January Goals



  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Thanks, Varda! I've been feeling a bit underwhelmed with my progress this month. I'm glad I've kept records (something I just started doing in January). The month wasn't as bad as it felt. :smile:

    I'm going to try to shake things up in February. I'm not sure how or what to aim for. My final goal would be to get a little bit quicker in pace.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Intervals are one way to get you there. And they'll take less time than just doing straight runs.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, I'm new to Bridge to 10K. I did my first 5K on January 1, 2014 and have been training for 10K since then so I guess that's my January/February goal.

    My first 10K is March 9 and I can't wait.

    I did download the Gipis app that you all have recommended for the training plan and am enjoying it so far...although it does seem easy (only done 3 workouts so far) but I know the harder intervals are coming.

    Thanks for all the great advice!

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Welcome aboard! I was finally able to admit that I was a runner - out loud - to other people - after my 10k ;) It's a great event.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    I haven't really felt like a runner but I have been running further and further than I ever thought I could.
    When a friend of mine asked me if I was going to go jogging I remember thinking, no way, I don't jog, I run... but I wasn't ready to say it yet :tongue: . Soon, I will! :wink: