I'm starting stage 1!



  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member

    scale isn't budging for me either, but there's less fat on my legs. i'll take it - swimsuit season is coming up and i can wear a one piece. guess i'm the old lady of this group, shooting for looking good in clothes since looking good naked could be a stretch. haha

    @sunshinelively You are doing great!!! Screw the scale and go for the NSV' s :)

    Today I did AMRAP workout B:
    Deadlift 95#- 25 reps, Shoulder press 20# dumbbells-26 reps, Lat pull down 70#- 25 reps, lunges 45# barbell-25 reps each leg. For core I did 3 sets of 15 decline medicine ball sit ups with 12#.
    Added in one set of single arm dumbbell row 30#- 25 reps each arm, side lateral raises with 10# dumbbells-25 reps, then 3 sets of 15 high row pulldowns 100#/seated chestfly 60#, then 2 sets of 15 single arm med ball shoulder press 10#/low row pull 60#.

    Plus I did an hour walk/play with the twins outside today :)

    How are all of you who are just starting???
  • jazoo
    jazoo Posts: 9

    I use the bodyspace app (bodybuilding.com) and they have all the workouts of NROLFW already in there (at least stage 1, I didn't look further than that). I like the app, it has descriptions and even video of all the exercises and you can see your previous stats and so on. The only thing I miss is the ability to add personal notes to the workouts.

    Oh nice! Thanks for letting me know!
    How do I look up the NROLFW workouts in the app? I had it for a while but stopped using it when I switched to NROLFW. I liked the app too!
    I just searched for NROLFW in the app and it showed up! I could only find stage 1 though, but I didn't do a very thorough search, since that's all I need for now.
  • jazoo
    jazoo Posts: 9
    I did A2 yesterday.

    Squats: bw/15 reps, 22 kg/15 reps, 32 kg/10 reps, 37 kg/10 reps, 37 kg/9 reps
    Pushups (on a bench, so about thigh height): 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
    Seated row: 25 kg 10 reps, 9 reps, 8 reps
    Step up (on a bench this time, which was better): 10 kg, 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
    Prone jackknife: 10, 8, 10

    I did Jamie Easons livefit (from Bodybuilding.com) for about two months before I started with NROLFW but since I could never get to the gym more than twice per week, and that program is designed for going 4-5 times per week it would be a couple of weeks between working certain muscle groups (one workout would be chest/biceps, the next legs and so on). I really like NROLFW better since it works my entire body in one workout.

    The only thing is that every workout just seems a bit short, I could add a few exercises, but should I? And what should I add, if anything? Or should I just stick with the program?

    I am not seeing any progress either in weight or in measurements, despite working out consistently twice a month for over two months now, but I am trying to focus on the other benefits that I am definitely starting to see (you call it NSVs, right?):
    * I have more energy
    * I feel stronger
    * I don't get out of breath when walking in stairs
    * I had chronic pain in my shoulder - and it's GONE!!

    So I'm just trying to be confident that I will se the kg drop and measurements shrink sooner or later.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    twinmom - playing with twins gotta be sooo much more challenging! Well done!

    jazoo - you are doing well. May be its too early for you to see any changes. You will start feeling it a bit in about 4 weeks in I think. Good workout! Great NSVs btw! :)

    I did my last workout A8 in stage 1 today. Next is 2 more B and AMRAPs!
    Still no weight loss, but I am moving right along.
    I did 3 sets of rows at 95 today and my arms felt so weak and shaky by the time I was done with push ups and rows.
    So, though I planned on increasing the weight with step ups, did not do it, since step ups are my least fav anyway of the lot.
    Finally, was able to get a better range of movement with my incline push ups and was able to come back up without grunting much :) Will try them on the ground next time may be!
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    Hi ladies, I have been watching your progress to kind of gage progression, not as a comparison of person vs person but as a whole, regardless of where we start and are progressively improving. I love the dedication and support on this site. I have been following the book and just completed workout 4B. I love the workouts and how I feel afterwards. My husband built me a squat rack to fit my height in time for workout 2A and it has helped me to slightly increase weight. I workout by myself in my home. My only concern so far is I have noticed my knees are noisy. There is no pain, no swelling, but when I squat and deadlift they make a lot of squishy grinding noise. I used a mirror to verify my legs are parallel as shown in the video for squats on the 5X5 site. I am curious to know if anyone else has noticed noisy knees.
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    @jazoo- stick with it and challenge yourself as necessary. If you feel the workout is too short I say definitely add :)

    @mnsmov 15- keep it up!! You are progressing great!

    @alasin- My right knee crackles whenever I squat or lunge, it doesn't hurt unless I I do step ups at the wrong angle.

    I'm going to start working out with one of my co-workers Friday and we are doing a complete leg day...mamas gonna be sore :)
  • catdevrandom
    Hey all!

    I'm back from my short vacation in Portugal. It was great to see my family, and that country is just amazing! I love it!

