Starting INSANITY Monday 12/30/2013



  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    You guys ready for week two? (Or week one, for those of you starting today!) I'm excited for the fit test next week!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Day 1 Fit Test = COMPLETE! :bigsmile:
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Fit Test done, Day 2 down, Day 3 Down, and Ready for Day 4! I love it!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Fit Test done, Day 2 down, Day 3 Down, and Ready for Day 4! I love it!

    Same here! Keep it up! :drinker:
  • RachyD21
    RachyD21 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi guys, I'm just about to start Insanity round 3 :) I guess that from that you've guessed I love it!

    For people looking for huge losses the first few weeks, please don't be discouraged if your weight doesn't change or only drops a little - especially if you don't have much left to lose. Your muscles hold on to a lot of water when they need to repair themselves (which is essentially what they'll be doing throughout) so this extra water makes the scales read higher than you might be expecting. Also you're constantly adding muscle, which weighs more than fat. The first time I did insanity I completed the whole of month 1 and only lost 2lb I think. My measurements went down though and I could see a positive change when I compared photos. So *do* take a 'before' photo (or 3) and record your measurements at the start.

    Good luck everyone!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I finished my first week of Insanity. The scale didn't move, but I feel great! I feel stronger and cardio is better. YAY ME! :happy:
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Day 5 completed!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Day 6 done! :smile: I am so happy that tomorrow is a rest day!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Day 9 = Completed! I woke up sore and tired today, and almost didn't get up to do my workout, but I'm sure glad I did! My arms and shoulders are sore today, but that's a good sign, eh? I sure hope the scale moves down this week...we shall see.

    How's everyone doing?
  • GameTimeKB24
    I'm on Day 4 of my 2nd round of Insanity. This time I plan to do 60 days of Insanity and follow it up with 30 days of Asylum **oh my :ohwell: **.

    Wish me luck!!!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Tomorrow is the last day of my 2nd week of Insanity! Monday is Fit Test! Can't wait!
  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    Cardio Power & Resistance done! Not my best workout because me and my sister were goofing around a lot and getting off track, but I had my first significant NSVs with Insanity today! In the first set I was able to do the power jumps for the entire minute/30 seconds (don't remember how long those are) and then I was able to do 20 consecutive push ups for the first time in my life...and then I did one more set of them a few minutes later! Until September 2013 I couldn't even do a single push up off of my's so rewarding to look back and see how far you've come!

    Hope you all are doing great as well! Best of luck as we go into the last week of month one (it went by so fast!)
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Tomorrow is the last day of my 2nd week of Insanity! Monday is Fit Test! Can't wait!

    Me too!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Fit Test Completed! I am now officially starting week 3!

    And I just ordered T25!
  • sikick123
    Hi everyone, my partner and I are on Day 23.

    Glad to see so many insane people out there. I'll probably be looking kn these forums a lot as soon as we finished week 1 we knew it wasnt going to be quite as simple as eat loads less and workout loads more:)

    Ive googled the science of burning fat and insanity reviews for far too long now! Lots of weird and wondefull info out there :)

    I have lost 8lbs since starting and my partner has really lost any weight but her body shape has definately changed.

    Would love to have some friends during this journey and compare notes and findings:)

    I will post my day 1 pics and update as the changes happen(hopefully)

    Good luck to everyone on here. Please share any relevations that you come across.

  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    1 day away from my 3 week completion! So excited! What do I have to look forward to in my recovery week? Anyone? :huh:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Started week 4 today - woo hoo!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Yesterday I completed Pure Cardio without stopping but 2 times! I was so proud of myself! :drinker:
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Yesterday I completed Pure Cardio without stopping but 2 times! I was so proud of myself! :drinker:

    THAT'S HUGE!!! Way to DIG DEEP!