need help, i dont want to give up!!

patticox Posts: 33 Member
hi sara and sidesteel...
I've read a lot from you and sidesteel, you seem pretty damn knowledgeable, which brings me to you! my diary is open if you can take a look, here's the low down.
58yo female,
5' 5 1/2" or 5' 6"
current weight 174.6
as of sept 1 213 currently intake set at 1654 cal
124g protein
46g fat
186g carb
work a 40+ hr week behind a desk
I workout with a trainer 2x week 1/2 hr each session - we do NOT do heavy lifting, but I work up quite a sweat!
3-4 x week I do cardio....different treadmill "routines" for 30 - 45 minutes per session
I have at times done two a day w/o's, but that didn't aid me in any weight loss!
I believe my BF % is like 39...which hasn't gone down much since mid march (when I started with trainer)
I started out for weight loss 4/19/2011,219# lost a total of 53.8 lbs by 12/24/11, since then I have been up and down, still trying to lose.
I could kill you with information, that im sure you don't have time to read!! so ill get back to stuff
I do have a scale, I have and still do weigh everything im able to.......although I have changed measuring (1/2 cup etc) to weighing in grams......I weigh everything in grams or ml now, I found I was making errors there.
my thyroid checks out fine
im post menopausal, obviously not breast feeding!
I usually take a cheat "meal" on Saturday, which is my weigh in day...but it's just usually that I have popcorn with 3 tbs of butter, im addicted to popcorn!
I hope this is enough info that you can maybe give me correct macros, so I can continue and get off this last 25-30 pounds.

since I started trying this macro thing, I've only lost about 10 lbs in 17 weeks....

I appreciate you considering to give me some help!


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What days do you workout with your trainer and would you be averse to adding some more resistance training? Is there any kind you want to do/do not want to do (e.g. barbell heavy lifting type, machines, circuits etc).
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    I work with her on tues and thurs, im willing to do whatever it takes to get me to where I wanna be!!
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    72 hr bump...tryin to not slip down into the darkside!
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    do you have any suggestions on any macro adjustments or something? I have my weigh in tomorrow morning, hoping to have another loss, seems 2 weeks in a row with a loss is not what my body wants to do!!

    thanks for any help you can lend :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Sorry for the delay. We got a bit behind as I was a slacker.

    How did your weigh in go?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    1) You should ideally get on some sort of a resistance program 2 to 3 times per week.
    2) For your calories and macronutrients, please set your intake as follows:

    1400 cals (gross intake)
    100 carbs
    60 fat
    115 protein

    Please follow this closely, and update us within two weeks. It would actually be helpful to not begin resistance training within the next two weeks just so that we can isolate what the intake does for you without the additional water weight fluctuation that will likely occur when you begin resistance training.
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    was down .6, but then sat & sun i kinda went carb/sugar crazy, i havent done that in a very long time....hopping right back on the healthy bandwagon this morning.
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    1) You should ideally get on some sort of a resistance program 2 to 3 times per week.
    2) For your calories and macronutrients, please set your intake as follows:

    1400 cals (gross intake)
    100 carbs
    60 fat
    115 protein

    Please follow this closely, and update us within two weeks. It would actually be helpful to not begin resistance training within the next two weeks just so that we can isolate what the intake does for you without the additional water weight fluctuation that will likely occur when you begin resistance training.

    maybe i just figured out how to respond to one of these, but i've already done it wrong!! damn technology!! yep!! see my response below!! sorry
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    im a bit confused....i meet with a trainer twice a week now, and have since the middle of march, it is only 1/2 hr sessions, but i was under the impression that i am doing resistance training already..........she has me on some of the machines, assisted pull ups, legs, squats, cables, dumb bells, and some mat work, sit ups bosu ball etc..

    i am suppose to meet with her tomorrow, so please let me know if i should cancel!!

    i will however adjust my intake as you suggested.

    thank you!
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    im a bit confused....i meet with a trainer twice a week now, and have since the middle of march, it is only 1/2 hr sessions, but i was under the impression that i am doing resistance training already..........she has me on some of the machines, assisted pull ups, legs, squats, cables, dumb bells, and some mat work, sit ups bosu ball etc..

    i am suppose to meet with her tomorrow, so please let me know if i should cancel!!

    i will however adjust my intake as you suggested.

    thank you!

    im assuming that since i have been doing the 2 1/2 hr sessions per week, i should continue, and just not add anything to it? please tell me i'm getting the hang of this!!!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    1) You should ideally get on some sort of a resistance program 2 to 3 times per week.
    2) For your calories and macronutrients, please set your intake as follows:

    1400 cals (gross intake)
    100 carbs
    60 fat
    115 protein

    Please follow this closely, and update us within two weeks. It would actually be helpful to not begin resistance training within the next two weeks just so that we can isolate what the intake does for you without the additional water weight fluctuation that will likely occur when you begin resistance training.

