Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    My final check in!

    Cardio: 370
    Strength: 100
    Fitspo: done
    Punishment: 2/2
    Food: 6/6

    Hard to believe we're at the end! It went WAY too quickly!!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Final check in (Sunday-Thursday; Saturday)

    Cardio: 484 / 250
    Strength: 103/100
    Fitspo: done
    Leg throws: 2/2
    Food: 6/6

    I competed a 60 minute strength/step video and then a 10 km walk this afternoon. :drinker:
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Cardio: 276/250
    Strength: 105/100
    Fitspo: done
    Leg throws: 2/2
    Food: 6/6 I am saying 6. Last night I went over (at a wedding). However I was under at least 200 every other day this week. Does that count

    Is isht his week had been better..
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Cardio: 645 / 250
    Strength: 145/100
    Fitspo: I have it, i just don't know how to add a photo on here.
    Leg throws: 2/2
    Food: 6/6
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    265/250 Cardio

    100/100 Strength

    10/2 Leg Throws. My Favorite Challenge!

    6/6 Food

    No Fitspo For Me. Sorry

    So Whats Our Plan For Next Week?
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 6 Saturday 4/5/14, check in:

    Cardio: 650/250 (Aiming for the 800 club! - Didn't make the 800 :ohwell: )
    Strength: 100/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 220/135
    Average calorie intake: 6/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 11.2/9
    Punishment (current) = 4/2 leg throws (2 sets of 20)
    fitsbo = tried to post it in here, so I put it in my profile pic
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Where is it??? I am trying to post my fitso - it is the one in my profile pic
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    tj.... whoa. you are a freaking rockstar!!!!

    i was really hoping for a killer day today... ended up not getting in the row this morning like id hoped due to too much wine consumption.. then when i went to try again this afternoon between the pedi and dinner, i realized i left my shoes at home.... soooo it just wasnt meant to be today. i did attempt it in flip flops but that was just silly

    S: CF 14.5 35c
    M: Swim 30c
    T: Tabatas 45c
    W: Swim 30c
    Th: lift + tabatta 45st / 30c
    S: lift + row 60st /30c

    Cardio: 200/250 (est 270/250)
    Strength: 105 /100 (est 105/100)
    Average calorie intake: 6/6 days
    Punishment (current) = 2/2 leg throws (2 sets of 20)
    fitsbo = DONE!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    @sawjan - You have to change the to lower case on both sides.myfitnesspal_zps85f02f50.jpg
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Good morning team! Sorry that I have been AWOL the last couple of days. I pulled a 15 hr shift on friday after a 12 hr one the day before. I got 3 hrs of sleep fri night and did the farmers market on sat, came home and crashed. I got everyone checked in except for Bebubble?? So a total of 2.75

    Here was my final numbers

    food on task
    no punishment

    I chose Sawjan again for MVP simply because she had the highest over all numbers. You all should be very proud of yourselves!!!

    As for fitsbos being completed I have myself, Tj, Sawjan, hajenkatt, Kawookie, Coruscate, funkygranola and skittles. Did I miss anyone? BTW, I am blown away by all of you guys and your fitsbos. Dang!

    As for goals met, not everyone reported them.

    Me: my goal was to lose 10 lbs and I lost 12!!!!!
    TJ: lost 10 lbs and over 7 inches!!!
    Sawjan: lost 11 lbs!

    Everyone is so amazing! We are going to take one full week off and then we can start back with mini challenges!

    Feel free to report your goals if you haven't reported.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member

    Everyone is so amazing! We are going to take one full week off and then we can start back with mini challenges!

    I am already looking forward to this!

    And Congrats sawjan!!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Oh right, goals:

    My goal was to get a regular strength training routine set up/increase my strength training.

    Currently I have bought 5, 6, and 8 pound weights to go with my 1, 2 and 3 pounders. I am currently up to using 5 pounds for almost all of my workouts. I still sometimes use lighter weights if I am doing something new (I did a new step and tone yesterday that I used 1 pound weights while learning -- good thing too because I hit myself with them a few times. I am not coordinated!)

    I am regularly working out with weights and I now can get through a 30-40 minute weight training video doing all the reps (at 3 lbs) or most (at 5 lbs).

    I have lost roughly 9 pounds (scale has been bouncing between 196-198) and I have lost 7.25 inches in the last 25 days.

    Personal victory: I have done the bulk of this challenge with my dad being seriously ill. I never took time off nor did I fail to complete requested activities (other than those evil wall sits!) While I never made MVP (congrats to those who did!) I feel more proud of completing this challenge than of any of the other challenges I have ever done.

    Note on my dad: He is now doing rehabilitation at an acute care unit. He is no longer contagious and he is off dialysis. Overall, he is doing much better and should be making a full recovery -- it just takes a long time to recover from a 7 week hospital stay!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    This was a tough challenge Kim and you did amazing! I'm glad your dad is recovering well. Love your new pics.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks for MVP :blushing:

    Kawookie - Thanks for fixing my picture. I am proud of you for sticking with your routine during your father's illness. I hope he has a good recovery.

    Strive4more - Thanks. I am looking forward to the mini challenge too!

    Sara - Try to rest, thank you for all that you have done during this challenge.

    Coruscate - you have been very busy, it must have been a sight to see you doing your leg throws in flip flops

    A week off??? Oh what to do???
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member

    Everyone is so amazing! We are going to take one full week off and then we can start back with mini challenges!

    Do we get to suggest some of the mini challenges? I think it would be fun if we could take turns posting some.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    That sounds a great idea - taking turns with challenges. There could be 2 challenges for the week, maybe making one a physical/fitness and food/nutritional challenge.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I had to stop over here to see all your amazing totals - you guys are awesome! I enjoyed this challenge and getting to know all you guys. Please keep in the loop on anything new as I would love to stay joined in.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    @sawjan - You have to change the to lower case on both sides.myfitnesspal_zps85f02f50.jpg


    Im taking the week off, only doing a couple exercises. I have my 1 year check up with the surgeon on Thursday and I want to make sure i am as relaxed as can be!! Should be really easy with it being the last week of tax season, right??!! :noway:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hi Everyone! I made one more thread here for us to chat, plan, and have mini challenges:
    As most of you know, we will be doing this again for Season 5 and I hope you will all join us then and in the meantime, we will keep this group open. We're still crunching numbers, so it might be tonight final MVP's and last week's winning team and the overall winning team is announced.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    I just looked and since joining the group I have in 9 weeks lost 22lbs.:bigsmile: that is amazing for me to say that. I will for sure be coming back in Oct to join for season 5 as well I am sticking around because everyone had been so amazing and helpful and just keeps me going. thank you all for this and getting to know everyone.