I'm starting stage 1!



  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    you girls are all amazing, im so glad im in this post. all your workout ideas, motivation, improvements. very inspiring. keep up the amazing job, the journey is just as important as the destination and we are all having an amazing journey :)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Sunshine: So I do two different rounds of Tabata. Tabata is 8 exercises done for 20 seconds with a 10 second break in between. I do a body weight Tabata and a barbell complex. So my workouts look like this 20 sec Speed Squats
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Burpees
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Mountain Climbers (keep neutral spine)
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Speed Skips (in place) (lift knee above hip)
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Speed Squats
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Burpees
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Mountain Climbers (keep neutral spine)
    10 sec rest
    20 sec Speed Skips (in place) (lift knee above hip)

    1. Reverse Lunges (Barbell on shoulders; back squat style)
    2. Good Mornings (Bar still on shoulders)
    3. Shoulder Press or Thruster
    4. Hang Cleans
    5. Front Squats
    6. Bent Over Row
    7. Romanian Deadlifts
    8. Push Ups

    I'm working up to doing 4 Tabatas on B workouts and two on A workouts. They give a serious burn and are supposed to be really good at burning fat. I'll tell you how well that works when I'm done with stage 2. Check out the article if you want more info : http://www.t-nation.com/training/6-new-tabata-workouts-for-fast-fat-loss
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    It's a B week for stage 2 and I'm SUPER excited. I LOVE the B workouts. I always feel like wonder woman when I'm done. And maybe I'm eternally optimistic because I'm enjoying this phase so much but.....I swear the back fat is not quite as fatty as it used to be. And that makes me want to twerk. In my office. On my desk. In my excitement that my body is actually changing in the way I would like it to I've decided that today would be a nice day to go swimsuit shopping. Happy lifting ladies!
  • catdevrandom
    I swear the back fat is not quite as fatty as it used to be.

    Wohooo! Wonderful NSV! Congrats!!!

    My back fat is one of the things that I noticed going away the fastest. oh boy, I love to see the fat rolls slowly disappear. I'm thrilled!! Scale went up 1kg, by the way... but I don't care! Progress pics are looking good, I definitely see improvements, especially in my posture! :D

    Happy lifting to you too! :)
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    red - awesome that you CAN twerk!! lol

    thanks for all the detail on the tabata, too. helps me make a decision on off day HIIT! :-)
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Workout B1 of stage 2 down! i guess i like it more than stage 1B. Killer workout, the cuban snatch, ooooh wow... even with those tiny 5lbs dumbbell, im like "whats going on????" oh and forget abt HIIT, too tired... that'll happen tmrw.

    The most important, and amazing NSV happened today, actually, 2 things, the same girl that had ask me, why my belly was so big, if i was pregnant... was in shock today, saying, omg, u totally lost ur belly, lol... and over the weekend, even after the killer workouts, i stayed in my 133lbs :) no gaining is just as good as losing at this point lol.

    So the other amazing thing that happened at the gym. I usually just go in, workout, go home, no hanging around, no wasted time talking, i see a few people always there, nod at them, say hi, but other than asking if they are about to finish at the squat rack, i dont talk to nobody. when i was entering the gym today, i was "in the zone" in my mind, and a lady from the treadmill (right next to the door) stopped me, saying: oh i love how u bring ur workout sheets. and she went on saying how she always watches me working out, all "in the zone", with good form, she has seen my progress, she had even talked to her husband abt me, and she wanted to know how I learnt how to lift, and asked me how long i've been lifting, she almost flipped when I told her, only about a month.

    I told her all about NROL4W and how people have all those myths about women getting bulky. She said her husband was even encouranging her to lift, coz he knows it could help her. She has lost 65lbs so far with cardio alone, but was getting bored and plateau, she was about to give up, and her friends were discouraging her from lifting telling her she'd get like a bodybuilder. Until she saw me and realized they were wrong, so she doesnt feel like giving up anymore, and asked me if i could teach her to lift.

    I know i'v inspired people since I started working out, but mostly family and friends, people who know me before and during. But to know that other people get inspired by you just by looking at you, it's really an amazing feeling.

    I told her i'll bring the book on wednesday and show her the basics, i'll encouraged her to get a HRM as well, to track her progress, and hopefully she will join me in the free weights area :)
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    @red... laughing about the twerking...funny story. i work at a medical office owned by a chinese older doctor, very serious looking, but he's got a quiet "chinese" sense of humor. during christmas party for our patients, he was asking me and another of the girls to dance with the older (silversneakers) ladies, to have some fun. and he said: u can show them the latest dance you told me "harlem shake" and we told him, the newest one was twerking now. and he was asking: whats twerking? just imagine us showing him, and explaining (in chinese) how to twerk to an old chinese doctor . lol. funniest day of our lives.
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    @red- you have awesome motivation and a hilarious personality, I love it!
    @May- yay NSV!!! Seriously those are the best :)
    @cat- so glad the progress pictures are keeping you motivated
    @sunshine- keep rockin!

