soy is terrible for health. Why not switch to nut butter instead of peanut butter? Most people that come to Paleo do so for health primarily, and weight loss is a nice side effect.

    I have 20 or so pounds left to lose and I now average only a half pound loss per week. (I am also 5'6".) I sometimes go weeks without a loss registering on the scale. I'm not "stalling"; rather my body is changing in more ways than the scale can show with just a number. My illnesses are long gone, obesity is long gone and I am getting stronger and happier. It doesn't matter how long it takes to lose the excess fat, it WILL go eventually.

    My advice to you is to shift your focus from weight loss to health. Eat lots of healthy fats. Dump soy in the very least. Also, focus on increasing strength and work on intuitive Paleo eating which you could learn to do with a Whole30. You may still lose weight, or not depending on how much fat you actually need to lose. It is my opinion that Paleo is a fail as just a weight loss diet, but a big WIN as a permanent dietary change.

    Seriously, you need to lose 20 pounds!? and by Christmas?! Please, do more research into what Paleo is about. It's not a quick weight loss plan, it's an "optimal health" plan. And throw out the BMI chart while you are at it. 900 calories?! Please, stop that.
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    Paleo is a lifestyle change and it will take time for your body to adjust.
    When I first started I gained 7 pounds in 7 days!
    I literally had to force myself to eat breakfast. My kids thought it funny I was gagging on eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. My body was use to coffee as a meal for both breakfast and lunch.
    Yes I was discouraged, but I knew I was in this for the long haul.
    Once my body and gut started to heal, the weight/inches started coming off and I felt better!
    So give yourself time!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Paleo is a lifestyle change and it will take time for your body to adjust.
    When I first started I gained 7 pounds in 7 days!
    I literally had to force myself to eat breakfast. My kids thought it funny I was gagging on eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. My body was use to coffee as a meal for both breakfast and lunch.
    Yes I was discouraged, but I knew I was in this for the long haul.
    Once my body and gut started to heal, the weight/inches started coming off and I felt better!
    So give yourself time!

    Skipping meals can be a part of Paleo as well. Intermittent Fasting works great for some people. But I do not recommend IF for people just trying to eat as little calories as possible of course. Skipping meals means eating more at another meal.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    To lose weight you have to monitor calories. That means you have to carefully measure everything, especially peanut butter and wine! ;) Or maybe you don't need to measure your food so carefully, ONLY peanut butter and wine!! LOL They're my two favorite foods! BTW, I think salted skinless peanuts are a "better deal" than peanut butter.

    Anyway, I struggled to lose weight when I wasn't measuring accurately, or when I was eating back too much of my exercise cals.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member

    I literally had to force myself to eat breakfast. My kids thought it funny I was gagging on eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. My body was use to coffee as a meal for both breakfast and lunch.

    I really struggle with eggs of a morning. I can only handle them poached, anything else feels too heavy & greasy.

    How I wish I could stomach omelettes! It would make breakfast so easy.

    OP - eat more!