Week 2 Chat (27 January-2 February)



  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Claude is gorgeous

    Candi I used to live in Sydney and took for granted the access to services that you have when you live in the city - it was a huge shock to the system to discover the absolute dearth of services in the country. It can be frustrating but I really wouldn't trade it to go back (an occasional visit is about it) - we have space, fresh air, traffic jams are virtually unknown, no crowds and the sky at night is so full of stars, people wave and smile (yes there are certain gossipy elements but I avoid them like the plague) so in a way it balances out. Plus driving an hour along a country road is so different to driving 40 minutes in bumper to bumper gridlock, then circling for 30 minutes to find a parking space - I remember that frustration well.

    And I have cat news too - I have been feeding a stray. She's been hanging around in my front yard and since I already have puddy tats I have been giving her some of their food. This morning I noticed she was sitting along the side of the house under the meter box so I went to investigate and found kittens - she's obviously hidden them well for at least a week because their eyes are open. There are 2 - one tortoiseshell like the mother and the other is a creamy ginger both very cute but I can't keep them because my cats are a tad territorial. So it looks like I'll be looking to rehome these kitties once the babies are big enough.

    And..... the children went back to school today!!!!!! So at least I can do my yoga in peace now.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Nelle - AWESOME! A holiday and a loss on the scales - what???? Fabulous effort - congrats!!

    Tell me about it!! It might just be a dream and I'd wake up soon and realise that I really gained 5kgs!! lol!

    Aaawww, Claude is such a handsome little kitty.

    Got out of bed extra early thinking that I'd start boot camp only to get there and realise that they've cancelled it completely because of lack of support. Was a bit bummed but ended up going for a 7k run with two others. It was really hard getting back into especially as we did Toohey forest which has a lot of uphill work and if it wasn't for the support and encouragement of my running partners I would have stopped and walked!! I'm completely buggered but glad that I did it.
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Yay Claude! What a cute kitty he is :)
    And kitties for Mungo too, how sweet. Good on you both for helping them!

    Broncos- I do the New Rules of Lifting program which sees me do 2 alternate workouts for each stage. It's 3 workouts per week and they are whole body workouts. This may change in more advanced stages but I haven't looked yet (too scared haha). I was also doing the c25k program and then started c210k and would do those runs on days where I didn't do weights. I'd still have at least one day off per week though. I haven't run in a while because it's just been far too hot here but I will pick it back up when I can.
    I found it has been a nice balance so far. I don't get bored or overworked.

    Honeytips- that is an awesome effort, I probably would have gone home to bed! Haha

    Monbot- I used to go to Fernwood and I LOVED IT. It wasn't at all that girl power stuff (thankfully- not my thing either) but it was just the little luxuries and lack of weird dudes that made it so great to me. They had heaps of warm hand towels (so nice), a million foxtel channels, a room with massage chairs, nice change rooms, lots of space, and free breakfasts. It was just such a better experience than 'normal' gyms. Staff were lovely too (though this was years ago and in Perth so cannot guarantee the same experience for you)!
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Monbot- I used to go to Fernwood and I LOVED IT. It wasn't at all that girl power stuff (thankfully- not my thing either) but it was just the little luxuries and lack of weird dudes that made it so great to me. They had heaps of warm hand towels (so nice), a million foxtel channels, a room with massage chairs, nice change rooms, lots of space, and free breakfasts. It was just such a better experience than 'normal' gyms. Staff were lovely too (though this was years ago and in Perth so cannot guarantee the same experience for you)!

    I may or may not have been swayed by the free breakfast...

    Thanks for the review. I'm glad they're not going to be yelling girl power slogans at me when I go.

    I might pop in on my way home and see if they'll give me a free trial run ;) Yay free things!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Hey Broncosbabe.
    My programme is a mixed one 4 days, different areas each day. I have a programme from the PT at the gym and I change it every 6 weeks
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi everyone! Good to see you all checking in and chatting :smile:

    I had a good workout this morning, was at the gym at 5am for cardio day. Did 30 minutes on the Spin bike, intervals one minute sitting and one minute standing. Then to make it harder, at the 15 second mark on the clock I sprinted for 30 seconds, then backed off. It was really good as it gave me rest periods both sitting and standing but not for too long and let me tell you by the end of 20 minutes I was puffing and sweating!! Kept going until 30 minutes, had a GREAT workout!!

    Then I did some ab work, which I rarely ever do abs by themselves, medicine ball twists and crunches - oh boy, I was feeling it!

    Back to work for another busy one. TGIF!! Hope you all have a great day :smile:

    Stay focussed - remember to read your goals and affirmations every morning and night to help you keep your eyes on the prize!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Weight is down a bit more this morning, that's a good thing.

    A couple of small wins for me last night:
    battling through some killer DOMS to still get to the gym... and
    resisting my wife's home made choc chip biscuits fresh out of the oven! These things are toe-curlingly good, but would have pushed me over my C & F for the day.

