We need some chatter on our group board



  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    Hey ladies how's everyone doing? I've been sticking with my workouts lately. Hoping to have a good weigh in on Friday. Be encouraged and keep working, we'll get to our goals in due time.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Ladies, I got sick this week. I came down with some kind of flu/cold bug. I pushed myself to do my workout yesterday morning and felt horrible the whole time. I went to work and ended up coming home at about 3:30 and went to bed. I called in sick today and slept most of the day on and off. I am so sad!!! I hope tomorrow is better but I am doubtful I will have the strength to work out. I can't imagine the people who deal with chronic illness and feel horrible everyday.

    I hope you all are doing well and we ALL have a great weigh in this week. We are all going to be skinny *****es by spring!!!:drinker:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hope you are feeling better, ruby. You just need to rest. I never lose weight when I get sick...my body revolts and holds onto everything. I hope you are able to eat and drink lots of fluids (no wine).:tongue:
    I am not sure if the scale will move this week. I am still trying to work on diet. I had a setback today...m and m's got the best of me!
    sasbw, you are always an inspiration! I had a great workout yesterday. One day at a time...no worries about the past!:heart:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    How are you ladies doing this week? Daylight savings time is not fun! I am very tired today and could not get to sleep last night.

    I am putting my weight lifting on hold for this week until I am feeling better and give my meds a good chance to start working. I am feeling a lot better but don't want to push it so I am going to do some lighter cardio this week and start my weights over on Sunday. I was pretty much laid out until late Sunday afternoon. I will try to stay focused on good eating and calories.

    I hope you all are doing well and push hard this week if you can so we ALL have a great number on weigh in day. Spring is coming soon. The snow was melting today and we hit 50 degrees, I was glad to already be on track and losing some winter weight. It will be beach weather before we know it. :smile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Ugh! I have not had a good start in exercising this week. On Sunday, my hubby saw a bobcat walk across our driveway (we live in a rural area). He got a picture of it. I was too freaked out to walk with him! Yesterday I had a 3 hour training after work...I just didn't have a chance to do anything. I was so tired today...I came home and laid on the couch.:blushing:
    Tomorrow is a new day! I hope you are feeling better, ruby. Any ideas on how to get more of our group posting on the thread?:heart:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Eava - that would freak me out too if I saw a bobcat. I live in a really rural area and a couple of years ago I saw a bear when I was out walking. I did not walk outside for a long time after that because I was too scared. Then I finally decided I had to take control back but I take my cell phone with and tell my husband where I am going. I try to avoid dawn and dusk because I guess that is when you are more likely to see them around. I am sorry to hear you have not had a good week on exercise. Some weeks are sure better than others. I have not done much this week either. I am feeling better but still have stuff in my chest YUCK! I have been trying to watch my calories close this week since I am not exercising much.

    I don't know how to get more people posting on our thread but I wish they would!!! I think it helps so much to check in daily and just see others trying hard too and it helps us keep each other accountable. I will keep checking in.

    I hope we ALL have good numbers tomorrow
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I hope you will feel better...I hate being sick! I MADE it to Curves today. It felt good to work out. I also had a good "diet" day. One day at a time...I am trying to celebrate when I do something positive vs. stressing about the negatives. I am not sure the scale will reflect a loss tomorrow. Yikes, a bear would really scare me too! My hubby has been walking while I am at work...You are right, we can't let it control us or our health! TGIF:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    One day at time is exactly right. I am glad to hear you are focusing on the positives, that is so important. I know how easy it is to get consumed with the things we have not done vs the things we have accomplished. I tend to be really hard on myself sometimes. Just think we are already way ahead of a lot of other people who are not even trying to have better health. Even if it does not go as fast as we want it to we have made our minds up that we are going to do it. The mind is 90% of the battle.:smile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Friday was a hard day. I went over to a friend's house after work. She had margaritas and chips/salsa ready for us! I then got home and had three pieces of pizza.:blushing: I did better the past two days. I worked on calorie control and walked with my hubby. I actually forgot about the bobcat...we are hoping he is long gone! I am making chicken tonight. It is sunny and warm out....hoping I can stay motivated to be active this week. I talked to a friend today. She lives in another state. We planned a "Girls Weekend" in June. I sure want to be able to surprise my two friends by showing up thinner!!!! Hope you have a good week. Surprisingly, I did manage to lose close to a lb. this week...there's hope! LOL
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I think I got so exicted about my loss last week I got a little too relaxed this weekend. I had pizza Friday night too.... & then I had chocolate ice cream on Saturday night along with too much other stuff I guess. I gained 2 lbs over the weekend. I better get to work for the rest of the week. I am hoping some is water weight. I hope you are having a good monday. Happy St. Patty's Day!!!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am guilty of the same thing...when I have a loss I "celebrate"...We need to try to change that behavior! :blushing: I pulled a muscle or tendon behind my knee...no workout today! Hope to be able to do some walking tomorrow.:bigsmile:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I feel so out of the loop. I just realized weigh in was changed to Thursday (right?) and I just noticed that the chatter is happening in the group rather than on the old thread (right?)

    I don't think I have been this busy since I had young children. We have a signed contract to sell our house (early May) and are working on contract to buy a house under construction (not until early August). We have been so pressed for time to attend to various issues surrounding sale and purchase while also trying to find reputable and reasonable movers and storage and somewhere to live while we also decide absolutely everything for new house, which is already well under way. We are under such time pressure trying to quickly customize a spec house before we lose the chance. While my husband and I often agree on things, there is much time spent discussing/thinking and revising along the way. Equals not so healthy food choices and no exercise and little sleep.

    In fact, need to get moving since today is a super busy day.

