Introduce yourself!



  • 4wheelinchick
    4wheelinchick Posts: 45 Member
    I love the sound of this challenge!! I have already lost 23ish lbs in the last few months, but looking to stay motivated. I've been under a lot of stress lately and I'm a stress eater. Bad combo!! Lol. I think this challenge will help do exactly what it says, keep me held accountable. :bigsmile:

    My goal is to first of all make it through the whole month and not get kicked out of the challenge. Lol! I'm going to try my best to also reset my thinking. When I get stressed, I want to learn to exercise instead of eating a half a cheesecake. :grumble:

    Okay, now a little about myself. :smile: I am a 31 year old Momma to an amazing 8 year old little boy. He is my world and one on my main motivators to get healthy. I started my weight lose journey in Oct at 258 lbs. and if not the biggest than real close to the biggest I've ever been. My first major goal is to get to ONEderland, with my ultimate goal being 170-175. If I reach my ultimate goal and feel I need to lose more, I will. But I'm not real concerned about that. I wanna get healthy and be able to be the Mom my kiddo deserves. And I wanna run a 5k. I've walked a few of them, but I would love to run a 5k without stopping. That would be awesome!!!!

    Good luck to all of you'uns!!! And I hope to be with ya'll at the finish line on March 31st, and for all of us to have beat this challenge!!!!:bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi! I'm Beth. Have been very successful with MFP, but have recently been getting lazy. Exercise being my problem. Twenty minutes sounds like a very reasonable goal. So I'm going to try this ... first time joining a challenge.
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi everyone. this is my 3rd attempt to make it through the entire month. I lasted a week in Jan, two weeks in Feb, so hopefully 3rd times the charm!

    Sometimes I get overwhelmed with having to total all the calories in all of the ingredients when I cook...makes me want to just eat only packaged foods since calories counts are all listed - but I am trying to stay away from processed foods so I know that's not the best approach either...

    Good luck everyone and happy first day of March!
  • nixiparchment
    nixiparchment Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Nikki and I'm new this month. I really need a group like this so that I can attempt to keep within my limits each day and hopefully lose this stone that has slowly crept on over the past 2 years.

    Good luck everyone :-)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I am Jolee,

    This is my third attempt at this challenge. In Jan I was out in one day, in Feb made it to day 14. In March I hope to go all the way. I need this group.

    Jan was a very successful month for me, but Feb I had some ups and downs with the scale.

    My goal for March is to utilize this challenge and break through down into the 130's and to break a plateau that I think I created by starting to cheat more and more.

    Good luck to everyone this month.
  • garzadrive
    garzadrive Posts: 94 Member
    Today is a fresh start! New beginnings!

    I look forward to completing this March challenge!

    Thanks for making this group.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member

    I'm Ellen, 54, from Arizona and this will be my SIXTH UAC & looking forward to it again keeping me honest & active. I'm set for 1250 calories , I love fast food & junk food , am a chocoholic and I STILL eat them. I pre plan /pre log my food the nite before in my diary to make my life easier & to stay on track.

    I post my diary & respond to the challenge RIGHT before I log out for the nite, making sure I've accounted for everything I've eaten for the day. I don't believe in cheat days or cheat meals, if it will not fit in my daily stats, it won't get eaten (or if it does, I'm out walking it off). Cheating (overeating) got me here in the first place.

    For the FEBRUARY challenge I lost a total of 5.8 lbs (total loss since starting the UAC has been 28.2 lbs. Am hoping to hit GOAL this month, we shall see (since am not really sure what GOAL weight is gonna be, lol)

    I work from home and it's a MAJOR challenge to not raid the pantry & fridge...thankfully my mindset has been where it needs to be on this journey. I'm tired of yo yo'ing...losing the pounds and gaining them & more back.

    Health issues are what brought me to MFP 633 days ago. A Fitbit Flex in July got my exercise motivation going (before that I was a very happy recliner potato, sigh). I've now swapped out my Fitbit Flex for the Fitbit Force & love it (yes, I know it has just be recalled but right now I'm keeping mine). I was on 2 meds for blood pressure, 2 for cholesterol issues and 1 for DM....I am NO longer on any meds.:bigsmile: and per my MD, no longer have those issues.

    My exercise has been walking (both treadmill & outside) & my Exerpeutic semi recumbent bike, 5 weeks ago I started Zen Labs C25K Free (see MFP apps page), I've never dong any running before, I consider myself a couch or recliner potato). I'm not the type to join or go to a gym so I set up a exercise room in my house with a weight bench w/leg & preacher curl attachments , some plates & bar to go with my dumbbell set, kettelbell, bands and Wii Fit.
    I had not done much exercise while trying to lose weight, (really ramped things up in July) so REALLY need to firm and tone the saggy flabbiness I'm left with after losing the pounds.:sad:

    Best of luck to everyone :drinker:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi everyone. this is my 3rd attempt to make it through the entire month, and it is not for lack of trying. I am going to do my best to get my act together and work hard for March.

