Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I had to stop over here to see all your amazing totals - you guys are awesome! I enjoyed this challenge and getting to know all you guys. Please keep in the loop on anything new as I would love to stay joined in.

    Glad you enjoyed it! You are always welcome!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I just looked and since joining the group I have in 9 weeks lost 22lbs.:bigsmile: that is amazing for me to say that. I will for sure be coming back in Oct to join for season 5 as well I am sticking around because everyone had been so amazing and helpful and just keeps me going. thank you all for this and getting to know everyone.

    Skittles, I wish I knew how much weight you lost cause you were such a rock star this whole challenge! I was looking at both you and Sawjan for MVP and your weight loss may have pushed you over the top. At any rate, you get an honorable mention for sure!

    Congrats!!!!! I'm so proud of you!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    That sounds a great idea - taking turns with challenges. There could be 2 challenges for the week, maybe making one a physical/fitness and food/nutritional challenge.

    I'm all for people taking turns cause I'm going to be so busy all through till market season is over. We have a new chat thread that includes all the teams and I think we are suppose to merge there. I know this team is tight, so if you want to remain chatting here, that's cool too. I'm so proud of you guys!!! Kim messaged me that this team should not be listed as intermediate. It's really more advanced and I have to agree.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Please don't get upset with me, but all of us really kicked some zombie butt during this challenge. There is no way that we are not advanced when you crazy folks decided that the 500 club was too easy. I am going to have to work hard to keep up with you all. Learning some real martial arts is on my summer to-do list
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member

    That's what team work does! We may have been too numerous to win a week but we rocked the whole thing!!

    So what's next week's challenge?!

    On a side note....we did leg throws in my fit class today. And the instructor had everyone watch me because I did them perfect and didn't arch my back! There was a reason I did 200 of those last week!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Skittles - 22 pounds!!! Totally Awesome!!!! :glasses:

    Tinker - that is really a great compliment for the instructor to have you demonstrate the exercise :drinker:

    Kawookie - if you lived near me, we could take karate together. I started out after our youngest daughter was doing it. It is nice way to get a little extra exercise (I don't count it for my daily exercise except for the minutes). And it gives you some confidence... Makes you feel like a bad *kitten* :laugh:

    TEAM CAROL - Awesome job. Very proud to be part of this group! And secret power???? hmmm so interesting. We have to stay strong over the break. :heart:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    thanks guys, I couldn't of done it with out everyone here. and when I come back for season 5 I'll have even more off me lol I am off to do my walking, then biggest loser video and later zumba.

    When I first started MFP I didn't think I would stay in for long. I know my self and what I did before. I would be good for a few weeks or a month or so but then give up and go back into my old habits, but this site helped me now when i want to eat something bad it makes me sick which makes me not want to eat that again. so I am sticking with this new life style and I love being active. its funny I hate sitting around I feel like I need to be on the move haha so I'm getting up and moving haha.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Anyone else still tracking their minutes? I was just adding mine up for the week and realize I didn't have a goal. I'm already to 270 cardio! I'm thinking next week I might set a calories burned goal for myself, it'd be a big swimming/running week.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    @tinkermomma - I was worried being without goals so I set myself a goal of 300 cardio and 120 strength ( 195/83 currently). I really want to work on my strength so I upped it by a full workout. I am currently adding step into my rotation. This step and tone workout really kicks my tail -- I used three pound dumbells yesterday and didn't kill myself. So, I am obviously getting the hang of it.

    @skittles - Congrats on your loss and on getting to the place were you see the greater values in your new lifestyle. It is hard to want to go back when the food and inactivity make you feel sick and stir-crazy.

    NSV - I tried on a necklace and discovered the chain was way too long. Then I remembered that I have lost a ton of inches from my neck. I need some new silver chains because 22" inches of necklace looks horrible now (I believe I can now wear a 16" chain when 18" used to be a choker on me -- most of my necklaces are 20 or 22 inches).
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    I started the Blogilates Beginner Calendar Challenge yesterday. I like that the majority are mini-type videos. Holy sore abs today, Batman!! Anyone else done this before?
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    @hajenkatt -- No, I get their email updates but I have never done a workout. One of those things I thought I might do sometime, but I haven't gotten to it yet. So the beginner is even tough? Maybe I need to take on a new challenge...
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Anyone else still tracking their minutes? I was just adding mine up for the week and realize I didn't have a goal. I'm already to 270 cardio! I'm thinking next week I might set a calories burned goal for myself, it'd be a big swimming/running week.

