March Goals



  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Haven't got any running goals at the moment, just to basically run without injury, distance isn't important this month.

    Also want to lose the 2lb I've been trying to lose since December! Lost the 4lb I put on over the holidays in February so the scale is going in the right direction. And I want to complete the recovery week and the first 2 weeks of month 2 of Insanity. But this (and the running) are dependent on my hip and knees. Who would have thought 1 run could cause so many problems.

    I lost 4lb in March so happy with that. Hip/thigh still giving me problems so I haven't got in a lot of miles this month, 13 miles so far, hoping for another 5k this weekend. I finished recovery week of Insanity and Week 1 of Month 2, but I've taken a lot of time out for my injury.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My March goal is to start my half training, whatever that may bring. :)

    Technically this isn't going to happen, but I did run 10 miles for the first time in March which I'm going to consider close enough.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My March goal is to start my half training, whatever that may bring. :)

    Technically this isn't going to happen, but I did run 10 miles for the first time in March which I'm going to consider close enough.

    Technically, you've been progressing toward your half ever since W1D1 of C25k. :wink:

    I'd say a 10 mile run is close enough to what you meant though...:laugh: