We need some chatter on our group board



  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 437 Member
    It looks like a small group here hope it picks up with the spring coming up. Well I'm not planning on losing any weight for another 10weeks. that's when Baby is to arrive. So far I've gained 15lbs and I've been happy about it but starting to really feel pregnant. I'm more short of breath, my belly is getting in the weigh but I'm staying active swimming and walking.

    I hear how fast your kids grow up Eava - can't imagine what It will be like. I'm super excited to start my family. I"m also excited to get my body back but it's amazing what our bodies can do.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    You are doing so well, cleaneater. I am so happy for you. You are going to be a great mom!:love:
    I am slowly getting active again! I even did Yoga for Dummies today. LOL
    HOpe everyone has a great week! Dinner is ready....Happy Monday!
    Way to go, ruby. You are working at your own pace and are staying positive!Cheers!:drinker:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Happy Monday!!! Why do they always feel so tiring!:ohwell: I am finished with a day of work and home now. I was going to try to do cardio at lunch but I have been so busy at work I cannot get away from my desk. I am not liking it. I am still keeping up with my morning workouts 5 days a week.

    Cleaneater - congratulations on your new baby coming!:flowerforyou: That is awesome. I have one son who is 13 and he is the BEST thing that ever happened to me. He is always the brightest spot in my day. I sometimes wish I could go back to when he was a baby and just enjoy it more. You are doing great on your weight gain at only 15 lbs!!! Way to go.

    Eava - Yoga for dummies sounds really fun. I have not done much Yoga. There was a lady in my area that was teaching a night class & I went a couple times it was fun. I may need to check that out again!

    I would like to continue on this group too, I will see if Carease will extend the weight loss tracking google spread sheet!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    hi ruby, You can find Yoga for Dummies for free on youtube. The gal walks you through 12 moves...I try to do a Yoga or Pilates DVD on the weekend. Way to go with your morning workouts. I need to go pack my exercise clothes for tomorrow...it is my Curves day.
    I have been trying to leave work earlier...trying to take time for myself!:heart:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    A quick hello to all!
    Well I'm 60 now. Hard to get my head around that one. I had a wonderful week-end with my family - just what I wanted. Relaxing, good food (no diet worries this week-end) and lots of games and laughs. My 3 sons, daughter-in-law and a soon to be fiancee spent the whole week-end here.

    Now I REALLY need to start making healthy choices. Like it or not, the body only last s so long and I want to be around and in good shape to enjoy the next chapter.

    I am going to try to log in more here, but life is only getting busier. We move out in 5 weeks. In the meantime. SO much to be done, especially since we are buying a house that is under construction so lots of shopping and decisions to be made. Also need to get rid of stuff here and pack. Just don't know where to start.

    In meantime, I am taking off 3 precious days and flying to visit my parents in FL. I should have been there to check on them a month ago, but just too much happening here.

    Cleaneater, I have to say how happy I am for you. :flowerforyou: This is such a thrilling and exciting time. Enjoy every minute.

    Eava, I can so relate to you as far as family, but not exercise. No time for that and can't afford to have my back go out. You can exercise for the both of us.:laugh:

    Ruby, sounds like you are making progress. Keep up the good work!

    Take care all.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I asked Sasbw to extend the google weight loss calendar and she said she would, I don't want to lose our group/thread... I hope we can keep it going.

    Zaza, if it makes you feel better I think 95% of the weight loss/ maintenance comes down to our diets. I did not want to accept that and I still am struggling with that but getting better. I love to celebrate with food, not binge eating or anything but just a feel good place with incredible food makes life seem happy. I am trying to find the balance but with healther versions but not always so easy!:noway: As we get older things start to change and exercising like heck when I did in my 20's does not work like it used to. I am in my forties now. You can do this even without exercise. I know you can!!!!