    The bad news is that I haven't lifted for a long time now, because of my knee problems and of the trip, except for just one day last week. This week I also haven't managed to go at all and tomorrow I'm off again for the weekend (holiday again here in Italy)! At least the diet part was mostly in check :) Oh, well, next week I'm back on track, hopefully! I'm planning on repeating A4/B4 and keep going from there.

    But the good news is that even without lifting, I've achieved yet another victory: my second goal jeans now fits well! Woohoo! I'm ecstatic!

    I must say, however, that I'm fed up with calorie counting and with eating at a deficit, even if it is a small one (TDEE around 1750, I think, and eating at 1600). I'm seriously considering upping my calories to maintenance (since I now fit in both my old jeans) and then keep tracking for some week or two, before finally stop tracking and see where that leads me. If I start gaining fat/inches, then I get back to it. I still haven't made up my mind though... Let's see!

    Cheers to all! Keep rocking! :)
  • catdevrandom
    Oh, forgot to add: @alasin, welcome to the group! To answer to your question, my knees also crackles and I'm not happy with it at all. Last time I pushed too much in the step ups and that hurt me so that I had to stop lifting for over 2 weeks. I don't know if the injury and the noises are related, though... But I would suggest to err on the cautious side!

    (Edited to fix language mistake!)
  • jazoo
    jazoo Posts: 9
    Did B2 yesterday (and hope to do A3 tomorrow).

    Barbell deadlifts: 22 kg/17 reps (i got carried away and forgot to stop!), 32 kg/11 reps, 32 kg/10 reps
    Standing dumbbell press: 7 kg/15 reps, 8 kg 15 reps
    Lat pulldown: 25 kg/15 reps, two sets
    Dumbbell lunges: 9 kg/13 reps, 9 kg 11 reps
    Swiss ball crunches: 5 kg/15 reps, two sets

    Lunges are my least favorite to do. Probably the one I need the most, though. My legs are weak! And I have realized that my right leg is weaker than my left, even though right is my dominant side. Funny.

    Anyway, I really really didn't want to go to the gym yesterday, but I did it anyway and I am very proud of myself.

    I have also decided to take a full month of super clean eating. No sugar, no bread (except for an occasional piece of cracker bread which is made from rye), no alcohol, no junk food etc. I even got my husband to promise he'll do it along with me. We'll see how that goes...

    I'm so glad I found NROLFW, it's really what I needed to get my workout routine on track, and I'm really looking forward to adding some HIIT as well!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Jazoo - you're cranking that's awesome. It does seem like a short workout, when I looked it says you can do a bunch of warm up sets which is what I've been doing, I just try to get the last 3 in at the heaviest weight and the prescribed reps. Last workout lasted an hour! Haven't tried body fit yet but it's on my list!

    Catdevrandom - if you fit your clothes you've met your goals! Awesome!!

    Twin mom interested in how your leg work out went sounds intense

    Welcome alasin hope you enjoy the program as much as I do, so far so good

    Mnsmov, you're totally cranking. I'm one week behind you now since my vacation week I only did two workouts and they were somewhat lighter for some exercises die to dumbbells - so I'm ip to b7 today. Let me know how the end goes.....did anybody make it to stage 2 yet?

    When I get to stage 2 I'll do measurements and bf percentage- hoping for some results!
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    Thank you for the replies. Its reassuring to know others are pushing through noisy knees. I am not new to exercising but I am definitely new to lifting so I am tentative about increasing too quickly. Sounds like keeping form is going to be an important part of preserving my knees. Twinmom, I hope you post what you did for complete leg day. I'm always interested in seeing what people are doing outside of the book.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    alasin1derlan - welcome to our group!

    I have found that working on form, though slower increase in weights goes a long way. We wont be able to sustain the workouts and not getting injured if we progress too quickly and cannot get the form correct till the last set of last rep.
    Hope this helps. !
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    sunshinelively - I did my B7 today too, since I missed a workout last week. Well this week work had been crazy and I could not do anything on my non lifting days. I thought tht should help me with my lifts and it DID!!!
    I almost killed B7 today, progressing on weight in most of the workouts.

    DL 85
    OHP 15lbs - for the first time EVER!!! :)
    Lat Pull down 82.5
    Lunges, tried it with the barbell instead of dumbbells since it sounded easier. I feel I can carry more - I just get tired holding the dumbbells - did 50lb with oly bar almost easily.
    Crunches, weighted with a dumbbell overhead.

    Ofcourse tahts with some added warm up sets and ended with 2 wall sits of 45s and 2 squat sets with just the bar.

