LET IT OUT! (The Frustrations Thread)



  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    My Fitbit got recalled! WAAAAAAAAAAH!

    It did give me a tiny rash, but I feel so lost without it. :-(
  • hollyla9905
    @chuck, good plan to have one thing that does it all!

    @smac: I heard about that, I hope you get a new one soon!!!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    @smacvicar86 - OMG. If polar recalled my HRM I'd be having fits too. Hope you get the replacement fast!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    My gym easily has over 500 pieces of equipment and/or machines. Why is it that the only machine (rope pull) that I use for resistance training is always broken?

    Dude! I LOVE the rope pull! It does EVERYTHING!

    The one at our gym has 7 settings...and the first time I tired it, two minutes on the lowest resistance nearly pulled my arms off...so that's why I call it The Pull Your Arms Off Machine in my log...

    Or rather called...I have not been to see that machine for some months...

    Thank you for reminding me how useful, fun, and low stress that machine was to use.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member

    SO...yeah...I am writing to you all from a vast and terrible plateau.

    I have been stuck at 288 +/- 2 for a couple of months.

    My methods have been simple and old fashioned; drink lots of water, eat less crap, get enough sleep, and move more.

    Over Christmas it was easy to put it to down to some holiday exuberance and the thrill of a new romance.

    But as February moves towards March, I am finding my resolve weakening. My food logging is sometimes sloppy--though my exercise is reasonably accurate...the burn estimate is compromise between MFP which is generous, and my pedometer which is um...less so.

    I am redeemed only because of my love for and duty towards The Hound. She keeps me walking.

    But that just seems to make it easier to give in to temptation and have "little treats"...and the darkness and wet mean that the fruit and veggies that filled those gaps last summer aren't doing it for me. All the apples are disappointing this time of year...and some of my more exotic favourites are really expensive right now.

    ANYWAY...I need the summer to come back so I can get out and play. But first I have to survive my busy work season that has me chained to my keyboard and monitor for most of the hours of the day I am not marching the beastie or trying to spend time with my Wonderful Sweetie.

    And she works so hard all week. She needs little treats too...(Is there a velodrome for vicious cycles?) So more sugar and salt find their way into my log...

    Anyway...I want to finish my first 100 already...so I can get to work the LAST 100!

    ...and my question if anyone has read this far is geared towards people who have had big sweeps in loss and gain in the past...

    (I'm looking at you Dan, for starter...)

    What triggered the end of your last "good run" before backsliding? When you used WW's successfully?

    What behaviours changed when stopped going?

    What sorts of rationalizations did you use?

    What I am trying to figure out is if I am really plateaued, or if I am starting to give up but haven't told myself yet...

    Your thoughts, folks?

    (Oh and...Hi Everybody, yes...still alive...just busy..."Drink your dang water!" and all that...)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Ah Mark. I see, I feel, I know....

    What triggered the end of your last "good run" before backsliding? When you used WW's successfully?

    You've paid attention, yes, I used WW after scaring the crap out of myself and almost dying. I lost 152 lbs then turned around and gained 110 of it back. Which excuse do you want for backsliding?

    -In 2007 my life went to crap very quickly. My office was closing and I was told I had to relocate to Denver or find another job.

    -My father in law went through and died of brain cancer which was tough on the whole family.

    -I had a very personal surgery that was very good for weight loss, then very bad for the next two years. When I couldn't get out of bed while healing I lost an additional 20 lbs. Once I was mobile enough to make it to the kitchen I didn't have to stop and think about what I should eat and I was bored enough I ate darn near everything.

    -Because the surgery wouldn't heal, I couldn't exercise hard without breaking it open and getting infections and landing back in the hospital. (For two years I had infections every six weeks. I could set a timer by the things.

    -The wife was upset because for the first time since our marriage I weighed less than she did.

    What behaviours changed when stopped going?

    When I was losing weight I felt good about myself. I wanted to and did exercise, eat healthy, laughed and all was positive. As I slowed down, I got upset with myself again, felt it was a personal failing on my part, and fell back to eating for comfort. It had worked for 40 years, one year of change wasn't enough to keep me from going back to my medication of choice -- the double cheese burger.