    Wishing you all the best and looking forward to a more peaceful time in my new house when I get my life into a routine, including logging in here daily.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Eava - I think you & me are alot alike!!!:smile: I celebrate too if I lose and food is favorite choice (with wine). A perfect dinner for me is wine, cheese & crackers LOL. I think it is because when I was growing up my mom always cooked and baked such great food and it was a way to show her love for us. I cannot break that habit but I am trying hard to have a balance for my son so we can be healthy together. It is so hard in this SUPER SIZE world. I hope your pulled muscle gets better soon. Those are hard injuries.:sad: :sad:

    Zaza - you do have alot going on! I know they say building a house together is one of the most stressful times on a marriage. Stay strong and stay connected. Try to make some time for fun and to laugh with each other. It will be worth it in the end but I am sure it is very overwhelming making so many decisions. Do the best you can with the food choices. It is very hard when you are so busy but maybe try to plan more so you are prepared. (easier said than done LOL:smile: )
    I look forward to hearing more from you!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Great to hear from you, zaza. I hope you will get some "down" time soon. We built our house 26 years ago...we need to remodel...I look around my house and think "what was I thinking?" LOL In my defense, we had just moved to NorCal, I had started a new job and was pregnant with my first child. :love:
    ruby, we are kindred spirits (no pun intended)...I love cheese, crackers and wine too. I'd rather have appetizers than food, food! I am trying to work on changing those habits. My family was the same...my father was Filipino and food was a way of showing love. He also went to the store every night (my mother never learned how to drive). He would buy us whatever we wanted...cookies, ice cream, candy, chips....I still struggle with it today! My knee is better today. I AM going to walk, walk, walk the next few days.
    Hope you have a great weekend!:drinker:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thanks, ruby and eava, for your support! :flowerforyou: I really appreciate it and can use all the help I can get.

    I also really relate to what you have both been saying about the role of food, etc. So hard to change a lifetime of habits and attitude, but I have to embrace a new way of thinking. Ruby, I was just lying in bed and thinking about how I have to plan more in terms of food (great minds think alike?:laugh: )so I make healthier choices, which will benefit my husband, too. We are getting older and it is crazy to squander the gift of good health, etc.

    Exercise is a thing of the past, which doesn't help. My back is acting up again and I can't afford to have it go out. If Spring would finally get it here, I think I would take a break from the madness here and walk a little.

    Anyway, I better keep moving. Want to check Angie's list for reviews on movers. Also, need to calmly review paperwork for new house since I think we will be signing contract later today. In any event, we need to be out of this house in less than 6 weeks so we need to decide on movers and storage and find interim housing.

    Take care ladies. Have a great week-end and let's all try to make better choices. Keep our eye on the prize - good health (and better figures).
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I hope you are having a great weekend. I have to try to get back on track, I had that weight gain and it really messed with my head. I went into a downward spiral & the worst thing is it was probably just water gain but it really got me messed up. I went over calories the last 2 days :explode: . I am not going to weigh until Friday and I am putting in 100% today forward. The scale can really make me lose hope sometimes. New day and today I take back control!!!!!

    Eava - how is your knee? I hope you are doing better. I enjoyed reading about your childhood and how your dad spoiled you kids.

    Zaza - What type of problems do you have with your back? I have a best friend who has sciatic nerve problems and she has to be so careful. I can be so frustrating when our body does not work like we want it to.

    Now I am going to go do my weight workout for the day! :noway: :noway:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thanks, ruby. My knee is okay. I was able to get out for walks over the weekend. I am like you...ignoring the scale until Friday! My son has been home this week. We have been having some big meals. He will go back to school on Wednesday. One of my problems this past week was not eating a healthy afternoon snack. I have been so busy at work that I have not been taking out the time to eat a snack. I was famished when I got home and ate too much junk! I am working on that this week. Tonight we had Costco's deep dish pizza and Old Vine Zinfindel...definitely not weighing myself until Friday. LOL
    I am hoping to make it back to Curves this week. I will "nurse" my knee on the machines.
    Anyways, ruby...tomorrow/today is a new day. Let's not worry about the bad choices. I am enjoying having my son home for the week. Healthy choices!:flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Eava - your dinner last night sounds awesome, I am jealous!!:sad: Enjoy your week with your son I am with you we cannot get those times back and we have to make the most of them. Where does he go to college? My son is in 7th grade and growing up too fast. We had a break from him last weekend when he went to a friends overnight for a b-day. I was kind of nice for me and my husband to have some time together to go out but I was really glad to see him when he got home.

    I am trying really hard to not get on the scale but it is killing me!:explode: I did my lifting this morning and I am going to walk at lunch on the treadmill at lunch.

    I am glad you knee if feeling a little better, take it slow so you do not reinjure and stay down longer.:smile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Enjoy your time with your son. Time goes by so fast. I have two sons, 24 and 21...soon to be 25 and 22. My oldest graduated from Ca. State Fulleton two years ago. He is living down in San Diego and has a great job. My youngest is at Ca. State Sacramento. He is supposed to graduate next May, 2015. Both my boys are musicians; tenor saxophone and alto saxophone. They played sports growing up and ended up getting involved with Jazz in high school. Oh, how I miss those days....
    On the positive side, it is nice being "Empty-Nesters"...we enjoy our time togetther AND enjoy having the boys home too!:heart:
    Have a great day! I hope the scale will be kind to you. It may be a wash for me this week.:happy:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    weigh in tomorrow, I hope we all do good! I have been getting good workouts in this week and doing "ok" on the eating. Would like to be a little lower on calories but doing the best I can. Long term right? I had some sciatic nerve pain today at the end of my workout so I hope that does not flare up, I finish week 3 of Chalene Extreme Burn Phase tomorrow and then have 1 more week on that phase before I take measurements. :noway: My co worker said I look slimmer so I hope I see some good numbers.

    Talk to you all soon!!