    Eava - I will try the YOGA for dummies that sounds fun, the gal that teaches in my area charges $10 a class & I am kinda cheap that way:blushing: plus it is not until 7 at night and that is kind of late for me. Family time you know at the end of the day.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    HaPpY bIRtHdAy, ZaZa! You are a fabulous "60"! I am hoping I will be "in shape" by the time I turn 60...three more years for me! :love: Do what you can do....we need to enjoy life. Sounds like you had a wonderful family birthday. Those family times are so precious. And congrats! You have another wedding in the future. I am so hoping my son will propose to his girlfriend in the next year. Both kids are talking about Grad school...we'll see....:smile:
    I've been trying to "heal" my metabolism by following Haylie Pomroy's Fast Metablolism plan. For the first month, she recommends the following days for exercise...Mon/Tues-one day of cardio, Wed./Thurs.-Weight,Fri.-Sat.-easy walk or yoga...Basically, you start off with three days a week for a month. I do know it helps me not feel guilty.
    Thanks, sasbw for continuing our charts.
    Let's try to have two great days before Friday!:flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thank you!!
    I am starting my day off with some hot water and lemon - supposed to jump start the metabolism. Then I need to pay bills, clean out my closet (which my dear husband will paint while I'm gone since we had told our buyers we would do it when we showed them the house) and then get ready for my quick trip to FL to check on my parents before I get any more bogged down in the move.

    I left the house for a mani-pedi yesterday and my husband had already packed up part of the living room, including lamps. He doesn't understand that I need to go thru things and get rid of some "stuff" - he'd rather pack it and pay to move it and store it than waste time sorting. He's already nixed the idea of a tag sale, but I'm still thinking about it.

    Anyway, I may try Eava's approach of exercising 3 days a week after FL. I am so leery of hurting my back again. I do hope to walk a bit in FL if weather is good and I can leave my parents for 30 minutes.

    Hope you all have a great week-end.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    No exercise for me, but I did spend a lot of time sorting thru "stuff" in the attic. Need to attack my closet next and also pack something for FL. Am so annoyed at myself for how much weight/flab I have gained. Makes packing so much harder because fewer options and I hate to feel uncomfortable.:explode:

    Won't have computer access at my parents in FL so will touch base after I return home, later in the week.
    Enjoy the week-end and stay strong!!! Bathing suit weather ahead.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Gals, I am really struggling right now. I am getting tired of counting calories, & have not been tracking new as much of the time. UHGGGGG, I don't even know what to say. I went to do my measurements & stopped because they were not looking good. I am not sure if I screwed up the 1st time I measured (used a tape measure but not the right kind) & now have a clothing tape measure I am using. I will check again tomorrow but did not want to get so discouraged on Sat. night. My clothes are fitting better.... but I am looking for something with the numbers & just not seeing it.

    I hope you are doing better, I don't want to lose hope. I have done that too many times. Why does it have to be so hard when we get older to get any results? When I was younger I would of lost over 20 lbs by now for the work I have been putting in for 3 months. Actually when I was younger I would not even have had to try; I just stayed slim by my lifestyle.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Don't give up, ruby. We are so controlled by the number on the scale. I am guilty of this too. I know I haven't really lost much but my clothes are feeling better. I have quite a bit to lose and get myself into trouble when I have a good weigh in. You may want to stay off the scale for a couple of weeks. Focus on eating better and staying active. (Have only one glass of wine!). We can do it. It does get harder as you get older. Have you had your thyroid checked? I had to go on med. in my 40's. I did lose 30 lbs. Still trying to lose the additional 30!:blushing: Hope you have a better week!:drinker: P.S. I went out to Mexican food and margaritas with friends from work...I just won't give up those times. LIfe is meant to be celebrated!:heart:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Eava, Thanks for the encouragement. I will work on not weighing and trying to make good choices. I did have my thyroid checked about a year ago and it came back normal. I think one of the hardest things for me is I have an office job so I don't get any movement during the day unless I walk at lunch (I am going to try to start that again this week).

