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  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member

    We definitely get snowbirds here for the winter.

    It was 79 degrees and mostly sunny today…just beautiful.

    I live about 20 minutes from the Alabama line and about 40 minutes from the beaches.

    my brother lives 1 mile from the line, therefore he can walk to the Florabama! haha

    Thats actually what we had in NC today, I'm just not 40 minutes from the beach...
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    Seven Day Weather forecast. Canadians check this out. You will relate. Non Canadians check it out! It will help you to understand what we are going though. Maybe you will all get a giggle, and believe me we need a giggle. It is funny because it is true!
    OMG, this was hilarious , :laugh:

    And that is why when I was deciding on college back in 2008 I chose not to apply anywhere above D.C. and I will stick by that rule unless someone pays me a boatload of money to go north. But they don't have things like gumbo and fried chicken (good fried chicken) up there so I'm probably good.

    But we have fresh cheese curds and poutine! Fried chicken will NEVER EVER beat that!

    Also, why do you think we love our hockey so much? Winter sports are fun! When the winter is actually decent enough to go out and play. lol.

    And the answer to how I cope with the cold and lack of sun (I'm not very good at it, btw) is vitamin D3. 3-4000 IU every morning. It's a must...
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    But we have fresh cheese curds and poutine! Fried chicken will NEVER EVER beat that!

    Also, why do you think we love our hockey so much? Winter sports are fun! When the winter is actually decent enough to go out and play. lol.

    And the answer to how I cope with the cold and lack of sun (I'm not very good at it, btw) is vitamin D3. 3-4000 IU every morning. It's a must...
    . I actually do not mind the winter for a certain amount. . I like to have white Christmas and making snowman and go tobogganing and ice skating with the kids or just walk the dog . I enjoy being outside when everything is beautifully white , the sun is shining and the temperature is -10 C. This winter was nasty though. It seemed that the temperature was always -25 C and below plus it was so windy all the time. Even if the weekday was moderate , the weekends ended up being cruel. When you have 2 small kids , who gone berserk because they trapped inside no amount of vitamin D can help your mood, lol.

    Plus I want winter only in the winter months: December, January and February that is all. I want spring that starts in March and I want the snow to be completely gone by April. April supposed to be the month when the trees have leaves and maybe they start blooming. Instead that everything is still completely white her, the snow have not even really started to melt. Snowpants, mittens, gloves still part of our daily routine. Geez, I got depressed just typing this. Hopefully when I finish grad school and earn some real. Only, our family can spend the spring break somewhere warm.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    But we have fresh cheese curds and poutine! Fried chicken will NEVER EVER beat that!

    Also, why do you think we love our hockey so much? Winter sports are fun! When the winter is actually decent enough to go out and play. lol.

    And the answer to how I cope with the cold and lack of sun (I'm not very good at it, btw) is vitamin D3. 3-4000 IU every morning. It's a must...
    . I actually do not mind the winter for a certain amount. . I like to have white Christmas and making snowman and go tobogganing and ice skating with the kids or just walk the dog . I enjoy being outside when everything is beautifully white , the sun is shining and the temperature is -10 C. This winter was nasty though. It seemed that the temperature was always -25 C and below plus it was so windy all the time. Even if the weekday was moderate , the weekends ended up being cruel. When you have 2 small kids , who gone berserk because they trapped inside no amount of vitamin D can help your mood, lol.

    Plus I want winter only in the winter months: December, January and February that is all. I want spring that starts in March and I want the snow to be completely gone by April. April supposed to be the month when the trees have leaves and maybe they start blooming. Instead that everything is still completely white her, the snow have not even really started to melt. Snowpants, mittens, gloves still part of our daily routine. Geez, I got depressed just typing this. Hopefully when I finish grad school and earn some real. Only, our family can spend the spring break somewhere warm.

    Yeah, this year was wretched in terms of weather. We didn,t get any actual snow accumulation until late January. Then all hell broke lose. And we hit the -30 celcius more times than I could bother to count. I love ice skating. I was able to go 4 times throughout the entire thing. When the weather would be okay, it would be too warm and everything would melt. Or we'd get icy rain and the roads would be crap. I can't remember a more depressing winter than this one, to be honest.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well....I cut my hair off today...Imagine that...

    inverted bob...aka victoria beckham..

    Will have to get some pics up asap....
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Well....I cut my hair off today...Imagine that...

    inverted bob...aka victoria beckham..

    Will have to get some pics up asap....
    You do not say! I am also thinking about a drastic haircut. I used to have that Beckman style bob in my 20's and i loved it. My hubby likes the long hair though and keep growing it for him, but I am so feed up with it right now. I do not have time to wash it and dry it more than twice a week and feels dirty due to the frequent sweating.. It is always in a ponytail anyway because my toddler constantly pulling it,if it is down. Plus after my baby born I had a huge amount of hair fall out at once, and now I have all these 4-5 inch regrowth around my face and looks ridiculous.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well....I cut my hair off today...Imagine that...

    inverted bob...aka victoria beckham..

    Will have to get some pics up asap....
    You do not say! I am also thinking about a drastic haircut. I used to have that Beckman style bob in my 20's and i loved it. My hubby likes the long hair though and keep growing it for him, but I am so feed up with it right now. I do not have time to wash it and dry it more than twice a week and feels dirty due to the frequent sweating.. It is always in a ponytail anyway because my toddler constantly pulling it,if it is down. Plus after my baby born I had a huge amount of hair fall out at once, and now I have all these 4-5 inch regrowth around my face and looks ridiculous.

    I hear you...mine was always up...something different definately need to get used to it.