    How funny me too! Tracking my minutes!
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    @hajenkatt -- No, I get their email updates but I have never done a workout. One of those things I thought I might do sometime, but I haven't gotten to it yet. So the beginner is even tough? Maybe I need to take on a new challenge...

    I haven't found it tough per se, but that might be bc most of the workouts are under 15 minutes. I mean, I can do nearly anything for ten minutes, right? I am doing it in addition to my C210K app on my iPhone. I just finished Day 4 on the Blogilates calendar. I hope this helps my body kick back into gear. My doc switched up my BC pills nine weeks ago, and no matter how well I stay within my calorie range, I am gaining. I am seeing numbers I haven't seen in over four years, and I am SO frustrated. :(
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    @hajenkatt -- No, I get their email updates but I have never done a workout. One of those things I thought I might do sometime, but I haven't gotten to it yet. So the beginner is even tough? Maybe I need to take on a new challenge...

    I haven't found it tough per se, but that might be bc most of the workouts are under 15 minutes. I mean, I can do nearly anything for ten minutes, right? I am doing it in addition to my C210K app on my iPhone. I just finished Day 4 on the Blogilates calendar. I hope this helps my body kick back into gear. My doc switched up my BC pills nine weeks ago, and no matter how well I stay within my calorie range, I am gaining. I am seeing numbers I haven't seen in over four years, and I am SO frustrated. :(

    The good news is that doesn't sound like it could possibly real weight gain. It is more likely water weight gain/bloating. Is weight gain a side effect of the new BC? That sounds super frustrating. I hope you get it figured out soon - otherwise I would be calling my doctor. Uncontrolled weight gain while eating at a deficit is just nuts.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Kim, congrats on your newer and smaller neck. Lol! Who knew that you could shrink necklace sizes. How did your 5 k go?

    Hajenkat, I'm one that is sensitive to bloat as well. The new pill sounds like a dud! Time to switch again I would say except I know that they say you need to stick with it for 3 months. I decided to opt for the tubal ligation verses bcp or IUD. I hope you get it figured out soon.

    I was tracking my mins too! LOL
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    I stopped tracking my minutes but just feel so unaccountable. I can tell I slacked off last week. :sad:
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    @Sara - the 5K was a blast. 46 minutes to walk the 3 miles (even though my husband had to stop to pet the dogs when he met each new one). We would funny run when there were kids on the course cheering us until we slapped their hands. We were pretty odd to watch, I am sure. We loved it so we decided we would look to do other run/walks for charities that we wanted to support. We are considering doing a Jack and Jill event (pancakes are involved) and it's for the National Park.

    I just got back from walking to my brother's house. It ends up being a 10 km walk! It only took us a little over 2 hours even waiting for lights and picking up my brother for half the walk home. (He took my nephew out with us and walked us about 1/3 of the way home before returning to his house).
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Way to go! It's always good to have fun with your work out!
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    A quick check in to say I'n in Week 2 of the Blogilates for Beginners calendar, and I am still liking it so far.

    But my BIG BIG BIG news (drum roll please!) is that on Easter Sunday, I took my kids to Fan Expo here in Vancouver to do a Star Wars Egg Roll and other Easter activities. One of the guests was Lauren Cohan, and I GOT TO MEET HER!!!! I am not one to be starstruck, but she is even more beautiful in person. She was super sweet to my kids, she loved the Walking Dead t-shirt my daughter was wearing that I had made, and I may have my first girl crush going on. LOL I would never ditch out on Team Carol, but Lauren solidly cemented my love for Maggie in a close second. Squee!!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    A quick check in to say I'n in Week 2 of the Blogilates for Beginners calendar, and I am still liking it so far.

    But my BIG BIG BIG news (drum roll please!) is that on Easter Sunday, I took my kids to Fan Expo here in Vancouver to do a Star Wars Egg Roll and other Easter activities. One of the guests was Lauren Cohan, and I GOT TO MEET HER!!!! I am not one to be starstruck, but she is even more beautiful in person. She was super sweet to my kids, she loved the Walking Dead t-shirt my daughter was wearing that I had made, and I may have my first girl crush going on. LOL I would never ditch out on Team Carol, but Lauren solidly cemented my love for Maggie in a close second. Squee!!!!

    That is awesome!!!!!