    I think I maybe am just too hard on myself too. :sad: I agree with you that life is meant to celebrate and I struggle because I want to have a body that is thin but I don't want to give up the good things. I have a sister who is body builder and not one ounce of body fat hardly. She is so motivated but stays so FOCUSED. :explode: I think I need to find the balance of being happy with myself and being okay being average weight as long as I stay active and try to eat pretty good most of the time. When I was staying around 1300 to 1400 calories a day I was losing & now I have been higher than that most days and everything went to a stand still and I have even gained a few back depending on the day. I am not trying to have a pity party..... today is a new day & I am going to live it to the fullest and not worry about the small things. I am just going to do my best and try to focus on something positive about myself. Life is too short to have all this anixety over 20 lbs. Right? I just got my hair done last week and it turned out really cute, I am going to focus on having a good hair day. LOL:drinker:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I totally can relate to your feelings. I have a hard time giving up the "fun" stuff. I am really trying this week only to have challenges at work. The next three days are full of food challenges...Parent Tea (muffins, cookies), Wednesday (pizza and ice cream party) and Thursday (Continental breakfast and luncheon) I have been more active and worked out today. I got out my old Kathy Smith VHS tape. LOL I have 40 lbs. to lose. I am going to aim for 5lbs. a month. I think we are all guilty of being too hard on ourselves. I am glad we can be on this journey together. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Eava,
    I hope you are making it through those challenges those week. OMG girl that is alot of temptations! I went to a meeting this morning and now back at work. I am feeling better and stronger again. The pity party has passed. I am going to try to lose 3lbs by the end of the month. My workouts in the mornings are going really good and I have been trying to walk at lunch.

    Slow & Steady Wins the Race! Keep up the good work Eava.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I've been trying to keep things in check. I think I am allergic to wheat. I had two pieces of pizza yesterday...they were school pizzas. I wasn't feeling great this morning. I had one cookie on Tuesday. I had a chicken wrap today and one small brownie. I ended up having some long days at school. I will be on vacation beginning on Saturday. I am going to work hard on getting back into my exercise routine. Sounds like you are doing great this week! Keep it up. I did pull out my capris this week...so glad they still fit and weren't too tight.:happy:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    The weekend is here, YEAH!
    That is awesome your Capris fit when you pulled them out, that is always a fragile moment. :noway: :noway:

    I am going shopping tomorrow and may look for a couple new summer things. I had a good weigh in this morning but then had a work lunch and my husband brought home take out tonight (fried chicken from our favorite summer place):explode: :explode:
    Oh well, I had a good week all in all so I guess today was a cheat day.

    Stay positive and lets try to challenge ourselves this week to get in a extra walk everyday (even if it is a short one). We start tomorrow and it goes through Friday next week. Are you in?
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I AM IN, ruby! I lost 1 lb. in spite of all the "special eating" events! :tongue:
    I took a walk and did extra leg exercises today.
    We are going to a friend's home for dinner...I am bringing my "Heaven in a Bottle" cake....it is made with Bailey's Irsih Cream! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I will definitely walk and workout tomorrow!:drinker:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    awesome Eava on losing last week!!! I did pretty good too but my weekend was not so good ( I got on the scale this morning,
    oh oh. :blushing: ) I hope it is water retain from the bad choices I made this weekend.

    Today I walk at lunch! I will have to go on the treadmill as I woke up to snow this morning and COLD weather. I did get my lifting in this morning before work.

    I'll check in with you later. Lets try to Push Hard this week and have another 1lb lost. I have to play catch up after the weekend but maybe it can still happen.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    My "loss' was short-lived too. I even did an extra workout yesterday! I had a busy day shopping at the mall. It was nice to get out and not have to rush. I wasn't able to get a smaller size in pants but did buy one top a smaller size. :tongue: I am on spring break...tomorrow we are meeting friend's at a new brewery in town!!:blushing: I will do a morning workout. Way to go on your walk today!:flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Lucky you on Spring Break! I am jealous!:wink:

    It looks like it is just the two of us still out here on the board:bigsmile:
    I am trying really hard this week, I am been drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and eating fruit in between if hungry and then trying to eat a good dinner. I got so mad when I got on the scale Monday I decided I had to go drastic this week. Not sure if I am losing my mind or if this is a genius idea:laugh: !

    I am ready to get into the next set of lower digits so I decided to try to shock my body. I will keep you posted if I am still standing by the end of the week.