    I am not SS, but (just in case he doesn't get back here today) I am under the impression he does not want you to change your routine at all and ONLY change your nutrition. However, he can have the final say if he makes it back here. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    1) You should ideally get on some sort of a resistance program 2 to 3 times per week.
    2) For your calories and macronutrients, please set your intake as follows:

    1400 cals (gross intake)
    100 carbs
    60 fat
    115 protein

    Please follow this closely, and update us within two weeks. It would actually be helpful to not begin resistance training within the next two weeks just so that we can isolate what the intake does for you without the additional water weight fluctuation that will likely occur when you begin resistance training.

    I am not SS, but (just in case he doesn't get back here today) I am under the impression he does not want you to change your routine at all and ONLY change your nutrition. However, he can have the final say if he makes it back here. :)


    OP: At the moment, please keep your activity as is. We will address the resistance training when you 'check back in' in 2 weeks.
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    got it!!! thank you!!
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    started with the new #'s 11/11/13, as of 11/23/13 im up 1.8

    now i did on 11/9 & 11/10 as i wrote you have quite the carb/fat fest, i did log, accuracy im sure is off, so i actually started on 11/11, i thought i was doing well.

    im waiting for you to tell me im eating more than i think i am, and that is going to make me crazy!! i am so anal about every GRAM, i wont measure over by even 1 on anything i am weighing.....BUT i did realize that the coffeemate i use during the week, i have never included in my diary, i weighed out some (in grams) had coffee at work, brought it home and weighed what was left......and WOW!! blew my mind, it ended up to be around 200 calories consumed!! even drank my coffee alittle darker than i prefer, but still...geesh. i drink coffee primarily during the week at work, have it at home only occasionally. i have never logged it, and at this writing i've lost 60 lbs (started ww before mfp). im sure all of that doesnt make a difference!! but i have gone from eating chicken thighs, to eating chicken breast, i have changed my measuring from ounces or 1/3 cups etc to grams and the best of my ability i log everything i eat, when i have to estimate, say i've gone somewhere local for dinner (non chain place) and have to pick something in the data base as an equivilant, i have a problem, and would say that i think i probably over estimate in those instances, but i could be wrong!!

    i am at my wits end! i've had thyroid tested came back normal. my journey started april 2011, and by dec 14 2011, i was at my lowest weight loss of 68 1/2 lbs, i have been up a little down a little from there, still trying to lose, started with a PT in march, still my BF% hasnt changed all that much, my measurements have changed only minimally. i was completetly ready to give up. came back onto MFP in june, and started reading stuff by you, so i tried starting this macro thing on my own end of june 2013, i've started to lose again, but i think it's just about 10 lbs.

    so to correct my coffeemate issue, i am now weighing out whole milk (240 ml) put it in a bottle and brought it to work, will see if i have anything left, but i will record the cup in my diary....honestly other than that, i dont know what my problem is!!

    sorry for the lengthy post, but i really want to lose another 20 - 25 lbs....and am obviously doing something wrong, or there is something wrong with me physically, which doesnt show up on any testing!

    thanks again for your time......both of you ROCK!!

    forgot!! so i was hoping to get another week, at what i've been doing, (with the above small change) and see where that leads me.......or if you have something else, of course i am all ears!!
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    i will weigh in again on 12/7/13, i am continuing with the given target numbers, hopefully the scale will show something!! i also plan on being measured on 12/5/13, hopefully that will show some change finally! forgot to mention in my post above, in march it will be a year since i've had any diet cola.....i was actually expecting to see some progress with doing this, but..again, not that i can see!! although i think im probably better off by not drinking it, so i continue without it!

    i will post the above information,and hopefully if needed we can make some adjustments after that, i soooo want this last 20 gone!

    thanks!! happy holidays to you both!!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Sorry, I was out of town for the holiday but I'm back now. Sara and I will take a look at this one soon.
  • patticox
    patticox Posts: 33 Member
    weigh in today sat 12/7 down 3.2, total loss since the beginning 65#, 15 more to hit the high side of the range for weight watchers to achieve lifetime (this is my goal)...from my last weigh in, I ran a 5k on thanksgiving morning, and another on 12/4, besides my working with my trainer, and my cardio on the off days.

    don't know if you feel I should adjust anything at this time, i'm kinda curious as to why I can have a 3+ loss one week, then a 1+ gain the next, and so on with still eating about the same.........maybe that's just the way it goes!! anyway, looking forward to some feedback!
