What do you hate the most?



  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    1. CONSTIPATION (omgoodness, I cannot even begin to explain (nor does anyone want to hear! ha!) the problems this has caused)
    2. Brain fog/tiredness/exhaustion/body aches/dead tired every flippin' day, all day!
    3. COLD cold cold cold cold!
    4. Thinning hair
    5. Very low libido (... and I just got married. :( ... and the plumbing seems to be broken! I.are.no.happy.)
    6. Moodiness. I get on my OWN nerves sometimes.

    Going to a new doctor this Thursday and cannot wait.

    God bless all you guys. <3 Thyroid disorders are the pits; especially when you don't LOOK sick, but feel like death. No one really can understand that unless they've been in our shoes ... and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

    Constipation and brain fog are the worst. I also go through periods of insomnia when my meds are off also. No one understands thyriod issues unless they have them.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    After years and years and years, we finally got all of my levels down to "normal" and oh, the difference it has made! I can honestly thank my pregnancy for that, since I was getting regular blood work done and they were watching me so closely. But I can still tell the moment I fluctuate a bit and need adjustment, because my body likes to HURT. It feels like an elephant sat on a nerve in my arm. Something begins to ache, and I head right off to my doctor and make him take a blood sample. I've found that even a slight change causes this, which might be due to my mild cerebral palsy... or it may just be me!

    But I definitely hear the complaints about being cold, and tired, and thinning hair...! I'd complain about my libido, but my thyroid also sets off my depression, for which I'm on constant medication, so I have no libido to begin with. :P
  • lia250
    lia250 Posts: 2 Member
    Cold legs/feet, constipation and dry face skin (water only helps with that).
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I don't have issues with being cold. I'm usually too warm all the time. But hair loss IS my issue. My hair is nearly 3 feet long and you could read a book through it because it's gotten so thin. it will take 4-5 years for the new growth to catch up because it grows so slowly. I use the mascara wand to coat what few hairs I have left in my eyebrows. The pencil just looks too fake now with them being so thin.

    Before meds, fatigue was my biggest complaint. My staircase has a landing before making a U-turn to go the rest of the way up. I always had to sit down and rest on the landing, then when I got upstairs I had to sit down again and catch my breath. I went through 4 doctors trying to tell them something was wrong. I was tired, gaining weight at a crazy rapid pace when I'd never been overweight before, my hair was falling out by the fistfuls, my cholesterol was over 300, my fingernails - oh my gosh, my fingernails! - they used to be naturally long ever since kindergarten and suddenly I couldn't get them grow past the nail bed.

    All 4 doctors said it was all just a side effect of being in my 30s and dismissed me. I was so grateful (and angry with the others) when I finally found one willing to run a simple blood test. 2014 can only go up!
  • epiphany29
    epiphany29 Posts: 122 Member
    I hate that my new insurance company will pay for cytomel, or synthroid, or the combination synthetic but refuses to cover the cost of armour thyroid. Thank you affordable care act!

    By the way, I will pay for armour out of my pocket because I am not going through the ****storm of attempting to remanage things with the synthetics.

  • zapampnmp
    I mentioned this elsewhere but my biggest gripe isn't the cold or forgetfulness or foggy head or lack of eyebrow ends but

    people who know I have hashimotos and know it causes me to be forgetful and get hangry if I forget to eat properly dismissing my upset or what I consider normal scatteredness as a

    here eat some food

    DUDE! I am PISSED because you are being a JERK not because I didn't eat
  • zapampnmp
    I hate that my new insurance company will pay for cytomel, or synthroid, or the combination synthetic but refuses to cover the cost of armour thyroid. Thank you affordable care act!

    By the way, I will pay for armour out of my pocket because I am not going through the ****storm of attempting to remanage things with the synthetics.


    My ex worked for a company that was tracking the success rate of various treatments for insurance companies. Most insurance companies will choose to pay or not pay for something based upon that information. I believe the info tracked was if Dr A gives patient A this treatment and Dr B gives patient B this treatment which treatment is most likely to be successful and cost effective. Which is why most will pay for generics but not a name brand that has a generic equivalent available. That whole affordable health care act that is now ranking hospitals on how frequently people return for same problem within a year also adds data as to what sort of treatment is most likely to work.

    Having worked in a hospital {in a secretarial position not medical} as the manager or a step down unit for ICU I saw some patients return 2 times in a year post heart attacks. Yes. Heart Attack then surgery then ICU then step down unit then 4 months later another heart attack then surgery then ICU then step down unit then 6 months later another Heart Attack surgery ICU post op to step down unit. Diet and Exercise were not being embraced. And since I am obese I am not dogging people for not being fit but I do realize things need to change in my life without having had a heart attack... or two.

    I know it sucks I am not saying it doesn't but it has nothing to do with affordable health care act. My ex was tracking this data at least 10 yrs ago per insurance company requests.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I hate that my new insurance company will pay for cytomel, or synthroid, or the combination synthetic but refuses to cover the cost of armour thyroid. Thank you affordable care act!

    By the way, I will pay for armour out of my pocket because I am not going through the ****storm of attempting to remanage things with the synthetics.

    how much are you paying for armour?