Introduce yourself!



  • Hello Everyone- Polly here:

    Welcome back Polly, I'm glad you're back in again.
  • amian25
    amian25 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey my name is Naima. I'm so motivated to do this challenge... I hope we can motivate each others and have great results by the end of the month!

    okay excuse me now I have to do my workout :)
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm Theresa, aka_kamalevantis.

    I'm joining this challenge for the first time, I am doing a physically demanding job & I go swimming 3 days a week, the gym 2 days a week & I'm going to go walking on my rest days.... I'm looking forward to seeing if I can do this, it might also remind me to use the laptop more often, because the internet in worse than useless on my phone.... xXx
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Hello Everyone i am new to the challenge.

    I am a 48 years old and about 10 years ago i was about 230 pounds and at 5'2 that was a lot of me. The trouble was i carried most of it below my waist. I lost down to 118 by cutting out all the junk food and soda.
    I am now at 135 and would love to lose down to 125.
    I run,lift weights and do yoga everyday.

    I look forward to meeting you all and getting fit with you :)
  • Hi, group. I'm Mike and I'm glad you exist. Because I'm always making deals with myself, and breaking deals with myself, and starting diets on Mondays that I give up by Thursday, and really-truly-seriously starting diets on the first of the month that fail spectacularly by the tenth. So, I hope to find some accountability here, and I hope we gain inspiration from each-other's progress this month.

    Good luck, especially to those in the U.S., who must resist the tiny death-merchants in green who peddle cookies this time of year.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Carol. Pleased to be joining you all for the challenge. My husband died last month, I need something to focus on and stop me from comforting eating. I've joined my local gym and have a crazy spaniel that needs daily walks. Good luck everyone xxx

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  • hog_farmers_wife
    hog_farmers_wife Posts: 214 Member
    Hello all and welcome!

    I started doing these ultimate accountability challenges in Novemeber. I have successfully completed every month since November. I started losing weight on my own in September because I had my first child in January. Since starting these ultimate accountability challenges I have lost 20 pounds in the last 4 months. Which brought my total weight loss to 36 pounds lost since September. I only have 1 more pound to go to be at my goal of 130 pounds. I'm going to continue doing these challenges though because I want to maintain my new weight or possibly lose no more than 5 more pounds. I'm 5'6" so I don't want lose to much more.

    I am the type of person that hates to lose. So once I join these challenges each month I am determined to not screw up and be eliminated from the group. I also really want to get my name to the top of the winner's circle. So far 5 was the most completed months anyone had and now I'm at 4 so hopefully I can make it to the top or close to it.
  • gela130
    gela130 Posts: 50 Member
    wow, nice work:)
  • gela130
    gela130 Posts: 50 Member
    hi, i am angie. looking forward to accountability to help keep me on track. am having a hard time being consistent:) just got a fitbit too so hoping a new toy and this group will get me a little jump start! thanks to everyone for sharing your story- it always helps to know other people are in a similar place (and actually those with even more difficult situations unfortunately- your strength is amazing) and that they are winning their battles.good luck to everyone.
  • nyommers
    nyommers Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'm Emer. I'm joining this group because I've been half heartedly doing this for too long and have ended up heavier at the start of March than I was at the start of Feb, which has really annoyed me! Want this to keep me accountable
  • MercyOxendine
    MercyOxendine Posts: 105 Member
    Carol, So sorry for your loss, it is great to keep your mind occupied with other things, We are here for you. We can do this!!! :-)
  • MercyOxendine
    MercyOxendine Posts: 105 Member
    Hi my name is Mercy I still have a long ways to go. Being held accountable works for me. I'm up for the challenge. We can all do this together! :-)
  • carpesu
    carpesu Posts: 14
    Hi! New to MFP and loving it! And I love a challenge even more! :) I have ten pounds to go and this is certainly a great way to keep me headed in the right direction. I use a fitbit daily (have for over two years) and I like to keep my exercise changed up so each day I chose from strength training (body pump class), zumba, water aerobics or aqua zumba, boot camp, long walks, and runs. In fact, running my first 10K in April (yikes!).
  • wren1430
    wren1430 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all and happy March!

    I have lost 16 lbs this winter being more accountable which is awesome for me but I need to keep it up.
    This has been the longest winter. Can't wait to get outside
    I really need help with toning up some muscles so any ideas the best way to do this
    Let me know
    Thanks and good luck everyone!
  • tiacari
    tiacari Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all. I am hoping to get to a healthy weight. I am doing t25 focus everyday and I want to do well on it.
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi I am Barbara. I have been a member of this UAC since January. I am really surprised that I have been able to continue in the challenge for the entire month! I had lost about 33 lbs. over the last year and a half but a little over 7 months ago, I quit smoking and gained 12 lbs. of that back. Since then, I have lost most of it. I am at a total loss of 30 lbs. now but I seem to be at a stand still for the last month. I am rethinking my eating and exercising habits this month and hope to start losing again.

    I am ready to get this challenge started!!!
  • AnnieRN6
    AnnieRN6 Posts: 48
    Hi, Caradae and Group! I started MFP yesterday, and found this group just a few minutes ago. What a great idea! I'm 55, trying to rehab from a lot of leg surgeries, and working on losing about 45 pounds. I'm still on crutches and a long way from walking, but I can get my cardio exercise on an exercise bike, so that's where you'll find me. Thanks for doing this, Caradae!
  • AnnieRN6
    AnnieRN6 Posts: 48
    It's encouraging to read the successes of others here. Thanks!
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    Hey, Im Nancy. Fun Challenge! Im in.
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Hello, group. My name is Paula. I've done this a couple times before: once was successful, once wasn't. Giving it another try because it really helps me focus on my goals EVERY SINGLE DAY. Good luck to all, especially those who are working through grief.