    This is twelve weeks of testing my resolve. Nothing will get in the way of me reaching 15%bf!
  • DeeBee042
    DeeBee042 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all and Claude!! ( you lil cutie)
    Well its Friday and here I thought being back at work would put me back into a routine. Well I have only excercised ONCE!! So damned annoyed with myself consdering I drive straight past gym on the way home from work.
    I am only weighing in monthly as my weightloss has slowed to snail pace ( NO WONDER WHEN YOU DONT EXCERCISE)
    Iv'e kept within my cals but its like I'm stuck and the scales refuse to budge. ( bit like my butt that has not exercised!!!)
    I have been trying to keep track of everyone and you all are doing so well :)
    I leave early today so there is no excuse for me not to go to the gym and I will not leave until I have at least burned 500cals!!!

    Have a great weekend all :)

  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Donna - once is better than none! And you're keeping under your cals, go team!

    Rayman - please post me the cookies. Well done on the self control!

    Skim - your workout descriptions always get me motivated. Thanks!

    I dropped into Fernwood and got my 7 day trial. Did Body Balance this morning. I felt stoopid when doing the Tai Chi part. It looks like a lovely gym. Gonna try and get to as many classes as possible this week, but as long as I like the Pump & Step instructors, I'll probably sign up.
  • DeeBee042
    DeeBee042 Posts: 34 Member

    I dropped into Fernwood and got my 7 day trial. Did Body Balance this morning. I felt stoopid when doing the Tai Chi part. It looks like a lovely gym. Gonna try and get to as many classes as possible this week, but as long as I like the Pump & Step instructors, I'll probably sign up.

    Monbot: I go to Fernwood and love them our one has just become 24hours
    The staff are really lovely :)
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Honeytips- that is an awesome effort, I probably would have gone home to bed! Haha

    I was almost thinking of doing just that but it's in work so I had no other choice but to stick around and do something :happy:

    This morning was run squad - so 45 mins of tempo running (or in my case slightly faster shuffling). I was considering spin at lunch time but I'm really behind in my work (d@mn holidays!!) so I stayed at my desk to catch up.

    @Monbot - My work gym brought in a Body Balance instructor from Fernwood to fill in during the regular instructor's maternity leave and it was the best BB class ever!!! I almost considered joining up with Fernwood just to continue with the instructor!
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks DeeBee and Honeytips! I went to pump tonight . The instructor was awesome! Thats 2 for 2. Step tomorrow!

    Hope you all have an awesome weekend!
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Monbot yay on pump, one of my favourite classes. I haven't tried Body balance yet, Im not sure I would be too good at balancing. Hope you enjoy Step. I have only ever done it once, I wish my gym still did it.

    Dee how did you go with the 500 calories?

    Hope you all have a great weekend :)
  • DeeBee042
    DeeBee042 Posts: 34 Member

    Dee how did you go with the 500 calories?

    Hope you all have a great weekend :)
    Went straight after work and burned those lil suckers off :bigsmile:
    Also booked in for 5 PT sessions on Monday nights. I need to find my mojo again
  • zenpoppy
    zenpoppy Posts: 20 Member
    Body balance is a great class I always have the best sleep afterwards. When we first went I though it was going to be a breeze .... How wrong I was... But am a huge fan now.
    Love body pump too. .. started out just with the bar and now using 10kgs...I like classes for the variety I don't get so bored doing the same.....week 2 almost done. .... Have a great week
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Went straight after work and burned those lil suckers off :bigsmile:
    Also booked in for 5 PT sessions on Monday nights. I need to find my mojo again

    Go Dee, oh enjoy those PT lesssons, I bet you will smash them!!

    Ok it is my mission this year (or in the next few weeks) to try Body Balance.

    Zen I remember when I first started out at pump with next to nothing on my bar, now I try and challenge myself with adding extra weights.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    I was hoping to do Parkrun this morning but woke up with a really bad headache and the start of a sore throat. Thinking of heading back to bed and staying under the covers until I feel better (but will try my best to get out a bit later for at least a walk and to get some fresh air)
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sweety - you must, it's fab! Relaxing, but totes a workout, and it goes great with other strenuous exercise.

    Honey - good choice, its important to look after yourself.

    Zen - I used the bar and 1.5kg weights under the instructors direction. It was easy and after the class she said to up it next time.... but geez im sore today. I cant imagine 10kg. Go you!

    Dee - PT scares me. Good luck!!

    I woke up super sore, but still dragged myself to Step class and burnt an impressive 580 cals. Im def keen to join Fernwood. It's excellent there.

    Hope everyone is behaving themselves and kicking some goals.
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Monbot what a great burn, I think I need to put in a complaint form at my gym for them to bring Step back!!!

    Honey hope you are feeling ok, rest up.
  • broncosbabe
    broncosbabe Posts: 50 Member
    Had to share, totally stoked-my best 5km run this year!! I hadn't been able to break 30mins so far this year and today, BAM 28:57!!!! So excited!!! Had a rest day yesterday because I was just so tired. Today I feel awesome, especially after this mornings parkrun. I've been to the markets, gotten all my fruit and veg and am just about to start house work and food preparation for the week :D
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