    I will have to post a pic when it's done and I have my face on.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Well good news-Back in October I quit the dysfunctional gym I was training at. Had an interview last week and found out today they want to hire me. :bigsmile: Don't know all the specifics yet - sounds like I'll be doing a TRX Class and some training to start. She did indicate in September that I will FINALLY have my own Spin Class (woo-hoo!) and will continue training. I do work a full time, non-fitness related job so this will be a part time position. Wish I could give up the full time job and train/instruct full time but that's just not doable. Anyway, I love my fitness and this means so much to me.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    congrats on the job leadfoot :bigsmile:

    in other news, rest day today :yawn: so important yet feels so unnecessary lol
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    @krok, hm, that doesn´t sound so bad (your description of walking) I could try that :-D

    @Stef and red haha, cool, I just did the same about two month ago. Shorter bob, my hair was so meh, had to do it...

    @leadfoot very cool! Congratulations! That´s sounds great.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Well good news-Back in October I quit the dysfunctional gym I was training at. Had an interview last week and found out today they want to hire me. :bigsmile: Don't know all the specifics yet - sounds like I'll be doing a TRX Class and some training to start. She did indicate in September that I will FINALLY have my own Spin Class (woo-hoo!) and will continue training. I do work a full time, non-fitness related job so this will be a part time position. Wish I could give up the full time job and train/instruct full time but that's just not doable. Anyway, I love my fitness and this means so much to me.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Well good news-Back in October I quit the dysfunctional gym I was training at. Had an interview last week and found out today they want to hire me. :bigsmile: Don't know all the specifics yet - sounds like I'll be doing a TRX Class and some training to start. She did indicate in September that I will FINALLY have my own Spin Class (woo-hoo!) and will continue training. I do work a full time, non-fitness related job so this will be a part time position. Wish I could give up the full time job and train/instruct full time but that's just not doable. Anyway, I love my fitness and this means so much to me.

    woohoo!!! That's awesome!

    I am also in the market for a new job. My commute is killing me!!!!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Thanks so much ladies for all the congrats! Spoke with the fitness manager today and we're getting together on Friday to do paperwork, etc. and will chat further about what they're going to do with me-LOL. Sounds like personal training a couple of nights a week then will take on a TRX class in May, then will do Spin in September. Perfect!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't want a new job I just want out of this one...:laugh:

    On May 19th it will be 15 years...and it's gotten old...atm I am sitting at home "working" because I hate going in the's so boring..I even told my supervisor I was being under utilized...and nothing has really been done about it.

    It makes for very long days.

    at least working from home I can do my workout when I want...oh to retire....wonder what the DH would say...hehe.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    15 years! You can get out with good behaviour for murder in less than that!

    Awesome news Leadfoot I would so love to be working in the fitness industry but for now just keeping my eyes open for something just a bit better. If I could get on better money I would drop a day and study, would really like to go into physiotherapy or maybe doing something with sports injuries and the like one of these days!

    as for me, I am plodding away with my Strong Curves, still mostly enjoying it although had a rotten experience at the gym last Friday as I had a rubbish workout, had to deal with all the "bro's" at the gym and then had my phone stolen while I was in the shower.
    However I have finally managed to do 3 weeks in a row of all the workouts I should be doing (well I am on my third now). Upped all my reps as best I can this week, going to try and up my weights next week then the workout changes again for the next 4 weeks and gets harder again! Struggling with the higher reps a little, today things got a bit sparkly halfway through my second superset but I took my time and got back in my stride.

    Still trying to stay at a deficit but I have been all kinds of hungry. Also not entirely sure what is going on with my digital scales (I know I know) but I lost 4kg one day, put 8 on about 3 days later. Pretty sure that is beyond what is physically possible (over a stone) so I am just ignoring them for now
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Still trying to stay at a deficit but I have been all kinds of hungry. Also not entirely sure what is going on with my digital scales (I know I know) but I lost 4kg one day, put 8 on about 3 days later. Pretty sure that is beyond what is physically possible (over a stone) so I am just ignoring them for now

    Battery issues? I think big jumps like that are often related to the battery.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I understand how you feel Stef (to an extent). I haven't been at my job for quite 2 years yet, but this is the second job in a row where I don't have enough work to do to keep me busy for 8 hours a day, but they insist that I be here. I ask for extra things to do and there isn't much to give me (or they give me something that they think will take me a week to complete and it's really only an hour or two of time - crazy). My current position is termed and that expires in July. Supposedly I will be transferred to a different role within the same department that is permanent and supposedly I will have my letter of confirmation by June, but I'm not holding my breath!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Oh never thought of that, the scale is fairly new but I think it came with the battery... I may just go back to my old non digi ones!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Awesome news Leadfoot I would so love to be working in the fitness industry but for now just keeping my eyes open for something just a bit better. If I could get on better money I would drop a day and study, would really like to go into physiotherapy or maybe doing something with sports injuries and the like one of these days!

    $ isn't great - that's why I'm not quitting my day job. :wink: I really love training/instructing-that's why I do it, definitely not for the $ :laugh:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Awesome news Leadfoot I would so love to be working in the fitness industry but for now just keeping my eyes open for something just a bit better. If I could get on better money I would drop a day and study, would really like to go into physiotherapy or maybe doing something with sports injuries and the like one of these days!

    $ isn't great - that's why I'm not quitting my day job. :wink: I really love training/instructing-that's why I do it, definitely not for the $ :laugh:

    I was a riding instructor for years, loved it but the money just is not there, unless you have great horses to take out and compete which costs fortunes in itself. Then you get to charge more but I doubt you would be making more money overall. Got to pay the bills though so stuck in an office for now! Maybe if I can get myself in to the shape I want then I cna start to think about doing something more...