    What sorts of rationalizations did you use?
    -It isn't worth losing weight if my wife is going to be upset.
    -They made me move, I don't have the places to exercise like I did.
    -I'm in temporary quarters and the kids are pissed, let's get Pizza (or Long John Silvers, or Burger King or....)
    -Once we are in a house and settled I can take this weight back off without a problem.
    -I'm allergic to rotting tree leaves, I can't exercise without an asthma attack, I just will wait on exercise, besides I need to get eating back in line first. Hmm, now where is that gallon of ice cream?
    -Damn, these pants are shrinking in that new washer. I'll just get one pair of a larger size. That'll get me through.

    What I am trying to figure out is if I am really plateaued, or if I am starting to give up but haven't told myself yet...

    Mark, nobody can make you give up but you, just as nobody forced you to realize that you weren't happy with the size you were. I've said this before. Being Fat is Hard! Losing weight is Hard! You have to pick your hard.

    You may not want to hear this, but I CELEBRATE the fact that you have been essentially maintaining. When I started slacking off, I didn't maintain, I gained an average of 7 lbs per month! Because you are maintaining it means you have not yet quit, and you just have to find a way to get back in the groove.

    Yes, fresh fruits are wretched this time of year. Treat yourself to some frozen fruit. Make smoothies out of frozen mango, or pineapple and strawberries. Freeze chunks of banana before they go black, then mix them with a food processor until they are the consistency of soft serve ice cream. Add berries for a change up, or some cocoa powder to get a chocolate experience.

    Increase your protein intake. That will help you feel fuller longer, but make it lean protein. Take your love for asian foods and look online for new ways to meet those tastes with maybe fewer calories.

    Talk to that love of yours. I'll bet she will support you. I'll bet that even though she works hard all week, that she would be happy to have a treat every other weekend instead of every weekend. Does she dance? Take lessons together. Be ready to sweat if you do this though! Find treats that don't revolve around food, at least not always. Look for things you love to do and that make you happy. Happy people lose weight easier, or people losing weight are happy so it is easier, or something. I just know that once you do start losing again, you will find that happy spot. (THL - Totally Honest Logging - is critical for making this happen. we can lie to ourselves and our brain will believe, but the body knows that mind over matter is only true in fairy tales. Physics dictates that excess energy be stored if not used.)

    Did you ever check out Mikes reference to the Hackers Diet Online? It may not work for you if you are still only weighing at that doctors office once a month, but it may be time when you get your head back in the game to buy a scale for home. If you do that, the Hackers Diet will help show you what you are REALLY doing calorie wise based on daily weight changes. It will show trending and average calories over or under. I hate it at times, but it doesn't let me lie to myself. :sad:

    My friend, feel free to PM me if these have opened other questions, or post here again. Short of TMI answers, I'll tell you anything I can about any of the above.

    Edit to add: Good Grief. Sorry about the Novella length post. Feel like the announcer should come on and say,"For your free copy of today's message, send a SASE to..."
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member

    Edit to add: Good Grief. Sorry about the Novella length post. Feel like the announcer should come on and say,"For your free copy of today's message, send a SASE to..."

    No no...thank you. Thank you SOOOOOO much, Dan!

    I will break through this bad patch and come out thinner on the other side...

    Thank you for your insight, understanding, and friendship.

  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I know this was a conversation between Dan and Mark, but I have to thank you both. Your sharing was inspirational to me. I've lost and regained 70 pounds...which still left me at over 200 pounds on a 5'4" frame. This time I am doing this for me; those who share my life will benefit, but no matter what I am going to get this resolved.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I know this was a conversation between Dan and Mark, but I have to thank you both. Your sharing was inspirational to me. I've lost and regained 70 pounds...which still left me at over 200 pounds on a 5'4" frame. This time I am doing this for me; those who share my life will benefit, but no matter what I am going to get this resolved.

