Adopt-A-Noob: BrainyBurro + ItsTimeCharlie



  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    My cals being 1650 if fantastic right now, because I feel like I'm not failing when I go over the 1400 mark lol

    I enjoyed walking on my day off. I want to buy some good solid walking shows and go out a bit more on the flats. I live on a hill in windy conditions, so not keen to walk up here till I'm feeling fit.

    Life is good, I seriously have not lasted this long at all before and it feels like a lifestyle change more than anything!

    the more you walk, the easier it becomes. even at a casual pace like 2.75mph or 3mph, your cardiovascular system will adapt and it becomes easier. i used to play sports when i was younger. and i even forced myself to run in my 20's (i hated that), but for about 10 years i stopped doing anything. then i started walking again. the first time out i went 5.3 miles. i needed 7-10 days to recuperate after that (legs and feet were sore!), but within a month or two i was going out for 5.3 mile walks every other day. then i got to the point where i was doing them 7 or 8 or 9 days in a row. that was my body adapting.

    so i suggest just doing it. don't wait. go for the walks. you'll get more fit each time. you don't need to run to get fit. it's obviously faster when you run, but any sort of cardio forces your body to adapt and become more efficient.

    make sure you hit your calorie deficit goals for the week and let's see how you did come the 1st. i suggest a once a month weigh in. if you have a good mindset you can weigh yourself more often (just be aware of the water weight fluctuations), but for MFP purposes, let's get you weighing in and adjusting your profile goals every 1st of the month.

    i like weighing in on the first of the month. there is a strategy to how you do it. each weigh in should be as close to comparable conditions as possible. for most people, that means weighing-in first thing after going to the bathroom in the morning.

    i actually do a bit more preparation than that. i will try to go lower cals, lower sodium, and lower fluid intake for a couple of days before the weigh in so that i'm as close to "actual" weight as i can be. this helps prevent me from getting wild water weight fluctuations showing up on the scale. also, going lower cals (especially the day before) will help keep you from weighing the food in your intestinal tract. there will be some in there of course, but the last thing you want to do before a morning weigh in is have a huge dinner the night before.

    now's the time to start thinking how you want to do your weigh-ins. so long as you follow the same script before each one, you'll have a reasonably consistent set of conditions on all of your weigh-ins. of course, once you step off the scale and record your weight, you can sit down and have a huge breakfast. it's just that going into the weigh-in, you want to try and avoid the sources of extra weight that will affect the number. i've seen myself shed 7lbs of water weight in 24 hours, so of course, i'd rather weigh-in with those 7lbs gone than with those 7lbs on me
  • ItsTimeCharlie
    ItsTimeCharlie Posts: 21 Member
    Oh man just reading my messages tells me I must have been tired haha. Thanks for all this info, I can be pretty stubborn, or determined, depends on how you see it, so I'm pretty sure no one could make me do anything I didn't want to do :) Went for my first walk for this week yesterday after my injury, only 30mins and very slow, but I just needed to do something. Going nuts at home now.

    Initial weigh in on Dec around the 27th: 272 lbs
    Weigh in today 262lbs \m/(*-*)\m/
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Oh man just reading my messages tells me I must have been tired haha. Thanks for all this info, I can be pretty stubborn, or determined, depends on how you see it, so I'm pretty sure no one could make me do anything I didn't want to do :) Went for my first walk for this week yesterday after my injury, only 30mins and very slow, but I just needed to do something. Going nuts at home now.

    Initial weigh in on Dec around the 27th: 272 lbs
    Weigh in today 262lbs \m/(*-*)\m/

    good job.

    go ahead and change your ticker. MFP will give you a new calorie goal based on your new weight. your macro ratio will stay the same. since we don't worry about macro ratios, you should go ahead and recalculate your macros based on the formulas listed earlier in this thread.

    fats = 0.35 x bodyweight
    protein = 1.0 x LBM

    then check those numbers against what MFP is showing.

    also, it's not a bad idea to separately sanity check your monthly numbers to see how close the 10lbs was to the expected amount. we do this by counting the total calories in and the total calories out for the month and see if the difference amounts to 10lbs. in the first month, some of your loss is going to be water weight, but it's still useful to do this sanity check. in month two, we'll do the same thing and that's when we can tell how accurate the calorie in and calorie out estimates are.
  • ItsTimeCharlie
    ItsTimeCharlie Posts: 21 Member
    Ok I feel a bit thick when it comes to calculations. And admittedly I'm feeling a little stressed after trying to work out what I have taken in last time.

    The sanity check:
    I have already set up my database so that it calculates each months Cal intake and Cal Burn.

    For Jan:
    Cal Intake Aim was: 51150
    Cal Burn Aim was: 15750

    My actual was:
    Cal intake: 44,230
    Cals burned: 14,348

    I have also set the database up so I can work out the remainder of cals in/burn for the month.

