New to DC. Is there anybody here?



  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm starting in a few weeks when I get back from my (all inclusive!) summer holiday. There should be plenty to lose after 2 weeks of open buffet!
  • phillytoast
    phillytoast Posts: 42 Member
    Helllloooo. I have just started and have already lost a load of weight !
  • amywhitbread
    amywhitbread Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, if anyone is still here I am just wondering how people have got on with Diet Chef in the past? I am now into my second week and I am loving it :) haven't weighed myself yet though so I don't know if I have lost anything, but I feel great and love how easy it is :D
  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Amy - I've been with DC for 16 months now and still getting on great. The selections and convenience really suit me so I'm sure I'll be with them for a long time yet. So far I've lost just over 100lbs :) Good luck, sounds like you're going to have great success!
  • amywhitbread
    amywhitbread Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Bud_ :smile: Thank you for your post. That is great to hear, especially as I have just ordered the 12 week plan now as well. I am now on my final week of my first 4 week plan, and I have already lost just over 11 lbs, so I am very optimistic about the results after being on the 12 week plan :smiley: Thank you ! and well done with your 100 lbs loss ! Very inspiring.
  • CrazyCoffeeQueen64
    CrazyCoffeeQueen64 Posts: 12 Member
    is anyone out there admitting to doing diet chef? all forums are incredibly quiet! I am on week one and enjoying the food so far. Am 16 and a half stone and only 5 foot 4; Lost a couple of stone already on my own but needed a boost.
  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Carolyn :) Sounds like you're doing a great job already - Well done! As mentioned above I'm still using DC and very happy to continue with them. Good luck! B)
  • CrazyCoffeeQueen64
    CrazyCoffeeQueen64 Posts: 12 Member
    thank you for replying! nice to hear from someone else also doing same! really got to stick to this. :smile:
  • jessgdn
    jessgdn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Carolyn, I'm on my first day of DC! Just found this forum and is very quiet. Our stats are very similar; I'm 16 st 7lbs and 5'1 in height. I'm currently feeligible hungry, but I guess that'll get easier, I hope!
  • amywhitbread
    amywhitbread Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Jess and Carolyn, I have been on DC for the past 3 months now, and just about to start my 4th. I have lost 14.5kg in the 3 months, eating DC and drinking Bootea protein shakes and going to the gym 4-5 times a week. I was very hungry when I first started but now it feels just right, I am consuming around 1200 calories a day, and increase it to 1500 to allow for weekend treats such as alcohol. I absolutely love DC, and until I reach my goal weight, I plan to carry on using it :smiley: Good luck ! :smile:
  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    Oh no! They've dropped the Cranberry bars! :worried: Had to be one of my favourite snacks...
  • amywhitbread
    amywhitbread Posts: 14 Member
    Bud_ wrote: »
    Oh no! They've dropped the Cranberry bars! :worried: Had to be one of my favourite snacks...

    This upsetted my so much ! I loved having one of these before a workout :(
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    Bud_ wrote: »
    Oh no! They've dropped the Cranberry bars! :worried: Had to be one of my favourite snacks...

    I've just placed an order. Those protein bars were there x
  • amywhitbread
    amywhitbread Posts: 14 Member
    I've recently ordered an 8 week plan and a Wowcher package and they still weren't there for either of them orders :neutral:
  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    Cranberry bars back on the menu - ordered - arrived - result!! B)