    LeAnna,it isn't a conversation just between the two of us. Mark is struggling so if anyone has other insights, now is the time to bring them out. We can all inspire each other and often do on these threads. Every one who posts on these threads I have found something I can say "Me too, or wow, that's tough - I hadn't considered that." If I wrote out every bravo I think when I read here, I'd be prohibited from posting. Methinks I post too much now!

    Anyway, folks, if you have any suggestions, please don't keep them to yourself!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hey Mark,

    When I go lo-carb, hi-protein, it cuts back my cravings. I know not everyone is that way. My husband isn't.

    My most successful weight losses and disasters were:

    1. Weight Watchers - gained it all back (plus some) when I got to a good place and stopped being vigilant.

    2. Atkins - gained it all back (plus some) when I had one piece of halloween candy and found it impossible to get back on the wagon.

    3. When I got sick and my stomach shrank and I was eating very small meals - slowly went back to normal unhealthy eating patterns as my stomach stretched and I let it by eating a little too much each time.

    4. When I had weight loss surgery, last June. I haven't gained it back, but have hit a couple places where it could have, but I fought it off.

    (4a) When I was eating till I was stuffed, which was making it easier to eat more, and that was stretching out my stomach and reversing the surgical benefits. I stopped by self control and tracking and paying attention to stop at the first sign of fullness. I will stop with ONE bite of food left. If I put it away in the refrigerator, it doesn't go to waste. I tell myself I can eat it later, and that fights off the "but it's only one bite" justification.

    Oh, btw, a friend on MyFitnessPal saw this and gave me a heads up because I wasn't conscious while doing it. If you have concerns, feel free to post them on your timeline. We'll respond!

    (4b) When I start eating highly processed carbs (cereal, cookies, pastry, bagels, crackers, etc.). These dissolve and pass right through my sleeve like water. I need to avoid them. My cravings can range in severity. If truly bad, I need to go cold turkey, just like an alcoholic. I can survive on other starches just fine: oats, corn, beans, quinoa, corn tortillas (not flour), whole grain crackers (in Limited! amounts), rice... think whole grain.

    The funniest justification was most recently when I was limiting my soda crackers, and my brain came up with "but if you only eat half a sheet, it'll last too long, and they'll get stale." I swear! The arguments that try to trip us up!!! :laugh:

    I've missed you and your lovely wicked sense of humor. I'm so glad you have a happy home life. And wish you all the best!!!

  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks Paula!

    Thanks EVERYBODY! Your experience and candour are a great deal of help.

    Nurse Girlfriend and I have had a long and sometimes difficult discussion. We looked at logs and reports and calendars.

    And some horrifying things were discovered.

    I shared those same treats with NG during this period of plateau. But I walked the dog many times a day. Everyday. NG did not. (Not her fault...career, family, community, etc all demand her time...)

    I fended off twenty pounds of holiday cheers and New Year's regrets and Valentine indulgences and dropped a pant size while poor NG accidentally, however so artfully and beautifully as to not be noticed, did not. Also I finally broke the 288 barrier--after months of trying--so my frustration is greatly reduced.

    Anyway, thanks to you folks and a couple of reality checks, and an attitude adjustment I am feeling MUCH better.

    NG and I have set some goals and posted some rewards. We are going to sort to the rationalizations, exceptions, indulgences, and treats. And spring will be here SOON. That's going to help too. I just know it.

    Thanks again to EVERYBODY who posted and PM'd. I am a little overwhelmed by the kindness and support.

    But very very grateful.

  • hollyla9905
    Sounds like you did the best thing you could, reaching out and evaluating :)
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    Over the years, I have had numerous swings back and forth, from the low 220’th the high 280’s. I did all the fad diets, both homemade and commercial. I did the best on WW, and of the commercial, the worst on JC. When I retired in ‘99, I was 332. I was on WW on and off for several years and I went from 291 down to 254 and up to 281, then down to 271, then up and down several more times before I quit doing WW at 280. I was off and on WW so often that I get tired of it and tired of counting points. It didn’t seem like I was really in control, plus I didn’t like buying their products.