    My remainder was:
    Cal intake: 6920
    Cals burned: 1402

    Based on my latest weight: 262 BMR 1950

    new protein goal should be 130g
    new fat goal should be 92g but I'm going to aim for 70g to 75g as you have suggested to me in a pm.

    And I'm just about to try and go through your notes to work out how to know what I should be eating in cals vs my new weight for the month. I'm assuming I need to. MFP have put me up to 1450 cals
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Ok I feel a bit thick when it comes to calculations. And admittedly I'm feeling a little stressed after trying to work out what I have taken in last time.

    The sanity check:
    I have already set up my database so that it calculates each months Cal intake and Cal Burn.

    For Jan:
    Cal Intake Aim was: 51150
    Cal Burn Aim was: 15750

    My actual was:
    Cal intake: 44,230
    Cals burned: 14,348

    I have also set the database up so I can work out the remainder of cals in/burn for the month.

    My remainder was:
    Cal intake: 6920
    Cals burned: 1402

    Based on my latest weight: 262 BMR 1950

    new protein goal should be 130g
    new fat goal should be 92g but I'm going to aim for 70g to 75g as you have suggested to me in a pm.

    And I'm just about to try and go through your notes to work out how to know what I should be eating in cals vs my new weight for the month. I'm assuming I need to. MFP have put me up to 1450 cals

    going back through this thread, for january we had these settings...

    sedentary TDEE = 2400
    daily cardio goal = 500
    TDEE + cardio = 2900
    calorie goal = 1650
    daily deficit = 1250

    this would have resulted in a total deficit for the month of 38750 (11.07lbs)

    your actual numbers:

    daily cardio = 463 calories
    TDEE + cardio = 2863
    daily calories = 1426
    daily deficit = 1437

    your actual deficit for the month was 44547 (12.72lbs)

    this is a little more than you actually lost during that period, so perhaps the cardio burn estimates we're using are a little high or the BMR estimate from the outside calculator is a little high. that's not a big deal... we can worry about correcting for that after a couple of months of data are in.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    your new February numbers will look like this:

    sedentary TDEE = 2340
    daily cardio goal = 463
    TDEE + cardio = 2803
    calorie goal = 1650 <-- same goal as last month
    daily deficit = 1153

    this will result in a total deficit for the month of 32284 (9.22lbs)

    this assumes you can do the same amount of cardio each day this month as last month.

    if you can't do any cardio because of your ankle sprain and still eat at 1650 calories, your deficit will be 19320 (5.52lbs). that's still weight loss, so don't push yourself too soon to get in your exercise. let your body heal.

    your average intake last month was below 1650. in fact it was 1426 calories. if you were meeting your macros at this calorie level and not feeling hungry, then that was ok. if not, you should try to eat closer to the 1650 calorie goal this month.

    in summary, even though your sedentary BMR has dropped about 60 calories, i'd like to see you shoot for the same daily calorie goal that we had last month (1650). you can eat less than that amount if you're meeting your fats goal (70g-75g) and your protein goal (130g) and are not hungry. however, certainly stay above 1400-1450 calories in that scenario.

    try to get in the same amount of cardio, but if the injury leaves you unable to, don't worry... you're still going to lose at least another 5-6lbs on the month.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    one more thing (very important) - take some photos of yourself now. when you've lost all your weight, you'll regret not having "before" photos. these might be embarrassing to take, but take them anyway. you'll want front, side, and back full body views in clothes that allow you to see your body. take a look at the many Success Story forum threads to see what people generally do when taking "before" photos. see what sorts of clothes they wear. not only will these photos come in handy for the day you want to write your own success story, but also, they will allow you to see body changes more easily than if you didn't take photos. because your body is changing in small amounts each day, it's easy to not notice these changes as you stare at yourself in the mirror every day... but when you compare to "before", you'll see the changes much more distinctly.
  • ItsTimeCharlie
    ItsTimeCharlie Posts: 21 Member
    Your likely right on the cardio because I'm only using the search engine, I'm not totally sure burned cals are correct but I'm sure it will get better as I take in all this info :D

    Sweet, now that I'm home I'm going to try relaxing but will swim at the moment just to keep some type of momentum...I will walk as I can.

    I took photos and found my first photos that I took when I first decided to go for gold ha.

    I'm feeling a lot more on track with my weight than I ever have, so I'm really looking forward to getting my head in the game again. This weekend was my partners cousins wedding, we went to Melbourne for 4 days, I ate pizza, tacos, churros, rosti's, salads, bakery bread, cheese, sushi, you name it, I had it!