    I am very happy with today's workout. :)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Ladies! I've missed you guys so much! I haven't been able to log on (no more wifi at work) but managed it today! My weight has been fluctuating like crazy and I am not a happy camper. Was up two pounds but I'm now up about .5 lbs. I've cut my calories down quite a bit and will work my way back up to better figure out where maintenance really is for me......maybe. I made a bucket list for the summer and the main thing on there is to buy a bikini and wear it without shame. I even have a date set for that bikini....June 16th which isn't that far off.
    Can I tell you guys a secret? I'm bored to tears with stage one. So bored that I think this will be my last week doing it. I already had lifting experience (3 months before I started NROL4W) so I may be moving right on ahead to stage two come Tuesday. I don't think I'm robbing myself if I skip ahead which was a concern when I considered doing it sooner. Now I think I'm just saving myself from giving up on the program all together. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Holy crap mnsmov, that's great. Getting ready to leave for b7 in a couple minutes - had a late lunch and still feel too full. Did an interval run yesterday legs a bit sore but no worries. I guess stage one is almost done anyway - are you going to do the AMRAPs? Feel like I'm going to be massively weight training for likely a whole year, then I'll do a massive cardio shred. More later - hoping for a slammer today, going down to 8 reps.
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    @mnsmov: 15# wool hoo!! I knew you'd do it!
    @redlipstiklyfe: go for it! I know you got those goals!
    @sunshinelively: how was b7?

    Here is the leg workout I did ladies! All exercises were 3 sets of 15.
    Started with 20 minutes on the elliptical, alternating level 4 & 6, 2 minutes each for HIIT training. Kept my RPM around 170.
    For core we did TRX pikes.
    We superset all our exercises. First was a seated single leg extensions 50# each leg/ single kneeling hamstring curl 45# each leg.
    Second we did decline leg press loaded with 230#/ incline leg sled (machine on shoulders) with 50#.
    Third we did standing deep squats holding 20# dumbbells (made our butt touch a low bench)/lunges 15# dumbbells.

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to be training with my co-worker and going back to my training program, which is a split body training program. Three days a week, always 20 minutes cardio first then either bicep/triceps, shoulders/back, and legs. I'm going to incorporate the NROLFW exercises into it because just with Stage 1 I got stronger!!!! Even with no weight loss or body changes I'm happy I did it.

    Also going to go high protein and cut out my dairy/fruits...I've done it before and it really helped me lean out.

    I'm interested to see how Stage 2 goes for everyone, we are all getting stronger :) yay!!! Keep it up!
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm back from my short vacation in Portugal. It was great to see my family, and that country is just amazing! I love it!

    The bad news is that I haven't lifted for a long time now, because of my knee problems and of the trip, except for just one day last week. This week I also haven't managed to go at all and tomorrow I'm off again for the weekend (holiday again here in Italy)! At least the diet part was mostly in check :) Oh, well, next week I'm back on track, hopefully! I'm planning on repeating A4/B4 and keep going from there.

    But the good news is that even without lifting, I've achieved yet another victory: my second goal jeans now fits well! Woohoo! I'm ecstatic!

    I must say, however, that I'm fed up with calorie counting and with eating at a deficit, even if it is a small one (TDEE around 1750, I think, and eating at 1600). I'm seriously considering upping my calories to maintenance (since I now fit in both my old jeans) and then keep tracking for some week or two, before finally stop tracking and see where that leads me. If I start gaining fat/inches, then I get back to it. I still haven't made up my mind though... Let's see!

    Cheers to all! Keep rocking! :)

    Cheers back!! Great NSV!!!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement twin mom. :smile:

    Redlipsticklyfe if your slamming stage 1 already why not move up go for it

    B7 update: got 3 sets of 8 reps plus warm up sets

    DL - 95-105
    ODP - 50
    LPD - 70
    LUNGE - 70
    CRNCH - 25lb,20 rep

    CARDIO - my legs felt dead so I ran just one 10 min mile walked another 8 min, did a complete stretch

    NOTES - 35# db's really hard to hold for whole set, would like to try smith machine for lunges next but need to know how to use the machine and get the right form. 105 oly also hard to grip for whole set. Saw a guy training another guy on squats, think I need to decrease weight and get my form better. Back strength inching up - maybe should try more back exercises? Feel like NROLFW lacking in core exercises would like to add some good compound ones - anybody have any suggestions?

    One more workout of each and I'll be done with stage 1!
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Just did my bicep/tricep workout.
    Only got in 10 minutes of HIT because of time~ legs were dead from yesterday so I alternated between quick at level 2, then slow at level 6.
    Bicep curls 25#DB's 1 set of 10, then 2 sets of 15 at 20#/Tricep Kickbacks Single Arm 20# DB
    Hammer Curl 15# DB's/Single Arm overhead Extension 15# DB
    Standing Pulley Curls 30# each arm/Single Arm Tricep Pushdown, 1 set 40#, 2 sets 30#

    Again everything 3 sets of 15 :)

    Have a great weekend!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Dead leg syndrome, lol.

    Did A7 yesterday - squat 105, 8 rep; row 85, pushup on the flat, step up 40 (used 24" box), jackknife 27 rep. All 8 rep except for jackknife. Felt pretty good, I find the A workout harder for some reason. Made some progress on the row at last!

    Last week of stage 1. Playing with my cals a bit - some days I get super hungry. Working some animal products in, too hard to get all the protein otherwise. Got all the protein in yesterday and was able to stay on track. Figure it's protein and veggies w small amounts of carbs and dairy. Really different from the nutritarian diet I've been on for the last 3 years.