low carb recipe ideas...



  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Hey guys.. I just don´t get it about fats what you are saying.. sorry if that was answered already before.. but why you keep the fats high?
    What benefit does that bring?

    I have totally reduced fat to a minimum, carbs as well, ate almost protein and veg, drank 2 litres of water and green tea, and lost 4.5 kg in 3 weeks.
    Eating fats, even though if followed by high protein...? how can you loose your fat reserve consuming additional fats?

    Fats provide satiety, and are non-insulinogenic. So they don't cause spikes and plunges in blood sugar, which would otherwise cause energy ups and downs, as well as causing hunger cravings. Also, high insulin spikes induces fat storage, as opposed to fat burning.

    Second, the body only needs 1.3 grams to 1.9 grams protein per kg of lean body mass. Lower levels required for sedentary, while higher levels for active people. The protein is mainly used in muscle maintenance and building new tissue. Excess of protein undergoes conversion to glucose (sugar) via a biochemical process called gluconeogenesis. So eating excess protein completely defeats the purpose of eating low carb, as the body turns excess protein into sugar (I.e. Carb).

    There are three main macronutrients: carbs, protein and fat. If one decreases carbs to a low level (for example 25 grams), and also reducing fats to a minimum, then you are left with no other choice to have an ultra high protein intake. This creates a very restrictive diet. I've done this before, and not only did it not work, I had raging hunger all day long, my skin dried up, my nails got weaker, my hair got brittle, had terrible stomach problems...etc. I now follow a LCHF diet, bringing fat back into my diet, and the problems I had went away, especially noticeable in my skin and hair. I starved my body of fats, and fats are extremely healthy and a critical nutrient for cells.
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    No no don´t get me wrong, I do know all that ( more or less). I am not saying that I have taken all fats out of my diary, they are still there, but as much as possible, I try to eat lean foods. How else will you get rid of that fat, which is already around your waist? By eating a nice and healthy fruit and seed and oat bran porridge, which is spiced up with a spoonful of butter? I don´t think so. I still eat eggs, lean beef burgers, all fish, whether it´s oily or not, which already has fats, which is enough for someone wanting to loose their own muffin tops. Anyway, I am not a nutritionist and I guess everyone has their own method best for him.

    So far, my hair and nails look terrific, I feel energetic and NEVER hungry ( actually I was nicely surprised that am I still loosing my fat around my waist and hips), keep drinking my 4 pints of water + few cups of green tea and red tea, and, surely, going pee pee every 45 minutes.

    I am definitely coming back to consuming more healthy fats ( olive oil, seeds, nuts, but not chicken skin or butter), but as long as someone wants to loose weight, I don´t think it´s an option.
  • rosalee513
    rosalee513 Posts: 3 Member
    You can eat pork skins to replace chips, and they are 0 carbs