    Today was my shoulder back work out
    Was only able to get in 10 minutes on stair intervals for warm up then did 3 sets of 15 leg lifts and bicycles for core.

    NSV- 3 sets of unassisted full pullups! Set of 6, 4, 4! With pushups in between.
    First set 40# barbell upright row/bent over reverse butterfly with 10# db
    Second set 70# wide seated row/ 40# pulley single arm military press
    Third set 25# db rotating underhand grip row/ side db lateral raises 10#

    I'm scared to put in all this work and not get results :( My body is super stubborn and now that I'm almost 30 & had twins it's even harder. But I'm keepin at it! Thanks for all the motivation ladies, I'll check in with you after my next workout!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    @red- you have awesome motivation and a hilarious personality, I love it!
    @May- yay NSV!!! Seriously those are the best :)
    @cat- so glad the progress pictures are keeping you motivated
    @sunshine- keep rockin!

    Today was my shoulder back work out
    Was only able to get in 10 minutes on stair intervals for warm up then did 3 sets of 15 leg lifts and bicycles for core.

    NSV- 3 sets of unassisted full pullups! Set of 6, 4, 4! With pushups in between.
    First set 40# barbell upright row/bent over reverse butterfly with 10# db
    Second set 70# wide seated row/ 40# pulley single arm military press
    Third set 25# db rotating underhand grip row/ side db lateral raises 10#

    I'm scared to put in all this work and not get results :( My body is super stubborn and now that I'm almost 30 & had twins it's even harder. But I'm keepin at it! Thanks for all the motivation ladies, I'll check in with you after my next workout!

    that's f**king AWESOME. so great - i can't even imagine pull ups at this point.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    @red- you have awesome motivation and a hilarious personality, I love it!
    @May- yay NSV!!! Seriously those are the best :)
    @cat- so glad the progress pictures are keeping you motivated
    @sunshine- keep rockin!

    Today was my shoulder back work out
    Was only able to get in 10 minutes on stair intervals for warm up then did 3 sets of 15 leg lifts and bicycles for core.

    NSV- 3 sets of unassisted full pullups! Set of 6, 4, 4! With pushups in between.
    First set 40# barbell upright row/bent over reverse butterfly with 10# db
    Second set 70# wide seated row/ 40# pulley single arm military press
    Third set 25# db rotating underhand grip row/ side db lateral raises 10#

    I'm scared to put in all this work and not get results :( My body is super stubborn and now that I'm almost 30 & had twins it's even harder. But I'm keepin at it! Thanks for all the motivation ladies, I'll check in with you after my next workout!

    That's awesome!! Cannot even imagine a pull up at this point! You go girl!!! Yes, I hear ya, with age it gets slower.. But not imposible!! You are getting stronger - results on the scale and more NSVs will follow !!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    update on progress w stage 1, for posterity. body fat the same. gained 1 lb. gained an inch on chest, lost 1.5 inches on hips and 1/2 inch on arms. legs look less dimply but they are 1/2 inch bigger. fairly positive increases seen in strength, body looks a bit smoother. waist is the same (31" darn it).

    thinking about upping the HIIT and jamming the core stuff in stage 2. starting stage 2 sunday.

    this plan is the long road for sure!

    PS clothes fit the same
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    @alasin: glad you're here!! noticed the same thing about form, and needing to perfect it. for me squats are challenging more than DL's, hard to keep a straight back and not lean forward. saw some guys squatting and noticed they look up at something on the wall when lowering down. tried this - helps a lot with keeping my back straight and forces the action on the legs and glutes. totally impressed with your lat pull down numbers - wow! i can't touch 100 yet.

    @ sunshinelivel Totally agree. Squats are more challenging then deadlifts. Same thing here, I was leaning forward. I am using your eye trick and I did 60lbs today. I felt it in my glutes. Much better
    @alasin1derlan -Are you all the way out on the ball with just your toes on the ball? I always find jackknife challenging. To be on my hands and bring the ball all the way - pulling it in by just by my feet/toes. I started out my hands closer to the ball and moved farther when I felt a bit better. May be planks might be challenging for you then? I am not sure. Someone else might have any ideas

    @ mnsmov15 I focused on making sure the ball was all the way to the toes before starting each set. I did 3 sets of 15 and felt it in my stomach. I think I had the ball closer to the ankle before.
    Good I took the extra couple days off for lunges because I can do them again (with 40lbs). Yay!
    I find I am looking up alot of terms as I am not familiar with everyones moves. Its very interesting. After reading what you guys do I am starting to think my warm up is lacking. On my off days I just try to do something that works cardio like 10 km bike ride.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi everyone. I am about halfway through stage one and figured it would be a good idea to join in here to get some encouragement from other people. I had a read through some of the most recent posts and you guys are all amazing!!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome DouMc :) most of us are either recently finished or are in the middle of stage one - if you read through the thread you'll find a lot of useful info.