    In Feb. 2011 at 276, unbeknown to me at that time, I began a change of lifestyle, starting with a series of cooking classes that was based on fresh food and the proper way to cook them. We started shopping at farmers markets. In July of 2011 at 267, I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation and put on a restricted diet. I found MFP to help me log my food. In Sep. of 2011, at 249, I started eating Paleo for about 8 months which was good for learning how to use healthy foods, but, for me, not sustainable. Mid December of 2011 at 239, I stopped logging on MFP (stupid, stupid, stupid). July of 2012, at 255, I started back on MFP and started exercising at a gym. By the end of August 2012, I was down to 231, but ended up in the hospital with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome which is a name they give something that they don’t have the slightest idea what you have. In Oct. 2012 at 232, I was diagnosed with Invasive Malignant Melanoma tumors on the bottom of my foot. The resulting surgery left a hole about the size of a deck of cards 1/2 “ deep in my foot, and I couldn’t walk for four months. I popped back up to 250 pounds.

    With this behind me (for a while) my Afib was acting up. My heart was functioning at 38% and not supplying enough blood to my heart, to the point that I couldn’t climb any stairs or even walk across the room without becoming exhausted. I had a series of cardioversions that eventually got my heart back in normal rhythm and my heart function started improving.

    Then, at 264, I was again diagnosed with another Malignant Melanoma tumor on my foot, which required two surgeries to remove, and more convalescent time.

    Then, in Jan of this year, at 277, hopefully with most of my problems behind me, I started again on MFP, seriously, because I don’t want to die and want to have the best life I can before I do go. Today, I am at 262.

    I guess the point of this whole diatribe, is that for me, my successes have always been logging regularly on MFP and using the forums here, talking about my strength and weaknesses, eating healthy food and exercising. But you already know this.

    @dward59 “Yes, fresh fruits are wretched this time of year.” Come to California, the fruit is wonderful. I have had a lot of the feelings you express. You have come a long way and are very positive. I’m glad to have come to this site to read your positive, helpful messages.

  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks Chuck!

    Quite a story. I appreciate you taking the time to share it with me.

    The power of logging is undeniable. And while I haven't missed a day of logging since July, my input has been slack and the accuracy of data questionable. But I think it made the difference between holding the line and gaining the holiday pounds my poor NG accidentally accumulated.

    Thank you for your time and for the inspiration.

    I am so pleased you have found our little group. We are lucky to have you!

  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    smacvicar86, I totally know how you feel. I lost my fitbit last night and felt terrible about it.... Thank goodness I found it in the grass by my condo this morning, and thank goodness its rain proof because the sprinklers got it nice and wet, lol! I have the fitbit one if you are looking for a good replacement for your force, this one has about them same features...
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Chuck, I appreciated you sharing your story. You have surely struggled! I'm glad you are here and logging diligently. And I'm glad you are on the board to encourage others and find encouragement for yourself.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    I've been in this plateau for a month. Apparently this week I will see results, but my hopes are not to high. My trainer is very positive but I was so frustrated last week. Good thing is that my eating habits have changed sooo much that I didn't let that frustration sabotage and although I didn't meet my macros (was over or under the whole week) my food choices were still the same. So, it wasn't all so bad.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Ignaura, good for you for sticking with it! Giving in to frustration and going on a feeding frenzy, while all to common in this world, is counter productive.

    Even if you don't lose this week, eventually your body WILL let go and you will start heading in the right direction. Hang tight!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Ignaura, Dan is right. If you keep making good choices, you will get the results. I keep having to reminding myself that it's a journey and not a race. I want to reach my goal and I want it yesterday!
  • hollyla9905
    I am so frustrated with my husbands work! We went through this big long stressful 2 week period waiting for him to get news on switching from highway work to local work so that he could come home and help with the kids a bit and take some pressure off me, and he has been home exactly 0 nights since Monday morning and than tells me he won't be home to take our daughter to her appointment Friday which means that my day will start at 6 am and should end around midnight which also means I have to stay awake during the worst part of the side effects of my new meds which I have been trying to sleep through! This is not going to work for me at all!