    Not only did I struggle with it, I wasted a lot of food which is something I avoid these days and I even vomitted from not being used to eating that way anymore. Admittedly it was fun to be able to try some new foods and remember some old ones, but tbh, I don't want to be like that. I like where I feel like I'm heading. So man up and back to it! :D
  • ItsTimeCharlie
    ItsTimeCharlie Posts: 21 Member
    This month I tore the ligaments in my ankle due to an unexpected injury while out of town. Its been really hard to rest it to be honest, I'm dying to go back to aerobic activity. I have been swimming and walking where ever my ankle will allow it and anywhere else, I have been resting it. Some days are better than others.

    I lost 8.5lbs regardless this month and this has made me even more determined to make this happen. I have only ever lost 10kg at any given time dieting. But this time its a lifestyle change, I want my life back and I'm totally on the go with this!

    I have even taken measurements this time around because I'm now excited to see where I'm loosing a little more specifically :)

    I am now 253.5 in weight and although this month I felt a bit up and down emotionally with both eating and being restricted in what I can do, I have realised that its not the end of my world.

    I have started to buy new clothes to accommodate the changes. Thats a nice feeling no matter how big or small the change ...*feeling humbled BB
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I'm ready to drop in calories so how best do I do that.

    here's what i would do... add up all your cardio exercise burns for the last 2 months and then divide that number by 61. be careful to only include real exercise cardio burns... your walks, swims, etc. that sort of stuff. this will give you your CURRENT exercise burns per day.

    then calculate your new BMR based on your new weight.

    multiply the BMR by 1.2 from the harris-benedict equation. add your current average calorie burn. this will give you a good approximation of your TDEE right now. then subtract 1000 from that. that's your new calorie goal with the expectation of losing 2lbs per week. that's your new calorie goal and that's what you should limit yourself to eating. if you can then become more active and do more cardio this month, you'll lose more and/or eat more if you eat back some additional calories... but for now, if you just stay as active with exercise as you are now, this puts you on pace for 2lbs/week.

    then to sanity check your number, see how it compares to the calorie goal you have been using and see if the new number is a daily goal you can live with. if not, then you either scale back your loss rate expectations or make sure to do more exercise (walking is enough).
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    As of May 1st:

    Last two months added: 10,522

    divide by 61 = 172.49 (current average calorie burn ACB)

    1870 (BMR) x 1.2 + 172.49 (ACB)

    Result: 2416.49 (approx TDEE)
    2416.49 (approx TDEE) – 1000 = 1416.50 (New calorie goal NCG)

    I'm currently set up on MFP since the last month oddly to eat 1380cals...I must have said yes to a setting change or something...I didn't bother changing it because I knew my aim so didn't worry too much.

    So the daily goal is more I'm living with now.

    remember, right now you're NOT eating back those 172 exercise calories per day. that's a needed part of your 1000 per day calorie deficit to get you to 2lbs/week.

    as you do more exercise, you can decide for yourself how many of those EXTRA calories you want to eat back (if any). this is different than the way MFP is setup. once you understand this distinction, you could at some point start using the MFP recommendations and just choose not to eat back all of your calories.

    MFP assumes that you will eat back all of your exercise calories. it's setup this way to be easiest for most people. however, once you understand the underlying math, then you can use MFP and selectively override the goals it sets for you as it suits you. so long as you know what's really going on, you have complete control. most people don't bother to learn the underlying math and they just blindly follow the MFP recommendations every day. on days without exercise, that could lead to a lower calorie intake close to 1200. we don't want you to go that low. this is why lots of people on the forums complain about being on 1200 calories per day. they don't understand what's going on and just assume that MFP is giving them a valid goal. it isn't. for you, we are accounting for your current exercise level so that we have a nice average intake higher than 1200 so that even on days you are not exercising, you are still eating at a level that allows you to feel full and get your nutrients.

    in essence, we are budgeting 172 calories of your 1000 calorie deficit to come from your current exercise level and 828 calories of your 1000 calorie deficit to come from restricting food (i.e. limiting calories in).

    because we are assuming that you will be doing that much exercise each day, we calculate your expected average TDEE to be 2416 even on days you don't do any exercise!!!

    if you used MFP the way MFP is set up, it would not account for those 172 calories each day UNTIL you logged them. so to start the day, it would think all 1000 calories of your deficit are coming from food restriction and would give you a goal of 1244. this would be too low and this is not the goal i want you to shoot for. so that's why we are not currently following the MFP method. until you understand why MFP comes up with faulty numbers like these and can override them mentally, it's better to ignore the MFP recommendations.

    1870 x 1.2 = 2244
    2244 - 1000 = 1244 <-- this is how MFP would set your calories with no exercise logged for the day!!!!!

    MFP would only become correct if you logged exactly 172 calories of exercise each day. if you log more, it will expect you to eat more calories on the day and raise your goal because it wants your deficit to always be 1000. if you log less, it will lower your goal for the same reason. right now, i think what you do with any extra exercise calories is your choice. so long as you don't eat back the first 172 calories of exercise you'll stay on pace for 2lbs per week.

    i hope that's not too confusing.