    Here's my stats from stage 1 A am raps:

    Begin - End

    Squat 45#/15 rep - 50
    Pushup BW incline/15 - 50 (did incline should have gone to floor, got confused)
    Row 60#/15 - 30
    stepup20#/15 - 30
    jackknife 15 - 32

    Am raps ain't no joke either, I was worn out after a 2 mile run to follow. Anybody else feel that way? Legs were dearer than dead it was a push for sure.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    @DouMc - Welcome! Couple others are just getting started too, some of us are almost done with Stage 1. Please feel free to hang around and participate in all chats :)

    sunshinelively - Thats wonderful stats!! Wonderful on losing inches!! I have gained 2 lbs. Have lost much in my waist and little in my thighs. almost nothing in my arms - but def feel stronger.

    I seem to have hurt myself from some running or a new flat shoe I tried on last Fri. :( Looks like Plantar Fasciitis from what I can read since my arch on right foot hurts a lot when I run :(
    I thought I would go ahead with Stage 2 instead of the break and did Stage 2 A1 yday!!

    OMG!!! I hear what the others have been talking about being in Stg 2. I almost dread B1 now ;)
    Lunges with rear foot elevated made my butt hurt. It still hurts today - I think my butt has shifted a little bit higher from all the squats and DLs :P

    Push press was harder too. Although I did it with DB. And step ups are back again :( Glad to say I at least started with 20DB - where I ENDED last stage step ups.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks guys, I have read through a lot of the threads and there is some great information on there. I just finished workout A7 so I am very close to finishing stage 1. My gym is quite small and I sometimes have to change the order of the exercises because others are using the equipment, for example today I did the step ups and prone jack knifes before doing the seated row and push ups. Will this have any impact on my progress?
    Also, the last workouts where you do as many reps as possible using the starting weight, did anyone skip that? I don't really want to do it because I started out with really light weights (because I had no idea how heavy to go) and I think I would be going all day and be bored out of my mind. Is it ok to skip it and go straight onto stage 2?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks guys, I have read through a lot of the threads and there is some great information on there. I just finished workout A7 so I am very close to finishing stage 1. My gym is quite small and I sometimes have to change the order of the exercises because others are using the equipment, for example today I did the step ups and prone jack knifes before doing the seated row and push ups. Will this have any impact on my progress?
    Also, the last workouts where you do as many reps as possible using the starting weight, did anyone skip that? I don't really want to do it because I started out with really light weights (because I had no idea how heavy to go) and I think I would be going all day and be bored out of my mind. Is it ok to skip it and go straight onto stage 2?

    congrats on being close to finishing! awesome.

    not sure what others would say about amraps, but i found it to be worthwhile. on some exercises where i started light, i just used the next weight, say from week 2 or 3 that was more in line with what i could really do at that time.

    it actually kicked my *kitten* a bit, having followed both amrap workouts with about 1/2 hour of more intense cardio. i think it kind of challenges your muscles in a different way.

    just my 2 cents. :-)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks, I had pretty much decided not to do it but when I read some of the posts on here it seemed like people found it really tough so I became less committed to skipping it! I think now that maybe I will do it but use weights from a later date.
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    @DouMc- I'd say go for it! You might surprise yourself (in a good way) with how strong you've gotten.

    @mnsmov and sunshine- I'm so glad you're into stage 2, and you both lost inches which is awesome :)

    Bicep/triceps workout today: Single arm pulley curl 20#/single arm triceps extension 30#, Barbell curl 40#/single arm triceps pushdowns 30#, pulley rope hammer curl 50#/overhead rope extension 40#, single arm db preacher curl 15#/double arm db kickback 15#.

    Leg day tomorrow me :)

    Mothers day brunch and BBQ this weekend so I'll be working hard tomorrow!
  • Shweet_heart
    Shweet_heart Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm just starting Stage 1, and am excited to see some changes in myself.

    I'm 31, and wanting to get fit. I've lost 50lbs with MFP, have taken up running, and now am getting into lifting to help the running, and get stronger in my life.

    This week I have done stage 1 w1A and w1B.

    I found Workout A was less intense than workout B. It's been 2 days, and my hamstrings are still sore from the lunges in Workout B!

    Workout A

    Squats: B/w 2sets, 15 reps

    Pushups: Off the bar on the wall. Oh my gosh, I suck at pushups. I hope these get better! 2 sets, 15 reps

    Seated Row: 1 set 15 @40lbs, 1 set 15 at 50lbs, will up the weight next time

    Step Up: 2 sets, 15 reps, 3 step pieces 10lbs in each hand

    Prone Jack Knife: 1 set 8 reps, 1 set 10 reps

    Workout B

    Deadlift: 2 sets 15 reps empty bar (45lbs)

    Dumbell Shoulder Press, 2 sets, 15 reps, 5lbs dumbell in each hand (another I need improvement on)

    Lat Pull: 2 sets, 15 reps 35 lbs

    Lunge: 2 sets, 15 reps, 5lbs each hand. Hamstrings are KILLING 2 days later still!

    Swill Ball Crunch: 1 set 15, 1 set 20. May incorporate some weight.

    If anyone wants to be my friend and share in this journey, add me. I'll also try to post more here!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!