    For the month of March, my goal will be to workout out with Jillian Michaels" No More Trouble Zones every other day. It is 40 minutes long and I owe that to myself and my body. I will also be giving up smoked salmon for the time being (too much sodium); and will be fasting every third day, instead of every other day, until old man winter decides to leave.

    Finally, for March I have decided to divorce Mr Scale and start a new relationship with Mr. Inches. Of late Mr. Scale have become very abusive, whereas Mr. Inches have given me the pleasure of being able to fit into my size 8 pants. Hopefully, Mr. Scale will come to his senses and we can some kind of a relationship, until then I need peace of mind.
  • Sunking511
    Sunking511 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Clay. I have only been on My Fitness Pal for 12 days and I have lost 5 lbs. I am starting a personal fitness quest of walking 100 miles in the month of March and I hope to use this group as my catalyst to make sure I do all the right things to help me get there. I look forward to the challenge as well as reading about the successes of the other members of the group.

    SW = 300
    CW = 295
    GW = 270 by May 3 (Kentucky Derby Day)
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Wow, so many great people! Welcome! This looks like its going to be a great bunch!

    caroljayne and gjhuntley I am truly sorry for your loss's. They say exercise and routines helps us deal with such things. So I am hoping this challenge will be a great help to you both. In the past food and shutting down has been my way to help me deal and changing that is awfully hard. But it can be done. This challenge has helped me with that. Good Luck all!
  • SgtBA_Diana
    SgtBA_Diana Posts: 156 Member
    Hola! I've been participating in this UAC since November. I've completed two challenges & am super hyped to complete March! Good luck to everyone! Let's do this!
  • 5MommaJ
    5MommaJ Posts: 35 Member
    5MommaJ here. Looking forward to the challenge of being accountable. I've been doing well keeping track of calories but exercise has been hit or miss. I think this challenge will keep me on track
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Hi everyone. this is my 3rd attempt to make it through the entire month. I lasted a week in Jan, two weeks in Feb, so hopefully 3rd times the charm!

    Sometimes I get overwhelmed with having to total all the calories in all of the ingredients when I cook...makes me want to just eat only packaged foods since calories counts are all listed - but I am trying to stay away from processed foods so I know that's not the best approach either...

    Good luck everyone and happy first day of March!
    Hi folks
    I am Carolyn and runner115 and I will BOTH make it through this month. Even though I did not make it for January or February, this challenges keeps me honest and mindful. Even after slipping up, I kept trying and did not go back to old habits. Last night, had a wine tasting and did go overboard BUT not as much as I would have in the past and I logged every darn thing as best as I could. In the back of my mind was "tomorrow is another UAC challenge - be honest and get ready"
  • mj4488
    mj4488 Posts: 7
    Hi, I'm mj :) this is the first time I've done this challenge or joined a challenge on mfp so fingers crossed it all goes well. I really do need something to keep me accountable as I go off the healthy lifestyle rails too easily and often!

    Hope we all make it to the end!!
  • joverw50
    joverw50 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi all I am Jamie. This is my third month attempting this challenge and really want to finish it out in March. I've really been struggling with sweets lately and need to limit my intake of them to hit my goals. Looking forward to a good month in March.
  • crystalrose_tina
    crystalrose_tina Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone my name is Christina! I tried the January challenge and ended up messing up only 5 days into the month. This month I hope to get a lot farther than that. I struggle with a binge eating problem that came back when I got sooo close to my goal and then started getting too comfortable. I'm hoping to hold myself more accountable and really make an effort to curb my bad eating habits. Good luck everyone!!
  • Hi All. I'm Jenn. I blog at and I proclaimed March as #SelfControlMonth so I thought this would be the perfect group to join. My goal is to lose about 10 pounds over the next 2 month, but I'd be happy with about 6. I am really working on tracking my food and getting in my workouts. Sweets are my downfall so I am backing off sugar as much as possible. Looking forward to supporting one another.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Hi, I'm Robin and I'm back for my fourth attempt at this challenge.

    I've dipped out previously due to not exercising - this month my goal is to get the exercise done every single day - no exceptions.
  • ss456
    ss456 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Sangeetha & this is the first I've heard of this challenge. This seems incredible & I hope I can stay motivated enough to keep up with this e-boot camp! :)
  • Bookat
    Bookat Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Im Vi. I have belonged to My Fitness Pal for awhile. I am hoping this challenge will keep me accountable and on track. I look forward to the challenge.